Kiran Kedlaya
American mathematician
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Kiran Sridhara Kedlaya is an Indian American mathematician. He currently is a Professor of Mathematics and the Stefan E. Warschawski Chair in Mathematics at the University of California, San Diego. Biography Kiran Kedlaya was born into a Tulu Brahmin family. At age 16, Kedlaya won a gold medal at the International Mathematics Olympiad, and would later win a silver and another gold medal. While an undergraduate student at Harvard, he was a three-time Putnam Fellow in 1993, 1994, and 1995. A 1996 article by The Harvard Crimson described him as "the best college-age student in math in the United States".
Kiran Kedlaya's Published Works
Published Works
- Counting Points on Hyperelliptic Curves using Monsky-Washnitzer Cohomology (2001) (253)
- Relative P-adic Hodge Theory: Foundations (2013) (205)
- Fast Polynomial Factorization and Modular Composition (2011) (201)
- A p-adic local monodromy theorem (2001) (194)
- p-adic Differential Equations (2010) (148)
- Cohomology of arithmetic families of (,Γ)-modules (2012) (141)
- Slope filtrations revisited (2005) (112)
- The algebraic closure of the power series field in positive characteristic (1998) (108)
- Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections, I: Surfaces (2008) (100)
- Sato–Tate distributions and Galois endomorphism modules in genus 2 (2011) (97)
- Semistable reduction for overconvergent $F$-isocrystals I: Unipotence and logarithmic extensions (2004) (93)
- Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections, II: Excellent schemes (2010) (92)
- Finiteness of rigid cohomology with coefficients (2002) (84)
- Relative p-adic Hodge theory, II: Imperfect period rings (2016) (79)
- Fourier transforms and $p$-adic ‘Weil II’ (2002) (75)
- Fast Modular Composition in any Characteristic (2008) (74)
- Slope filtrations for relative Frobenius (2006) (61)
- Full faithfulness for overconvergent F -isocrystals (2001) (60)
- Étale covers of affine spaces in positive characteristic (2002) (55)
- Solving constrained Pell equations (1998) (53)
- Semistable reduction for overconvergent F-isocrystals, IV: local semistable reduction at nonmonomial valuations (2006) (52)
- Computing Zeta Functions via p-Adic Cohomology (2004) (52)
- Semistable reduction for overconvergent F - isocrystals (2005) (51)
- Bounding Picard numbers of surfaces using p-adic cohomology (2006) (50)
- Computing L-Series of Hyperelliptic Curves (2008) (48)
- A construction of polynomials with squarefree discriminants (2011) (46)
- On Families of (',) -modules (2010) (46)
- Explicit Coleman Integration for Hyperelliptic Curves (2010) (44)
- Hyperelliptic curves, L-polynomials, and random matrices (2008) (40)
- An algebraic Sato-Tate group and Sato-Tate conjecture (2011) (38)
- Semistable reduction for overconvergent F-isocrystals, II: A valuation-theoretic approach (2005) (33)
- Quantum computation of zeta functions of curves (2004) (31)
- Differential modules on p-adic polyannuli (2008) (31)
- Semistable reduction for overconvergent F-isocrystals, III: Local semistable reduction at monomial valuations (2007) (30)
- Swan conductors for p-adic differential modules, I: A local construction (2006) (30)
- Proof of a Mixed Arithmetic-Mean, Geometric-Mean Inequality (1994) (30)
- The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, 1985-2000 : problems, solutions, and commentary (2002) (30)
- Power Series and p-Adic Algebraic Closures (1999) (29)
- p-adic cohomology: from theory to practice (2008) (29)
- Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections , II : Higher-dimensional varieties (2009) (28)
- Noetherian properties of Fargues-Fontaine curves (2014) (28)
- Locally Decodable Codes From Nice Subsets of Finite Fields and Prime Factors of Mersenne Numbers (2007) (28)
- Search techniques for root-unitary polynomials (2006) (26)
- On the Witt vector Frobenius (2014) (26)
- Finite automata and algebraic extensions of function fields (2004) (24)
- Swan conductors for p-adic differential modules. II Global variation (2007) (24)
- Appendix and erratum to “Massey products for elliptic curves of rank 1” (2011) (24)
- New methods for (ϕ, Γ)‑modules (2015) (24)
- Nonarchimedean geometry of Witt vectors (2010) (24)
- An application of the effective Sato-Tate conjecture (2013) (23)
- Slopes of indecomposable F-isocrystals (2016) (22)
- Outerplanar Partitions of Planar Graphs (1996) (22)
- -adic Geometry: Lectures from the 2007 Arizona Winter School (2008) (22)
- Mass formulas for local Galois representations (2005) (21)
- Some ring-theoretic properties of A_inf (2016) (21)
- The probability that a complete intersection is smooth (2010) (21)
- On the algebraicity of generalized power series (2015) (21)
- Notes on isocrystals (2016) (20)
- Etale and crystalline companions, I (2018) (20)
- Large Product-Free Subsets of Finite Groups (1997) (19)
- Local and global structure of connections on nonarchimedean curves (2013) (18)
- Sato–Tate groups of abelian threefolds: a preview of the classification (2019) (18)
- Proof of a Mixed Arithmetic-Mean, Geomertic-Mean Inequality (1994) (18)
- Continuous functions on compact subsets of local fields (1999) (17)
- Semistable reduction for overconvergent $F$-isocrystals on a curve (2002) (15)
- Sato-Tate groups of some weight 3 motives (2012) (15)
- Relative p-adic Hodge theory and Rapoport-Zink period domains (2010) (15)
- Reified valuations and adic spectra (2013) (14)
- Product-free subsets of groups, then and now (2007) (14)
- Zeta functions of nondegenerate hypersurfaces in toric varieties via controlled reduction in p-adic cohomology (2018) (13)
- Some new directions in p-adic Hodge theory (2007) (13)
- Finiteness of cohomology of local systems on rigid analytic spaces (2016) (13)
- Isogeny Classes of Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields in the LMFDB (2020) (13)
- A heuristic for the distribution of point counts for random curves over a finite field (2014) (12)
- Effective convergence bounds for Frobenius structures on connections (2011) (12)
- Endomorphisms of power series fields and residue fields of Fargues-Fontaine curves (2015) (10)
- Cohomology of arithmetic families of (phi,Gamma)-modules (2012) (10)
- Some slope theory for multivariate Robba rings (2013) (10)
- Sheaves, stacks, and shtukas (2019) (10)
- Relative p-adic Hodge theory , II : ( φ , Γ )-modules (2011) (9)
- Another Combinatorial Determinant (1998) (9)
- The p-adic local monodromy theorem for fake annuli (2005) (9)
- Unipotency and semistability of overconvergent F-crystals (2001) (9)
- p-adic cohomology (2006) (9)
- Effective p-adic cohomology for cyclic cubic threefolds (2008) (8)
- Frobenius modules and de Jong's theorem (2004) (8)
- Descent of morphisms of overconvergent F-crystals (2001) (8)
- Endomorphism fields of abelian varieties (2016) (8)
- Complex Multiplication and Explicit Class Field Theory (1996) (8)
- On commutative nonarchimedean Banach fields (2016) (7)
- Fault Tolerance in Multicore Processors With Reconfigurable Hardware Unit (2006) (7)
- A census of zeta functions of quartic K3 surfaces over F_2 (2015) (7)
- Motivic Serre group, algebraic Sato-Tate group and Sato-Tate conjecture (2015) (7)
- Sato-Tate groups of genus 2 curves (2014) (6)
- New methods for $$(\varphi, \Gamma)$$(φ,Γ)-modules (2015) (6)
- Simple connectivity of Fargues–Fontaine curves (2018) (6)
- Frobenius modules over multivariate Robba rings (2013) (6)
- Errata to “Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections, I: Surfaces,” Duke Math. J. 154 (2010), 343–418 (2012) (5)
- Quasi-unipotence of overconvergent F-crystals (2001) (5)
- Space vectors forming rational angles. (2020) (5)
- Drinfeld's lemma for perfectoid spaces and overconvergence of multivariate $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-modules (2018) (5)
- Almost purity and overconvergent Witt vectors (2014) (4)
- On families of phi, Gamma-modules (2008) (4)
- New methods for (phi, Gamma)-modules (2013) (4)
- Sato-Tate groups of abelian threefolds (2021) (4)
- The Newton polygons of overconvergent F-crystals (2001) (4)
- Differential Modules on p-Adic Polyannuli—Erratum (2010) (4)
- On the Geometry of $p$ -Typical Covers in Characteristic $p$ (2005) (4)
- Drinfeld's lemma for $F$-isocrystals, II: Tannakian approach (2022) (4)
- Relative p-adic Hodge theory, II: (phi, Gamma)-modules (2013) (3)
- Slope filtrations and (φ,Γ)-modules in families (2010) (3)
- Detecting integral polyhedral functions (2008) (3)
- A cut-by-curves criterion for overconvergent of $F$-isocrystals (2022) (3)
- Effective Sato-Tate conjecture for abelian varieties and applications (2020) (3)
- Good Formal Structures for Flat Meromorphic Connections, III: Irregularity and Turning Loci (2013) (3)
- Mod-2 dihedral Galois representations of prime conductor (2018) (2)
- Convergence Polygons for Connections on Nonarchimedean Curves (2015) (2)
- Frobenius structures on hypergeometric equations (2019) (2)
- The Rook on the Half-Chessboard, or How not to Diagonalize a Matrix (1998) (2)
- Problems: 10330-10337 (1993) (2)
- Counterexamples to a Conjecture of Ahmadi and Shparlinski (2020) (2)
- Almost purity for overconvergent Witt vectors (2013) (2)
- Algebraic Generalized Power Series and Automata (2001) (2)
- The Hochschild-Serre property for some p-adic analytic group actions (2015) (2)
- Generalizations of product-free subsets (2008) (2)
- Etale and crystalline companions, II (2020) (2)
- Connected Sets of Periodic Functions: 10434 (1999) (1)
- Drinfeld's lemma for $F$-isocrystals, I (2022) (1)
- Hypergeometric L-functions in average polynomial time (2020) (1)
- Corrigendum: Local and global structure of connections on nonarchimedean curves (2017) (1)
- On the Witt vector (1)
- The relative class number one problem for function fields, I (2022) (1)
- A Nonnegative Reflecting Kernel: 10435 (1998) (1)
- Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections, III: Irregularity is nef (2013) (1)
- Tamely ramified morphisms of curves and Belyi's theorem in positive characteristic (2020) (1)
- Crystals, Crew's conjecture, and cohomology (2003) (1)
- Geometric decomposition of abelian varieties of order 1 (2021) (1)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Notation (2010) (1)
- Some Ring-Theoretic Properties of $$\mathbf {A}_{{{\mathrm{inf}\,}}}$$ (2020) (1)
- Common Eigenvector of Commuting Matrices: 10633 (1999) (1)
- Solutions to the 63rd William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, December 7, 2002 (2002) (1)
- Bhargava's Early Work: The Genesis of P-Orderings (2017) (1)
- News and Letters (2005) (1)
- Mass formulas for local Galois representations (after Serre, Bhargava) (2005) (1)
- 7. On Nonarchimedean Banach Fields (2018) (1)
- WHEN IS (XY + 1)(YZ+1)(ZX + 1) A SQUARE? (1998) (1)
- Monodromy representations of $p$-adic differential equations in families (2022) (1)
- Frobenius modules over the Robba ring (2010) (0)
- About these notes Periods for the Fundamental Group (2003) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2003) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2002) (0)
- N ov 2 00 4 In search of Robbins stability (2004) (0)
- Solutions to the 82nd William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, December 4, 2021 (2021) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2005) (0)
- Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No . 32 / 2005 Explicit Methods in Number Theory (2005) (0)
- Cycles and Subschemes 14 (2019) (0)
- Endomorphism fields of abelian varieties (2017) (0)
- In search of Robbins stability (2004) (0)
- Incircle Partnerships: 10780 (2000) (0)
- 18.785 Analytic Number Theory, Spring 2007 (2007) (0)
- Decomposition by subsidiary radii (2010) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Variation of generic and subsidiary radii (2010) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Frobenius pullback and pushforward (2010) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2003) (0)
- Algebraic Geometry Foundations (2022) (0)
- Se p 20 04 In search of Robbins stability (2004) (0)
- Reified valuations and adic spectra (2015) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2005) (0)
- Big Compact Sets Need Finite Limits: 10443 (1998) (0)
- On the algebraicity of generalized power series (2016) (0)
- Ju n 20 01 The Newton polygons of overconvergent F-crystals (2001) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2004) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2002) (0)
- Motivic Serre group and Sato--Tate conjecture (2023) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: The p -adic local monodromy theorem: proof (2010) (0)
- A criterion for perfectoid fields (2022) (0)
- Basis discrepancies for extensions of valued fields (2006) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Frobenius structures on differential modules (2010) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Norms on algebraic structures (2010) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2002) (0)
- Solutions to the 71st William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, December 4, 2010 (2010) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2005) (0)
- Sato-Tate groups of higher weight motives (2015) (0)
- Galois representations and differential modules (2010) (0)
- Solutions to the 57 th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 7 , 1996 (2013) (0)
- About the Cover (2017) (0)
- Problem 10885 (2001) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2005) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2000) (0)
- Erratum to: New methods for (φ,Γ)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(\upvarphi , \Gamma )$$\end{document} (2015) (0)
- Arizona Winter School 2007 p-adic cohomology: from theory to practice (2007) (0)
- Every positive integer is the order of an ordinary abelian variety over $${{\mathbb {F}}}_2$$ (2021) (0)
- Solutions to the 74 th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 7 , 2013 (2013) (0)
- Solutions to the 74 th (2014) (0)
- Automorphisms of perfect power series rings (2016) (0)
- Problem section (1999) (0)
- 2 0 Ju l 2 00 5 Fourier transforms and p-adic “ Weil II ” (2005) (0)
- A formulation of difference Galois theory (2006) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2003) (0)
- Semistable reduction for overconvergent F-isocrystals, IV: Refining the local approach (2007) (0)
- New methods for (φ,Γ)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(\varphi, \Gamma)$$\end{document}-modules (2015) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2003) (0)
- Fe b 20 07 Mass formulas for local Galois representations ( with an appendix by Daniel Gulotta ) (2022) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: p -adic exponents (2010) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2000) (0)
- Erratum to: New methods for $$(\upvarphi , \Gamma )$$(φ,Γ)-modules (2015) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2005) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2004) (0)
- A ug 2 00 2 Finiteness of rigid cohomology with coefficients (2002) (0)
- A pr 2 00 8 Generalizations of product-free subsets (2008) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2000) (0)
- Abelian varieties over $\mathbb{F}_2$ of prescribed order (2021) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2000) (0)
- Problems: 10627-10633 (1997) (0)
- On categories of (phi, Gamma)-modules (2016) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2002) (0)
- Unramified alternating extensions of quadratic fields (2001) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Metric properties of differential modules (2010) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2004) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2005) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2004) (0)
- Assessment 978-1009-12334-1 — p-adic Differential Equations (0)
- Solutions to the 76 th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 5 , 2015 (2016) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: References (2010) (0)
- Solutions to the 65 th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 4 , 2004 (2004) (0)
- Rings of functions on discs and annuli (2010) (0)
- V.28 From Quadratic Reciprocity to Class Field Theory (2010) (0)
- Solutions to the 64th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, December 6, 2003 (2003) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2003) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Effective convergence bounds (2010) (0)
- Notes for Math 201 A : Arithmetic of Local Fields University of California , San Diego , Fall 2010 quarter (2010) (0)
- News and Letters (1991) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2000) (0)
- COM volume 148 issue 5 Cover and Front matter (2012) (0)
- 3 Moving along Frobenius (2007) (0)
- N ov 2 00 7 Product-free subsets of groups , then and now (2018) (0)
- Formalism of differential algebra (2010) (0)
- Solutions to the 69 th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 6 , 2008 (2009) (0)
- Improved CRT Algorithm for Class Polynomials in Genus 2 (2019) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2002) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2003) (0)
- Solutions to the 66 th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 3 , 2005 (2005) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Ramification theory (2010) (0)
- Solutions to the 79th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, December 1, 2018 (2019) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2000) (0)
- Crew's Euler characteristic formula fails for nonzero slopes (2001) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2004) (0)
- Erratum for "Slope Filtrations Revisited" (2007) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2003) (0)
- Solutions to the 68 th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 1 , 2007 (2007) (0)
- On Nonarchimedean Banach Fields (2018) (0)
- Solutions to the 75 th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 6 , 2014 (0)
- O ct 2 00 1 Algebraic Generalized Power Series and Automata (2001) (0)
- The Hochschild-Serre property for some p-adic analytic group actions (2015) (0)
- George Pólya Awards for 2016 (2016) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Formalism of difference algebra (2010) (0)
- On categories of (𝜑,Γ)-modules (2018) (0)
- N T ] 1 0 Se p 20 06 Slope filtrations for relative Frobenius (2006) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Newton polygons (2010) (0)
- A ug 2 00 7 Product-free subsets of groups , then and now (2008) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Frobenius modules (2010) (0)
- Nonarchimedean geometry of Witt vectors Kiran S . Kedlaya unstable draft ; version of March 30 , (2010) (0)
- Fe b 20 01 Unipotency and semistability of overconvergent F-crystals (2009) (0)
- Comparing Partial Sums with Their Penultimate Terms: 10433 (1998) (0)
- Erratum (2004) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2004) (0)
- On families of ' ; L-modules (2011) (0)
- Primality Testing Made Simple IAP 2006 Mathematics Lecture Series (2006) (0)
- Solutions to the 60th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, December 4, 1999 (2015) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2002) (0)
- Differential Modules on p-Adic Polyannuli — Erratum Citation (2010) (0)
- Solutions to the 81 st William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday (2018) (0)
- Preface (2005) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Radius and generic radius of convergence (2010) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Matrix analysis (2010) (0)
- On the Slope Filtration of C-modules over the Robba Ring by Ruochuan (2009) (0)
- Arithmetic Aspects of Explicit Moduli Problems (2017) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2004) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Picard–Fuchs modules (2010) (0)
- 2 9 N ov 2 00 2 Finiteness of rigid cohomology with coefficients (2002) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2003) (0)
- 3 0 O ct 2 00 1 A p-adic local monodromy theorem (2008) (0)
- Ju n 20 01 Quasi-unipotence of overconvergent F-crystals (2008) (0)
- Solutions to the 62 nd William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 1 , 2001 (2013) (0)
- The p-adic local monodromy theorem: proof (2010) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2004) (0)
- N T ] 6 F eb 2 01 1 On Families of ( φ , Γ )-modules (2011) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2004) (0)
- Analytic Number Theory (PDF) (2005) (0)
- Preface (2011) (0)
- Square–Sum Pair Partitions (2015) (0)
- The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 2001–2016 (2020) (0)
- p -adic Differential Equations: Rigid cohomology (2010) (0)
- Solutions to the 73 rd William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 1 , 2012 (2015) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2000) (0)
- Angle ranks of abelian varieties (2021) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2003) (0)
- Urn Sampling and a Majorization Inequality (1997) (0)
- p-adic Hodge theory (2010) (0)
- Solutions to the 77 th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday , December 3 , 2016 (0)
- Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections , III : Towards functorial modifications (2010) (0)
- Solutions to the 70th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, December 5, 2009 (2009) (0)
- Problems and Solutions (2000) (0)
- Solutions to the 80th William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, December 7, 2019 (2019) (0)
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