Kitrina Douglas
Most Influential Person Now
Professional golfer
Why Is Kitrina Douglas Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Kitrina Douglas is an English ex-professional golfer who played on the Ladies European Tour. Douglas won the British Ladies Amateur in 1982 and played in the 1982 Great Britain & Ireland Curtis Cup team. She played professionally on the Ladies European Tour, where she won eight times and was a member of the 1992 European Solheim Cup team.
Kitrina Douglas's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Abandoning The Performance Narrative: Two Women's Stories of Transition from Professional Sport (2009) (202)
- Narrative, identity and mental health: How men with serious mental illness re-story their lives through sport and exercise (2008) (146)
- Performance, Discovery, and Relational Narratives Among Women Professional Tournament Golfers (2006) (115)
- ‘We haven’t got a seat on the bus for you’ or ‘all the seats are mine’: narratives and career transition in professional golf (2009) (114)
- Living, resisting, and playing the part of athlete: Narrative tensions in elite sport (2013) (106)
- Making the case for poetic representations: An example in action (2007) (97)
- Using Stories in Coach Education (2008) (74)
- "In the Boat" but "Selling Myself Short": Stories, Narratives, and Identity Development in Elite Sport (2013) (72)
- Stories of success: Cultural narratives and personal stories of elite and professional athletes (2012) (72)
- Storying my self: negotiating a relational identity in professional sport (2009) (71)
- Exploring taboo issues in professional sport through a fictional approach (2009) (62)
- Life Story Research in Sport: Understanding the Experiences of Elite and Professional Athletes through Narrative (2014) (60)
- Social Support for and Through Exercise and Sport in a Sample of Men with Serious Mental Illness (2008) (58)
- The Role of Sport and Exercise in Recovery from Serious Mental Illness: Two Case Studies (2008) (56)
- Sport and Physical Activity for Mental Health (2010) (50)
- A golf programme for people with severe and enduring mental health problems (2004) (49)
- A History of Autoethnographic Inquiry (2013) (42)
- Stories as Personal Coaching Philosophy (2011) (32)
- Restoring connections in physical activity and mental health research and practice: a confessional tale (2010) (30)
- Disability, inclusive adventurous training and adapted sport: Two soldiers' stories of involvement (2014) (29)
- Challenging interpretive privilege in elite and professional sport: one [athlete’s] story, revised, reshaped and reclaimed (2014) (28)
- Signals and Signs (2012) (24)
- Opening Doors: Poetic Representation of the Sport Experiences of Men With Severe Mental Health Difficulties (2009) (24)
- Performance ethnography as an approach to health‐related education (2010) (24)
- Sport and Physical Activity for Mental Health: Carless/Sport and Physical Activity for Mental Health (2010) (23)
- What's in a song? How songs contribute to the communication of social science research (2011) (22)
- The Ethos of Physical Activity Delivery in Mental Health: A Narrative Study of Service User Experiences (2012) (22)
- Narrating embodied experience: sharing stories of trauma and recovery (2016) (19)
- The team are off: Getting inside womens experiences in professional sport (2008) (18)
- An Invitation to Performative Research (2013) (17)
- An Alternative View of Psychological Well-Being in Cardiac Rehabilitation: Considering Temperament and Character (2006) (16)
- Engaging with arts-based research: a story in three parts (2018) (15)
- Nurturing a Performative Self (2008) (15)
- Implications of the identity position for dual career construction: Gendering the pathways to (Dis)continuation (2021) (13)
- Songwriting and the creation of knowledge (2009) (12)
- Finding a Counter Story at an Inclusive, Adapted, Sport and Adventurous Training Course for Injured, Sick, and Wounded Soldiers (2015) (11)
- Performance and practice of elite women European Tour golfers during a pressure and non-pressure putting simulation (2002) (11)
- When Two Worlds Collide: A Story About Collaboration, Witnessing, and Life Story Research With Soldiers Returning From War (2017) (9)
- Narrative research (2017) (9)
- The Bristol Active Life Project: Physical Activity and Sport for Mental Health (2016) (7)
- Practice for competition in women professional golfers (2002) (6)
- Song Writing as Reflexive Practice (2016) (6)
- Sharing a Different Voice (2014) (6)
- The Contribution of Exercise and Sport to Mental Health Promotion in Serious Mental Illness: An Interpretive Project (2008) (6)
- Women in Sport and Physical Activity (2010) (6)
- Training or Education? Negotiating a Fuzzy Line between What “We” Want and What “They” Might Need (2008) (5)
- International society of sport psychology position stand: mental health through occupational health and safety in high performance sport (2021) (5)
- A Truth Waiting for a Telling (2013) (5)
- Arts-based research: radical or conventional? (2016) (4)
- The Long Run: A Story About Filmmaking as Qualitative Research (2018) (3)
- “The dark side” and beyond : Narrative inquiry in professional golf (2014) (3)
- Much Louder Than I Am: A Musical Collaborative Autoethnography (2020) (3)
- A response to commentaries (2008) (3)
- Promoting mental health in youth sport (2016) (3)
- Membership, golf and a story about Anna and me: Reflections on research in elite sport (2012) (3)
- Social support for and through exercise and sport (2008) (3)
- New Technologies of Representation, Collaborative Autoethnographies, and “Taking it Public”: An Example From “Facilitating Communication on Sexual Topics in Education” (2019) (3)
- A Story from Practice (2010) (2)
- Where's the Beat? (2017) (2)
- Training or Education? Negotiating a Fuzzy Line between What “We” Want and What “They” Might Need: A Response to Commentaries (2008) (2)
- Under One RoofLiving Together and Apart in an Urban-Supported Housing Scheme (2020) (2)
- Seventeen minutes and thirty-one seconds: an auto/biographical account of witnessing and representing an untold life story (2020) (1)
- Responding to Brexit through a Song (2019) (1)
- Stepping out of the box: How stories can inspire growth, development and change (2009) (1)
- Walking Into the Unknown: A Research Journey Through Abuse, Trauma, Motherhood, Poverty, and the Covid Pandemic (2022) (1)
- “Everyone Knows Me as the Weird Kid”: Being Bisexual, Genderfluid, and Fifteen (2020) (1)
- Art-based research as waves of embodied engagement: Reflections on Across the Tamar (2017) (1)
- In It for The Long Run: Researching Mental Health and Illness (2018) (1)
- From the Back of the Car to the Kitchen Table: Shifting Identities, Pirates, and Tales That Provoke Transition (2020) (1)
- My eyes got a bit watery there: using stories to explore emotions in coaching research and practice for injured, sick and wounded military personnel (2017) (1)
- Ethics in sport coaching, edited by Alun Hardman and Carwyn Jones, Abingdon, Routledge, 2011, £26.99 (paperback), £92.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-415-55775-7, 978-0-415-55774-0 (2013) (1)
- Personal Stories of Sport, Physical Activity and Mental Health (2010) (1)
- Evoking Embodied Presence: These Things, Songwriting, Filmmaking, and Borrowing a Performative Trick From Bob Dylan (2020) (0)
- A Golf Programme for People with Mental Health Problems (2016) (0)
- There Aint No Cowboys in Portishead (or Are There?): Story Fragments, Identity, and Singing the American Dream With an English Accent (2021) (0)
- Life story research and the contribution of the insider (2014) (0)
- Asylum and the conditions for story change (2014) (0)
- Living, playing or resisting the part of ‘athlete’ (2014) (0)
- Dream or reality? mental health through golf (2005) (0)
- “And I dedicate this win to…” (2020) (0)
- Rebuilding Identity Through Sport and Physical Activity (2010) (0)
- Our research journey (2014) (0)
- Autobiographical Insights Into Athlete Transitions From Sport (2021) (0)
- Seventeen Minutes and Thirty-One Seconds: An Auto/Biographical Account of Collaboratively Witnessing and Representing an Untold Life Story (2020) (0)
- You’ll Never Walk Alone: Snapshots of British Football, Love, Loss, Pride, Shame, Hope, Inclusion and A Song (2021) (0)
- Black is the Night: Masking and Unmasking, Social Science Research, and What a Song Might Bring (2022) (0)
- Physical Activity as a Stepping Stone in Recovery (2010) (0)
- What’s in a Song? Performing Ethnographic Research Through Music (2011) (0)
- Qualitative Responses/Recovery in Repressive Times (2020) (0)
- List of Contributors (2019) (0)
- A tent in the mountains (2021) (0)
- A Background to Mental Health and Physical Activity (2010) (0)
- Social Support for Participation (2010) (0)
- The consequences of stories at retirement (2014) (0)
- Golf and the promise of mental health and well-being for the elite and professional player (2017) (0)
- Relational possibilities through arts-based methodologies: [Re]presenting focus group research with female Olympic athletes. (2016) (0)
- The Culture of Physical Activity and Sport (2010) (0)
- A Narrative Approach to Mental Health Research (2010) (0)
- Studying Mental Illness (2018) (0)
- The performance narrative (2014) (0)
- Shifting Sands and Moving Goalposts (2020) (0)
- Public portrayals of elite athletes (2014) (0)
- Collaborative Autoethnography (2021) (0)
- Bringing Art Back to Psychology (2016) (0)
- Action, Achievement and Relationships (2010) (0)
- Reflections on a journey into the unknown (2020) (0)
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