Konstantin Sonin
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Russian economist
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Konstantin Sonin's Degrees
- Bachelors Mathematics Moscow State University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Konstantin Sonin is a Russian economist. He is a professor at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, research fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research , London, and an associate research fellow at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics. In recognition for his outstanding research in the field of political economy, in December 2015, he was named the John Dewey Distinguished Service Professor of the University of Chicago.
Konstantin Sonin's Published Works
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Published Works
- Why Resource-poor Dictators Allow Freer Media: A Theory and Evidence from Panel Data (2009) (449)
- Why the Rich May Favor Poor Protection of Property Rights (2002) (410)
- A Political Theory of Populism (2010) (375)
- Dictators and Their Viziers: Endogenizing the Loyalty-Competence Trade-Off (2009) (307)
- Government Control of the Media (2014) (271)
- Dynamics and Stability of Constitutions, Coalitions, and Clubs (2008) (183)
- Determinants of Nationalization in the Oil Sector: A Theory and Evidence from Panel Data (2008) (179)
- Poverty and Economic Dislocation Reduce Compliance with Covid-19 Shelter-in-Place Protocols (2020) (156)
- Formal Models of Nondemocratic Politics (2015) (142)
- Field experiment estimate of electoral fraud in Russian parliamentary elections (2012) (140)
- Coalition Formation in Non-Democracies (2008) (138)
- Poverty and economic dislocation reduce compliance with COVID-19 shelter-in-place protocols☆ (2020) (110)
- Political Selection and Persistence of Bad Governments (2009) (109)
- Social Media and Corruption (2016) (101)
- Businessman Candidates: BUSINESSMAN CANDIDATES (2010) (91)
- Are Russian Commercial Courts Biased? Evidence from a Bankruptcy Law Transplant (2006) (84)
- Media Freedom, Bureaucratic Incentives and the Resource Curse (2006) (69)
- Businessman Candidates (2006) (68)
- Dictators and Oligarchs: A Dynamic Theory of Contested Property Rights (2008) (62)
- Collusive Market Sharing and Corruption in Procurement (2006) (58)
- Political Economy in a Changing World (2013) (57)
- Capture of Bankruptcy: Theory and Evidence from Russia (2000) (55)
- Winning by Losing: Incentive Incompatibility in Multiple Qualifiers (2013) (54)
- Unmasking Partisanship: Polarization Undermines Public Response to Collective Risk (2020) (46)
- A Theory of Brinkmanship, Conflicts, and Commitments (2004) (45)
- Rational Dictators and the Killing of Innocents: Data from Stalin's Archives (2006) (45)
- Dictators and Their Viziers: Agency Problems in Dictatorships (2004) (45)
- Incumbency Advantage in Non-Democracies (2014) (44)
- Is Political Risk Company-Specific? The Market Side of the Yukos Affair (2005) (40)
- Social Mobility and Stability of Democracy: Re-Evaluating De Tocqueville (2016) (34)
- Provincial Protectionism (2005) (33)
- Endogenous Property Rights (2013) (33)
- Coalition Formation in Nondemocracies (2007) (33)
- Winning by Losing (2017) (31)
- Do Juntas Lead to Personal Rule? (2009) (28)
- Capture of Bankruptcy: Theory and Russian Evidence (2003) (27)
- Dictators, Repression and the Median Citizen: An 'Eliminations Model' of Stalin's Terror (Data from the NKVD Archives) (2006) (27)
- Determinants of Expropriation in the Oil Sector: A Theory and Evidence from Panel Data (2008) (27)
- The End of Economic Transition (2013) (26)
- Inequality, Property Rights, and Economic Growth in Transition Economies: Theory and Russian Evidence (2001) (26)
- Corruption and Collusion in Procurement Tenders (2003) (23)
- Elections in Non-Democracies (2018) (23)
- Political Economy of Redistribution (2016) (22)
- Political model of social evolution (2011) (21)
- The Killing Game: Reputation and Knowledge in Non-Democratic Succession (2005) (19)
- Political Economy of Crisis Response (2020) (19)
- Economic Transition and the Rise of Alternative Institutions (2018) (19)
- Inequality, Property Rights Protection, and Economic Growth in Transition Economies: Theory and Russian Evidence (1999) (18)
- Coalition Formation in Political Games (2006) (18)
- Development Based on Commodity Revenues (2009) (18)
- Economic growth: Nobel prize in economic sciences 2018 and the lessons for Russia (2019) (17)
- Institutional Change and Institutional Persistence (2020) (16)
- Businessman Candidates: Special-Interest Politics in Weakly Institutionalized Environments (2004) (15)
- The Killing Game: A Theory of Non-Democratic Succession (2015) (15)
- Экономика «ресурсного проклятия» (2008) (15)
- Equilibrium Refinement in Dynamic Voting Games (2009) (13)
- Rebel Capacity and Combat Tactics (2018) (12)
- The Political Economics of Non-Democracy (2020) (12)
- Media Freedom in the Shadow of a Coup (2018) (12)
- Information Revelation and Efficiency in Auctions (2002) (11)
- A Theory of Brinkmanship , Con icts , and Commitments (2004) (11)
- Persuasion on Networks (2019) (11)
- Basics of contract theory (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2016 - Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström) (2017) (10)
- Coalition Formation in (2008) (8)
- Economic Transition and the Rise of Alternative Institutions: Political Connections in Putin's Russia (2018) (8)
- Banks as Tanks: A Continuous-Time Model of Financial Clearing (2017) (8)
- Budget Uncertainty and Faculty Contracts: A Dynamic Framework for Comparative Analysis (2008) (8)
- Do Political Blogs Matter? Corruption in State-Controlled Companies, Blog Postings, and DDoS Attacks (2012) (7)
- Efficient investment in a dynamic auction environment (2012) (7)
- State Capture and Corruption in Transition Economies (2009) (7)
- Structural or Cyclical? Unemployment in Latvia Since the 2008-09 Financial Crisis (2013) (7)
- Are Russian Commercial Courts Biased? Evidence from a Natural Bankruptcy Experiment (2006) (6)
- Passive Creditors (2004) (6)
- Institutional Theory of Endless Redistribution (2005) (6)
- A Political Model of Trust (2020) (6)
- The Variable Value Environment: Auctions and Actions (2005) (6)
- Technological Foundations of Political Instability (2013) (5)
- Russian Migrants to Russia: Choice of Location and Labor Market Outcomes (2008) (5)
- The Killing Game: Reputation and Knowledge in Politics of Succession (2005) (5)
- Theory of Mechanism Design (2008) (5)
- Media Freedom in Dictatorships∗ (2009) (4)
- Two-Sided Markets: Theory and Applications (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics 2012) (2013) (4)
- Political Economy of Shelter-in-Place Compliance (2020) (4)
- The Economics and Politics of Russian Bankruptcies (2004) (4)
- Theory of Mechanism Design (2007 Nobel Prize in Economics) (2008) (3)
- Incumbency Advantage in Nondemocratic Elections (2011) (3)
- Semiprime and semiperfect rings of Laurent series (1996) (3)
- Two-Sided Markets: Theory and Applications (2013) (3)
- Economic Shocks and Authoritarian Stability: Duration, Financial Control, and Institutions. Edited by Victor C. Shih. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2020. 270p. $80.00 cloth, $39.95 paper. (2021) (3)
- Information Operations Increase Civilian Security Cooperation (2019) (3)
- A Continuous-Time Model of Financial Clearing (2020) (3)
- Private Protection of Property Rights, Inequality, and Economic Growth in Transition Economies (2000) (2)
- The Historical Perspective on the Trump Puzzle: A Review of Barry Eichengreen’s 'The Populist Temptation: Economic Grievance and Political Reaction in the Modern Era' (2020) (2)
- Rebel Capacity, Intelligence Gathering, and the Timing of Combat Operations (2018) (2)
- Information Manipulation and Repression: A Theory and Evidence from the COVID Response in Russia (2022) (2)
- Financial Restrictions and Competitive Balance in Sports Leagues (2018) (2)
- Rebel Capacity and Randomized Combat (2017) (1)
- Basics of contract theory (2017) (1)
- Social Mobility and Stability of Democracy: Re-Evaluating De Toqueville (2016) (1)
- How Does Kompromat Affect Politics? A Model of Transparency Regimes (2020) (1)
- The Second Russian Revolution in historical perspective (2022) (1)
- 13 Institutional change and institutional persistence (2022) (1)
- Economics of Development Based on Commodity Revenues (2010) (1)
- A Political Economy Model of a Research University (2009) (1)
- Authoritarian Politics 101: Examples and Exercises (2011) (1)
- A Dynamic Model of the Research University (2009) (1)
- Incumbency Advantage in Non-Democratic Elections∗ (2011) (1)
- Information Revelation and E ciency in Auctions (2002) (1)
- It Is Difficult for Doctoral Education to Survive in the Absence of an Academic Market (2016) (0)
- Russia in 2012: the challenge of reforming the economy without a political reform (2013) (0)
- Economic Competition and Civilian Support for Rebel Reintegration (2021) (0)
- Markov Voting Equilibria: Theory and Applications∗ (2011) (0)
- Replication data for: Social Media and Corruption (2019) (0)
- POLITICAL ECONOMY UNDER WEAK INSTITUTIONSf Do Juntas Lead to Personal Rule (2016) (0)
- Rebel Capacity, Intelligence Gathering, and Combat Tactics (2023) (0)
- Recurrent Revolutions (2015) (0)
- Learning modernization from Gref (2009) (0)
- This crisis isn't so bad after all (2009) (0)
- New Economic School Determinants of Expropriation in the Oil Sector : A Theory and Evidence from Panel Data (2008) (0)
- Coalition Formation in Political Games Libraries Coalition Formation in Political Games* New Economic School (2011) (0)
- Title: Can the Internet Affect Political Behavior? Evidence from Russia (2012) (0)
- Number 1918 The Variable Value Environment : Auctions and Actions By Michael Schwarz and (2001) (0)
- The principles of auction theory (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2020) (2021) (0)
- Instead of laboratory: Analyzing data from natural experiments (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2021) (2022) (0)
- Democracy should not be for the rich only (2009) (0)
- Taxability and the Social Contract (2003) (0)
- The populist threat (2009) (0)
- Economics of banks and financial markets (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2022) (2023) (0)
- List of contributors (2021) (0)
- Against the gold standard (2009) (0)
- Financial Markets Efficiency (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics 2013) (2014) (0)
- Protectionism is strategically irresponsible (2009) (0)
- Market Sharing in Procurement (2006) (0)
- Why Did Putin Invade Ukraine? A Theory of Degenerate Autocracy (2023) (0)
- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with Funding from Boston Library Consortium Iviember Libraries Persistence of Power, Elites and Institutions Persistence of Power, Elites and Institutions^ Association Annual Meetings for Comments. Acemoglu Gratefully Acknowledges Financial Support from The (0)
- Beyond Transition 17 (2) (2006) (0)
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