Laura Nader
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American anthropologist
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Laura Nader's Degrees
- PhD Anthropology Harvard University
Why Is Laura Nader Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Laura Nader is an American anthropologist. She has been a Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley since 1960. She was the first woman to receive a tenure-track position in the department. She is also the older sister of U.S. activist, consumer advocate, and frequent third-party candidate Ralph Nader, and the younger sister of community advocate Shafeek Nader and social scientist Claire Nader.
Laura Nader's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Up the Anthropologist: Perspectives Gained From Studying Up. (1972) (1311)
- The Disputing Process: Law in Ten Societies (1978) (262)
- Harmony Ideology: Justice and Control in a Zapotec Mountain Village (1990) (257)
- Plunder: When the Rule of Law Is Illegal (2008) (189)
- Naked science : anthropological inquiry into boundaries, power, and knowledge (1998) (160)
- Sidney W. Mintz Lecture for 1995: Controlling Processes Tracing the Dynamic Components of Power (1997) (147)
- The Life of the Law: Anthropological Projects (2002) (118)
- Law and Social Change in Zinacantan (1974) (114)
- Orientalism, Occidentalism and the Control of Women (1989) (114)
- Ethnography as theory (2011) (111)
- Law in Culture and Society. (1970) (97)
- Law In Culture And Society (1997) (81)
- The Life Of The Law (2002) (71)
- Barriers to thinking new about energy (1981) (61)
- No access to law : alternatives to the American judicial system (1982) (58)
- Disputing Without the Force of Law (1979) (57)
- Energy as it Relates to the Quality and Style of Life (1978) (52)
- Current Illusions and Delusions about Conflict Management—In Africa and Elsewhere (2002) (48)
- African Law: Adaptation and Development. (1966) (38)
- The Harder Path--Shifting Gears (2004) (38)
- Anthropology! Distinguished Lecture—2000 (2001) (36)
- The Anthropological Study of Law1 (2009) (34)
- Conflict Resolution in Two Mexican Communities1 (1963) (33)
- Choices in Legal Procedure: Shia Moslem and Mexican Zapotec1 (1965) (33)
- The Ethnography of Law (1966) (32)
- Number 1 Controlling Processes in the Practice of Law : Hierarchy and Pacification in the Movement to Re-Form Dispute Ideology ' (29)
- The energy reader (2010) (29)
- Forums for Justice: A Cross‐Cultural Perspective (1975) (27)
- The Underside of Conflict Management — in Africa and Elsewhere (2001) (23)
- Paradigm Busting and Vertical Linkage@@@Ethnography Unbound: Power and Resistance in the Modern Metropolis. (1993) (21)
- Talea and Juquila : a comparison of Zapotec social organization (1964) (21)
- The Zapotec Of Oaxaca (1969) (20)
- Cultural Illness and Health: Essays in Human Adaptation (1973) (19)
- Promise or Plunder? A Past and Future Look at Law and Development (2006) (19)
- An Analysis of Zapotec Law Cases (1964) (18)
- On Nature and the Human (2010) (17)
- Energy choices in a democratic society (1980) (17)
- Harmony Ideology (1990) (15)
- Anthropology and Justice (1986) (14)
- The Recurrent Dialectic Between Legality and its Alternatives: The Limitations of Binary Thinking (1984) (14)
- Crime as a Category—Domestic and Globalized (2003) (13)
- Between Two Poles: Bronislaw Malinowski, Ludwik Fleck, and the Anthropology of Science (1995) (13)
- Communication Between Village and City in the Modern Middle East (1965) (12)
- The Ethnology of law (1965) (12)
- The Globalization of Law: ADR as “Soft” Technology (1999) (12)
- Dimensions of the “people problem” in energy research and “the” factual basis of dispersed energy futures (1979) (11)
- Mirrors of Justice: Epilogue: The Words We Use: Justice, Human Rights, and the Sense of Injustice (2009) (10)
- Introduction: The Disputing Process (1978) (10)
- The Subordination of Women in Comparative Perspective. (1986) (10)
- Controlling Processes (2006) (9)
- A user theory of legal change as applied to gender. (1985) (9)
- Anthropology and Everyday Scholarship: Legal Anthropology. Norbert Rouland.: Law in Everyday Life. Austin Sarat and Thomas R. Kearns, eds (1996) (8)
- The Ethnography of Law: A Bibliographical Survey (1966) (8)
- From Disputing to Complaining (1984) (8)
- 5. A Wide Angle On Regulation: An Anthropological Perspective (1985) (8)
- Law and the Theory of Lack (2005) (7)
- Breaking the Silence-Politics and Professional Autonomy (2002) (7)
- Iraq and Democracy (2003) (7)
- Culture and Dignity: Dialogues Between the Middle East and the West (2012) (7)
- The Framing of Teenage Health Care: Organizations, Culture, and Control (2000) (7)
- Departures from Violence: Love Is Not Enough (2003) (6)
- Some Notes on John Burton's Papers on “Resolution of Conflict” (1972) (6)
- Moving On—Comprehending Anthropologies of Law (2002) (6)
- Universities and Empire: Money and Politics in the Social Sciences during the Cold War. Ed. Christopher Simpson. New York: The New Pr., 1998. 273p. $27.50 (ISBN 1-56584-387-8). (1998) (6)
- Pagan Rituals And Beliefs Among The Chontal Indians Of Oaxaca, Mexico (2011) (5)
- Missing Links: A Commentary on Ward H. Goodenough's Moving Article "Anthropology in the 20th Century and Beyond" (2002) (5)
- The anthropologist, the state, the empire and the ‘tribe’ (2015) (4)
- Civilization and its Negotiations (2020) (4)
- The Life of the Law - A Moving Story (2011) (4)
- The Virgin's children (1960) (4)
- Pushing the Limits—Eclecticism on Purpose (1999) (3)
- The Origin of Order and the Dynamics of Justice (1990) (3)
- 4. Side by Side: The Other Is Not Mute (2019) (3)
- The Americanization of International Law (2017) (3)
- The Global Perspective (2011) (3)
- Harmony, Law, and Anthropology (1991) (3)
- Anthropology of law, fear, and the War on Terror (2017) (2)
- Human Rights and Moral Imperialism: A Double‐Edged Story (2006) (2)
- Modelli Autoctoni e Modelli d’importazione nei sistemi giuridici del Corno d’africa. Edited by Elisabetta Grande (Transplants Innovation and Legal Tradition in The Horn of Africa.) (1997) (2)
- Current Illusions and Delusions about Conflict Management—In Africa and Elsewhere (2002) (2)
- The Practice of Human Rights: Introduction (2007) (2)
- Women of Lebanon: Interviews with Champions for Peace (1998) (2)
- The Link Between Justice and International Law (2004) (2)
- Obliging Need: Rural Petty Industry in Mexican Capitalism. SCOTT COOK and LEIGH BINFORD (1993) (2)
- A User Theory of Law - Fourth Annual Alfred P. Murrah Lecture (1984) (2)
- The OHIO State Journal on Dispute Resolution (2018) (2)
- Enforcement Strategies and the Catch They Yield at the sec (1986) (2)
- The Crown, the Colonists , and the Course of Zapotec Village Law (2018) (1)
- Cross cultural growing up. (1968) (1)
- Law and Intercultural Competence (2013) (1)
- Who Reviews the Reviewers (1983) (1)
- Energy Choices: Humanity's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth (2012) (1)
- Notes on the Text (2008) (1)
- The Relevance of Legal Anthropology@@@Cross-Examinations: Essays in Memory of Max Gluckman.@@@The Disputing Process--Law in Ten Societies. (1981) (1)
- Response to Andre Gunder Frank's review of Naked Science (1998) (1)
- The Ethnography of Law: A Bibliographic Survey (2008) (1)
- A Comparative Perspective on Legal Evolution, Revolution, and Devolution (1983) (1)
- REDISCOVERING ENERGY ISSUES: A response to Harold Wilhite and Annette Henning (AT 21[3]) (2006) (1)
- Diana E. Forsythe.Studying Those Who Study Us: An Anthropologist in the World of Artificial Intelligence. (Writing Science.) Edited by, T. Lenoir and H. Gumbrecht. 240 pp., notes, bibl., index. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2001. $22.95 (paper). (2003) (1)
- Where Two Worlds Meet: A Time for Reassessment in the Anthropology of Law (1981) (1)
- What the Rest Think of the West - Legal Dimensions (2009) (1)
- An Invitation to Laughter: A Lebanese Anthropologist in the Arab World by Fuad I. Khouri (2008) (1)
- Economics, War, and Anthropology (2020) (1)
- Applied Anthropology: Charity Begins at Home: Generosity and Self‐Interest among the Philanthropic Elite. Teresa Odendahl. (1991) (1)
- A Litigious People?@@@Praying for Justice: Faith, Order, and Community in an American Town (1988) (1)
- The Unspoken Language of the Law (2018) (1)
- The influence of dispute resolution on globalization: the political economy of legal models (1999) (1)
- Contemplating the Abyss: The Role of Environmental Degradation in the Collapse of Human Societies (2010) (1)
- 13. The Crown, the Colonists, and the Course of Zapotec (2018) (0)
- Seegers Lecture THE LIFE OF THE LAWA MOVING STORY (2013) (0)
- FORUM On Nature and the Human (2010) (0)
- The Hazards of Legal Ethics: Two Views (1980) (0)
- Plunder and the Rule of Law (2008) (0)
- Michael Gilsenan, Recognizing Islam: Religion and Society in the Modern Arab World (New York: Pantheon Books, 1982). Pp. 394. (1985) (0)
- A Twenty-First-Century World (2020) (0)
- Neo‒Liberalism: Economic Engine of Plunder (2008) (0)
- Gender in Crisis: Women and the Palestinian Resistance Movement. JULIE M. PETEET (1993) (0)
- Reinventing Anthropology in the Seventies (2020) (0)
- "Solidarity," Paternalism, and Historical Injustice: Perspectives on the Development of Indian Peoples of Mexico (1994) (0)
- Getting Started in the Sixties (2020) (0)
- Whose comparative law? A global perspective (2017) (0)
- Elizabeth Florence Colson (2016) (0)
- Correction (1999) (0)
- Unravelling the Politics of Silencing (2019) (0)
- Laura Nader (2020) (0)
- Anthropology in Trouble at NIMH (1979) (0)
- Contrarian Anthropology: The Unwritten Rules of Academia (2018) (0)
- How Consumer Remedies Fail (1983) (0)
- What's Good About Conflict? (2007) (0)
- Uncovering Academic Mindsets In the Eighties (2020) (0)
- Exotic Journeys: Turkistan . Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan, Kokand, Bukhara and Kuldja. Eugene Schuyler. An abridgement of the 1876 edition, edited with an introduction by Geoffrey Wheeler. Praeger, New York, 1966. 341 pp., illus. $10. (1967) (0)
- Documentary Film Resources (2008) (0)
- Constructing the Conditions for Plunder (2008) (0)
- The impact of militarism on anthropology (2016) (0)
- GENERAL/THEORETICAL: Bruno Gutmann 1876–1966: A German Approach to Social Anthropology. J. C. Winter (1984) (0)
- General and Theoretical: Law and the American Indian: Readings, Notes, and Cases. Monroe E. Price (1978) (0)
- Introduction (2020) (0)
- Correction and Warning (1999) (0)
- Before Neo‒Liberalism: a Story of Western Plunder (2008) (0)
- Beyond an Illegal Rule of Law (2008) (0)
- Plunder of Ideas and the Providers of Legitimacy (2008) (0)
- New thoughts on energy (1981) (0)
- Hegemony and Plunder: Dismantling Legality in the United States (2008) (0)
- Zapotec Women. LYNN STEPHEN (1994) (0)
- GENERAL AND ETHNOLOGY: Lfugao Law. R. F. Barton. With a new foreword by Fred Eggan (1970) (0)
- The Development of Anthropological Idea (2015) (0)
- The Drift to War (2020) (0)
- ETHNOLOGY: Now We Are Civilized: A Study of the World View of the Zapotec Indians of Mitla, Oaxaca. Charles M. Leslie (1963) (0)
- Gray Panthers by Roger Sanjek (2012) (0)
- Epilogue (2020) (0)
- Ethnology: Bedouin Justice: Law and Customs Among the Egyptian Bedouin. AUSTIN KENNETT (1971) (0)
- Social/Cultural Anthropology: Law and Politics in Aztec Texcoco. Jerome A. Offner. (1986) (0)
- Exotic Journeys. (Book Reviews: First Footsteps in East Africa; A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome) (1967) (0)
- Law?The Missing Link in Policy Studies (2007) (0)
- CORRESPONDENCE: Criticism of Chagnon Not New (2001) (0)
- What’s urgent in anthropology (2019) (0)
- International Imperial Law (2008) (0)
- Cultural and Narrative Renewal in Leslie Marmon Silko's Novels (2003) (0)
- A Reply to Professor King (1994) (0)
- Selected Further Reading (2008) (0)
- Book Review:After the Fact: Two Countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist Clifford Geertz (1999) (0)
- The Ivory Tower is no More in the Nineties (2020) (0)
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