Leonard Kleinrock
American computer scientist
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Computer Science
Leonard Kleinrock's Degrees
- Bachelors Electrical Engineering City College of New York
Why Is Leonard Kleinrock Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Leonard Kleinrock is an American computer scientist and Internet pioneer. He is a long-tenured professor at UCLA's Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science. In the early 1960s, Kleinrock pioneered the application of queueing theory to model delays in message switching networks in his Ph.D. thesis, published as a book in 1964. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he played an influential role in the development of the ARPANET. He applied queueing theory to model and measure the performance of packet switching networks and published several of the standard works on the subject in the mid 1970s. He supervised graduate students who worked on the communication protocols for the ARPANET and many other students whose later who on internetworking led to the Internet protocol suite and the commercialization of networking technology employed in the Internet. His theoretical work on hierarchical routing in the late 1970s with student Farouk Kamoun remains critical to the operation of the Internet today.
Leonard Kleinrock's Published Works
Published Works
- Queueing Systems: Volume I-Theory (1975) (2827)
- Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part I - Carrier Sense Multiple-Access Modes and Their Throughput-Delay Characteristics (1975) (2330)
- Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part II - The Hidden Terminal Problem in Carrier Sense Multiple-Access and the Busy-Tone Solution (1975) (1818)
- Optimal Transmission Ranges for Randomly Distributed Packet Radio Terminals (1984) (1424)
- Theory, Volume 1, Queueing Systems (1975) (1417)
- A brief history of the internet (1999) (1110)
- Virtual Cut-Through: A New Computer Communication Switching Technique (1979) (1014)
- Optimum transmission radii for packet radio networks or why six is a magic number (1978) (708)
- Communication Nets: Stochastic Message Flow and Delay (1964) (643)
- The flow deviation method: An approach to store-and-forward communication network design (1973) (598)
- Queueing Systems - Vol. 1: Theory (1975) (558)
- Queueing Systems - Vol. 1: Theory (1975) (558)
- Packet Switching in a Multiaccess Broadcast Channel: Performance Evaluation (1975) (547)
- Spatial TDMA: A Collision-Free Multihop Channel Access Protocol (1985) (496)
- Hierarchical Routing for Large Networks; Performance Evaluation and Optimization (1977) (450)
- Flow Control: A Comparative Survey (1980) (450)
- On the Topological Design of Distributed Computer Networks (1977) (391)
- Time-shared Systems: a theoretical treatment (1967) (386)
- Vehicular networks and the future of the mobile internet (2011) (331)
- Queueing Systems, Vol. II: Computer Applications. (1977) (321)
- Nomadicity: Anytime, Anywhere in a Disconnected World (1996) (294)
- Host-to-Host Congestion Control for TCP (2010) (292)
- The past and future history of the Internet (1997) (277)
- QoS control for sensor networks (2003) (248)
- The Spatial Capacity of a Slotted ALOHA Multihop Packet Radio Network with Capture (1984) (230)
- Power and deterministic rules of thumb for probabilistic problems in computer communications (1979) (222)
- Analysis of Shared Finite Storage in a Computer Network Node Environment Under General Traffic Conditions (1980) (222)
- Throughput Analysis for Persistent CSMA Systems (1985) (219)
- Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part III - Polling and (Dynamic) Split-Channel Reservation Multiple Access (1976) (196)
- Adaptive Mobile Multimedia Networks (1996) (185)
- Packet Switching in a Multiaccess Broadcast Channel: Dynamic Control Procedures (1975) (179)
- Will IPTV ride the peer-to-peer stream? [Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming] (2007) (178)
- Spatial reuse in multihop packet radio networks (1987) (175)
- Packet Switching in Radio Channels: Part IV - Stability Considerations and Dynamic Control in Carrier Sense Multiple Access (1977) (167)
- The latency/bandwidth tradeoff in gigabit networks (1992) (158)
- An adaptive network prefetch scheme (1998) (155)
- Multirate Anypath Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks (2008) (147)
- Analysis of A time‐shared processor (1964) (145)
- A delay dependent queue discipline (1964) (143)
- On the Capacity of Multihop Slotted ALOHA Networks with Regular Structure (1983) (138)
- Proportional Replication in Peer-to-Peer Networks (2006) (130)
- Packet-switching in a slotted satellite channel (1973) (124)
- Optimum Bribing for Queue Position (1967) (124)
- Nomadic computing—an opportunity (1995) (123)
- Packet Switching in Radio Channels: New Conflict-Free Multiple Access Schemes (1980) (119)
- The Analysis of Random Polling Systems (1988) (114)
- Virtual Time CSMA: Why Two Clocks Are Better than One (1985) (113)
- Web prefetching in a mobile environment (1998) (104)
- Random access techniques for data transmission over packet-switched radio channels (1975) (103)
- A conservation law for a wide class of queueing disciplines (1965) (102)
- Optimal clustering structures for hierarchical topological design of large computer networks (1980) (98)
- On the M/G/1 Queue with Rest Periods and Certain Service-Independent Queueing Disciplines (1983) (96)
- Analytical Model for BitTorrent-Based Live Video Streaming (2007) (93)
- Feedback Queueing Models for Time-Shared Systems (1968) (92)
- Breaking loose (2001) (90)
- Queueing Systems: Problems and Solutions (1974) (88)
- A Wavelength Division Multiple Access Protocol for High-Speed Local Area Networks with a Passive Star Topology (1992) (83)
- A Queue with Starter and a Queue with Vacations: Delay Analysis by Decomposition (1986) (79)
- Broadcast Communications and Distributed Algorithms (1986) (78)
- A conceptual framework for network and client adaptation (2000) (77)
- Stochastic Performance Evaluation of Hierarchical Routing for Large Networks (1979) (75)
- Mobile wireless network system simulation (1995) (74)
- AdTorrent: Delivering Location Cognizant Advertisements to Car Networks (2005) (73)
- Time Dependent Priority Queues (1967) (72)
- An Internet vision: the invisible global infrastructure (2003) (68)
- Using Finite State Automata to Produce Self-Optimization and Self-Control (1996) (62)
- Analysis of search and replication in unstructured peer-to-peer networks (2005) (61)
- Congestion control in interconnected LANs (1988) (61)
- On flow control in computer networks (1978) (61)
- On Fairness, Optimal Download Performance and Proportional Replication in Peer-to-Peer Networks (2005) (60)
- Stream Traffic Communication in Packet Switched Networks: Destination Buffering Considerations (1982) (59)
- History of the Internet and its flexible future (2008) (59)
- Computer scheduling methods and their countermeasures (1968) (58)
- Vision, issues, and architecture for nomadic computing [and communications] (1995) (58)
- Internet (The History) (2005) (57)
- Distributed Systems (1985) (57)
- Performance analysis of finite-buffered multistage interconnection networks with a general traffic pattern (1991) (56)
- Output Processes in Contention Packet Broadcasting Systems (1985) (54)
- Processor Sharing Queueing Models of Mixed Scheduling Disciplines for Time Shared System (1972) (54)
- The Capacity of Wireless CSMA/CA Networks (2016) (54)
- A study of line overhead in the Arpanet (1976) (54)
- The Effect of Acknowledgment Traffic on the Capacity of Packet-Switched Radio Channels (1978) (52)
- The processor-sharing queueing model for time-shared systems with bulk arrivals (1971) (51)
- Principles and lessons in packet communications (1978) (49)
- On the modeling and analysis of computer networks (1993) (49)
- A Tradeoff Study of Switching Systems in Computer Communication Networks (1980) (49)
- On Parallel Processing Systems: Amdahl's Law Generalized and Some Results on Optimal Design (1992) (48)
- Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Multirate Anypath Routing in Wireless Multihop Networks (2010) (46)
- An early history of the internet [History of Communications] (2010) (45)
- Queueing Analysis of the Ordering Issue in a Distributed Database Concurrency Control Mechanism (1981) (44)
- Mean Packet Queueing Delay in a Buffered Two-User CSMA/CD System (1985) (43)
- On Communications and Networks (1976) (43)
- On the capacity of wireless CSMA/CA multihop networks (2013) (43)
- Closed loop stability controls for s-aloha satellite communications (1977) (43)
- Collecting unused processing capacity: an analysis of transient distributed systems (1989) (41)
- Creating a Mathematical Theory of Computer Networks (2002) (40)
- An analytical model for wormhole routing with finite size input buffers (1997) (40)
- On some principles of nomadic computing and multi-access communications (2000) (39)
- Throughput - Delay Characteristics of Some Slotted-ALOHA Multihop Packet Radio Networks (1985) (37)
- Prefetching links on the WWW (1997) (37)
- Dynamic Flow Control in Store-and-Forward Computer Networks (1980) (35)
- A contiuum of time-sharing scheduling algorithms (1970) (34)
- A general optimal video smoothing algorithm (1998) (34)
- Throughput in the ARPANET - Protocols and Measurement (1977) (34)
- The Evolution of the Internet as a Global Information System (1997) (33)
- On Optimal Scheduling Algorithms for Time-Shared Systems (1981) (32)
- Performance of Distributed Multi-Access Computer-Communication Systems (1977) (32)
- Static Flow Control in Store-And-Forward Computer Networks (1980) (31)
- Distributed control methods (1993) (30)
- Rude-CSMA: A Multihop Channel Access Protocol (1985) (30)
- Flow Control Protocols (1982) (30)
- Internet congestion control using the power metric: Keep the pipe just full, but no fuller (2018) (30)
- The Case for Servers in a Peer-to-Peer World (2006) (30)
- PLASMA: A new routing paradigm for wireless multihop networks (2012) (30)
- A hierarchical simulation environment for mobile wireless networks (1995) (29)
- Vision , Issues , and Architecture for Nomadic Computing 1 (1995) (29)
- Correction to "Throughput Analysis for Persistent CSMA Systems" (1987) (29)
- Certain analytic results for time-shared processors (1968) (28)
- Bounds and approximations for self-initiating distributed simulation without lookahead (1991) (27)
- Nomadic computing and smart spaces (2000) (26)
- Maximum Probability of Successful Transmission in a Random Planar Packet Radio Network (1983) (26)
- A queueing model for wormhole routing with timeout (1995) (26)
- The Internet rules of engagement: then and now (2004) (25)
- Polling Systems with Zero Switch-Over Periods: A General Method for Analyzing the Expected Delay (1991) (25)
- A Packet Selection Algorithm for Adaptive Transmission of Smoothed Video over a Wireless Channel (2000) (24)
- Message delay in communication nets with storage (1963) (24)
- Optimal Search Performance in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks With Clustered Demands (2006) (24)
- Throughput analysis of multiple input-queuing in ATM switches (1996) (23)
- The Benevolent Bandit Laboratory: a testbed for distributed algorithms (1989) (23)
- PC-notebook based mobile networking: algorithms, architectures and implementation (1995) (21)
- The Supercomputer Supernet testbed: a WDM-based supercomputer interconnect (1996) (21)
- Sequential Processing Machines (S.P.M) Analyzed With a Queuing Theory Model (1966) (21)
- Distribution of Attained Service in Time-Shared Systems (1967) (20)
- Interfering Queueing Processes in Packet-Switched Broadcast Communication (1980) (19)
- ISDN-the path to broadband networks (1991) (19)
- Resource Allocation in Computer Systems and Computer-Communication Networks (1974) (19)
- A WDMA protocol for multichannel DQDB networks (1993) (17)
- The Past and Future History (1997) (17)
- On Distributed Systems Performance (1990) (16)
- On queueing problems in random-access communications (1985) (16)
- Nomadic computing (keynote address) (1997) (15)
- Performance Evaluation of Distributed Computer-Communication Systems (1988) (14)
- Distributed selectsort sorting algorithms on broadcast communication networks (1990) (13)
- On resource sharing in a distributed communication environment (1979) (13)
- A new algorithm for symbolic reliability analysis of computer - Communication networks (1980) (13)
- Throughput analysis and protocol design for CSMA and BTMA protocols under noisy environments (1992) (13)
- Securing nomads: the case for quarantine, examination, and decontamination (2003) (12)
- Enabling Secure Ubiquitous Interactions (2003) (12)
- Two Processor Conservative Simulation Analysis (1992) (12)
- Solutions manual for queueing systems (1982) (12)
- The power function as a performance and comparison measure for ATM switches (1998) (11)
- On the Analysis of Exponential Queuing Systems with Randomly Changing Arrival Rates: Stability Conditions and Finite Buffer Scheme with a Resume Level (1990) (11)
- The Supercomputer Supernet: A Scalable Distributed Terabit Network (1995) (10)
- On the behavior of a very fast bidirectional bus network (1990) (10)
- On a Mixed Mode Multiple Access Scheme for Packet-Switched Radio Channels (1979) (10)
- Flow Deviation: 40 years of incremental flows for packets, waves, cars and tunnels (2014) (9)
- Research areas in computer communication (1974) (9)
- Performance study of peer-to-peer file sharing (2007) (9)
- Tight Bounds on the Average Response Time-Shared Computer Systems (1971) (9)
- The LatencylBandwidth Tradeoff in Gicrabit Networks (1992) (9)
- Computer science education today: a dialogue (1985) (8)
- The Dual-Banyan (DB) switch: a high-performance buffered-Banyan ATM switch (1997) (8)
- Packet satellite multiple access - Models and measurements (1977) (8)
- On measurement facilities in packet radio systems (1976) (8)
- Modeling epidemic query dissemination in adtorrent network (2006) (8)
- Panoply: active middleware for managing ubiquitous computing interactions (2008) (8)
- Proof-of-Reputation Blockchain with Nakamoto Fallback (2020) (7)
- Two Processor Time Warp Analysis: Capturing the Effects of Message Queueing and Rollback/State Saving Costs (1992) (7)
- Performance Models and Measurements of the ARPA Computer Network (1975) (7)
- Controlling applications by managing network characteristics (2012) (7)
- The Odd-Even ATM Switch (1998) (6)
- Performance models for distributed systems (1986) (6)
- Guest editorial: Mobility and resource management in next generation wireless systems (2001) (6)
- Performance Analysis of Single-Hop Wavelength Division Multiple Access Networks (1992) (6)
- High-speed local area networks using wormhole routing: modeling and extensions (1996) (6)
- Analysis and performance evaluation of new architectures in high-speed packet switching (1999) (6)
- A distributed routing scheme with mobility handling in stationless multi-hop packet radio networks (1983) (5)
- Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Sharing of Processors in Two-Stage Parallel Processing Systems (1993) (5)
- Reprint of "Virtual cut-through: A new computer communication switching technique" (2014) (5)
- Securing WiFi Nomads : The Case for Quarantine , Examination , and Decontamination (2003) (5)
- Detection of the peak of an arbitrary spectrum (1964) (5)
- Approximate Output Processes in Hidden-User Packet Radio Systems (1986) (5)
- On the Capacity of Single-Hop Slotted ALOHA Networks for Various Traffic Matrices and Transmission Strategies (1983) (5)
- Act one - the poems (1989) (5)
- Reduction of latency in the web using prefetching and caching (2003) (5)
- Entropy and Search Distance in Peer-to-Peer Networks (2005) (5)
- Performance analysis of multiplane, nonblocking ATM switches (1998) (4)
- Channel efficiency for LANs (1986) (4)
- Swap-Time Considerations in Time-Shared Systems (1970) (4)
- On the Performance of a Deadlock-free Routing Algorithm for Boolean n-Cube Interconnection Networks with Finite Buffers (1991) (4)
- On a Self-Adjusting Capability of Random Access Networks (1984) (4)
- A PoR/PoS-Hybrid Blockchain: Proof of Reputation with Nakamoto Fallback (2020) (4)
- Supercomputer Supernet (SSN): a high-speed electro-optic campus and metropolitan network (1996) (4)
- Fault-tolerant routing with regularity restoration in Boolean n-cube interconnection networks (1991) (3)
- Poisson Winner Queues (1992) (3)
- A dynamic timeout scheme for wormhole routing networks (1997) (3)
- Comments on "'An early history of the internet' by Leonard Kleinrock" (with author's reply) [Letters to the editor] (2011) (3)
- Optimal parallel merging and sorting algorithms using sqrt(N) processors without memory contention (1990) (3)
- Performance Tradeoffs and Hierarchical Designs of Distributed Packet-Switching Communication Networks, (1979) (3)
- Search time in unstructured peer-to-peer networks with clustered demands (2005) (3)
- Analysis of Multipath Outage with Applications to 90-Mbit/s PSK Systems at 6 and 11 GHz (1979) (2)
- Distributed policy resolution through negotiation in ubiquitous computing environments (2009) (2)
- Data Structures and Algorithms for Extended State Space and Structural Level Reduction of the GSPN Model (1994) (2)
- Adapting to a highly variable and unpredictable environment Adaptive Mobile Multimedia Nebvorks (1996) (2)
- Load sharing in limited access distributed systems (1991) (2)
- Distributed systems and transient processors (1989) (2)
- Debugging Ubiquitous Computing Applications With the Interaction Analyzer (2012) (2)
- The Interaction Analyzer: A Tool for Debugging Ubiquitous Computing Applications (2011) (2)
- Multiple Input Queueing in Packet Switches (2008) (1)
- On a possible lockup condition in IMP subnet due to message sequencing (1974) (1)
- Packet switching principles (1983) (1)
- Analysis of concentrated ALOHA satellite links (1979) (1)
- Video smoothing and transmission of smoothed video over wireless channels (1998) (1)
- WiFi Nomads and their Unprotected Devices : The Case for QED — Quarantine , Examination , and Decontamination (2003) (1)
- Prefix Coding of Histograms for Minimal Storage (1967) (1)
- Len Kleinrock on the Origins of the Internet: This is login (1997) (1)
- Excerpts from: An Information Systems Manifesto (1985) (1)
- T.V. data compression by a decaying slope threshold method (1969) (0)
- The Analysis of Random Polling Systems Author ( s ) : (1986) (0)
- SESAME: Scalable Systems Software Measurement and Evaluation (2000) (0)
- Parallel Systems Laboratory: Access, Allocation, and Control (1992) (0)
- Spatial TDMA r A Collision-Free Multihop Channel (1985) (0)
- R64-34 Analysis of Computing-Load Assignment in a MultiProcessor Computer (1964) (0)
- I Vice Presrdent VP-Technical Affairs (1980) (0)
- A simple host deflection scheme for high-speed LANs using wormhole routing (1996) (0)
- Advanced Teleprocessing Systems Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (1987) (0)
- Auto-porting and rapid prototyping with application to wireless and nomadic network algorithms (1996) (0)
- The virtual network algorithm (1999) (0)
- AD-A 2 5 7 814 Two Processor Conservative DTI C 1992 Simulation Analysis S 1 J 2 U (0)
- Advanced Networking and Distributed Systems Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (1992) (0)
- Network Issues In The Broadband Era (1992) (0)
- Optimal search performance in unstructured peer-to-peer networks with clustered demands (2006) (0)
- Advanced Teleprocessing Systems (1982) (0)
- Growth of distributed systems has attained unstoppable momentum. If we better understood how to think about, analyze, and design distributed systems, we could direct their implementation with more confidence. (1985) (0)
- 1995 Index IEEE Personal Communications Vol. 2 (1995) (0)
- Optimal Update Times for Out-of-Date Information (2022) (0)
- On the Capacity of Single-Hop gkotted ALOHA Networks for Various Traffic Matrices and (1983) (0)
- Research areas in computer communication (1995) (0)
- Optimization of Assisted Search Over Server-Mediated Peer-to-peer Networks (2022) (0)
- Surviving in a fast, nomadic world [mobile computing and communication] (1998) (0)
- Data Communications Through Large Packet Switching Networks (2011) (0)
- Surviving in a Fast, Nomadic World (1998) (0)
- Why Monitor Violent Websites? A Justification * (2012) (0)
- Oral history interview with Leonard Kleinrock (1990) (0)
- Performance Analysis of the Finite-Buffered "Turn-Back" Multistage Interconnection Network (1993) (0)
- Applying the lessons learnt for navigating the future: a conversation with the pioneers (2014) (0)
- Multimedia wireless networking (1996) (0)
- An access protocol for high-speed optical LANs (1992) (0)
- R69-5 The Statistics of Discrete-Event Simulation (1969) (0)
- Performance analysis of finite-buffered multistage interconnection networks with various switching architectures (1990) (0)
- Distributed Systems Why Should We Study Distributed Systems? (1999) (0)
- An Amroxima,te Analvsis of a Periodicallv Switched Filter (1967) (0)
- On the capacity of one-hop ALOHA packet radio networks with adjustable transmission power (1980) (0)
- QED: Securing the Mobile Masses (2003) (0)
- Routing paradigms for wireless multihop networks (2011) (0)
- Proceedings of the 2010 2nd International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC 2010: Preface (2010) (0)
- Some of my simple results (2014) (0)
- Nomada transmitter or router. (1998) (0)
- Location tracking of mobile hosts in the internet (1999) (0)
- Hierarchical Use of Dedicated Channels (1989) (0)
- Interviews with Leonard Kleinrock (2004) (0)
- Analysis and design issues addressed at ICCC '78 (1980) (0)
- Data compression by a decreasing slope-threshold test (1973) (0)
- translate nomadic or paths seeker (1998) (0)
- Thee Supercomputerr Supernet: Aa Scalablee Distributedd Terabitt Network (1995) (0)
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