Lorrie Moore
American writer
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Why Is Lorrie Moore Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Lorrie Moore is an American writer, critic, and essayist. She is best known for her short stories, some of which have won major awards. Since 1984, she has also taught creative writing. Biography Marie Lorena Moore was born in Glens Falls, New York, and nicknamed "Lorrie" by her parents. She attended St. Lawrence University. At 19, she won Seventeen magazine's fiction contest. The story, "Raspberries," was published in January 1977. After graduating from St. Lawrence, she moved to Manhattan and worked as a paralegal for two years.
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What Schools Are Affiliated With Lorrie Moore?
Lorrie Moore is affiliated with the following schools:
What Are Lorrie Moore's Academic Contributions?
Lorrie Moore is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Lorrie Moore has made the following academic contributions: