
Magnus Hirschfeld

Most Influential Person Across History

German physician and sexologist

Magnus Hirschfeld's Academic­ Rankings

Magnus Hirschfeld
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sociology Degrees
Magnus Hirschfeld
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Sociology
  • Philosophy

Magnus Hirschfeld's Degrees

Why Is Magnus Hirschfeld Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Magnus Hirschfeld was a German physician and sexologist. Hirschfeld was educated in philosophy, philology and medicine. An outspoken advocate for sexual minorities, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee and World League for Sexual Reform. He based his practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg during the Weimar period. Historian Dustin Goltz characterized the committee as having carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights". He is regarded as one of the most influential sexologists of the twentieth century.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Magnus Hirschfeld?

Magnus Hirschfeld is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Magnus Hirschfeld's Academic Contributions?

Magnus Hirschfeld has made the following academic contributions: