
Mahendra Bhandari

Most Influential Person Now

Indian surgeon

Mahendra Bhandari's Academic­ Rankings

Mahendra Bhandari
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medical Degrees
Mahendra Bhandari
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Mahendra Bhandari Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mahendra Bhandari is an Indian surgeon who has made substantial contributions to the specialty of urology, medical training, hospital administration, robotic surgery and medical ethics. For his efforts, he was awarded the Padma Shri by the government of India in 2000. Bhandari is currently Senior Bio-scientist and Director of Robotic Surgery Research & Education at the Vattikuti Urology Institute in Detroit, MI. He was the Symposium coordinator of the International Robotic Urology Symposium. He also has been the CEO of the Vattikuti Foundation since 2010.

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Mahendra Bhandari's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mahendra Bhandari?

Mahendra Bhandari is affiliated with the following schools: