Manfred Einsiedler
Austrian mathematician
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Manfred Einsiedler's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Vienna
- Masters Mathematics University of Vienna
- Bachelors Mathematics University of Vienna
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Manfred Leopold Einsiedler is an Austrian mathematician who studies ergodic theory. He was born in Scheibbs, Austria in 1973. Education and career Einsiedler studied mathematics at the University of Vienna, where he received his undergraduate degree in 1996 and his PhD in 1999 under Klaus Schmidt with thesis Problems in higher dimensional dynamics. He was a postdoc in the academic year 2000–2001 at the University of East Anglia in Norwich and in the academic year 2001–2002 at Penn State University. In 2001 he earned his habilitation at the University of Vienna and then became there a professor extraordinarius . In the academic year 2004–2005 he was a visiting professor at Princeton University . At Ohio State University he became in 2006 an associate Professor and in 2008 a full professor. Since 2009 he has been a professor ordinarius at ETH Zürich.
Manfred Einsiedler's Published Works
Published Works
- Ergodic Theory: with a view towards Number Theory (2010) (533)
- Non-archimedean amoebas and tropical varieties (2004) (336)
- Invariant measures and the set of exceptions to Littlewood's conjecture (2006) (213)
- Effective equidistribution for closed orbits of semisimple groups on homogeneous spaces (2007) (93)
- Diagonal actions on locally homogeneous spaces (2008) (83)
- The distribution of periodic torus orbits on homogeneous spaces (2006) (69)
- Distribution of periodic torus orbits and Duke's theorem for cubic fields (2007) (64)
- Primes in Elliptic Divisibility Sequences (2001) (58)
- The distribution of closed geodesics on the modular surface, and Duke's theorem (2011) (52)
- Rigidity properties of \zd-actions on tori and solenoids (2003) (47)
- Badly approximable systems of affine forms, fractals, and Schmidt games (2009) (46)
- Rigidity of measures—The high entropy case and non-commuting foliations (2005) (46)
- Expansive subdynamics for algebraic \mathbb{Z}^d-actions (2001) (39)
- Measure rigidity and $p$-adic Littlewood-type problems (2005) (37)
- Diophantine Approximations on Fractals (2009) (32)
- Functional Analysis, Spectral Theory, and Applications (2017) (30)
- Algebraic ℤ^{}-actions of entropy rank one (2004) (30)
- Integer points on spheres and their orthogonal lattices (2015) (29)
- Diagonalizable flows on locally homogeneous spaces and number theory (2006) (27)
- Equidistribution of primitive rational points on expanding horospheres (2013) (26)
- Ratner's theorem on SL(2,R)-invariant measures (2006) (25)
- On measures invariant under tori on quotients of semisimple groups (2015) (25)
- Quantitative multiple mixing (2017) (25)
- Escape of mass and entropy for diagonal flows in real rank one situations (2011) (24)
- Algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group and other non-abelian groups (2001) (22)
- Integer points on spheres and their orthogonal grids (2014) (21)
- Entropy and escape of mass for $SL(3,Z)\SL(3,R)$ (2009) (18)
- On measures invariant under diagonalizable actions: the Rank-One case and the general Low-Entropy method (2007) (18)
- Distribution of shapes of orthogonal lattices (2016) (18)
- Isomorphism and Measure Rigidity for Algebraic Actions on Zero-Dimensional Groups (2005) (18)
- Invariant measures on G/Γ for split simple Lie groups G (2003) (17)
- Joinings of higher rank torus actions on homogeneous spaces (2015) (17)
- Irreducibility, Homoclinic Points and Adjoint Actions of Algebraic ℤ d -Actions of Rank One (2002) (16)
- Effective equidistribution and property (𝜏) (2015) (15)
- Primes in Sequences Associated to Polynomials (After Lehmer) (2000) (15)
- Entropy geometry and disjointness for zero-dimensional algebraic actions (2002) (14)
- Badly approximable vectors, $C^{1}$ curves and number fields (2014) (14)
- Fitting ideals for finitely presented algebraic dynamical systems (1999) (14)
- The Adjoint Action of an Expansive Algebraic -Action (2002) (13)
- Differentiable rigidity for hyperbolic toral actions (2007) (13)
- Joinings of higher-rank diagonalizable actions on locally homogeneous spaces (2007) (13)
- When does a polynomial ideal contain a positive polynomial (2001) (13)
- Asymptotic geometry of non-mixing sequences (2002) (11)
- Simultaneous dense and nondense orbits for commuting maps (2013) (11)
- Rigidity of measures invariant under semisimple groups in positive characteristic (2010) (11)
- Entropy and escape of mass for SL3(ℤ)\ SL3(ℝ) (2012) (11)
- Invariant Subsets and Invariant Measures for Irreducible Actions on Zero‐Dimensional Groups (2004) (10)
- Rigidity of measures invariant under the action of a multiplicative semigroup of polynomial growth on 𝕋 (2008) (10)
- Duke’s theorem for subcollections (2014) (9)
- A generalisation of Mahler measure and its application in algebraic dynamical systems (1999) (9)
- On the complexity of a putative counterexample to the $p$-adic Littlewood conjecture (2014) (9)
- Applications of Measure Rigidity of Diagonal Actions (2011) (8)
- A joinings classification and a special case of Raghunathan’s conjecture in positive characteristic (with an appendix by Kevin Wortman) (2010) (8)
- Entropy and the Canonical Height (2001) (8)
- Institute for Mathematical Physics Markov Partitions and Homoclinic Points of Algebraic Z D {actions Markov Partitions and Homoclinic Points of Algebraic Z D -actions (2009) (8)
- Fundamental cocycles of tiling spaces (2001) (8)
- Primitive rational points on expanding horocycles in products of the modular surface with the torus (2019) (7)
- Planes in four-space and four associated CM points (2019) (7)
- Periodic Points for Good Reduction Maps on Curves (2003) (6)
- Functional analysis, spectral theory, and applications (graduate texts in mathematics) (2017) (5)
- Diagonal actions in positive characteristic (2017) (5)
- Alexander Gorodnik and Amos Nevo: “The Ergodic Theory of Lattice Subgroups” (2011) (4)
- Homogeneous flows, moduli spaces and arithmetic : proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School, Centro di Recerca Matematica Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa, Italy, June 11- July 6, 2007 (2010) (4)
- On effective equidistribution for quotients of SL(d,ℝ) (2016) (4)
- Effective equidistribution and spectral gap (2010) (3)
- Institute for Mathematical Physics Expansive Subdynamics for Algebraic Z D {actions Expansive Subdynamics for Algebraic Z D -actions (2000) (3)
- Isomorphism rigidity in entropy rank two (2003) (2)
- Diophantine Problems and Homogeneous Dynamics (2016) (2)
- When Does a Submodule of (ℝ[x1 ⋯, xk])n Contain a Positive Element? (2003) (2)
- Kloosterman Sums, Disjointness, and Equidistribution (2018) (2)
- Book Review: The ergodic theory of lattice subgroups (2011) (1)
- Geodesic Flow on Quotients of the Hyperbolic Plane (2011) (1)
- Simultaneous equidistributing and non-dense points for non-commuting toral automorphisms (2020) (1)
- Actions of Locally Compact Groups (2011) (1)
- Homogeneous dynamics: a study guide (2015) (1)
- Measure rigidity for solvable group actions in the space of lattices (2017) (1)
- Sums of Squares (2020) (0)
- Ergodicity, Recurrence and Mixing (2011) (0)
- Symmetry of entropy in higher rank diagonalizable actions and measure classification (2018) (0)
- Cubic and Quartic Diophantine Equations (2020) (0)
- Factors and Joinings (2011) (0)
- Self-Adjoint and Symmetric Operators (2017) (0)
- Entropy and escape of mass for SL3(ℤ)\ SL3(ℝ) (2011) (0)
- Primitive rational points and higher powers on expanding horocycles in the modular surface (2019) (0)
- The Prime Number Theorem (2017) (0)
- Integer points on spheres and their orthogonal lattices (2016) (0)
- Schedule of talks (2016) (0)
- Escape of mass and entropy for diagonal flows in real rank one situations (2015) (0)
- Sums of Two Squares (2020) (0)
- Rigidity properties for commuting automorphisms on tori and solenoids (2021) (0)
- Hilbert Spaces, Fourier Series, and Unitary Representations (2017) (0)
- Studying Squares Again (2020) (0)
- Locally Compact Groups, Amenability, Property (T) (2017) (0)
- Examples of Homoclinic Behaviour in Zero{entropy Systems (0)
- Abstract Algebra: Ring Theory (2020) (0)
- More Dynamics on Quotients of the Hyperbolic Plane (2011) (0)
- Compact Self-Adjoint Operators and Laplace Eigenfunctions (2017) (0)
- Unitary Operators and Flows, Fourier Transform (2017) (0)
- Joinings of higher rank torus actions on homogeneous spaces (2019) (0)
- Banach Algebras and the Spectrum (2017) (0)
- Furstenberg's Proof of Szemerédi's Theorem (2011) (0)
- Joinings of higher rank actions, Integer points on spheres and their orthogonal complement (2014) (0)
- Homogeneous Dynamics and Number Theory (2010) (0)
- Conditional Measures and Algebras (2011) (0)
- Measure rigidity for solvable group actions in the space of lattices (2019) (0)
- Norms and Banach Spaces (2017) (0)
- INVARIANT MEASURES ON SL(n; R)=¡ (1996) (0)
- Introduction: Polynomial Equations (2020) (0)
- Locally Convex Vector Spaces (2017) (0)
- The Structure of the Group F × p (2020) (0)
- Simultaneous dense and nondense orbits for commuting maps (2015) (0)
- Simultaneous Equidistribution and Nondense Points for Noncommuting Toral Automorphisms (2015) (0)
- Uniform Boundedness and the Open Mapping Theorem (2017) (0)
- Spectral Theory and Functional Calculus (2017) (0)
- Invariant Measures for Continuous Maps (2011) (0)
- A Journey Through The Realm of Numbers (2020) (0)
- Rigidity of invariant measures under the action of a multiplicative semigroup of positive logarithmic density on $\T$ (2008) (0)
- Sobolev Spaces and Dirichlet’s Boundary Problem (2017) (0)
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