Manuel João Ramos
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Portuguese anthropologist
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Anthropology Sociology
Manuel João Ramos's Degrees
- PhD Anthropology University of Lisbon
- Masters Sociology University of Coimbra
- Bachelors Social Sciences University of Porto
Why Is Manuel João Ramos Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Manuel João Mendes Silva Ramos is a Portuguese anthropologist, artist and civil rights advocate. As an author, he is widely held in libraries worldwide. Early life and education Ramos was born in Lisbon, Portugal, the eldest son of late actor , He took his BA in Anthropology in 1982, at New University of Lisbon, his MsC in Comparative Literary Studies in 1987, also at New University of Lisbon, and his PhD in Symbolic Anthropology at ISCTE-IUL.
Manuel João Ramos's Published Works
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Published Works
- Community involvement and victimization at school: an analysis through family, personal and social adjustment† (2009) (67)
- Drawing the lines: The limitations of intercultural ekphrasis (2004) (22)
- Pedro Páez’s History of Ethiopia 1622 (2011) (14)
- Stop the Academic World, I Wanna Get Off in the Quai de Branly. Of sketchbooks, museums and anthropology (2015) (12)
- Drawing Close – On Visual Engagements in Fieldwork, Drawing Workshops and the Anthropological Imagination (2016) (9)
- Suddenly last summer: how the tourist tsunami hit Lisbon (2018) (8)
- From beleaguered fortresses to belligerent cities (2013) (7)
- African Dynamics in a Multipolar World (2013) (6)
- Managing Natural Resources in Eastern Algarve, Portugal: An Assessment of the. Policy Uses of Local Knowledge(s) (2003) (6)
- Fluid Networks and Hegemonic Powers in the Western Indian Ocean (2017) (5)
- ‘If you don't migrate, you're a nobody’: Migration recruitment networks and experiences of Nepalese farm workers in Portugal (2021) (5)
- Essays in Christian Mythology: The Metamorphosis of Prester John (2006) (4)
- Seasonal variability of the Ekman transport (2015) (2)
- Ambiguous Legitimacy: the Legend of the Queen of Sheba in Popular Ethiopian Painting (2005) (2)
- On the embedment of classical models of dichotomy in modern anthropology: the case of literacy studies (1999) (2)
- The Myth of Prester John and Iberian visions of Ethiopia (2012) (1)
- The Invention of a Mission: the brief establishment of a Portuguese Catholic minority in renaissance Ethiopia (2012) (1)
- Ceci n’est pas un Dessin: Notes on the Production and Sharing of Fieldwork Sketches (2018) (1)
- Machiavelian Empowerment and Disempowerment The Violent Struggle for Power in XVIIth Century Ethiopia (2006) (1)
- Research aims for cleaner crude from Canadian tar sands (2015) (1)
- THE COLLECTION OF THE DAKAR–DJIBOUTI EXPEDITION Les Peintures sacrées d’Éthiopie: collection de la Mission Dakar–Djibouti. By CLAIRE BOSC-TIESSÉ and ANAÏS WION. Paris: Sépia, 2005. Pp. 133. No price given (ISBN 2-84280-091-5). (2006) (0)
- Seeds and Civilization (2011) (0)
- The indigenous & the foreign - The Jesuit Presence in 17th Century Ethiopia (2005) (0)
- Castle Building in Seventeenth-Century Gondär (Ethiopia) (2018) (0)
- Gujaratis in 17th century Gondar (Ethiopia) (2012) (0)
- The Promotion of Walking in Lisbon: a winner or a lost case? (2012) (0)
- Humans in an otherwise perfect environment: the Natural Park of Ria Formosa (2012) (0)
- Duality and Duplicity in Euro-Ethiopian historical relations (2012) (0)
- “Memórias N.º 10”: As Memórias dos Pescadores de Sesimbra: Santiago de Sesimbra no Incício dos Anos 80 do Século XX (2009) (0)
- “Sponsorshipped”: Reflections on temporary female migration from the Horn of Africa to the Gulf and Lebanon (2017) (0)
- Pedro Páez's History pof Ethiopia, Volume 2 (2011) (0)
- Amhara Oral Traditions: The Urgency of Rescuing a Cultural Heritage (2012) (0)
- Ras Tafari in Lusoland: On the 50th anniversary of Haile Selassie´s I state visit to Portugal, 1959-2009 - Exhibition Catalogue (2009) (0)
- The Asphalt has arrived (2011) (0)
- Exhibition Ras Tafari in Lusoland: Rastafari in Lusoland King Haile Selassie's visit to Portugal in 1959 (2012) (0)
- «On the Road: individual, Society and the State in the Appropriation of Public Space (2012) (0)
- Introduction to The indigenous and the foreign in christian Ethiopian art (2004) (0)
- Ethiopia in the Geographical Representations of Medieval and Renaissance Europe (1998) (0)
- Ethiopian City Guides : Gondar (2014) (0)
- We Are All Spectators; A Philosophical Cosmopolitanism That Is Yet To Come; Vanishing Points (2009) (0)
- Mobility and change in Gondar, North Ethiopia (2012) (0)
- The Space of the Oral in the History of the construction of kingly territories in Gondar, Northern Ethiopia (2012) (0)
- [Response to combined therapy with plasmapheresis and high doses of immunoglobulin in Lambert-Eaton syndrome]. (1994) (0)
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