Marco Tedesco
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Italian climate scientist
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Marco Tedesco's Degrees
- PhD Climate Science University of Naples Federico II
- Masters Environmental Sciences University of Naples Federico II
- Bachelors Physics University of Naples Federico II
Why Is Marco Tedesco Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Marco Tedesco is an Italian climate scientist at the Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. Education and career He received his Laurea degree and PhD in Italy, from the University of Naples and the Italian National Research Council. He then spent five years as a postdoc and research scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012. During his time at CCNY, he founded and directed the Cryosphere Processes Laboratory. In January 2016, he joined Columbia University.
Marco Tedesco's Published Works
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Published Works
- The extreme melt across the Greenland ice sheet in 2012 (2012) (486)
- Estimating the Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance contribution to future sea level rise using the regional atmospheric climate model MAR (2012) (416)
- Greenland ice sheet albedo feedback: thermodynamics and atmospheric drivers (2012) (357)
- Evidence and analysis of 2012 Greenland records from spaceborne observations, a regional climate model and reanalysis data (2012) (278)
- A review of global satellite-derived snow products (2012) (242)
- The role of albedo and accumulation in the 2010 melting record in Greenland (2011) (238)
- Melting trends over the Greenland ice sheet (1958–2009) from spaceborne microwave data and regional climate models (2010) (227)
- State of the Climate in 2016 (2017) (225)
- Snowmelt detection over the Greenland ice sheet from SSM/I brightness temperature daily variations (2007) (211)
- Return to rapid ice loss in Greenland and record loss in 2019 detected by the GRACE-FO satellites (2020) (198)
- State of the Climate in 2014 (2015) (185)
- Efficient meltwater drainage through supraglacial streams and rivers on the southwest Greenland ice sheet (2015) (174)
- The darkening of the Greenland ice sheet: trends, drivers, and projections (1981–2100) (2015) (158)
- Greenland Ice Sheet (2014) (149)
- State of the Climate in 2018 (2019) (147)
- Assessment of the NASA AMSR-E SWE Product (2010) (140)
- A blended global snow product using visible, passive microwave and scatterometer satellite data (2011) (136)
- Trends in Antarctic Peninsula surface melting conditions from observations and regional climate modeling (2012) (130)
- Antarctic ice shelf potentially stabilized by export of meltwater in surface river (2017) (120)
- Artificial neural network-based techniques for the retrieval of SWE and snow depth from SSM/I data (2004) (112)
- The air content of Larsen Ice Shelf (2011) (104)
- Intercomparison of Electromagnetic Models for Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow (2006) (103)
- Unprecedented atmospheric conditions (1948–2019) drive the 2019 exceptional melting season over the Greenland ice sheet (2019) (102)
- GrSMBMIP: intercomparison of the modelled 1980–2012 surface mass balance over the Greenland Ice Sheet (2020) (101)
- Retrieval of snow grain size over Greenland from MODIS. (2009) (99)
- Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Loss: Recent Developments in Observation and Modeling (2017) (97)
- Ice dynamic response to two modes of surface lake drainage on the Greenland ice sheet (2013) (95)
- Assessment and development of snowmelt retrieval algorithms over Antarctica from K-band spaceborne brightness temperature (1979-2008) (2009) (90)
- Measurement and modeling of ablation of the bottom of supraglacial lakes in western Greenland (2012) (88)
- Diagnosing the extreme surface melt event over southwestern Greenland in 2007 (2008) (84)
- Estimating supraglacial lake depth in West Greenland using Landsat 8 and comparison with other multispectral methods (2015) (80)
- An updated Antarctic melt record through 2009 and its linkages to high‐latitude and tropical climate variability (2009) (79)
- Modeling supraglacial water routing and lake filling on the Greenland Ice Sheet (2012) (78)
- Annual Greenland accumulation rates (2009–2012) from airborne snow radar (2015) (76)
- Oceanic transport of surface meltwater from the southern Greenland ice sheet (2016) (76)
- Direct measurements of meltwater runoff on the Greenland ice sheet surface (2017) (70)
- Toward Monitoring Surface and Subsurface Lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet Using Sentinel-1 SAR and Landsat-8 OLI Imagery (2017) (67)
- Melting glaciers stimulate large summer phytoplankton blooms in southwest Greenland waters (2017) (66)
- Arctic cut-off high drives the poleward shift of a new Greenland melting record (2016) (66)
- Pan arctic terrestrial snowmelt trends (1979–2008) from spaceborne passive microwave data and correlation with the Arctic Oscillation (2009) (63)
- Persistent surface snowmelt over Antarctica (1987–2006) from 19.35 GHz brightness temperatures (2007) (62)
- Understanding Greenland ice sheet hydrology using an integrated multi-scale approach (2013) (61)
- Assessing spatio-temporal variability and trends in modelled and measured Greenland Ice Sheet albedo (2000–2013) (2014) (59)
- The Effect of Foehn‐Induced Surface Melt on Firn Evolution Over the Northeast Antarctic Peninsula (2019) (58)
- Microwave emission from dry snow: a comparison of experimental and model results (2001) (58)
- Mapping the bathymetry of supraglacial lakes and streams on the Greenland ice sheet using field measurements and high-resolution satellite images (2013) (55)
- The semi-analytical snow retrieval algorithm and its application to MODIS data (2007) (54)
- In-situ multispectral and bathymetric measurements over a supraglacial lake in western Greenland using a remotely controlled watercraft (2011) (52)
- Identification of atmospheric influences on the estimation of snow water equivalent from AMSR-E measurements (2007) (50)
- Brightness Temperatures of Snow Melting/Refreezing Cycles: Observations and Modeling Using a Multilayer Dense Medium Theory-Based Model (2006) (47)
- Impact of MODIS sensor calibration updates on Greenland Ice Sheet surface reflectance and albedo trends (2017) (47)
- Derivation and Validation of Supraglacial Lake Volumes on the Greenland Ice Sheet from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery (2016) (47)
- Evaluation of long-term Northern Hemisphere snow water equivalent products (2020) (45)
- A New Record in 2007 for Melting in Greenland (2007) (42)
- A New Operational Snow Retrieval Algorithm Applied to Historical AMSR-E Brightness Temperatures (2016) (42)
- 21st century projections of surface mass balance changes for major drainage systems of the Greenland ice sheet (2012) (39)
- Editorial Remote sensing in hydrological sciences (2009) (38)
- Dynamic Approaches for Snow Depth Retrieval From Spaceborne Microwave Brightness Temperature (2010) (38)
- Atmospheric correction of AMSR-E brightness temperatures for dry snow cover mapping (2006) (36)
- Increased Greenland melt triggered by large-scale, year-round cyclonic moisture intrusions (2019) (36)
- Study of the snow melt–freeze cycle using multi-sensor data and snow modeling (2004) (35)
- Atmospheric drivers of Greenland surface melt revealed by self‐organizing maps (2015) (32)
- Investigating the local-scale influence of sea ice on Greenland surface melt (2017) (31)
- Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere (2015) (30)
- Comparison of local scale measured and modelled brightness temperatures and snow parameters from the CLPX 2003 by means of a dense medium radiative transfer theory model (2006) (27)
- 1 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document Snow Algorithm (2013) (25)
- Analysis of multiscale radiometric data collected during the Cold Land Processes Experiment‐1 (CLPX‐1) (2005) (25)
- Exploring the Potential Impact of Greenland Meltwater on Stratification, Photosynthetically Active Radiation, and Primary Production in the Labrador Sea (2018) (25)
- Evaluation of long term Northern Hemisphere snow water equivalent products (2019) (25)
- Spatial Shift of Greenland Moisture Sources Related to Enhanced Arctic Warming (2019) (24)
- L-band ice-sheet brightness temperatures at Dome C, Antarctica: spectral emission modelling, temporal stability and impact of the ionosphere (2004) (24)
- A Wavelet Melt Detection Algorithm Applied to Enhanced Resolution Scatterometer Data over Antarctica (2000-2009) (2013) (24)
- Melting over the northeast Antarctic Peninsula (1999–2009): evaluation of a high-resolution regional climate model (2018) (24)
- Seasonal monitoring of melt and accumulation within the deep percolation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet and comparison with simulations of regional climate modeling (2018) (23)
- Mapping Ice Algal Blooms in Southwest Greenland From Space (2018) (23)
- The missing economic risks in assessments of climate change impacts (2019) (23)
- Observations and statistical analysis of combined active–passive microwave space-borne data and snow depth at large spatial scales (2007) (23)
- Estimation of the Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance contribution to future sea level rise using the regional climate model MAR (2013) (22)
- Microwave radiometric measurements of soil moisture in Italy (2003) (21)
- Evaluating a Regional Climate Model Simulation of Greenland Ice Sheet Snow and Firn Density for Improved Surface Mass Balance Estimates (2019) (20)
- A new surface meltwater routing model for use on the Greenland Ice Sheet surface (2018) (20)
- Southeast Greenland Winter Precipitation Strongly Linked to the Icelandic Low Position (2018) (19)
- Greenland Ice Sheet seasonal and spatial mass variability from model simulations and GRACE (2003–2012) (2015) (19)
- Retrieval of dry-snow parameters from microwave radiometric data using a dense-medium model and genetic algorithms (2006) (18)
- 21 st century projections of surface mass balance changes for major drainage systems of the Greenland ice sheet (2012) (18)
- Remote sensing of snow depth and snow water equivalent (2014) (17)
- Calibration and evaluation of a high-resolution surface mass-balance model for Paakitsoq, West Greenland (2012) (17)
- Application of Satellite Microwave Images in Estimating Snow Water Equivalent 1 (2008) (17)
- Remote sensing in hydrological sciences (2009) (16)
- Feasibility of improving a priori regional climate model estimates of Greenland ice sheet surface mass loss through assimilation of measured ice surface temperatures (2015) (15)
- Extreme snowmelt in Northern Greenland during summer 2008 (2008) (15)
- What darkens the Greenland Ice Sheet (2015) (14)
- Simulated Greenland Surface Mass Balance in the GISS ModelE2 GCM: Role of the Ice Sheet Surface (2019) (14)
- Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere: Tedesco/Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere (2015) (14)
- Multimodel Estimation of Snow Microwave Emission during CLPX 2003 Using Operational Parameterization of Microphysical Snow Characteristics (2008) (13)
- A first overview of SnowEx ground-based remote sensing activities during the winter 2016–2017 (2017) (13)
- Retrieval of Dry Snow Parameters from Radiometric Data Using a Dense Medium Model and Genetic Algorithms (2013) (13)
- Surface melting over the Greenland ice sheet derived from enhanced resolution passive microwave brightness temperatures (1979–2019) (2021) (13)
- Greenland Ice Sheet [in Arctic Report Card 2012] (2013) (11)
- The capability of microwave radiometers in retrieving soil moisture profiles: an application of artificial neural networks (2002) (10)
- The missing risks of climate change (2022) (10)
- Over-winter persistence of supraglacial lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet: results and insights from a new model (2020) (9)
- Blended Visible, Passive Microwave and Scatterometer Global Snow Products (2007) (9)
- Greenland [in Arctic Report Card 2010] (2010) (9)
- Northern Hemisphere Snow-Covered Area Mapping: Optical Versus Active and Passive Microwave Data (2007) (9)
- Updated 2008 Surface Snowmelt Trends in Antarctica (2008) (8)
- The Arctic (2020) (7)
- The darkening of the Greenland ice sheet (2015) (7)
- Remote sensing of melting snow and ice (2014) (6)
- Greenland Ice Sheet [in Arctic Report Card 2015] (2015) (6)
- [Arctic] Greenland ice sheet [in “State of the Climate in 2012”] (2013) (6)
- The Microwave Alpine Snow Melting Experiment (MASMEx 2002): a contribution to the ENVISNOW project (2003) (6)
- Evaluating Greenland surface-mass-balance and firn-densification data using ICESat-2 altimetry (2023) (6)
- Improving Greenland Surface Mass Balance Estimates Through the Assimilation of MODIS Albedo: A Case Study Along the K‐Transect (2018) (6)
- Spectral attenuation coefficients from measurements of light transmission in bare ice on the Greenland Ice Sheet (2021) (6)
- Controls on the Transport of Meltwater From the Southern Greenland Ice Sheet in the Labrador Sea (2019) (6)
- Supraglacial meltwater routing through internally drained catchments on the Greenland Ice Sheet surface (2018) (5)
- Microwave emission of snow in Alpine regions and the detection of surface hoar (2000) (5)
- Characterization of ice shelf fracture features using ICESat-2 – A case study over the Amery Ice Shelf (2021) (5)
- Exposure of real estate properties to the 2018 Hurricane Florence flooding (2020) (5)
- First spectral measurements of light attenuation in Greenland Ice Sheet bare ice suggest shallower subsurface radiative heating and ICESat-2 penetration depth in the ablation zone (2020) (5)
- Biogeophysical properties of an expansive Antarctic supraglacial stream (2016) (5)
- The role of blocking circulation and emerging open water feedbacks on Greenland cold‐season air temperature variability over the last century (2020) (5)
- Quantifying spatiotemporal variability of glacier algal blooms and the impact on surface albedo in southwestern Greenland (2020) (5)
- Greenland Ice Sheet - Arctic Report Card: Update for 2011 (2011) (5)
- Annual Greenland accumulation rates ( 2009-2012 ) from airborne 6 Snow Radar 7 8 (2016) (5)
- The role of blocking circulation and emerging open water feedbacks on Greenland cold‐season air temperature variability over the last century (2020) (5)
- Remote sensing missions and the cryosphere (2014) (4)
- Assessing spatio-temporal variability and trends (2000–2013) of modelled and measured Greenland ice sheet albedo (2014) (4)
- Greenland Ice sheet [in "State of the Climate in 2015"] (2016) (4)
- Hemispheric snow water equivalent: The need for a synergistic approach (2012) (4)
- Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere II (2015) (4)
- Increased Greenland melt triggered by large-scale, year-round precipitation events (2018) (4)
- 2006 Greenland Ice Sheet snowmelt from spaceborne microwave brightness temperatures (2007) (4)
- Measurements of supraglacial lake drainage and surface streams over West Greenland and effects on ice dynamics (2011) (3)
- Classification and retrieval of dry snow parameters by means of SMM/I data and artificial neural networks (2003) (3)
- Errata of the paper “The semi-analytical snow retrieval algorithm and its application to MODIS data” [Remote Sens. Environ., 111(2–3), 228–241] (2011) (3)
- The Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX-1): analysis and modelling of LSOS data (IOP3 period) (2004) (3)
- Electromagnetic properties of components of the cryosphere (2014) (3)
- Estimating Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Using a Novel Data Assimilation Framework: An Observing System Simulation Experiment (2013) (3)
- A New Dataset Integrating Public Socioeconomic, Physical Risk, and Housing Data for Climate Justice Metrics: A Test-Case Study in Miami (2021) (3)
- Record Summer Melt in Greenland in 2010 (2011) (3)
- Flood Monitoring Using Enhanced Resolution Passive Microwave Data: A Test Case over Bangladesh (2022) (3)
- Estimating supraglacial lake depth in western Greenland using Landsat 8 (2015) (3)
- Nasa Snowex'17 in SITU Measurements and Ground-Based Remote Sensing (2018) (2)
- Climate and Melting Variability in Antarctica (2010) (2)
- How are reduced Arctic sea ice and increased Greenland melting connected? (2021) (2)
- Greenland ice sheet albedo feedback: mass balance implications (2012) (2)
- Multi-frequency microwave emission from wet snow: a comparison of experimental results and model simulations (2001) (2)
- Exploring scaling issues by using NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX-1, IOP3) radiometric data (2004) (2)
- PrefaceSpecial issue ‘Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere’ (2007) (2)
- Constrained Inversion of a Microwave Snowpack Emission Model Using Dictionary Matching: Applications for GPM Satellite (2021) (2)
- How fast is the Greenland ice sheet melting? (2021) (2)
- Empirical SWE retrieval using airborne microwave and in situ snow measurements (2007) (1)
- Assessing bare-ice albedo simulated by MAR over the Greenland ice sheet (2000–2021) and implications for meltwater production estimates (2022) (1)
- Observed Scaling Behavior of Snow and Soil Moisture Signatures from the CLPX and NAFE Campaigns (2006) (1)
- Local Scale Radiobrightness Modeling During the Intensive Observing Period-4 of the Cold Land Processes Experiment-1 (2004) (1)
- In-situ multispectral and bathymetric measurements (2011) (1)
- Supplementary material to "Surface melting over the Greenland ice sheet from enhanced resolution passive microwave brightness temperatures (1979–2019)" (2020) (1)
- Field measurements for remote sensing of the cryosphere (2014) (1)
- Effects of Mineral Dust and Black Carbon on Albedo in the Western Greenland Ice Sheet Percolation Zone (2018) (1)
- Modelling CLPX IOP3 Radiometric Data by Means of the Dense Media Theory: Preliminary Results for the LSOS Test Site (2003) (1)
- Correction to Supporting Information for Smith et al., Direct measurements of meltwater runoff on the Greenland ice sheet surface (2018) (1)
- Measuring, mapping, and anticipating climate gentrification in Florida: Miami and Tampa case studies (2022) (0)
- Melting and surface mass balance over the Greenland ice sheet from satellite data, model results and ground measurements during IPY: extreme events and updated trends. (2008) (0)
- Melting over the East Antarctic Peninsula (1999–2009): evaluation of a high-resolution regional climate model (2017) (0)
- Kim WeL Retrieval of dry snow parameters from radiometric data-using a Dense Medium model and Genetic Algorithms (2005) (0)
- Processes Controlling the Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet for Improving Mass Balance Estimates: Outcomes from a Community Workshop (2016) (0)
- Surface water hydrology and the Greenland Ice Sheet (2016) (0)
- Spaceborne estimated long-term trends (1980s - 2013) of albedo and melting season length over the Greenland ice sheet and linkages to climate drivers (2014) (0)
- Assimilation of the 1979-2009 microwave satellite data into the regional climate MAR model for studying the Greenland ice sheet melt extent (2011) (0)
- Seasonal and Intra-Seasonal Variability of Surface Streams Over the West Greenland Ice Sheet from High Resolution Satellite Optical Data. (2014) (0)
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Blowing Snow Flux and Related Near-Surface Atmospheric Processes over Antarctica (2001-2011) from the Modèle Atmosphérique Régionale (MAR), Assessed With In Situ and Satellite Data (2015) (0)
- Foehn and temperature-based melt patterns over the Larsen C Ice Shelf as simulated by the MAR regional climate model (2017) (0)
- Spatial Scaling of Snow Observations and Microwave Emission Modeling During CLPX and Appropriate Satellite Sensor Resolution (2005) (0)
- Persistent Surface River on Nansen Ice Shelf Drains Meltwater Preventing Collapse for Decades (2016) (0)
- What terrestrial glacial meltwater streams reveal about Greenland ice sheet hydrology (2015) (0)
- Assessment of modeled albedo and bare ice extent (2001-present) in the regional climate model MAR using satellite data (2012) (0)
- Comparison of modelled runoff with observed proglacial discharge across the western margin of the Greenland ice sheet (2017) (0)
- Regional Patterns of Blowing Snow Dynamics on the Antarctic Ice Sheet from the Modèle Atmosphérique Régionale (MAR), Assessed with In Situ and Remote Sensing data (2000-2011) (2014) (0)
- Supraglacial meltwater runoff from the Greenland ice sheet (2013) (0)
- Interactive comment on “ Surface melting over the Greenland ice sheet from enhanced resolution passive microwave brightness temperatures ( 1979 – 2019 ) (2021) (0)
- Linkages between Icelandic Low position and SE Greenland winter precipitation (2015) (0)
- Low Velocity Seismic Waves Produced by Stick-Slip Processes During the Drainage of Two Supraglacial Lakes in Greenland (2016) (0)
- Summer Greenland Blocking Diversity and Its Impact on the Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet (2022) (0)
- Investigating The Impact Of Sea Ice Concentration Extremes On Atmospheric Moisture Transport And Low-Level Winds Over Greenland And Surrounding Seas (2014) (0)
- Global SCA mapping by active and passive microwave data (2006) (0)
- Unprecedented (1851 - 2016) atmospheric conditions drive recent record surface and ice dynamic mass losses over the Greenland ice sheet (2018) (0)
- The 2012 melting record and 21st century sea level rise projections for major drainage systems of the Greenland ice sheet (2012) (0)
- Assessment and improvement of the AMSR-E SWE algorithm. Toward a new philosophy for retrieval ? (2010) (0)
- The PolarSEEDS project: communicating Greenland melting through visualization and sonification (2013) (0)
- PlastiX-Snow: A Citizen Science Project to Identify Microplastics in Snow (2019) (0)
- Radiobrightness Forward Modelling vs Observations from Local to Satellite Scales during the 2003 NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (2004) (0)
- Greenland Ice sheet [in "State of the Climate in 2020"] (2021) (0)
- Tracking surface and subsurface lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet using Sentinel-1 SAR and Landsat-8 OLI imagery (2017) (0)
- North Atlantic blocking regulates cold season air temperature variability over Greenland coastal and ice sheet ablation areas (2019) (0)
- Toward a High Mountain Asia Snow Reanalysis (2018) (0)
- Extreme surface melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet increases growth potential for light-limited phytoplankton in the Labrador Sea (2016) (0)
- Preliminary results and assessment of the MAR outputs over High Mountain Asia (2017) (0)
- The 2009 and 2010 Ground Passive and Active Snow (GAPS) Experiments (2010) (0)
- Snow and firn density variability on the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets from observations, the MAR regional climate model, and the RACMO firn model (2015) (0)
- Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere III (2015) (0)
- State of the Climate in 2012 (SCI) (2013) (0)
- The Role of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on Recent Greenland Surface Mass Loss and Mass Partitioning (2017) (0)
- Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere IV Posters (2015) (0)
- Efficient removal of meltwater runoff through supraglacial streams and rivers on the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet (2015) (0)
- The exceptional 2019 melting season over the Greenland ice sheet: drivers, implications and new records (2019) (0)
- The Cryosphere Melting trends over the Greenland ice sheet ( 1958 – 2009 ) from spaceborne microwave data and regional climate models (2019) (0)
- Arctic Report Card 2020: Greenland Ice Sheet (2020) (0)
- An Integrated Snow Radiance and Snow Physics Modeling Framework for Cold Land Surface Modeling (2006) (0)
- Greenland firn evolution response to changing atmospheric conditions in the MAR surface model (2018) (0)
- The Goddard Snow Radiance Assimilation Project: An Integrated Snow Radiance and Snow Physics Modeling Framework for Snow/cold Land Surface Modeling (2006) (0)
- Simulating Microwave Emission from Antarctica Ice Sheet with a Coherent Model (2005) (0)
- Development of Ice-Shelf Estuaries Promotes Fractures and Calving (2021) (0)
- Microwave Signatures of Melting/Refreezing Snow: Observations and Modeling Using Dense Medium Radiative Transfer Theory (2005) (0)
- Meltwater Refreezing in Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet Firn: Spatial Variability and Temporal Change Between 1989 and 2017 (2018) (0)
- High Frequency Seismic Waves Recorded By the Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN) During the Drainage of a Supraglacial Lake (2014) (0)
- Arctic sea ice extent and Greenland ice sheet surface climate co-variability investigated with self-organizing maps and singular value decomposition (2014) (0)
- Observation of Snow Properties , Meteorological Forcing and Brightness Temperature Data at the Local Scale Observation Site during the Cold Land Processes Field Experiment and the Application to a Dense Media Radiative Transfer Model (2004) (0)
- Impact of improved Greenland ice sheet surface representation in the NASA GISS ModelE2 GCM on simulated surface mass balance and regional climate (2017) (0)
- Identification of accumulation, density and grain size bias in the regional climate model MAR over the Greenland ice sheet using in-situ and remotely sensed data (2011) (0)
- Exposure of properties to the 2018 Hurricane Florence flooding: an expanding bull's-eye perspective (2019) (0)
- Estimating Supraglacial Lake Depth with Landsat 8 (2014) (0)
- Greenland supraglacial rivers and the extreme 2012 melt season (2012) (0)
- Spatio-temporal evolution of supraglacial lakes over Greenland from visible/NIR spaceborne data (2010) (0)
- Percolating meltwater in perennial firn – upGPR data reveal percolation depths, liquid water content and mass transfer underneath the last summer surface within the percolation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet (2017) (0)
- Spatiotemporal variability of ice algal blooms in southwest Greenland and its impact on bare ice albedo based on MERIS and MODIS satellite observations (2019) (0)
- Assessment of Regional Climate Model-Simulated Snow Density Over the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Using In-Situ Measurements (2014) (0)
- Developing a Glacial Surface Model for Greenland to Improve the Projections of Surface Runoff (2018) (0)
- Intra- and Inter-Seasonal Supra-glacial Water Variability over the West Greenland Ice Sheet as Estimated from Combining High Resolution Satellite Optical Data and a Digital Elevation Model (2015) (0)
- Over-wintering of Supraglacial Lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet from Sentinel-1 and Landsat-8 Data (2015) (0)
- A study on a combined retrieval algorithm for falling snow and snow on the ground using passive microwave observations (2005) (0)
- A radiance based assimilation framework for the retrieval of swe and snow depth from AMSR-E and SSM/I data (2008) (0)
- Assimilation of MODIS Ice Surface Temperature and Albedo into the Snow and Ice Model CROCUS Over the Greenland Ice Sheet Along the K-transect Stations (2016) (0)
- Enhanced resolution mapping of surface melting over the Greenland ice sheet (1979 - 2019) from spaceborne passive microwave observations (2022) (0)
- Parameterization and testing of a surface melt and water routing model for the Greenland Ice Sheet (2011) (0)
- Updates on the Polar Cyberinfrastructure Program at the National Science Foundation (2014) (0)
- Reanalysis Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet Along K‐Transect (2000–2014) (2021) (0)
- Supporting Figures S1-S8 (2016) (0)
- Toward an improved NASA AMSR-E SWE product : Validation and refinement (2010) (0)
- Sonification of cryoconite landscapes over the Greenland ice sheet (2015) (0)
- Ice Sheet Meltwater Impacts on Biological Productivity in High-Latitude Coastal Zones - Observations and Model Results for West Antarctica and Southwest Greenland (2015) (0)
- Measurements of solar light transmission in bare glacier ice: Implications for subsurface meltwater production in the Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone (2019) (0)
- Evaluating Surface Mass Balance spatiotemporal variability in a regional climate model over Greenland using an ice sheet model and GRACE (2013) (0)
- Reanalysis Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet along K-transect (2000-2014) (2021) (0)
- Modeling Greenland Ice Sheet Snow and Firn Densities: Role of Dry Snow Density, Liquid Water, and Model Setup (2016) (0)
- Combined active/passive microwave wavelet-based approach for snowmelt detection over Antarctica ice shelves (2008) (0)
- Mapping Snow Grain Size over Greenland from MODIS (2008) (0)
- How Deep is Deep Percolation? Upward-looking Radar for Continuous Monitoring of Melt and Accumulation within the Deep Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet. (2017) (0)
- Extreme Greenland Blocking Events and Their Impact on Summer Runoff Across the Greenland Ice Sheet (2014) (0)
- Arctic Amplification and the Northward shift of a new Greenland melting record (2016) (0)
- Seasonal Variability of Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Balance (2015) (0)
- An overview of the current NASA operational AMSR-E/AMSR2 snow science team activities (2015) (0)
- Supplementary material to "Exposure of properties to the 2018 Hurricane Florence flooding: an expanding bull's-eye perspective" (2019) (0)
- From Colorado to Greenland: the 2010 Ground Passive and Active Snow (GAPS) Experiment (2010) (0)
- Documenting Melting Features of the Greenland Ice Sheet (2011) (0)
- 2008 updated melting in Greenland from satellite measurements, ground observations and a regional climate model. (2009) (0)
- Explanation of the extreme low surface mass balance over the Greenland ice sheet in 2010 with the help of a regional climate model and a circulation type classification. (2011) (0)
- Predicting the onset of snowmelt using hydrologic models and microwave satellite observations (2007) (0)
- Assessing modeled Greenland surface mass balance in the GISS Model E2 and its sensitivity to surface albedo (2016) (0)
- Hyperspectral and photogrammetric helicopter-based measurements over western Greenland (2015) (0)
- Turbulent Heat Flux, Downward Longwave Radiation and Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Associated with Wintertime Barents-Kara Sea Extreme Sea Ice Loss Events (2022) (0)
- High-Resolution 500m downscaled data set of Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance (1950-2018) (2018) (0)
- Investigating The Relationship Between Atmospheric Moisture Flux And The Surface Mass Balance On The Greenland Ice Sheet (2015) (0)
- NIR photography results from the 2009 Ground Passive and Active Snow (GAPS) Experiment (Invited) (2009) (0)
- The influence of sea ice extent variability on the Greenland surface mass and energy balance (2012) (0)
- Capturing Greenland ice sheet sub-grid-scale albedo variability in the NASA GISS ModelE GCM: Impact on simulated surface mass balance (2020) (0)
- Quantifying spatiotemporal variability of ice algal blooms and the impact on surface albedo in southwest Greenland (2019) (0)
- Arctic Albedo: Variations and Trends Posters (2015) (0)
- Supplementary material to "GrSMBMIP: Intercomparison of the modelled 1980–2012 surface mass balance over the Greenland Ice sheet" (2020) (0)
- Microwave emission from Antarctica and the calibration of low frequency space-borne radiometers (2004) (0)
- Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Dark Ice and Ice Algae with Sentinel-3 Imagery over Southwest Greenland (2018) (0)
- Current and future darkening of the Greenland ice sheet (2015) (0)
- Melting Snow from Passive Microwave Observations for a Microwave/Visible Blended Product: First Results (2008) (0)
- Helicopter-based Photography for use in SfM over the West Greenland Ablation Zone (2015) (0)
- Remote sensing of supraglacial bathymetry (2013) (0)
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