
Maria Mies

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German sociologist

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  • Sociology

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Why Is Maria Mies Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Maria Mies was a German professor of sociology, a Marxist feminist, an activist for women's rights, and an author. She came from a rural background in the Volcanic Eifel, and initially trained to be a teacher. After working for several years as a primary school teacher and qualifying as a high school instructor, she applied to the Goethe Institute, hoping to work in Africa or Asia. Assigned to a school in Pune, India, she discovered that while her male students took German courses to further their education, women for the most part took her classes to avoid marriage. Returning to study at the University of Cologne, she prepared her dissertation about contradictions of social expectations for women in India in 1971, earning her PhD the following year.

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Maria Mies's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Maria Mies?

Maria Mies is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Maria Mies's Academic Contributions?

Maria Mies is most known for their academic work in the field of sociology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Maria Mies has made the following academic contributions: