Mark Van Raamsdonk
Most Influential Person Now
Theoretical physicist
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Mark Van Raamsdonk's Degrees
- PhD Physics Princeton University
- Bachelors Physics University of British Columbia
Why Is Mark Van Raamsdonk Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Mark Van Raamsdonk is a professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia since 2002. Before that, he was a postdoc at Stanford University from 2000 until 2002 and studied as a graduate student at Princeton University from 1995 until 2000 when he received his PhD under the supervision of Washington Taylor. Before that, he did a combined mathematics/physics undergraduate degree at University of British Columbia where he graduated with what is believed to be the highest GPA in the university's prior history.
Mark Van Raamsdonk's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Noncommutative perturbative dynamics (1999) (1150)
- Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement (2010) (1000)
- The Hagedorn - deconfinement phase transition in weakly coupled large N gauge theories (2004) (597)
- Gravitation from entanglement in holographic CFTs (2013) (516)
- The gravity dual of a density matrix (2012) (440)
- Gravitational dynamics from entanglement “thermodynamics” (2013) (349)
- Comments on the Bagger-Lambert theory and multiple M2-branes (2008) (325)
- Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement (2010) (322)
- Matrix perturbation theory for M-theory on a PP-wave (2002) (250)
- Comments on quantum gravity and entanglement (2009) (246)
- A Massive Study of M2-brane Proposals (2008) (241)
- M2-branes on M-folds (2008) (229)
- Comments on noncommutative perturbative dynamics (2000) (178)
- First order deconfinement transition in large N Yang-Mills theory on a small S 3 (2005) (177)
- Multiple D0-branes in Weakly Curved Backgrounds (1999) (173)
- Universality of Gravity from Entanglement (2014) (161)
- Cold Nuclear Matter In Holographic QCD (2007) (156)
- Information radiation in BCFT models of black holes (2019) (144)
- Momentum-space entanglement and renormalization in quantum field theory (2011) (143)
- Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory from lorentzian three-algebras (2008) (141)
- Nonlinear gravity from entanglement in conformal field theories (2017) (139)
- Rindler quantum gravity (2012) (123)
- Transverse Fivebranes in Matrix Theory (2002) (120)
- Protected Multiplets of M-Theory on a Plane Wave (2002) (107)
- Canonical energy is quantum Fisher information (2015) (107)
- Quantum Hall Physics = Noncommutative Field Theory (2001) (103)
- Lectures on Gravity and Entanglement (2016) (103)
- The phase structure of low dimensional large N gauge theories on tori (2005) (102)
- Black hole microstate cosmology (2018) (97)
- Multiple Dp-branes in Weak Background Fields (1999) (92)
- Black hole dynamics from atmospheric science (2008) (87)
- BCFT entanglement entropy at large central charge and the black hole interior (2020) (84)
- Inviolable energy conditions from entanglement inequalities (2014) (80)
- Holographic models of de Sitter QFTs (2010) (77)
- The Meaning of Infrared Singularities in Noncommutative Gauge Theories (2001) (75)
- Evaporating firewalls (2013) (72)
- Gravitational positive energy theorems from information inequalities (2016) (69)
- From Euclidean sources to Lorentzian spacetimes in holographic conformal field theories (2017) (56)
- Towards a holographic model of color superconductivity (2011) (52)
- Absorption of dilaton partial waves by D3-branes (1999) (48)
- Comments on wormholes, ensembles, and cosmology (2020) (47)
- The Superconformal Gauge Theory on M2-Branes (2008) (43)
- Supergravity currents and linearized interactions for matrix theory configurations with fermionic backgrounds (1998) (38)
- Little string theory from a double-scaled matrix model (2006) (37)
- Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement II: It from BC-bit (2018) (34)
- Effect of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies on surface properties of Streptococcus sobrinus (1995) (34)
- Holo-ween (2020) (31)
- The deconfinement and Hagedorn phase transitions in weakly coupled large N gauge theories (2003) (30)
- Entanglement entropy from one-point functions in holographic states (2016) (29)
- Two loop partition function for large N pure Yang-Mills theory on a small S**3 (2006) (28)
- D particle polarizations with multipole moments of higher dimensional branes (2000) (27)
- Gauge invariant correlators in noncommutative gauge theory (2000) (26)
- A patchwork description of dual spacetimes in AdS/CFT (2011) (26)
- The Fluid-Gravity Correspondence:. the Membrane at the End of the Universe (2008) (25)
- Two-loop partition function in the planar plane-wave matrix model (2004) (25)
- Momentum-space entanglement for interacting fermions at finite density (2012) (24)
- Cosmology from confinement (2021) (23)
- Blending local symmetries with matrix nonlocality in D-brane effective actions (2003) (20)
- Angular momentum and long-range gravitational interactions in Matrix theory (1997) (19)
- Generally covariant actions for multiple D-branes (2004) (19)
- Holographic and Localization Calculations of Boundary F for ${\cal N} = 4$ SUSY Yang-Mills Theory. (2020) (18)
- Areas and entropies in BFSS/gravity duality (2019) (17)
- Conservation of Supergravity Currents from Matrix Theory (1998) (16)
- Open dielectric branes (2001) (16)
- Effect of Monoclonal Antibodies on the Colonization of Rats by Streptococcus sobrinus (1993) (16)
- Three-graviton scattering in Matrix theory revisited (1998) (16)
- A second order deconfinement transition for large N 2+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory on a small S2 (2006) (15)
- Holographic baryons from oblate instantons (2013) (15)
- Positive gravitational subsystem energies from CFT cone relative entropies (2018) (14)
- Existence of Locally Maximally Entangled Quantum States via Geometric Invariant Theory (2017) (14)
- J ul 2 00 8 A Massive Study of M 2-brane Proposals (2008) (14)
- Finding AdS5× S5 in 2+1 dimensional SCFT physics (2021) (13)
- Locally Maximally Entangled States of Multipart Quantum Systems (2018) (13)
- Coarse-graining the Lin-Maldacena geometries (2007) (12)
- A note on dilaton absorption and near-infrared D3 brane holography (2000) (11)
- Effect of antibodies on the chain length and growth of Streptococcus sobrinus. (1997) (10)
- Nonlocal multi-trace sources and bulk entanglement in holographic conformal field theories (2019) (10)
- Tensor network models of unitary black hole evaporation (2016) (10)
- Poincaré invariance in multiple D-brane actions (2005) (10)
- Minimal subtraction and the Callan-Symanzik equation (1998) (9)
- Holographic CFT states for localized perturbations to AdS black holes (2019) (8)
- Physicochemical aspects of microbial adhesion — Influence of antibody adsorption on the deposition ofStreptococcus sobrinus in a parallel-plate flow chamber (1995) (8)
- Negative energy enhancement in layered holographic conformal field theories (2021) (8)
- Baryon charge from embedding topology and a continuous meson spectrum in a new holographic gauge theory (2009) (8)
- Acceleration-induced deconfinement transitions in de Sitter spacetime (2011) (8)
- Interpolating between multi-boundary wormholes and single-boundary geometries in holography (2020) (6)
- Effect of antibodies on chemiluminescence and on killing of Streptococcus sobrinus by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. (1996) (6)
- The BPS Spectrum of M-Theory on a PP-Wave (2002) (5)
- Twisted Inflation (2010) (4)
- Spacetime from bits (2020) (4)
- Cosmological particle production at strong coupling (2015) (4)
- Effect of monoclonal antibodies on the colonization of rats by Streptococcus sobrinus. (1993) (3)
- Gravitation from entanglement in holographic CFTs (2014) (3)
- A novel cell surface polysaccharide in Pseudomonas putida WCS358, which shares characteristics with Escherichia coli K antigens, is not involved in root colonization (1996) (3)
- Holographic and localization calculations of boundary F for N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 4 SUSY Yang-Mills theory (2021) (3)
- Can one hear the shape of a wormhole? (2022) (2)
- It from Qubit : Simons Collaboration on Quantum Fields , Gravity , and Information (2015) (2)
- Cosmology as a holographic wormhole (2022) (2)
- Cosmology without time-dependent scalars is like quantum field theory without RG flow (2022) (2)
- Comments on wormholes, ensembles, and cosmology (2021) (2)
- Energy trapping from Hagedorn densities of states (2013) (1)
- Spacetime from bits (2020) (1)
- Enhanced Negative Energy with a Massless Dirac Field (2022) (1)
- Momentum-space entanglement for interacting fermions at finite density (2013) (1)
- A light scalar particle from strong dynamics in a new holographic model of QCD (2009) (1)
- Cosmological particle production at strong coupling (2015) (0)
- Evaporating firewalls (2014) (0)
- Entanglement entropy from one-point functions in holographic states (2016) (0)
- Holographic baryons from oblate instantons (2014) (0)
- Existence of Locally Maximally Entangled Quantum States via Geometric Invariant Theory (2018) (0)
- Tensor network models of unitary black hole evaporation (2017) (0)
- Gravitational physics from quantum information constraints (2018) (0)
- Cosmology from confinement? (2022) (0)
- Positive gravitational subsystem energies from CFT cone relative entropies (2018) (0)
- Title From Euclidean sources to Lorentzian spacetimes in holographic conformal field theories (2017) (0)
- Interaction between truck and passenger car drivers: summary final report (2003) (0)
- TIFR / TH / 08-13 UTTG-03-08 M 2-branes on M-folds (2008) (0)
- Black hole microstate cosmology (2019) (0)
- Energy trapping from Hagedorn densities of states (2013) (0)
- Nonlinear gravity from entanglement in conformal field theories (2017) (0)
- From Euclidean sources to Lorentzian spacetimes in holographic conformal field theories (2018) (0)
- A patchwork description of dual spacetimes in AdS/CFT (2011) (0)
- Gravitational dynamics from entanglement “thermodynamics” (2014) (0)
- Cosmology from the vacuum (2022) (0)
- Canonical energy is quantum Fisher information (2016) (0)
- Accelerating cosmology from $\Lambda<0$ gravitational effective field theory (2022) (0)
- Holographic and localization calculations of boundary F for N\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ \mathcal (2021) (0)
- Nonlocal multi-trace sources and bulk entanglement in holographic conformal field theories (2019) (0)
- Inviolable energy conditions from entanglement inequalities (2015) (0)
- Nambu , A Foreteller of Modern Physics III Gravitational positive energy theorems from information inequalities (2016) (0)
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