Martin Grötschel
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German mathematician
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Why Is Martin Grötschel Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Martin Grötschel is a German mathematician known for his research on combinatorial optimization, polyhedral combinatorics, and operations research. From 1991 to 2012 he was Vice President of the Zuse Institute Berlin and served from 2012 to 2015 as ZIB's President. From 2015 to 2020 he was President of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities .
Martin Grötschel's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Geometric Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization (1988) (2175)
- The ellipsoid method and its consequences in combinatorial optimization (1981) (2072)
- Handbook of Combinatorics (1995) (1141)
- An Application of Combinatorial Optimization to Statistical Physics and Circuit Layout Design (1988) (473)
- Mathematical Programming The State of the Art, XIth International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Bonn, Germany, August 23-27, 1982 (1983) (461)
- Polynomial Algorithms for Perfect Graphs (1984) (372)
- Solution of large-scale symmetric travelling salesman problems (1991) (346)
- A Cutting Plane Algorithm for the Linear Ordering Problem (1984) (344)
- A cutting plane algorithm for a clustering problem (1989) (338)
- A Column-Generation Approach to Line Planning in Public Transport (2007) (264)
- Solving the Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem with time windows by branch-and-cut (2001) (231)
- On the symmetric travelling salesman problem I: Inequalities (1979) (229)
- Computational Results with a Cutting Plane Algorithm for Designing Communication Networks with Low-Connectivity Constraints (1992) (204)
- Facets of the linear ordering polytope (1985) (197)
- Facets of the clique partitioning polytope (1990) (194)
- Online optimization of large scale systems (2001) (185)
- Weakly bipartite graphs and the Max-cut problem (1981) (164)
- On the symmetric travelling salesman problem II: Lifting theorems and facets (1979) (159)
- Integer Polyhedra Arising from Certain Network Design Problems with Connectivity Constraints (1990) (148)
- Telebus Berlin: Vehicle Scheduling in a Dial-a-Ride System (1999) (138)
- A polyhedral study of the asymmetric traveling salesman problem with time windows (2000) (133)
- Clique Tree Inequalities and the Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem (1986) (130)
- Relaxations of vertex packing (1986) (128)
- On the acyclic subgraph polytope (1985) (117)
- On the symmetric travelling salesman problem: Solution of a 120-city problem (1980) (109)
- Facets for Polyhedra Arising in the Design of Communication Networks with Low-Connectivity Constraints (1992) (102)
- Frequency planning and ramifications of coloring (2002) (98)
- Design of broadband virtual private networks: Model and heuristics for the B-WiN (1998) (91)
- Packing Steiner trees: a cutting plane algorithm and computational results (1996) (88)
- Polyhedral and Computational Investigations for Designing Communication Networks with High Survivability Requirements (1995) (86)
- On the cycle polytope of a binary matroid (1986) (85)
- Solving matching problems with linear programming (1985) (84)
- Facets of the Bipartite Subgraph Polytope (1985) (83)
- Optimal control of plotting and drilling machines: A case study (1991) (81)
- Frequency assignment in cellular phone networks (1998) (81)
- The steiner tree packing problem in VLSI design (1997) (77)
- Chapter 10 Design of survivable networks (1995) (77)
- An Auctioning Approach to Railway Slot Allocation (2006) (71)
- A Cutting Plane Approach to the Sequential Ordering Problem (with Applications to Job Scheduling in Manufacturing) (1993) (68)
- Clique-Web Facets for Multicut Polytopes (1992) (63)
- A cutting plane algorithm for the windy postman problem (1992) (62)
- On the symmetric travelling salesman problem II (1979) (60)
- Corrigendum to our paper “the ellipsoid method and its consequences in combinatorial optimization” (1984) (55)
- Duty Scheduling in Public Transit (2003) (53)
- Mathematical Programming the State of the Art: Bonn 1982 (1983) (52)
- Polyhedral Approaches to Network Survivability (1989) (50)
- Packing Steiner trees: polyhedral investigations (1996) (50)
- Survivable mobile phone network architectures: models and solution methods (1998) (49)
- Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) (1996) (47)
- Models for Line Planning in Public Transport (2013) (46)
- Combinatorial Online Optimization in Real Time (2001) (46)
- Order picking in an automatic warehouse: Solving online asymmetric TSPs (1999) (42)
- Geometric Methods in Combinatorial Optimization (1984) (42)
- Optimal triangulation of large real world input-output matrices (1983) (41)
- A polynomial algorithm for the max-cut problem on graphs without long odd cycles (1984) (38)
- Towards optimizing the deployment of optical access networks (2014) (37)
- New aspects of polyhedral theory (1982) (37)
- Cost-efficient network synthesis from leased lines (1998) (36)
- Combinatorial optimization (1996) (35)
- The Orientation Model for Frequency Assignment Problems (1998) (34)
- Capacity and Survivability Models for Telecommunication Networks (1997) (34)
- Combinatorial Online Optimization (1999) (32)
- Via Minimization with Pin Preassignments and Layer Preference (1989) (32)
- Complete Descriptions of Small Multicut Polytopes (1990) (28)
- Graphs with Cycles Containing Given Paths (1977) (28)
- Discrete mathematics in manufacturing (1992) (25)
- Decomposition and optimization over cycles in binary matroids (1989) (25)
- Planning Problems in Public Transit (2010) (25)
- A cutting plane algorithm for minimum perfect 2-matchings (1987) (24)
- The Ellipsoid Method (1993) (23)
- A Network Dimensioning Tool (1996) (23)
- The Sharpest Cut (2004) (22)
- On the Monotone Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem: Hypohamiltonian/Hypotraceable Graphs and Facets (1980) (22)
- Composition of Facets of the Clique Partitioning Polytope (1990) (22)
- George Dantzig's contributions to integer programming (2008) (21)
- Mathematical methods for physical layout of printed circuit boards: an overview (2008) (21)
- Partial linear characterizations of the asymmetric travelling salesman polytope (1975) (20)
- Packing Steiner Trees: Separation Algorithms (1996) (19)
- Acyclic Subdigraphs and Linear Orderings: Polytopes, Facets, and a Cutting Plane Algorithm (1985) (18)
- Calculating exact ground states of spin glasses: A polyhedral approach (1987) (18)
- On Identifying in Polynomial Time Violated Subtour Elimination and Precedence Forcing Constraints for the Sequential Ordering Problem (1990) (18)
- Packing Steiner Trees: Further Facets (1996) (18)
- Simulation Studies for the Online-Dial-a-Ride Problem (1999) (17)
- Online Optimization of Complex Transportation Systems (2001) (17)
- On Intersections of Longest Cycles (1984) (16)
- Routing in grid graphs by cutting planes (1995) (15)
- Some integer programs arising in the design of main frame computers (1993) (15)
- Cardinality Homogeneous Set Systems, Cycles in Matroids, and Associated Polytopes (2004) (14)
- Online-Dispatching of Automobile Service Units (2002) (14)
- The Representation of Polyhedra by Polynomial Inequalities (2002) (13)
- Building bridges : between mathematics and computer science (2008) (12)
- Combinatorial Online Optimization in Practice (1998) (12)
- On the structure of the monotone asymmetric travelling salesman polytope I: hypohamiltonian facets (1981) (12)
- Optimization of Transportation Systems (1998) (11)
- Polynomial inequalities representing polyhedra (2003) (11)
- Complexity, Oracles, and Numerical Computation (1988) (11)
- Stable Sets in Graphs (1993) (11)
- On the structure of the monotone asymmetric travelling salesman polytope II: Hypotraceable facets (1981) (11)
- Ulysses 2000: In Search of Optimal Solutions to Hard Combinatorial Problems. (1994) (10)
- Approaches to Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problems (1982) (10)
- On minimal strong blocks (1979) (10)
- Production factor mathematics (2010) (10)
- Hypotraceable digraphs (1980) (9)
- Alcuin's Transportation Problems and Integer Programming (1995) (9)
- Developments in combinatorial optimization (1984) (8)
- Information Services for Mathematics in the Internet (Math-Net) (1997) (8)
- Scientific Information Systems and Metadata (1999) (8)
- BMBF Project ROBUKOM: Robust Communication Networks (2012) (8)
- Euler, Mei-Ko Kwan, Königsberg, and a Chinese Postman (2012) (7)
- Master polytopes for cycles of binary matroids (1989) (7)
- Constructions of hypotraceable digraphs (1984) (7)
- Making the Yellow Angels Fly: Online Dispatching Of Service Vehicles in Real Time (2002) (7)
- On the Factorization of Simplex Basis Matrices (2009) (6)
- The graphs for which all strong orientations are hamiltonian (1979) (6)
- On the Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem: Theory and Computation (1978) (5)
- The Steiner tree packing problem (2008) (5)
- Combinatorial Optimization: A Tour d’Horizon (1993) (4)
- My Favorite Theorem: Characterizations of Perfect Graphs (1999) (4)
- Theoretical and practical aspects of combinatorial problem solving (1992) (4)
- Frequency Assignment in Mobile Phone Systems (2000) (4)
- Characterizations of adjacency of faces of polyhedra (1981) (4)
- Public transport to the fORe! (2005) (4)
- The DFG research center “Mathematics for key technologies” (2002) (3)
- Teaching MIP Modeling and Solving (2006) (3)
- Hypo-Hamiltonian Facets of the Symmetric Travelling Salesman Polytope (1978) (3)
- Strong Blocks and the Optimum Branching Problem (1979) (3)
- Planning UMTS Radio Networks (2008) (3)
- Survivable Mobile Phone Network Architectures (1998) (2)
- My Favorite Theorem (1999) (2)
- Order picking in an automatic warehouse (1999) (2)
- New Perspectives of a Distributed Information System for Mathematics. (1994) (2)
- A Polyhedral Approach to Network Connectivity Problems (Extended Abstract). (1992) (2)
- Characterizations of Perfect Graphs (2008) (2)
- Matheon-mathematics for Key Technologies (2014) (2)
- The Optimized Odyssey (2001) (1)
- Optimum path packing on wheels: The consecutive case (1996) (1)
- The Travelling Salesman Problem for Graphs not Contractible to K_5 - e (1985) (1)
- Acyclic subdigraphs and linear orderings (1985) (1)
- Optimal Control of Plotting and Drilling Machines (1991) (1)
- Stable-Set and Other Techniques for Frequency Assignment Problems (1996) (1)
- Optimum Path Packing on Wheels: The Noncrossing Case. (1993) (1)
- Round Table: The Impact of Mathematical Research on Industry and Vice Versa (2001) (1)
- IMI Workshop on Optimization in the Real World (2014) (1)
- Calculating Exact Ground States of Spin Glasses (1987) (1)
- The Orientation Model for Frequency Assignment Problems the Orientation Model for Frequency Assignment Problems (1998) (1)
- Characterization of facets of the hop constrained chain polytope via dynamic programming (2014) (1)
- Combinatorics in statistical physics (1996) (1)
- On Angular Measures in Axiomatic Euclidean Planar Geometry (2020) (1)
- A property of continuous unbounded algorithms (1978) (1)
- The Quickest Path to the Goal (2010) (1)
- The Impact of Mathematical Research on Industry and Vice Versa (2001) (1)
- A Jack of all Trades? Solving stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear constraint programs (2014) (1)
- On the monotone symmetric travelling salesman problem (1980) (1)
- ENK On the Representation of Polyhedra by Polynomial Inequalities (2002) (0)
- CombinatorialOnlineOptimization: Elevators&YellowAngels (2007) (0)
- Algorithms for Convex Bodies (1993) (0)
- Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks (1997) (0)
- 1. Manfred Padberg (2004) (0)
- Comments on “An Exact Method for the Minimum Feedback Arc Set Problem” (2022) (0)
- Distributed Information System for Mathematics (Available only in german, TR 95-06) (1995) (0)
- Optimum Path Packing on Wheels (1996) (0)
- Software for Teaching Modeling of Integer Programming Problems (2006) (0)
- Making the Yellow Angels Fly (2002) (0)
- Cooperative Scientific Digital Libraries (2001) (0)
- P = NP? (2002) (0)
- The Mathematics of László Lovász (2023) (0)
- E - Learning and the Working Mathematician (2009) (0)
- Measuring angles in axiomatic Euclidean planar geometry (2020) (0)
- Buchbesprechungen (1968) (0)
- Algorithmic Aspects of Convex Sets: Formulation of the Problems (1993) (0)
- Facetten von Matroid-Polytopen (1977) (0)
- The monotone 2-matching polytope on a complete graph (1977) (0)
- APE 2018: Academic Publishing in Europe, Introduction (2019) (0)
- Combinatorial Optimization: Some Basic Examples (1993) (0)
- Structuring a Dynamic Environment (2009) (0)
- Linear Programming Stories (2012) (0)
- Panel: Legal Aspects of Information Systems (2001) (0)
- Algebraic , Geometric , and Topological Methods in Optimization (2018) (0)
- About the XIth International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (1982) (0)
- Corrigenda: Clique Tree Inequalities and the Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem (1987) (0)
- Homogenization of polyhedra (1981) (0)
- Diophantine Approximation and Basis Reduction (1993) (0)
- Survivable Mobile Phone Architectures: Models and Solution Methods (1996) (0)
- New Perspectives of a Distributed Electronic Information System for Mathematics, Part II (1994) (0)
- Mathematical Berlin - Science, Sights and Stories (2016) (0)
- Konrad-zuse-zentrum F ¨ Ur Informationstechnik Berlin Scientiic Information Systems and Metadata Introduction (2007) (0)
- Combinatorial Online Optimization: Elevators & Yellow Angels (2007) (0)
- And a Chinese Postman (2012) (0)
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