Martin Ridge
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American historians
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Martin Ridge 's Degrees
- PhD History University of California, Berkeley
- Masters History University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors History University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is Martin Ridge Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Martin Ridge was an American historian and director of research at the Huntington Library. He is particularly known for the 1982 5th edition of "Westward expansion: a history of the American frontier" co-authored with Ray Allen Billington.
Martin Ridge 's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- That Noble Dream: The "Objectivity Question" and the American Historical Profession by Peter Novick (1991) (93)
- Biography as high adventure : life-writers speak on their art (1987) (22)
- History, Frontier, and Section: Three Essays (1993) (18)
- Ignatius Donnelly: The Portrait of a Politician (1962) (16)
- Ray Allen Billington, Western History, and American Exceptionalism (1987) (10)
- Part of the Story of the Far West@@@The Far West and the Great Plains in Transition, 1859-1900. (1988) (9)
- The New Bilingualism: An American Dilemma (1982) (7)
- America's Frontier Story: A Documentary History of Westward Expansion (1969) (6)
- Frontier and region : essays in honor of Martin Ridge (1998) (6)
- American history after 1865 (1953) (5)
- Frederick Jackson Turner, Ray Allen Billington, and American Frontier History (1988) (5)
- The American West: From Frontier to Region (1989) (4)
- Populism Redux: John D. Hicks and the Populist Revolt@@@The Populist Revolt (1985) (4)
- Populism, Progressivism, and the Transformation of Nebraska Politics, 1885–1915 (1981) (3)
- Turner the Historian: A Long Shadow (1993) (3)
- The American West: The Reader (1999) (2)
- The Climax of Populism: The Election of 1896 by Robert F. Durden; Populists, Plungers, and Progressives: A Social History of Stock and Commodity Speculation, 1890–1936 by Cedric B. Cowing (1966) (2)
- Writing the History of the American West (1991) (2)
- Liberty and union;: A history of the United States (1971) (2)
- The new bilingualism : an American dilemma : proceedings of a conference (1981) (2)
- Multiple loyalties: An American dilemma (1981) (2)
- The Pacific Slope. A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada Earl Pomeroy (1966) (2)
- A More Jealous Mistress: Frederick Jackson Turner as Book Reviewer (1986) (2)
- John Sutter and a Wider West (1995) (2)
- A Footnote to the Segregation Decision (1957) (1)
- American Frontiers: Cultural Encounters and Continental Conquest Gregory H. Nobles (1998) (1)
- Robert Hine and Communitarianism (2001) (1)
- A Home in the Woods: Pioneer Life in Indiana: Oliver Johnson's Reminiscences of Early Marion County (1991) (1)
- MOVING STORIES: Migration and the American West, 1850-2000 Scott E. Casper Lucinda M. Long (2002) (1)
- Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and a Religious Tradition@@@Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism.@@@Brigham Young: American Moses.@@@Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition. (1986) (1)
- Two Bogueymen: Populism Revisited@@@Populism and Politics: William Alfred Peffer and the People's Party.@@@The Politics of Populism: Dissent in Colorado. (1975) (1)
- California: An Imagined Country (1994) (1)
- JOSIAH ROYCE: From Grass Valley to Harvard Robert V. Hine (1994) (1)
- Atlas of American frontiers (1992) (1)
- The humor of Ignatius Donnelly (2007) (1)
- Frederick Jackson Turner at Indiana University (1993) (1)
- George W. Norris: The Persistence of a Progressive, 1913-1933 by Richard Lowitt (1973) (0)
- Recording America's Past David D. Van Tassel (1961) (0)
- Writing Western History: Essays on Major Western Historians Richard W. Etulain (1992) (0)
- Report of the Managing Editor to the Board of Editors for the Year 1971–1972 (1972) (0)
- Personal Sketches of California Pioneers I Have Known Rockwell D. Hunt (1963) (0)
- Bilingualism, Biculturalism — California's New Past (1984) (0)
- Building for the Centuries: Illinois, 1865–1898. by John H. Keiser (1978) (0)
- Report of the Managing Editor for the Year 1974–1975 (1975) (0)
- The Whipple Report: Journal of an Expedition from San Diego to the Rio Colorado A. W. Whipple E. I. Edwards (1962) (0)
- Ray Allen Billington (1903–1981) (1981) (0)
- Illinois: A Bicentennial History by Richard J. Jensen (1979) (0)
- Treasure Hill: Portrait of a Silver Mining Camp W. Turrentine Jackson (1964) (0)
- Remembering Indiana University in the 1960s: Perspectives on Dissent in the Heartland (2003) (0)
- An Illinois Reader by Clyde C. Walton (1971) (0)
- The Tolerant Populists: Kansas, Populism, and Nativism (1964) (0)
- An Editor's Report: 1966–1977 (1978) (0)
- Knights of the Plow: Oliver H. Kelley and the Origins of the Grange in Republican Ideology Thomas A. Woods (1992) (0)
- Report of the Managing Editor for the Year 1972–1973 (1973) (0)
- From Hayes to McKinley: National Party Politics, 1877–1896. By H. Wayne Morgan. ([Syracuse, N. Y.:] Syracuse University Press. 1969. Pp. x, 618. $12.95.) (1970) (0)
- Polish-American Politics in Chicago, 1888–1940 by Edward R. Kantowicz (1976) (0)
- Joseph L. Bristow: Kansas Progressive by A. Bower Sageser (1969) (0)
- Fifteen Decisive Events of California History Rockwell D. Hunt (1960) (0)
- Not English Only: Redefining "American" in American Studies (2002) (0)
- The Urban West at the End of the Frontier. By Lawrence H. Larsen. (Lawrence: Regents Press of Kansas, 1978. xiii + 173 pp. Tables, notes, essay on sources, and index. $12.50.) (1979) (0)
- An Indispensable Guide: A Review Essay (1984) (0)
- Edward Kern and American Expansion Robert V. Hine (1962) (0)
- Report of the Managing Editor to the Board of Editors for the Year 1970–1971 (1971) (0)
- Land Fever: Dispossession and the Frontier Myth by James M. Marshall (1988) (0)
- The Just Polity: Populism, Law, and Human Welfare. By Norman Pollack. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. xi + 376 pp. $29.95.) (1988) (0)
- An Exile in Eden (1997) (0)
- Forging History: The Detection of Fake Letters & Documents by Kenneth W. Rendell (1994) (0)
- Western History Association Prize Recipient, 1983: Robert G. Athearn (1984) (0)
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