Martin Seligman
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American psychologist and writer
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Positive Psychology
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Martin Seligman's Degrees
- PhD Psychology University of Pennsylvania
- Bachelors Philosophy Princeton University
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Why Is Martin Seligman Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Martin Elias Peter Seligman is an American psychologist, educator, and author of self-help books. Seligman is a strong promoter within the scientific community of his theories of well-being and positive psychology. His theory of learned helplessness is popular among scientific and clinical psychologists. A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Seligman as the 31st most cited psychologist of the 20th century.
Martin Seligman's Published Works
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Published Works
- Positive psychology. An introduction. (2000) (13217)
- Learned helplessness in humans: critique and reformulation. (1978) (6978)
- Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification (2004) (5082)
- Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions. (2005) (4903)
- Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment (2002) (3569)
- Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being (2011) (3401)
- Learned helplessness: Theory and evidence. (1976) (2194)
- Self-Discipline Outdoes IQ in Predicting Academic Performance of Adolescents (2005) (2068)
- Very Happy People (2002) (2035)
- Beyond Money (2004) (1758)
- Failure to escape traumatic shock. (1967) (1753)
- On the generality of the laws of learning (1970) (1637)
- Causal explanations as a risk factor for depression: theory and evidence. (1984) (1541)
- The effectiveness of psychotherapy. The Consumer Reports study. (1995) (1520)
- Positive education: positive psychology and classroom interventions (2009) (1480)
- Personality, Gender, and Age in the Language of Social Media: The Open-Vocabulary Approach (2013) (1461)
- Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life (1991) (1407)
- Orientations to happiness and life satisfaction: the full life versus the empty life (2005) (1345)
- Phobias and preparedness (1971) (1334)
- Effects of inescapable shock upon subsequent escape and avoidance responding. (1967) (1179)
- The attributional Style Questionnaire (1982) (1155)
- Self-discipline gives girls the edge : Gender in self-discipline, grades, and achievement test scores (2006) (970)
- Learned Helplessness: A Theory for the Age of Personal Control (1993) (949)
- Positive psychology in clinical practice. (2005) (936)
- Generality of learned helplessness in man. (1975) (844)
- Character Strengths and Virtues (2004) (663)
- Strengths of character, orientations to happiness, and life satisfaction (2007) (632)
- Pessimistic explanatory style is a risk factor for physical illness: a thirty-five-year longitudinal study. (1988) (621)
- The Optimistic Child (1995) (604)
- Automatic personality assessment through social media language. (2015) (555)
- Explanatory style as a predictor of productivity and quitting among life insurance sales agents. (1986) (553)
- Shared Virtue: The Convergence of Valued Human Strengths across Culture and History (2005) (535)
- Biological boundaries of learning. (1972) (533)
- Building resilience. (2011) (530)
- Navigating Into the Future or Driven by the Past (2013) (521)
- Depression and learned helplessness in man. (1975) (502)
- Doing the right thing: Measuring wellbeing for public policy (2011) (495)
- Human Helplessness: Theory and Applications (1980) (486)
- Master resilience training in the U.S. Army. (2011) (474)
- Prevention of Depressive Symptoms in Schoolchildren: Two-Year Follow-Up (1995) (471)
- Depression and learned helplessness. (1974) (469)
- Learned helplessness in the rat. (1975) (453)
- Unpredictable and Uncontrollable Aversive Events (1971) (447)
- Psychological Language on Twitter Predicts County-Level Heart Disease Mortality (2015) (417)
- Flourish : a new understanding of happiness and well-being - and how to achieve them (2011) (410)
- Learned helplessness at fifty: Insights from neuroscience. (2016) (394)
- Prevention that works for children and youth. An introduction. (2003) (388)
- Positive predictors of teacher effectiveness (2009) (386)
- Character strengths in fifty-four nations and the fifty US states (2006) (386)
- Chronic fear produced by unpredictable electric shock. (1968) (376)
- A balanced psychology and a full life. (2004) (370)
- Comprehensive soldier fitness: building resilience in a challenging institutional context. (2011) (365)
- School-based prevention of depressive symptoms: A randomized controlled study of the effectiveness and specificity of the Penn Resiliency Program. (2007) (360)
- PERMA and the building blocks of well-being (2018) (345)
- Mental health promotion in public health: perspectives and strategies from positive psychology. (2011) (342)
- Learned helplessness, depression, and the attribution of failure. (1976) (340)
- Character strengths predict subjective well-being during adolescence (2011) (297)
- Character Strengths Before and After September 11 (2003) (292)
- Language in the two-year old (1976) (284)
- Strengths of character and posttraumatic growth. (2008) (283)
- Learned helplessness in the rat: time course, immunization, and reversibility. (1975) (280)
- Explanatory style and illness. (1987) (272)
- Alleviation of learned helplessness in the dog. (1968) (272)
- Pursuit of pleasure, engagement, and meaning: Relationships to subjective and objective measures of well-being (2010) (271)
- Zest and work (2009) (265)
- Greater strengths of character and recovery from illness (2006) (259)
- The Engine of Well-Being (2012) (255)
- Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS): Adaptation and Validation of the German Version and the Development of a Peer-Rating Form (2010) (255)
- Tumor rejection in rats after inescapable or escapable shock. (1982) (248)
- Characterizing Geographic Variation in Well-Being Using Tweets (2013) (243)
- Reversal of performance deficits and perceptual deficits in learned helplessness and depression. (1976) (242)
- The prevention of depression and anxiety. (1999) (239)
- Optimism and Fundamentalism (1993) (231)
- A cognitive theory of avoidance learning. (1973) (228)
- Learned Helplessness and Victimization (1983) (224)
- Explanatory Style as a Mechanism of Disappointing Athletic Performance (1990) (224)
- Depression and the perception of reinforcement. (1973) (223)
- Group prevention of depression and anxiety symptoms. (2007) (218)
- Optimism, Pessimism, And Explanatory Style (2001) (215)
- Dialectical behavior therapy. (2002) (210)
- Character strengths in the United Kingdom: The VIA Inventory of Strengths (2007) (205)
- Preventing depressive symptoms in Chinese children. (2002) (197)
- Science as an ally of practice. (1996) (192)
- The Prevention of Depressive Symptoms in Low-Income Minority Middle School Students (2002) (187)
- Explanatory style across the life span: evidence for stability over 52 years. (1989) (181)
- Positive Psychological Well-Being and Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Health Promotion Series. (2018) (180)
- Convergence of Character Strengths in American and Japanese Young Adults (2006) (166)
- School-Based Prevention Of Depression And Anxiety Symptoms In Early Adolescence: A Pilot Of A Parent Intervention Component (2006) (166)
- Using wellbeing for public policy: Theory, measurement, and recommendations (2016) (162)
- Sex differences in depression and explanatory style in children (1991) (162)
- The prevention of depressive symptoms in low-income, minority children: two-year follow-up. (2007) (159)
- Are Americans more Optimistic than the Chinese? (1997) (158)
- Positive Psychology: A Personal History. (2019) (156)
- Seeing the glass half full: A review of the causes and consequences of optimism (2012) (153)
- Reply to Comments (2013) (152)
- Explanatory style and cell-mediated immunity in elderly men and women. (1991) (149)
- Ethnopolitical warfare: Causes, consequences, and possible solutions. (2001) (141)
- What You Can Change and What You Can't: The Complete Guide to Successful Self-Improvement (1993) (138)
- Comment and integration. (1978) (134)
- Strengths of character and well-being: A closer look at hope and modesty (2004) (132)
- From Helplessness to Optimism: The Role of Resilience in Treating and Preventing Depression in Youth (2013) (128)
- Pessimistic Explanatory Style in the Historical Record: CAVing LBJ, Presidential Candidates, and East Versus West Berlin (1988) (126)
- Explanatory style change during cognitive therapy for unipolar depression. (1988) (124)
- Catastrophizing and Untimely Death (1998) (122)
- The Hopelessness Theory of Depression: A Test of the Diathesis-Stress Component in the Interpersonal and Achievement Domains (2000) (121)
- Predicting Individual Well-Being Through the Language of Social Media (2016) (121)
- Comprehensive Soldier Fitness and the future of psychology. (2011) (118)
- Treating and preventing adolescent mental health disorders: What We Know and What We Don't Know. A Research Agenda for Improving the Mental Health of Our Youth (2005) (109)
- Women are Warmer but No Less Assertive than Men: Gender and Language on Facebook (2016) (107)
- Evaluation of a Group Cognitive-Behavioral Depression Prevention Program for Young Adolescents: A Randomized Effectiveness Trial (2012) (104)
- Learned helplessness, depression, and anxiety. (1975) (103)
- Prevention That Works for Children and Youth (2003) (102)
- Why Is There So Much Depression Today? The Waxing of the Individual and the Waning of the Commons (1990) (102)
- Depression and prospection. (2016) (100)
- Can happiness be taught? (2004) (99)
- Beyond Money: Progress on an Economy of Well-Being (2018) (94)
- Depression Prevention for Early Adolescent Girls (2006) (92)
- Chronic fear and ulcers in rats as a function of the unpredictability of safety. (1970) (90)
- Strengths and Satisfaction Across the Adult Lifespan (2003) (81)
- Cognitive therapy and the prevention of depression (1992) (81)
- On the Cognitive Component of Learned Helplessness and Depression1 (1979) (81)
- The Online Social Self (2014) (80)
- Pessimistic Rumination Predicts Defeat of Presidential Candidates, 1900 to 1984 (1990) (79)
- Explanatory Style Change During Cognitive Therapy for Unipolar Depression (1988) (77)
- The Attributional Style Questionnaire1 (1982) (76)
- Control group and conditioning: A comment on operationism. (1969) (72)
- Gender, Anxiety, and Depressive Symptoms (2008) (70)
- Preventing Co‐Occurring Depression Symptoms in Adolescents with Conduct Problems (2006) (69)
- Problem-solving deficits and depressive symptoms among children (1983) (67)
- Happiest People Revisited (2018) (67)
- Attributions and depressive mood shifts: A case study using the symptom–context model. (1983) (63)
- Toward Personality Insights from Language Exploration in Social Media (2013) (62)
- Cognitive Style Predictors of Affect Change in Older Adults (2002) (60)
- From "Sooo excited!!!" to "So proud": using language to study development. (2014) (58)
- Chris Peterson’s unfinished masterwork: The real mental illnesses (2015) (58)
- Why Lawyers Are Unhappy (2005) (56)
- Living in the Past, Present, and Future: Measuring Temporal Orientation With Language. (2017) (54)
- The APA 1998 Annual Report. (1999) (53)
- Pessimism and behavioural signs of depression in East versus West Berlin (1990) (53)
- CS redundancy and secondary punishment. (1966) (51)
- Reversal of cognitive and affective deficits associated with depression and learned helplessness by mood elevation in patients. (1980) (51)
- A test of integration of the activation hypothesis and the diathesis-stress component of the hopelessness theory of depression. (2004) (50)
- The prediction and prevention of depression. (1998) (50)
- Explanatory style and health (1987) (48)
- The Factor Structure of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS): An Item-Level Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) Bifactor Analysis (2017) (46)
- Frustation and learned helplessness. (1975) (46)
- Beyond Depression: Towards a Process-Based Approach to Research, Diagnosis, and Treatment. (2011) (45)
- The Science and Practice of Self-Control (2017) (43)
- Positive Cardiovascular Health: A Timely Convergence. (2016) (43)
- Physical health following a cognitive–behavioral intervention. (1999) (42)
- Prevention of Eating Disorders (2005) (40)
- Competing theories of panic. (1988) (39)
- Optimism, pessimism, and mortality. (2000) (38)
- Primal World Beliefs (2019) (37)
- Explanatory Style: History and Evolution of the Field (2014) (36)
- The Hope of Fundamentalists (1994) (36)
- Doors opening: A mechanism for growth after adversity (2015) (36)
- Military Aggression and Risk Predicted by Explanatory Style (1994) (34)
- Preventing adolescents' externalizing and internalizing symptoms: Effects of the Penn Resiliency Program. (2013) (34)
- Extracting Human Temporal Orientation from Facebook Language (2015) (34)
- Learned mastery in the rat. (1983) (34)
- Motivation and personality: The explanatory style scoring manual (1992) (33)
- From Helplessness to Optimism (2005) (31)
- Learned Helplessness in the Rat: Retention and Immunization. (1976) (31)
- Explanatory style, helplessness, and depression. (1991) (30)
- Conditioned drinking and its failure to extinguish: avoidance, preparedness, or functional autonomy? (1970) (29)
- Learned helplessness as a model of depression. Comment and integration. (1978) (29)
- The Person-Event Data Environment: leveraging big data for studies of psychological strengths in soldiers (2013) (29)
- Power and powerlessness: Comments on “Cognates of personal control’ (1992) (27)
- The U.S. Army Person-Event Data Environment: A Military-Civilian Big Data Enterprise (2015) (27)
- Unpacking Intuition: A Conjecture (2009) (26)
- Choosing the Right Words: Characterizing and Reducing Error of the Word Count Approach (2013) (25)
- Closed and Open Vocabulary Approaches to Text Analysis: A Review, Quantitative Comparison, and Recommendations (2020) (25)
- Initial Validation of the U.S. Army Global Assessment Tool (2016) (24)
- Real Men Don’t Say “Cute” (2016) (24)
- Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (2017) (23)
- A creditable beginning. (1996) (23)
- The state of positive education (2017) (21)
- Role of shock intensity in the learned helplessness paradigm (1978) (19)
- Measure for Measure: The case for a national well-being index (2007) (19)
- Self-serving biases in causal attributions as a function of altered activation asymmetry. (1989) (19)
- Learned Optimism In Children (1999) (18)
- [Development of the Japanese version of the Values In Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS)]. (2005) (18)
- Closed- and open-vocabulary approaches to text analysis: A review, quantitative comparison, and recommendations. (2021) (18)
- Poisoning and conditioned drinking. (1972) (17)
- The Measurement of Explanatory Style (2014) (17)
- Debilitated shock escape is produced by both short- and long-duration inescapable shock: Learned helplessness vs. learned inactivity (1979) (16)
- Defining Depression and Bipolar Disorder (2005) (16)
- The Language of Religious Affiliation (2018) (16)
- Comparison of Cardiovascular Health Between US Army and Civilians (2019) (15)
- Helping American soldiers in time of war: Reply to comments on the comprehensive soldier fitness special issue. (2011) (15)
- Development of character strengths across the deployment cycle among U.S. Army soldiers. (2020) (14)
- Sports and Explanatory Style (2013) (14)
- Mattering is an indicator of organizational health and employee success (2019) (14)
- Conditioned drinking produced by procaine, NaCl, and angiotensin. (1971) (14)
- Sports and Explanatory Style (2013) (14)
- Failure to escape shock following repeated exposure to inescapable shock (1976) (13)
- Optimism and risk of incident hypertension: a target for primordial prevention (2020) (13)
- Attributional Style and Life Events: A Diathesis-Stress Theory of Alcohol Consumption (2000) (13)
- The impact of actively open-minded thinking on social media communication (2018) (13)
- Explanatory Style in Anxiety and Depression (2014) (13)
- Part II: Learned helplessness (1980) (13)
- Lessons learned from a life in psychological science: Implications for young scientists. (1999) (12)
- Positive Health and Health Assets: Re-analysis of Longitudinal Datasets (2013) (12)
- Reprint of: Positive Psychological Well-Being and Cardiovascular Disease: JACC Health Promotion Series. (2018) (11)
- Real Men Don’t Say ‘‘Cute’’: Using Automatic Language Analysis to Isolate Inaccurate Aspects of Stereotypes (2016) (11)
- Defining eating disorders. (2005) (11)
- Enhancing the Hopes and Performance of Elite Athletes Through Optimism Skills (2002) (10)
- More Evidence that Twitter Language Predicts Heart Disease: A Response and Replication (2018) (10)
- The Research, Policy, and Practice Context for Delivery of Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatments for Adolescents: A Systems Perspective (2005) (10)
- Metatraits and cognitive assessment: Application to attributional style and depressive symptoms (1995) (10)
- Explanatory Style and Coronary Heart Disease (2013) (9)
- Agency in Greco-Roman philosophy (2020) (9)
- Protective Effects of Psychological Strengths Against Psychiatric Disorders Among Soldiers. (2018) (9)
- Phobias and Preparedness - Republished Article. (2016) (8)
- Promoting human strengths and corporate competencies: A cognitive training model. (2000) (8)
- The real mental illnesses: Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (1959-2013) in memoriam. (2014) (7)
- Regional personality assessment through social media language. (2021) (7)
- Defining Anxiety Disorders (2005) (7)
- The Hope Circuit: A Psychologist's Journey from Helplessness to Optimism (2018) (7)
- Dispositional Pessimism Across the Lifespan (2008) (7)
- Happy Soldiers are Highest Performers (2021) (7)
- Development of character strengths across the deployment cycle among U.S. Army soldiers (2020) (7)
- 'Abnormal fixations' and 'learned helplessness': inescapable shock as a weanling impairs adult discrimination learning in rats. (1979) (7)
- Prevention of Depression and Bipolar Disorder (2005) (7)
- Drinking: Discriminative conditioning in the rat (1970) (7)
- Reply to Malone. (1973) (6)
- The American Treatment System for Adolescent Substance Abuse: Formidable Challenges, Fundamental Revisions, and Mechanisms for Improvements (2005) (6)
- Beliefs about Responsibility and Improvement Associated with Liberal-Conservative Justice Beliefs (1999) (6)
- The Role Of Positive Psychology In Child, Adolescent, And Family Development (2003) (6)
- The Hoffman report, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the defense of the nation: A personal view (2018) (6)
- The Role of Primary Care Physicians in Detection and Treatment of Adolescent Mental Health Problems (2005) (6)
- Defining Youth Suicide (2005) (5)
- Attributional Style Questionnaire (2011) (5)
- Comment on "Priorities for prevention research at NIMH." (2001) (5)
- Organizational Resilience: Uniting Leadership and Enhancing Sustainability (2012) (5)
- Conditioned drinking as avoidance learning. (1975) (5)
- Curiosity [Interest, Novelty-Seeking, Openness to Experience]. (2004) (5)
- What Is Explanatory Style?@@@Explanatory Style (1996) (4)
- 11 Creativity and Aging : What We Can Make With What We Have Left (2016) (4)
- The Observational Evaluation of Subjective Well‐Being in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (2009) (4)
- Association Between Predeployment Optimism and Onset of Postdeployment Pain in US Army Soldiers (2019) (4)
- Non transien t learned helplessness I (1970) (4)
- Depression: Learned helplessness and depression. (1977) (4)
- CuYFan & Eamm * nts What Do We Know about Depression ? Part 1 : Etiology (4)
- Comment on Rippere's review (1977) (3)
- Trial by Internet: cybercascades and the Lilienfeld case. (2002) (3)
- "Transcending the efficacy versus effectiveness research debate": Commentary. (2000) (3)
- Comment on McKeever and Forrin (1966) (3)
- Christopher M. Peterson (1950-2012). (2013) (3)
- Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder (2005) (3)
- Research Agenda for Schizophrenia (2005) (2)
- Explanatory Style and Achievement in School and Work (2014) (2)
- Constructive journalism and Moyers’ dictum * (2019) (2)
- Beliefs About Responsibility and Improvement Associated With Success Among Korean American Immigrants (1999) (2)
- Harris on selective misrepresentation: A selective misrepresentation of Seligman. (1980) (2)
- Afterword: The Future of the Field (2013) (1)
- Defining Substance Use Disorders (2005) (1)
- Treatment becomes Prevention & Treatment. (1998) (1)
- Research Agenda for Depression and Bipolar Disorder (2005) (1)
- God comes at the end. (2014) (1)
- Prevention of Anxiety Disorders (2005) (1)
- Prevention of Substance Use Disorders (2005) (1)
- Treatment of Eating Disorders (2005) (1)
- My three heavyweight bouts with behaviorism (2019) (1)
- Flourishing as a Goal of International Policy (2014) (1)
- Steen Happiness Index (2012) (1)
- PTSD: Catastrophizing in Combat as Risk and Protection (2019) (1)
- Robert A. Rescorla (1940-2020). (2021) (1)
- Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire (2012) (1)
- Values in Action Inventory of Strengths—German Version and Peer Rating Form (2011) (1)
- An open vocabulary approach to personality: (514472015-699) (2014) (1)
- Learning to be Helpless (1996) (1)
- Research Agenda for Anxiety Disorders (2005) (1)
- Agency in ancient China (2021) (1)
- Countering Lawyer Unhappiness: Pessimism, Decision Latitude and the Zero-Sum Dilemma (2000) (1)
- Afterword: The Future of the Field (2013) (1)
- Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire (2014) (1)
- A Guide to Constructs of (1996) (1)
- A "Comments and Discussion" section for Prevention & Treatment. (2000) (0)
- Religiousness Measure 1993 (1999) (0)
- From helplessness to controllability: toward a neuroscience of resilience (2023) (0)
- The shift from a focus on pathology to potential; from illness to wellness; and from treatment to prevention; lies at the foundation of integrative medicine. In the field of Psychiatry, this requires practitioners to study (2016) (0)
- Good News For Psychotherapy: The "Consumer Reports" Study: (404672005-011) (1996) (0)
- Humor 1 VALUES IN ACTION (VIA) CLASSIFICATION OF STRENGTH Chapter: 3.22. Humor (2002) (0)
- Treatment of Substance Use Disorders (2005) (0)
- Universal Approaches to Youth Suicide Prevention (2005) (0)
- Research Report OPTIMISM AND FUNDAMENTALISM (2005) (0)
- Lucid Molar Behaviorism for the Introductory Student. (1971) (0)
- Targeted Youth Suicide Prevention Programs (2005) (0)
- Correlation values of LIWC categories with gender, age, and the five factor model of personality. (2013) (0)
- TITLE A Comparison of Positive Outcome Expectancies : A Review of the Theories of (2012) (0)
- Explanatory Style and Achievement, Depression, and Gender Differences in Childhood and Early Adolescence (2013) (0)
- Explanatory Style and Achievement, Depression, and Gender Differences in Childhood and Early Adolescence (2013) (0)
- MentalHealthPromotioninPublicHealth:PerspectivesandStrategies FromPositivePsychology (2011) (0)
- Beck Cognitive Schema Depression (2015) (0)
- Dialogue. Aiming at the moving target: how much outpatient psychotherapy is enough? (1996) (0)
- Part VI: Reply to Weiss' statements (1980) (0)
- Learned helplessness. (1972) (0)
- Fostering Resilience: References & Readings (2012) (0)
- The Optimistic child / Martin E.P. Seligman (1995) (0)
- Big Money, Big Science, Big Names, and the Flourishing of Positive Psychology (2011) (0)
- Preventive Interventions and Treatments for Suicidal Youth (2005) (0)
- Psychological history and predicting the future (2022) (0)
- BRIEF R EPORT Strengths of Character and Posttraumatic Growth (2008) (0)
- Prevention of Schizophrenia (2005) (0)
- A longitudinal study on the relationship between exercise and psychological well-being Meaningfulness in life among HIV positive patients: Implications for enhancing subjective wellbeing stress management technique for stress reduction get optimum autonomic well-being: Building bridges between Buddh (2021) (0)
- Study of Early Adolescents Gender , Anxiety , and Depressive Symptoms : A Longitudinal (2009) (0)
- Research Agenda for Substance Use Disorders (2005) (0)
- Prevention & Treatment (1997-2003) R.I.P. (2003) (0)
- Research Agenda for Youth Suicide Prevention (2005) (0)
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Automatic Personality Assessment Through Social Media Language (2014) (0)
- Richard Lester Solomon (1918-1995): Obituary. (1997) (0)
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