Masataka Nakazawa
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Japanese physicist
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Masataka Nakazawa's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Tokyo
- Masters Physics University of Tokyo
- Bachelors Physics University of Tokyo
Why Is Masataka Nakazawa Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Masataka Nakazawa is a Japanese researcher in optical communication engineering. He is a distinguished professor at Tohoku University in Japan. His pioneering work on erbium-doped fiber amplifier has made a significant contribution to the development of global long-distance, high-capacity optical fiber network.
Masataka Nakazawa's Published Works
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Published Works
- 1.28 Tbit/s-70 km OTDM transmission using third- and fourth-order simultaneous dispersion compensation with a phase modulator (2000) (376)
- 10 Gbit/s soliton data transmission over one million kilometres (1991) (327)
- Ultrastable harmonically and regeneratively modelocked polarisation-maintaining erbium fibre ring laser (1994) (240)
- Ultrahigh-speed "orthogonal" TDM transmission with an optical Nyquist pulse train. (2012) (229)
- Parabolic pulse generation by use of a dispersion-decreasing fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion. (2004) (218)
- Efficient Er3+‐doped optical fiber amplifier pumped by a 1.48 μm InGaAsP laser diode (1989) (180)
- Long-term measurement of optical frequencies using a simple, robust and low-noise fiber based frequency comb. (2006) (166)
- Ultrafast nonlinear optical loop mirror for demultiplexing 640 Gbit/s TDM signals (1998) (161)
- Detection and sequences of the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin 1 gene in enterotoxigenic E. coli strains isolated from piglets and calves with diarrhea (1997) (143)
- TDM single channel 640 Gbit/s transmission experiment over 60 km using 400 fs pulse train and walk-off free, dispersion flattened nonlinear optical loop mirror (1998) (141)
- Pulse compression by nonlinear pulse evolution with reduced optical wave breaking in erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. (1996) (138)
- 80〜200 GHz erbium doped fibre laser using a rational harmonic mode-locking technique (1996) (136)
- Supermode noise suppression in a harmonically modelocked fibre laser by selfphase modulation and spectral filtering (1996) (135)
- Disaster-resilient networking: a new vision based on movable and deployable resource units (2013) (134)
- Experimental demonstration of soliton data transmission over unlimited distances with soliton control in time and frequency domains (1993) (129)
- Fundamentals of stable continuum generation at high repetition rates (2000) (120)
- Coherence Degradation in the Process of Supercontinuum Generation in an Optical Fiber (1998) (117)
- Optical soliton communication in a positively and negatively dispersion-allocated optical fibre transmission line (1995) (113)
- Rayleigh backscattering theory for single-mode optical fibers (1983) (111)
- Recent progress in soliton transmission technology. (2000) (103)
- 640-Gbit/s optical TDM transmission over 92 km through a dispersion-managed fiber consisting of single-mode fiber and "reverse dispersion fiber" (2000) (100)
- Low-threshold 115-GHz continuous-wave modulational-instability erbium-doped fiber laser. (1997) (99)
- Dispersion tuning of a linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating without a center wavelength shift by applying a strain gradient (1998) (97)
- Low threshold, 290 fs erbium‐doped fiber laser with a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror pumped by InGaAsP laser diodes (1991) (96)
- 2048 QAM (66 Gbit/s) single-carrier coherent optical transmission over 150 km with a potential SE of 15.3 bit/s/Hz (2014) (96)
- Ideal distortion-free transmission using optical Fourier transformation and Fourier transform-limited optical pulses (2004) (95)
- A 40-GHz 850-fs regeneratively FM mode-locked polarization-maintaining erbium fiber ring laser (2000) (93)
- A 40-GHz 0.9-ps regeneratively mode-locked fiber laser with a tuning range of 1530-1560 nm (1999) (91)
- Ultrahigh-speed long-distance TDM and WDM soliton transmission technologies (2000) (91)
- Dispersion-tuned harmonically mode-locked fiber ring laser for self-synchronization to an external clock. (1996) (91)
- 1024 QAM (60 Gbit/s) single-carrier coherent optical transmission over 150 km. (2012) (89)
- High Spectral Density Optical Communication Technologies (2010) (84)
- 10.16-Peta-B/s Dense SDM/WDM Transmission Over 6-Mode 19-Core Fiber Across the C+L Band (2018) (82)
- Soliton transmission control in time and frequency domains (1993) (78)
- Polymer saturable absorber materials in the 1.5 microm band using poly-methyl-methacrylate and polystyrene with single-wall carbon nanotubes and their application to a femtosecond laser. (2006) (77)
- Soliton amplification and transmission with Er/sup 3+/-doped fibre repeater pumped by GaInAsP diode (1989) (76)
- 256-QAM (64 Gb/s) Coherent Optical Transmission Over 160 km With an Optical Bandwidth of 5.4 GHz (2010) (75)
- 20 msymbol/s, 64 and 128 QAM coherent optical transmission over 525km using heterodyne detection with frequency-stabilised laser (2006) (75)
- Generation of 98fs optical pulses directly from an erbium-doped fibre ring laser at 1-57/spl mu/m (1993) (74)
- Ideal phase-locked-loop (PLL) operation of a 10 GHz erbium-doped fibre laser using regenerative modelocking as an optical voltage controlled oscillator (1997) (72)
- Random evolution and coherence degradation of a high-order optical soliton train in the presence of noise. (1999) (69)
- Transform-limited pulse generation in the gigahertz region from a gain-switched distributed-feedback laser diode using spectral windowing. (1990) (69)
- Long-distance optical soliton transmission with lumped amplifiers (1990) (64)
- Performance improvement of an acetylene (C2H2) frequency-stabilized fiber laser (2006) (62)
- The modulational instability laser. I. Experiment (1989) (61)
- Generation of a 170 fs, 10 GHz transform-limited pulse train at 1.55 mu m using a dispersion-decreasing, erbium-doped active soliton compressor (1994) (60)
- Femtosecond erbium‐doped optical fiber amplifier (1990) (59)
- 40-Gbit/s single-channel optical soliton transmission over 70000 km using in-line synchronous modulation and optical filtering (1998) (58)
- 64 and 128 coherent QAM optical transmission over 150 km using frequency-stabilized laser and heterodyne PLL detection. (2008) (58)
- Measurement of the timing jitter and pulse energy fluctuation of a PLL regeneratively mode-locked fiber laser (1999) (57)
- Highly efficient Raman amplification in a polarization‐preserving optical fiber (1985) (56)
- Marked increase in the power margin through the use of a dispersion-allocated soliton (1996) (56)
- Laser diode‐pumped femtosecond erbium‐doped fiber laser with a sub‐ring cavity for repetition rate control (1992) (56)
- Infinite-distance soliton transmission with soliton controls in time and frequency domains (1992) (55)
- 10 GHz, 2ps regeneratively and harmonically FM mode-locked erbium fibre ring laser (1996) (55)
- Ultrahigh-speed optical transmission technology (2007) (55)
- Measurement of mode coupling distribution along a few-mode fiber using a synchronous multi-channel OTDR (2014) (53)
- Femtosecond optical soliton transmission over long distances using adiabatic trapping and soliton standardization (1991) (52)
- 54-fs, 10-GHz soliton generation from a polarization-maintaining dispersion-flattened dispersion-decreasing fiber pulse compressor. (2001) (51)
- Optical phase fluctuations thermally induced in a single-mode optical fiber. (1982) (51)
- High sensitivity waveform measurement with optical sampling using quasi-phasematched mixing in LiNbO3 waveguide (2001) (50)
- QAM quantum stream cipher using digital coherent optical transmission. (2014) (50)
- 400 Gbit/s 256 QAM-OFDM transmission over 720 km with a 14 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency by using high-resolution FDE. (2013) (50)
- An efficient 0.04-nm apodized fiber Bragg grating and its application to narrow-band spectral filtering (1997) (49)
- Spectral-smoothing and pedestal reduction of wavelength tunable quasi-adiabatically compressed femtosecond solitons using a dispersion-flattened dispersion-imbalanced loop mirror (1999) (49)
- 10 Gbit/s pseudorandom dark soliton data transmission over 1200 km (1995) (49)
- 46.5 dB gain in Er3+-doped fibre amplifier pumped by 1.48 μm GaInAsP laser diodes (1989) (48)
- 512 QAM (54 Gbit/s) coherent optical transmission over 150 km with an optical bandwidth of 4.1 GHz (2010) (48)
- Highly dispersion-tolerant 160 Gbaud optical Nyquist pulse TDM transmission over 525 km. (2012) (48)
- Analyses of coherence-maintained ultrashort optical pulse trains and supercontinuum generation in the presence of soliton–amplified spontaneous-emission interaction (1999) (47)
- Time-domain ABCD matrix formalism for laser mode-locking and optical pulse transmission (1998) (46)
- Continuum suppressed, uniformly repetitive 136 fs pulse generation from an erbium-doped fibre laser with nonlinear polarisation rotation (1993) (46)
- Highly efficient four-wave mixing in an optical fiber with intensity dependent phase matching (1997) (45)
- 1-Gsymbol/s 64-QAM Coherent Optical Transmission Over 150 km (2007) (45)
- 3.2-5 Gb/s, 100 km error-free soliton transmission with erbium amplifiers and repeaters (1990) (43)
- Theory of the fiber Raman soliton laser (1987) (41)
- Partial soliton communication system (1992) (41)
- 160 Gbit/s WDM (20 Gbit/s x 8 channels) soliton transmission over 10,000 km using in-line synchronous modulation and optical filtering (1997) (41)
- The Nyquist laser (2014) (41)
- Solitons for breaking barriers to terabit/second WDM and OTDM transmission in the next millennium (2000) (40)
- Highly efficient tunable fiber Bragg grating filters using multilayer piezoelectric transducers (2001) (40)
- Measurements of polarization mode couplings along polarization-maintaining single-mode optical fibers (1984) (39)
- Adaptive dispersion slope equalizer using a nonlinearly chirped fiber Bragg grating pair with a novel dispersion detection technique (2002) (39)
- 250 km nonrepeated transmission experiment at 1.8 Gb/s using LD pumped Er/sup 3+/-doped fibre amplifiers in IM/direct detection system (1989) (39)
- Pulse energy equalization in harmonically FM mode-locked lasers with slow gain. (1996) (39)
- Generation of a pseudorandom dark soliton data train and its coherent detection by one-bit-shifting with a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (1995) (39)
- A passively mode-locked femtosecond soliton fiber laser at 1.5 µm with a CNT-doped polycarbonate saturable absorber (2008) (39)
- 160 Gbit/s soliton data transmission over 200 km (1995) (38)
- Optical adaptive equalization of high-speed signals using time-domain optical Fourier transformation (2006) (38)
- Third- and fourth-order active dispersion compensation with a phase modulator in a terabit-per-second optical time-division multiplexed transmission. (2001) (38)
- Active transmission line: light amplification by backward-stimulated Raman scattering in polarization-maintaining optical fiber (1984) (38)
- 256 QAM (64 Gbit/s) coherent optical transmission over 160 km with an optical bandwidth of 5.4 GHz (2010) (37)
- 20 GHz, 1.8 ps pulse generation from a regeneratively modelocked erbium-doped fibre laser and its femtosecond pulse compression (1995) (37)
- Dynamic optical soliton communication (1990) (37)
- Single-channel 40 Gbit/s digital coherent QAM quantum noise stream cipher transmission over 480 km. (2016) (37)
- Low loss photonic crystal fiber fabricated by slurry casting method (2012) (37)
- Reduction of amplified spontaneous emission from a transmitted soliton signal using a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror and a nonlinear optical loop mirror (1994) (36)
- Linear and nonlinear propagation of optical Nyquist pulses in fibers. (2012) (35)
- Optimizing power extraction in stretched‐pulse fiber ring lasers (1995) (34)
- Dependence of Raman gain on relative index difference for GeO(2)-doped single-mode fibers. (1985) (34)
- Measurement of polarization mode coupling along a polarization-maintaining optical fiber using a backscattering technique. (1983) (34)
- Photon probe fault locator for single-mode optical fiber using an acoustooptical light deflector (1981) (33)
- Construction of a Dispersion-Allocated Soliton Transmission Line Using Conventional Dispersion-Shifted Nonsoliton Fibers (1995) (33)
- The modulation instability laser. II. Theory (1989) (33)
- Backreflected radiation due to a propagating fiber fuse. (2009) (33)
- All-Optical Demultiplexing of 640-Gb/s OTDM-DPSK Signal Using a Semiconductor SMZ Switch (2009) (32)
- 80 Gbit/s soliton data transmission over 500 km with unequal amplitude solitons for timing clock extraction (1994) (32)
- Wavelength tunable 1.0 ps pulse generation in 1.530-1.555 /spl mu/m region from PLL, regeneratively modelocked fibre laser (1998) (32)
- Theoretical limit of repeater spacing in an optical transmission line utilizing Raman amplification (1986) (32)
- Mode-Hop-Free, Optical Frequency Tunable 40-GHz Mode-Locked Fiber Laser (2007) (31)
- Q-factor contour mapping for evaluation of optical transmission systems: soliton against NRZ against RZ pulse at zero group velocity dispersion (1996) (31)
- Wavelength multiple soliton amplification and transmission with an Er3+‐doped optical fiber (1989) (31)
- Generation and transmission of optical solitons in the gigahertz region using a directly modulated distributed-feedback laser diode. (1990) (31)
- Soliton transmission in telecommunication networks (1994) (30)
- Measurement and analysis on polarization properties of backward Rayleigh scattering for single-mode optical fibers (1981) (30)
- 10 Gbit/s, 10600 km, dispersion-allocated soliton transmission using conventional 1.3 /spl mu/m single-mode fibres (1997) (30)
- 640 Gbaud (1.28 Tbit/s/ch) optical Nyquist pulse transmission over 525 km with substantial PMD tolerance. (2013) (30)
- Femtosecond optical pulse generation using a distributed-feedback laser diode (1990) (30)
- 147 fs, 51 MHz soliton fiber laser at 1.56 µm with a fiber-connector-type SWNT/P3HT saturable absorber (2008) (29)
- Generation of 10 GHz pulse trains at 16 wavelengths by spectrally slicing a high power femtosecond source (1996) (29)
- Nonlinear pulse transmission through an optical fiber at zero-average group velocity dispersion (1996) (29)
- An optoelectronic self-oscillatory circuit with an optical fiber delayed feedback and its injection locking technique (1984) (29)
- Single-channel 10.2 Tbit/s (2.56 Tbaud) optical Nyquist pulse transmission over 300 km. (2018) (29)
- A 113 fs fiber laser operating at 1.56 mum using a cascadable film-type saturable absorber with P3HT-incorporated single-wall carbon nanotubes coated on polyamide. (2010) (29)
- Physical interpretation of reduction of soliton interaction forces by bandwidth limited amplification (1992) (27)
- Femtosecond 1.4–1.6 μm infrared pulse generation at a high repetition rate by difference frequency generation (1989) (27)
- Nondestructive measurement of mode couplings along a multi-core fiber using a synchronous multi-channel OTDR. (2012) (27)
- The design of dispersion equalizers using chirped fiber Bragg gratings (2000) (27)
- Gaussian and sech approximations of mode field profiles in photonic crystal fibers (2004) (27)
- 65-femtosecond pulse generation from a synchronously pumped dye laser without a colliding-pulse mode-locking technique. (1987) (26)
- 29-fsec pulse generation from a linear-cavity synchronously pumped dye laser. (1988) (25)
- Raman amplification in 1.4–1.5-μm spectral region in polarization-preserving optical fibers (1985) (25)
- Optimized amplification of femtosecond optical pulses by dispersion management for octave-spanning optical frequency comb generation (2008) (25)
- Ultralong dispersion-shifted erbium-doped fiber amplifier and its application to soliton transmission (1990) (25)
- Lasing characteristics of Er3+‐doped silica fibers from 1553 up to 1603 nm (1988) (24)
- Marked extension of diagnosis length in optical time domain reflectometry using 1.32 μm YAG laser (1981) (24)
- All-Optical 40-GHz Time-Domain Fourier Transformation Using XPM With a Dark Parabolic Pulse (2008) (24)
- Research Project to Realize Various High-reliability Communications in Advanced 5G Network (2020) (24)
- Bright and dark 40 GHz parabolic pulse generation using a picosecond optical pulse train and an arrayed waveguide grating. (2008) (24)
- Novel RZ-CW conversion scheme for ultra multi-level, high-speed coherent OTDM transmission (2011) (24)
- Generation of terabit per second optical data pulse train (1995) (23)
- Single-channel 3.84 Tbit/s, 64 QAM coherent Nyquist pulse transmission over 150 km with a spectral efficiency of 10.6 bit/s/Hz. (2014) (23)
- 40-Gb/s RZ transmission over transoceanic distance in a dispersion managed standard fiber using a new inline synchronous modulation method (2000) (23)
- Optical phase-locked loop for coherent transmission over 500km using heterodyne detection with fiber lasers (2007) (23)
- High-performance TDM demultiplexing of coherent Nyquist pulses using time-domain orthogonality. (2014) (23)
- Challenges to FDM-QAM coherent transmission with ultrahigh spectral efficiency (2008) (23)
- Soliton transmission with long amplifier spacing under soliton control (1993) (22)
- Distortion-free optical transmission using time-domain optical Fourier transformation and transform-limited optical pulses (2005) (22)
- Subpicosecond optical demultiplexing at 10 GHz with zero-dispersion, dispersion-flattened, nonlinear fibre loop mirror controlled by 500 fs gain-switched laser diode (1994) (22)
- 20 Gbit/s soliton transmission over 200 km using erbium-doped fibre repeaters (1990) (22)
- Ultrafast Coherent Optical Transmission (2012) (22)
- Experimental and Numerical Comparison of Probabilistically-Shaped 4096 QAM and Uniformly-Shaped 1024 QAM in All-Raman Amplified 160 km Transmission (2018) (22)
- A polarization-maintaining pedestal-free femtosecond pulse compressor incorporating an ultrafast dispersion-imbalanced nonlinear optical loop mirror (2001) (22)
- Polarisation beat length measurement in a single-mode optical fibre by backward Rayleigh scattering (1981) (21)
- Group delay ripple reduction and reflectivity increase in a chirped fiber Bragg grating by multiple-overwriting of a phase mask with an electron-beam (2000) (21)
- 20-GHz soliton amplification and transmission with an Er(3+)-doped fiber. (1989) (21)
- Soliton transmission at 20 Gbit/s over 2000 km in Tokyo metropolitan optical network (1995) (21)
- Active optical pulse compression with a gain of 29.0 dB by using four-wave mixing in an optical fiber (1997) (21)
- Ultrashort optical pulse transmission characteristics of vertically coupled microring resonator add/drop filter (2001) (21)
- 320 Gbit/s TDM transmission over 120 km using 400 fs pulse train (1998) (21)
- 10 Gb/s transmission over 3 km at 850 nm using single-mode photonic crystal fiber, single-mode VCSEL, and Si-APD (2006) (21)
- Self‐sustained intensity oscillation of a laser diode introduced by a delayed electrical feedback using an optical fiber and an electrical amplifier (1981) (21)
- Polarization-Multiplexed 1 Gsymbol/s, 64 QAM (12 Gbit/s) Coherent Optical Transmission over 150 km with an Optical Bandwidth of 2 GHz (2007) (21)
- Field demonstration of soliton transmission at 10 Gbit/s over 2000 km in Tokyo metropolitan optical loop network (1995) (21)
- An Ultralow Noise and Narrow Linewidth $\lambda/4$-Shifted DFB Er-Doped Fiber Laser With a Ring Cavity Configuration (2007) (21)
- Real time monitoring of a fiber fuse using an optical time-domain reflectometer. (2010) (20)
- 1 Gsymbol/s, 64 QAM coherent optical transmission over 150 km with a spectral efficiency of 3 bit/s/Hz (2007) (20)
- Gain-distribution measurements along an ultralong erbium-doped fiber amplifier using optical-time-domain reflectometry (1990) (20)
- Straight-line soliton data transmissions over 2000 km at 20 Gbit/s and 1000 km at 40 Gbit/s using erbium-doped fibre amplifiers (1993) (20)
- Wavelength‐dependent amplification characteristics of femtosecond erbium‐doped optical fiber amplifiers (1991) (20)
- Efficient multiple visible light generation in a polarization‐preserving optical fiber pumped by a 1.064‐μm yttrium aluminum garnet laser (1984) (19)
- Femtosecond soliton transmission in 18 km-long dispersion-shifted, distributed erbium-doped fibre amplifier (1991) (19)
- Single-Channel 400-Gb/s OTDM-32 RZ/QAM Coherent Transmission Over 225 km Using an Optical Phase-Locked Loop Technique (2010) (19)
- Gain characteristics of erbium-doped fibre amplifiers with high erbium concentration (1992) (19)
- 60 Gbit/s WDM (20 Gbit/s/spl times/3 unequally spaced channels) soliton transmission over 10000 km using in-line synchronous modulation and optical filtering (1996) (19)
- 2.56 Tbit/s/ch polarization-multiplexed DQPSK transmission over 300 km using time-domain optical fourier transformation (2011) (19)
- 640 Gbit/s (40 Gbit/s/spl times/16 channel) dispersion-managed DWDM soliton transmission over 1000 km with spectral efficiency of 0.4 bit/Hz (2000) (19)
- A 10-GHz Optoelectronic Oscillator at 1.1 $\mu$m Using a Single-Mode VCSEL and a Photonic Crystal Fiber (2007) (19)
- Fabrication of non-linearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings for higher-order dispersion compensation (1998) (19)
- 130-km-long fault location for single-mode optical fiber using 1.55-microm Q-switched Er(3+):glass laser. (1984) (19)
- Optical quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) with coherent detection up to 128 states (2009) (19)
- Single-Channel 1.92 Tbit/s, 64 QAM Coherent Nyquist Orthogonal TDM Transmission With a Spectral Efficiency of 10.6 Bit/s/Hz (2016) (18)
- Theory of backward Rayleigh scattering in polarization-maintaining single-mode fibers and its application to polarization optical time domain reflectometry (1983) (18)
- 10 Gbit/s, 1200 km error-free soliton data transmission using erbium-doped fibre amplifiers (1992) (18)
- Effect of stimulated Raman scattering on pulse-compression characteristics. (1987) (18)
- Femtosecond soliton transmission characteristics in an ultralong erbium-doped fiber amplifier with different pumping configurations (1992) (18)
- 512 QAM transmission over 240 km using frequency-domain equalization in a digital coherent receiver. (2012) (18)
- 440 fs, 9.2 GHz regeneratively mode-locked erbium fiber laser with a combination of higher-order solitons and a SESAM saturable absorber. (2016) (18)
- Observation of guided acoustic-wave Brillouin scattering noise and its compensation in digital coherent optical fiber transmission. (2018) (18)
- Self-Q-Switching and mode locking in a 1.53-Mum fiber ring laser with saturable absorption in erbium-doped fiber at 4.2 K. (1993) (17)
- Optimum fiber dispersion for two-step dispersion-allocated optical soliton, RZ at zero GVD and NRZ systems (1997) (17)
- Fabrication of high-quality long-fiber Bragg grating by monitoring 3.1-eV radiation (400 nm) from GeO defects (1996) (17)
- Subpicosecond soliton amplification and transmission using Er(3+)-doped fibers pumped by InGaAsP laser diodes. (1989) (17)
- A 10-GHz Optoelectronic Oscillator at 850 nm Using a Single-Mode VCSEL and a Photonic Crystal Fiber (2007) (17)
- Marked performance improvement of 256 QAM transmission using a digital back-propagation method. (2012) (17)
- 40 Gbit/s return-to-zero transmission over 500 km of standard fiber using chirped fiber Bragg gratings with small group delay ripples (2001) (17)
- Single-channel 15.3 Tbit/s, 64 QAM coherent Nyquist pulse transmission over 150 km with a spectral efficiency of 8.3 bit/s/Hz. (2019) (17)
- Phase-sensitive detection on Lorentzian line shape and its application to frequency stabilization of lasers (1986) (17)
- Very low group delay ripple characteristics of fibre Bragg grating with chirp induced by an S-curve bending technique (2001) (17)
- Polarization-multiplexed 1 Gsymbol/s, 128 QAM (14 Gbit/s) coherent optical transmission over 160 km using a 1.4 GHz Nyquist filter (2008) (16)
- Toward terabit/s single-channel transmission (1999) (16)
- 80 Gbit/s, 256 QAM coherent transmission over 150 km with an injection-locked homodyne receiver. (2015) (16)
- 40-Gb/s RZ transmission over a transoceanic distance in a dispersion managed standard fiber using a modified inline synchronous modulation method (2000) (16)
- Cesium optical atomic clock: an optical pulse that tells the time. (2001) (16)
- Straight-line soliton data transmission at 20 Gbit/s beyond Gordon-Haus limit (1994) (16)
- Single-channel 80 Gbit/s soliton transmission over 10000 km using in-line synchronous modulation (1999) (16)
- 160 Gbit/s (80 Gbit/s/spl times/2 channels) WDM soliton transmission over 10000 km using in-line synchronous modulation (1999) (16)
- Analyses of optical time-domain reflectometry for single-mode fibers and of polarization optical time-domain reflectometry for polarization-maintaining fibers. (1983) (16)
- 1.5μm, mode-hop-free full C-band wavelength tunable laser diode with a linewidth of 8 kHz and a RIN of -130 dB/Hz and its extension to the L-band. (2017) (16)
- Timing jitter of solitons compressed in dispersion-decreasing fibers. (1998) (16)
- 42.3 Tbit/s, 18 Gbaud 64 QAM WDM coherent transmission over 160 km in the C-band using an injection-locked homodyne receiver with a spectral efficiency of 9 bit/s/Hz. (2017) (16)
- High gain Er/sup 3+/-doped fibre amplifier pumped by 820 nm GaAlAs laser diodes (1990) (16)
- 160 Gbit/s WDM (20 Gbit/s × 8 channels) soliton transmission over 10000 km using in-line synchronous modulation and optical filtering (1997) (15)
- 131 fs, 33 MHz all-fiber soliton laser at 1.07 microm with a film-type SWNT saturable absorber coated on polyimide. (2010) (15)
- Ultra high speed soliton transmission in the presence of polarization mode dispersion using in-line synchronous modulation (1999) (15)
- Configuration of the optical transmission line using stimulated Raman scattering for signal light amplification (1986) (15)
- Real-time FPGA-based coherent optical receiver for 1 Gsymbol/s, 64 QAM transmission (2011) (15)
- The use of a Nyquist filter for reducing an optical signal bandwidth in a coherent QAM optical transmission (2008) (15)
- Generation of 1.2 ps, 10 GHz pulse train from all-optically modelocked, erbium fibre ring laser with active nonlinear polarisation rotation (1994) (15)
- 10 GHz, 1.1 ps optical pulse generation from a regeneratively mode-locked Yb fiber laser in the 1.1 μm band. (2011) (15)
- 1.6 ps pulse generation from a 1.3 mu m Pr/sup 3+/-doped fluoride fibre laser (1993) (15)
- Broadband light generation by femtosecond pulse amplification with stimulated Raman scattering in a high-power erbium-doped fiber amplifier. (1995) (15)
- Efficient optical pulse compression using a pair of Brewster-angled TeO 2 crystal prisms (1988) (15)
- The second and third order dispersion compensation of picosecond pulses achieved by combining two nonlinearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings (1999) (15)
- High sensitivity waveform measurement of 160 Gbit/s signal with optical sampling using quasi-phasematched mixing in LiNbO/sub 3/ waveguide (2001) (15)
- Theory of the synchronously pumped fiber Raman laser (1986) (14)
- 20 Gbit/s, 1020 km penalty-free soliton data transmission using erbium-doped fibre amplifiers (1992) (14)
- C2H2 absolutely optical frequency-stabilized and 40 GHz repetition-rate-stabilized, regeneratively mode-locked picosecond erbium fiber laser at 1.53 µm (2008) (14)
- Mode-locked laser-type optical atomic clock with an optically pumped Cs gas cell. (2007) (14)
- Comment on 'Physical interpretation of reduction of soliton interaction forces by bandwidth limited amplification' (by Nakazawa and Kubota, with reply) (1993) (14)
- Synchronously pumped fiber Raman gyroscope. (1985) (14)
- Electron-beam vapour-deposited erbium-doped glass waveguide laser at 1.53 mu m (1992) (14)
- 4 $\times$ 10 Gb/s WDM Transmission Over a 5-km-Long Photonic Crystal Fiber in the 800-nm Region (2007) (14)
- 10 Gbit/s single-pass soliton transmission over 1000 km (1991) (14)
- Femtosecond pulse generation over 82 nm wavelength span from passively modelocked erbium-doped fibre laser (1995) (14)
- Ultrahigh-Speed OTDM Transmission beyond 1 Tera Bit-Per-Second Using a Femtosecond Pulse Train (2002) (14)
- Ultrafast Nyquist OTDM demultiplexing using optical Nyquist pulse sampling in an all-optical nonlinear switch. (2015) (14)
- New scheme for independently stabilizing the repetition rate and optical frequency of a laser using a regenerative mode-locking technique (2008) (14)
- A polarization-maintained, ultranarrow FBG filter with a linewidth of 1.3GHz (2006) (13)
- Pumping wavelength dependence on gain factor of a 0.98 μm pumped Er3+ fiber amplifier (1989) (13)
- Evolution of EDFA from single-core to multi-core and related recent progress in optical communication (2014) (13)
- A wavelength-tunable dispersion equalizer using a nonlinearly chirped fiber Bragg grating pair mounted on multilayer piezoelectric transducers (2000) (13)
- 4096 QAM (72 Gbit/s) Single-Carrier Coherent Optical Transmission with a Potential SE of 15.8 bit/s/Hz in All-Raman Amplified 160 km Fiber Link (2018) (13)
- Polarization-mode-coupling measurements along a spliced polarization-preserving fiber using a backscattering technique (1985) (13)
- Analyses of the Dispersion-Allocated Bright and Dark Solitons (1995) (13)
- 5 Gbit/s, 250 km error-free soliton transmission with Er/sup 3+/ -doped fibre amplifiers and repeaters (1990) (13)
- Environmentally stable, simple passively mode-locked fiber ring laser using a four-port circulator. (2009) (13)
- Linewidth and relative intensity noise measurements of longitudinal modes in ultrahigh-speed mode-locked laser diodes. (2005) (12)
- Single-Channel 7.68 Tbit/s, 64 QAM Coherent Nyquist Pulse Transmission over 150 km with a Spectral Efficiency of 9.7 bit/s/Hz (2018) (12)
- Recent Progress in Optical Soliton Communication (1994) (12)
- Long-phase error-free fiber Bragg gratings (1998) (12)
- 200 Gbit/s, 10 Gsymbol/s-1024 QAM Injection Locked Coherent Transmission over 160 km with a Pilot-assisted Adaptive Equalizer (2018) (12)
- Lanthanum codoped erbium fibre amplifier (1991) (12)
- Single-channel 1.92 Tbit/s, 64 QAM coherent orthogonal TDM transmission of 160 Gbaud optical Nyquist pulses with 10.6 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency (2015) (12)
- Single-channel 5.12 Tbit/s (1.28 Tbaud) DQPSK transmission over 300 km using non-coherent Nyquist pulses. (2016) (12)
- 120 Gbit/s, polarization-multiplexed 10 Gsymbol/s, 64 QAM coherent transmission over 150 km using an optical voltage controlled oscillator. (2013) (12)
- Stimulated Brillouin scattering in dispersion-decreasing fiber with ultrahigh-speed femtosecond soliton pulse compression. (2005) (12)
- Raman amplification in a P2O5-doped optical fiber. (1988) (12)
- Optical pulse compression using a TeO2 acousto-optical light deflector. (1988) (12)
- Single-channel 1.92 Tbit/s, Pol-Mux-64 QAM coherent Nyquist pulse transmission over 150 km with a spectral efficiency of 7.5 bit/s/Hz. (2014) (12)
- Soliton Amplification and Transmission with an Er3+-doped Fiber Repeater pumped by InGaAsP Laser Diodes (1989) (12)
- High gain erbium fibre amplifier pumped by 800 nm band (1990) (12)
- Generation of a 0.5 W average power train of femtosecond pulses at 10 GHz in the 1.55 /spl mu/m region (1996) (12)
- Extremely Advanced Transmission with 3M technologies (multi-level modulation, multi-core & multi-mode) (2012) (12)
- A new adaptive equalization scheme for a 160-Gb/s transmitted signal using time-domain optical Fourier transformation (2004) (11)
- 320 Gbit/s, 20 Gsymbol/s 256 QAM coherent transmission over 160 km by using injection-locked local oscillator. (2016) (11)
- Direct generation of a 750 fs, 10 GHz pulse train from a regeneratively mode-locked fibre laser with multiple harmonic modulation (1996) (11)
- Laser-diode-pumped mirror-free Er(3+)-doped fiber laser. (1989) (11)
- A single-channel 1.92 Tbit/s, 64 QAM coherent optical pulse transmission over 150 km using frequency-domain equalization. (2013) (11)
- A Repetition-Rate Stabilized and Tunable, Regeneratively Mode-Locked Fiber Laser Using an Offset-Locking Technique (1996) (11)
- Automatic optical soliton control using cascaded Er/sup 3+/-doped fibre amplifiers (1990) (11)
- Compensation of nonlinear chirp generated by self-steepening using third order dispersion of a grating pair (1988) (10)
- 40 Gbit/s WDM (10 Gbit/s/spl times/4 unequally spaced channels) soliton transmission over 10000 km using synchronous modulation and narrow band optical filtering (1996) (10)
- 40 Gbit/s soliton transmission field experiment over 1360 km using in-line soliton control (1998) (10)
- Soliton self-frequency shift accelerated by femtosecond soliton interaction (1992) (10)
- Multicore EDFA for DWDM transmission in full C-band (2013) (10)
- 10 Gbit/s soliton transmission over 2900 km using 1.3 /spl mu/m singlemode fibres and dispersion compensation using chirped fibre Bragg gratings (1999) (10)
- Comparison of the dispersion allocated WDM (10 Gbit/s×10 channels) optical soliton and NRZ systems using a Q map (1999) (10)
- Single-Carrier 800-Gb/s 32 RZ/QAM Coherent Transmission Over 225 km Employing a Novel RZ-CW Conversion Technique (2012) (10)
- Optical demultiplexing and routing of a TDM signal by using four-wave mixing and a novel wavelength router with optical circulators and fibre gratings (1995) (10)
- 8 kHz linewidth, 50 mW output, full C-band wavelength tunable DFB LD array with self-optical feedback. (2018) (10)
- 55 kW, 240 fs pulse generation from a cavity dumped, synchronously pumped dye laser and its application to pulse compression (1987) (10)
- 10 GHz regeneratively mode-locked semiconductor optical amplifier fiber ring laser and its linewidth characteristics. (2007) (10)
- Real-time 10 Gbit/s-16 QAM quantum stream cipher transmission over 320 km with FPGA-based transmitter and receiver (2015) (10)
- 10-GHz 8.7-ps Pulse Generation From a Single-Mode Gain-Switched AlGaAs VCSEL at 850 nm (2007) (10)
- 400 Gbit/s frequency-division-multiplexed and polarization-multiplexed 256 QAM-OFDM transmission over 400 km with a spectral efficiency of 14 bit/s/Hz (2012) (10)
- Propagation of a solitonlike nonlinear pulse in average normal group-velocity dispersion and its unsuitability for high-speed, long-distance optical transmission (2001) (9)
- Femtosecond soliton interactions m a distributed erbium-doped fiber amplifier (1994) (9)
- Measurement of the fiber loss spectrum using fiber Raman optical-time-domain reflectometry. (1983) (9)
- Ultra‐efficient erbium‐doped fiber amplifier (1990) (9)
- A 40 GHz Regeneratively and Harmonically Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser and Its Longitudinal-Mode Characteristics (2004) (9)
- Gain Characteristics of Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers with High Erbium Concentration (1993) (9)
- Efficient Er3+-doped optical fiber amplifier pumped by a 1.48-µm high-power laser diode (1989) (9)
- Fabrication of nonlinearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings for higher-order dispersion compensation (1998) (9)
- Second-Order PMD-Induced Crosstalk Between Polarization-Multiplexed Signals and Its Impact on Ultrashort Optical Pulse Transmission (2013) (9)
- Femtosecond soliton transmission in 18 km erbium-doped fibre amplifier with different pumping configurations (1991) (9)
- Polarization-multiplexed, 10Gsymbol/s, 64QAM coherent transmission over 150km with OPLL-based homodyne detection employing narrow linewidth LDs (2011) (9)
- Optical Phase-Locked Loop for Coherent Transmission over 500 km (2007) (9)
- A Straight-Line 160-Gb/s DPSK Transmission Over 1000 km With Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation (2008) (9)
- Roll-off factor dependence of Nyquist pulse transmission. (2016) (9)
- 1.55 μm OTDR for single-mode optical fibre longer than 110 km (1984) (9)
- Real-time adaptive 4–64 QAM, 20–60 Gbit/s quantum noise stream cipher transmission over 320 km with FPGA-based transmitter and receiver (2015) (8)
- Extremely Higher-Order Modulation Formats (2013) (8)
- 1024 QAM, 7-core (60 Gbit/s x 7) fiber transmission over 55 km with an aggregate potential spectral efficiency of 109 bit/s/Hz. (2015) (8)
- Multiwavelength cw laser oscillation in a Nd3+ and Er3+ doubly doped fiber laser (1988) (8)
- Adaptive 4~64 QAM real-time coherent optical transmission over 320 km with FPGA-based transmitter and receiver. (2014) (8)
- Theoretical and experimental analyses of GAWBS phase noise in various optical fibers for digital coherent transmission. (2020) (8)
- 10 Gbit/s photonic crystal fiber transmissions with 1.1 μm directly-modulated single-mode VCSEL (2010) (8)
- Continuous-wave Raman oscillation for a Nd 3+ :YAG intracavity fiber laser (1984) (8)
- Output-stabilized high-repetition-rate 1.545-μm Q-switched Er:glass laser (1984) (8)
- 10 Tbit/s QAM Quantum Noise Stream Cipher Coherent Transmission over 160 km (2020) (8)
- Distortion-free single-pass soliton communication over 250 km using multiple Er3+-doped optical repeaters (1990) (8)
- An ultrastable PLL mode-locked fiber laser with a hydrogen maser clock (2005) (8)
- All-optical demultiplexing of 640 Gbit/s OTDM-DPSK signal using a semiconductor SMZ switch (2009) (8)
- Nonlinear Polarization Changes in a Birefringent Fiber (1987) (8)
- Low-loss and reflection-free fused type fan-out device for 7-core fiber based on a bundled structure. (2017) (8)
- An 11.6 W output, 6 kHz linewidth, single-polarization EDFA-MOPA system with a (13)C(2)H(2) frequency stabilized fiber laser. (2015) (8)
- 10 Channel WDM 80 Gbit/s/ch, 256 QAM Bi-Directional Coherent Transmission for a High Capacity Next-Generation Mobile Fronthaul (2021) (7)
- Narrow Linewidth Tunable DFB Laser Array Integrated With Optical Feedback Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) (2017) (7)
- Measurements of spectral broadening and Doppler shift of backreflections from a fiber fuse using heterodyne detection. (2009) (7)
- Observation of nonlinear interactions in 20 Gbit/s soliton transmission over 500 km using erbium-doped fibre amplifiers (1991) (7)
- Exabit optical communication explored using 3M scheme (2014) (7)
- 48 fs, 190 kW pulse generation from a cavity dumped, synchronously pumped dye laser (1988) (7)
- 32 wavelength tunable mode-locked laser with 100 GHz channel spacing using an arrayed waveguide grating (2001) (7)
- Fused type fan-out device for multi-core fiber based on bundled structure (2016) (7)
- 320-Gb/s Single-Polarization DPSK Transmission Over 525 km Using Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation (2008) (7)
- The Parametric Soliton Laser with Low Pedestal (1989) (7)
- 20 Msymbol/s, 128 QAM Coherent Optical Transmission over 500 km Using Heterodyne Detection with Frequency-stabilized Laser (2006) (7)
- 5G R&D Activities for High Capacity Technologies with Ultra High-Density Multi-Band and Multi-Access Layered Cells (2019) (7)
- A Novel Technique for Measuring Group Velocity Dispersion of an Installed Ultralong Fiber by Using Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (1995) (7)
- 1.28 Tbit/s/channel single-polarization DQPSK transmission over 525 km using ultrafast time-domain optical fourier transformation (2010) (7)
- 30 GHz pulse train generation from a multiquantum well electroabsorption intensity modulator (1993) (7)
- Low-Penalty 5$\,\times \,$320 Gb/s/Single-Channel WDM DPSK Transmission Over 525 km Using Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation (2009) (7)
- An 8 mW cw Er3+-Doped Fiber Laser Pumped by 1.46 µm InGaAsP Laser Diodes (1989) (7)
- Continuum Spectrum Generation in a Multimode Fiber Using Two Pump Beams at 1.3 µm Wavelength Region (1983) (7)
- Observation of acetylene molecular absorption line with tunable, single-frequency, and mode-hop-free erbium-doped fiber ring laser (2002) (7)
- Continuous-wave laser oscillation with an ultralong optical-fiber resonator (1982) (7)
- 160-Gb/s–600-km OTDM Transmission Using Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation (2006) (7)
- 40 Gbit/s-2 km photonic crystal fibre transmission with 850 nm singlemode VCSEL (2007) (7)
- 140 Gbit/s coherent optical transmission over 150 km with a 10 Gsymbol/s polarization-multiplexed 128 QAM signal (2010) (7)
- A single-frequency and single-polarization fiber ring laser using a 5-Ghz fiber Bragg grating (1999) (7)
- Soliton amplification and transmission with Er3+-doped fibre repeater pumped by GaInAsP laser diode (1991) (7)
- Efficient erbium-doped fibre amplifier pumped at 820 nm (1990) (7)
- Observation of Guided Acoustic-Wave Brillouin Scattering and its Digital Compensation in Coherent QAM Transmission (2018) (7)
- Soliton transmission control in the time domain (1992) (6)
- 640-Gb/s/Channel Single-Polarization DPSK Transmission Over 525 km With Ultrafast Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation (2010) (6)
- A 40 GHz, 770 fs regeneratively mode-locked erbium fiber laser operating at 1.6 µm (2017) (6)
- 1.55 μm hydrogen cyanide optical frequency-stabilized and 10 GHz repetition-rate-stabilized mode-locked fiber laser. (2016) (6)
- 40-gHz, 100-fs stimulated-Brillouin-scattering-free pulse generation by combining a mode-locked laser diode and a dispersion-decreasing fiber. (2005) (6)
- A C2H2 frequency-stabilized erbium-doped fiber laser and its application to coherent communication (2007) (6)
- Polymer saturable absorber materials in 1.5 /spl mu/m band using PMMA and ps with single-wall carbon nanotubes (2006) (6)
- Experimental observation of mode behavior in erbium-doped optical fiber ring laser (2000) (6)
- NOLM oscillator and its injection locking technique for timing clock extraction and demultiplexing (1996) (6)
- A novel technique for reducing polarization noise in optical-time domain reflectometers for single-mode fibers (1985) (6)
- Origin of group delay ripple in chirped fiber Bragg gratings and its effective reduction method (2003) (6)
- Noise figure characteristics of Er/sup 3+/-doped fibre amplifier pumped in 0.8 mu m band (1991) (6)
- 1 Tb/s (40 Gb/s/spl times/25 channel) DWDM quasi-DM soliton transmission over 1,500 km using dispersion-managed single-mode fiber and conventional C-band EDFAs (2001) (6)
- 10-GHz 11.5-ps Pulse Generation From a Single-Mode Gain-Switched InGaAs VCSEL at 1.1 $\mu$m (2009) (6)
- High Time-Resolution 640-Gb/s Clock Recovery Using Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation and Narrowband Optical Filter (2010) (6)
- OH-free low loss single-mode fibre fabricated by slurry casting / rod-in-tube method (2014) (6)
- Gaindistribution measurements along an ultralong erbiumdoped fiber amplifier using opticaltimedomain reflectometry. (1990) (6)
- An acoustooptical directional coupler for an optical time-domain reflectometer (1984) (6)
- Full C-band, mode-hop-free wavelength-tunable laser diode with a linewidth of 8 kHz and a RIN of −130 dB/Hz (2017) (5)
- A 31 mW, 280 fs passively mode-locked fiber soliton laser using a high heat-resistant SWNT/P3HT saturable absorber coated with siloxane. (2012) (5)
- Backward-Rayleigh-Scattering Suppressed 160 Gbit/s 256 QAM Injection-Locked Bidirectional Coherent Transmission for Next Generation Mobile Fronthaul (2018) (5)
- Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Ultrahigh-Speed In-Phase RZ and CS-RZ OTDM Transmission (2008) (5)
- 400 Gbit/s 256 QAM-OFDM transmission over 720 km with a 14 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency using an improved FDE technique (2013) (5)
- 640 Gbit/s single-polarization DPSK transmission over 525 km with time-domain optical Fourier transformation in a round-trip configuration (2010) (5)
- Soliton self-frequency shift in orthogonally polarised femtosecond solitons (1994) (5)
- Pump wavelength dependence of the gain factor in 1.48 μm pumped Er3+‐doped fiber amplifiers (1990) (5)
- Optical and wireless-integrated next-generation access network based on coherent technologies (2016) (5)
- 42.3-Tbit/s, 18-Gbaud 64QAM WDM coherent transmission of 160 km over full C-band using an injection locking technique with a spectral efficiency of 9 bit/s/Hz (2017) (5)
- 10Gbit/s soliton transmission over one million kilometers (1991) (5)
- Wavelength-tunable sub-picosecond optical switch over entire C-band using nonlinear optical loop mirror (2019) (5)
- A 1.55 µm, 271 fs and 1.07 µm, 294 fs simultaneously mode-locked Er- and Yb-doped fiber laser with a single SWNT/PVA saturable absorber (2016) (5)
- FM-eliminated C2H2 frequency-stabilized laser diode with an RIN of -135 dB/Hz and a linewidth of 4 kHz. (2009) (5)
- Ultrafast mode-locked fiber lasers for high-speed OTDM transmission and related topics (2005) (5)
- A $\lambda/4$-Shifted Distributed-Feedback Laser Diode With a Fiber Ring Cavity Configuration Having an OSNR of 85 dB and a Linewidth of 7 kHz (2008) (5)
- An Ultra-Efficient Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier of 10.2 dB/mW at 0.98 μm Pumping and 5.1 dB/mW at 1.48 μm Pumping (1990) (5)
- A mode locking theory of the nyquist laser (2016) (5)
- Measurements of longitudinal linewidth and relative intensity noise in ultrahigh‐speed mode‐locked semiconductor lasers (2006) (5)
- Automatic intensity control of an optical transmission line using enhanced gain saturation in cascaded optical amplifiers (1991) (5)
- A Non-Perturbative Mode-Locking Theory of the Nyquist Laser With a Dirichlet Kernel Solution (2016) (5)
- Intracavity Dispersion Effects of a Regeneratively and Harmonically FM Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser (1998) (5)
- High speed optical path routing by using four-wave mixing and a wavelength router with fiber gratings and optical circulators (1995) (5)
- Novel ultrafast TDM demultiplexing scheme using orthogonality in coherent Nyquist pulses (2014) (5)
- 120 Gbit/s injection-locked homodyne coherent transmission of polarization-multiplexed 64 QAM signals over 150 km. (2014) (5)
- Fabrication of multi core fiber by using slurry casting method (2017) (5)
- 80 Gbit/s/ch, 256 QAM Digital Coherent Optical Transmission System with Injection-Locking for Next Generation Mobile Fronthaul Network (2017) (5)
- A single-channel, 1.6 Tbit/s 32 QAM coherent pulse transmission over 150 km with RZ-CW conversion and FDE techniques (2013) (4)
- Terabit OTDM transmission Key challenges (2007) (4)
- Fiber-optic nonlinear coherent coupler (1987) (4)
- An 8 kHz linewidth, 50 mW output wavelength tunable DFB LD array over the C-band with self optical feedback (2016) (4)
- Single-Channel 1.28 Tbit/s-525 km DQPSK Transmission Using Ultrafast Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation and Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror (2011) (4)
- Theory of AM Mode-Locking of a Laser as an Arbitrary Optical Function Generator (2021) (4)
- 10 Gbit/s 2 km photonic crystal fibre transmission with 850 nm directly modulated singlemode VCSEL (2007) (4)
- Polarization and frequency division multiplexed 1Gsymbol/s, 64 QAM coherent optical transmission with 8.6bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency over 160km (2008) (4)
- Frequency division multiplexed 1 Gsymbol/s, 64 QAM coherent optical transmission with a spectral efficiency of 8.6 bit/s/Hz (2008) (4)
- Lasing Spectrum of P Co-Doped Nd3+ Silica Fibers (1987) (4)
- Sum-Frequency Generation in a Polarization-Preserving Optical Fiber (1985) (4)
- Optical soliton communication system using erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (1994) (4)
- 1.5-$\mu$ m Frequency-Stabilized $\lambda/4$ -Shifted DFB LD Employing an External Fiber Ring Cavity With a Linewidth of 2.6 kHz and an RIN of $-$ 135 dB/Hz (2011) (4)
- 2.56 Tbit/s/ch (640 Gbaud) polarization-multiplexed DQPSK non-coherent Nyquist pulse transmission over 525 km. (2015) (4)
- Optical soliton transmission (1992) (4)
- PMD-Induced Crosstalk in Ultrahigh-Speed Polarization-Multiplexed Optical Transmission in the Presence of PDL (2011) (4)
- 40 Gbit/s soliton transmission field experiment over 1,020 km and its extension to 1,360 km using in-line synchronous modulation (1999) (4)
- Ultra-Stable Regeneratively Mode-Locked Laser as an Opto-Electronic Microwave Oscillator and Its Application to Optical Metrology (2007) (4)
- Resilient photonic network architecture with plug & play optical interconnection technology (2013) (4)
- 1070 NM passively mode-locked ytterbium-doped fiber soliton laser with SWNT/PMMA saturable absorber (2011) (4)
- Ultrahigh-Speed Nyquist Pulse Transmission Beyond 10 Tbit/s (2021) (4)
- A CW, polarization-maintaining λ/4-shifted DFB Er-doped fiber laser at 1.54µm (2007) (4)
- Regeneratively mode-locked fiber laser with a repetition rate stability of 4.9x10-15 using a hydrogen maser phase-locked loop. (2007) (4)
- Ultra high speed OTDM transmission using femtosecond pulses (2001) (4)
- Frequency‐stabilized 3.39‐μm He‐Ne laser with no frequency modulation (1979) (4)
- Single-channel 400 Gbit/s, OTDM-32 RZ/QAM coherent transmission over 225 km using an optical phase-locked loop technique (2010) (4)
- Single-channel 3.84 Tbit/s, 64 QAM coherent Nyquist pulse transmission over 150 km with frequency-stabilized and mode-locked laser (2017) (4)
- QAM quantum noise stream cipher using digital coherent optical transmission (2015) (4)
- Dual-Polarization On-Line 256 and 512 QAM Digital Coherent Transmission (2019) (4)
- Frequency characteristics of self-sustained intensity oscillation of a laser diode using a delayed electrical feedback (1982) (4)
- 24 Gbit/s, 64 QAM-OFDM coherent transmission with a bandwidth of 2.5 GHz (2009) (4)
- Optical Fiber Cable Measurements in the Field (1986) (4)
- 448 Gbit/s, 32 Gbaud 128 QAM coherent transmission over 150 km with a potential spectral efficiency of 10.7 bit/s/Hz. (2015) (4)
- Mode coupling measurement at a splice point between few-mode fibers using a synchronous multi-channel OTDR (2016) (4)
- Injection-locked 256 QAM WDM coherent transmissions in the C- and L-bands. (2020) (4)
- Recent progress on ultrafast/ultrashort/frequency-stabilized erbium-doped fiber lasers and their applications (2010) (4)
- Suppression of large error floor in 1024 QAM digital coherent transmission by compensating for GAWBS phase noise. (2019) (4)
- Precise measurements and their analysis of GAWBS-induced depolarization noise in various optical fibers for digital coherent transmission. (2020) (3)
- 256 QAM Digital Coherent Optical Transmission Using Raman Amplifiers (2011) (3)
- Theory of FM Mode-Locking of a Laser as an Arbitrary Optical Function Generator (2022) (3)
- Introduction to ultra-high-speed optical transmission technology (2007) (3)
- 60 Gbit/s WDM (20 Gbit/s x 3 unequally-spaced channels) soliton transmission over 10, 000 km (1996) (3)
- Straight-line soliton data transmissions at 20 Gbit/s-2000 km and 40 Gbit/s-1000 km using erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (1993) (3)
- Single-carrier 216 Gbit/s, 12 Gsymbol/s 512 QAM coherent transmission over 160 km with injection-locked homodyne detection (2017) (3)
- Observation of Saturated Absorption of the 3.39 µm Line in an External CH4 Cell (1979) (3)
- Ultrastable cesium atomic clock with a 9.1926-GHz regeneratively mode-locked fiber laser. (2005) (3)
- Detailed comparison between mode couplings along multi-core fibers and structural irregularities using a synchronous multi-channel OTDR system with a high dynamic range. (2013) (3)
- 20 Gbit/s-1850 km and 40 Gbit/s-750 km soliton data transmissions using erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (1993) (3)
- A discretely tunable mode-locked laser with 32 wavelengths and 100-GHz channel spacing using an arrayed waveguide grating (2001) (3)
- Near infrared ultrashort pulse generation with LiNbO3 by difference frequency generation (1990) (3)
- Adaptive dispersion slope equalizer for dispersion-shifted fibers using a nonlinearly chirped fiber Bragg grating pair (2001) (3)
- A 13C2H2 Frequency-Stabilized, Polarization-Maintained 1.54 µm Erbium Fiber Ring Laser with a New Feedback System (2006) (3)
- Comparison between polarization-multiplexed DPSK and single-polarization DQPSK in 640 Gbaud, 1.28 Tbit/s-500 km single-channel transmission (2011) (3)
- Frequency stabilization of 0.633‐μm line with the aid of 3.39‐μm line locked to CH4 (1979) (3)
- Numerical and experimental comparison between the dispersion-allocated soliton, RZ and NRZ pulses at zero group velocity dispersion (1997) (3)
- Optical Time Domain Reflectometer with a Laser Diode Operating as Light Emitter/Photodetector (1985) (3)
- Generation of 10 W, 100 fs, 10 GHz pulse train using high power EDFA-MOPA system with cascaded Raman pumping (2015) (3)
- High-resolution 640 Gbit/s clock recovery using time-domain optical Fourier transformation and narrowband optical filter (2010) (3)
- Forced Phase Modulation and Self Phase Modulation Effects in Dispersion-Tuned Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers (1998) (3)
- A Single-Channel 40 Gbit/s Digital Coherent QAM Quantum Stream Cipher Transmission over 480 km (2014) (3)
- A 10 GHz 2.5 ps regeneratively mode-locked Yb fiber laser in the 1.1 μm band (2011) (3)
- Large PMD tolerant 1.28 Tbit/s/ch transmission over 525 km with 640 Gbaud optical Nyquist pulses (2013) (3)
- A 6 kHz linewidth, injection-locked LD using a master erbium fiber laser (2014) (3)
- Ultra-broadband Dispersion Measurement of Photonic Crystal Fiber with Pico-second Streak Camera and Group-delay-free Supercontinuum (2005) (3)
- A 13C2H2 frequency-stabilized λ/4-shifted DFB laser diode with an external fiber ring cavity having a linewidth of 2.6 kHz and a RIN of −135 dB/Hz (2011) (3)
- An 88 fs fiber soliton laser using a quantum well saturable absorber with an ultrafast intersubband transition. (2009) (3)
- Polarization mode properties of an elliptical stress-cladding fiber (1985) (3)
- Nondestructive measurement of mode couplings along a multi-core fiber using a multi-channel OTDR (2012) (3)
- Ultrafast and high-spectral-density optical communications systems (2011) (3)
- Superb characteristics of dispersion-managed soliton transmission in TDM and WDM systems (1999) (3)
- Real-time 70 Gbit/s, 128 QAM quantum noise stream cipher transmission over 100 km with secret keys delivered by continuous variable quantum key distribution system (2017) (3)
- Measurement of structural irregularity dependence on mode coupling along multi-core fiber using multi-channel OTDR system (2013) (3)
- Comparison of 40GHz optical demultiplexers using SMZ switch and EA modulator in 160Gbit/s-500km OTDM transmission (2006) (3)
- 295 mW output, frequency-stabilized erbium silica fiber laser with a linewidth of 5 kHz and a RIN of -120 dB/Hz. (2016) (3)
- 1.92 Tbit/s, 64 QAM coherent Nyquist pulse transmission over 150 km with a spectral efficiency of 7.5 bit/s/Hz (2014) (3)
- Simultaneous oscillation at 0.91, 1.08, and 1.53 μm in a fusion-spliced fiber laser (1987) (3)
- High energy, sub-picosecond pulse compression at 10 GHz using a fibre/fibre-grating pulse compressor (1995) (3)
- 1.28 Tbit/s—70‐km OTDM femtosecond‐pulse transmission using third‐ and fourth‐order simultaneous dispersion compensation with a phase modulator (2003) (3)
- Single-carrier 552 Gbit/s, 46 Gbaud 64 QAM Coherent Transmission over 100 km with Co-propagating 10 Gbit/s-OOK Signals Through a Deployed ROADM Network (2017) (2)
- 12.8 Tbit/s (10 ch, 1.28 Tbit/s) OTDM-WDM Transmission of 320 Gbaud PDM-DQPSK Optical Nyquist Pulses over 1500 km (2020) (2)
- Polarization dependence of femtosecond soliton-soliton interactions in dispersion-shifted fiber. (1995) (2)
- 160 Gbit/s-600 km OTDM Transmission Using Time-domain Optical Fourier Transformation (2006) (2)
- Reverse Phase Modulation Technique for GAWBS Noise Error Floor Elimination in 1024 QAM-160 km Digital Coherent Transmission (2018) (2)
- Ultrabroad band white light generation from a multimode photonic bandgap fiber with an air core (2001) (2)
- 64 Gbit/s, 256 QAM Transmission Through Coherent Optical-Wireless Link at 61 GHz Using Simple and High OSNR Carrier Frequency Converter (2021) (2)
- An LD-based ultra-low phase noise opll circuit using an optical voltage controlled oscillator (2013) (2)
- 10 Tbit/s QAM Quantum Noise Stream Cipher Coherent Transmission Over 160 Km (2020) (2)
- 60Gbit/s 64 QAM-OFDM coherent optical transmission with a 5.3GHz bandwidth (2010) (2)
- A13C2H2frequency-stabilized, polarization-maintained erbium fiber ring laser with no frequency modulation (2005) (2)
- Ultrahigh Spectral Density Coherent Optical Transmission Technologies (2010) (2)
- Optical time domain reflectometry at a wavelength of 1.5 μm using stimulated Raman scattering in multimode, graded‐index optical fiber (1982) (2)
- Optical frequency-tunable Cs atomic clock with a 9.19GHz mode-hop-free fiber laser (2010) (2)
- Bandwidth and distance dependences of depolarization-induced crosstalk in polarization-multiplexed transmission (2012) (2)
- Experiments on an FM Mode-Locked Laser as an Arbitrary Optical Function Generator (2022) (2)
- A New Optical Phase-Locked System Between Ultrashort Pulses for 640 Gbaud Nyquist OTDM Coherent QAM Transmission (2017) (2)
- Lasing characteristics of a Nd 3+ :YAG laser with a long optical-fiber resonator (1983) (2)
- Fabrication of OH-free, single-mode fiber by using slurry casting and rod-in-tube method (2016) (2)
- Observation of optimum air-hole tapering of splicing between conventional fiber and photonic crystal fiber and analysis of reduction in Fresnel reflection (2005) (2)
- FM eliminated CH 4 locked frequency stabilization of 3.39 µm He-Ne laser in dual feedback control (1980) (2)
- 160 Gbit/s-300 km single-channel transmission in the 1.1 μm band with a precise GVD and slope compensation. (2013) (2)
- Experimental and theoretical analyses of GAWBS depolarization noise in digital coherent transmission (2019) (2)
- Theory of Generation of Various Dark and Negative Pulses From an FM Mode-Locked Laser (2022) (2)
- Self-detecting optical-time-domain reflectometer for single-mode fibers. (1985) (2)
- All-optical high-performance demultiplexing using optical Nyquist pulse sampling (2014) (2)
- Special Issue on Ultrashort optical Pulse Technologies and their Applications (1998) (2)
- Experiments on an AM Mode-Locked Laser as an Arbitrary Optical Function Generator (2022) (2)
- Recent progress on OTDM Terabit/s transmission and their future (2010) (2)
- Ultrahigh spectral efficiency systems — Pushing the limits of multi-level modulation, multi-core fiber, and multi-mode control (2014) (2)
- GAWBS Noise Characteristics in Digital Coherent Transmission in Various Optical Fibers (2019) (2)
- Propagation and Amplification of Ultrashort Optical Soliton Pulses in Erbium-Doped Fibers for Very High Speed Communication (1990) (2)
- Injection-locked Homodyne Detection for Higher-order QAM Transmission (2018) (2)
- Scheme for independently stabilizing the repetition rate and optical frequency of a laser using a regenerative mode-locking technique. (2008) (2)
- An acetylene (13 C2H2) stabilized single‐polarization fiber laser (2006) (2)
- Study of Optical Pulse Compression with Higher-Order Nonlinearity and Dispersion (1989) (2)
- Investigation and comparison of digital backward propagation schemes for OFDM and single-carrier fiber-optic transmission systems (2011) (2)
- C 2 H 2 absolutely optical frequency-stabilized and 40 GHz repetition-rate-stabilized, regeneratively mode-locked picosecond erbium fiber laser at 1.53 µm (2009) (2)
- Maximum transmission capacity of a soliton communication system with lumped amplifiers (1990) (2)
- Observation of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Ultrahigh-speed In-phase and Carrier-suppressed RZ OTDM Transmission (2007) (2)
- Fabrication and wavelength tuning of a high‐quality fiber Bragg grating (1997) (2)
- A Generalized Mode-Locking Theory for a Nyquist Laser With an Arbitrary Roll-Off Factor PART II: Oscillation Waveforms and Spectral Characteristics (2021) (1)
- A Generalized Mode-Locking Theory for a Nyquist Laser With an Arbitrary Roll-off Factor PART I: Master Equations and Optical Filters in a Nyquist Laser (2021) (1)
- Stability of FM-Eliminated 3.39 µm He-Ne/CH4 Laser (1980) (1)
- A single-channel 1.28 Tbit/s-58 km transmission in the 1.1 μm band with wideband GVD and slope compensation. (2013) (1)
- A /4-shifted distributed feedback semiconductor fiber ring laser with an OSNR of 85 dB and a linewidth of 7 kHz (2007) (1)
- A 0.95 ps, 10 GHz, 60 mW HCN frequency-stabilized and mode-locked fiber laser at 1.55 μm (2016) (1)
- Subpicosecond optical demultiplexing at 10 GHz with a zero-dispersion, dispersion-flattened, nonlinear fiber-loop mirror controlled by a 500-fs gain-switched LD (1995) (1)
- 160 Gbit/s-900 km DPSK Transmission with Time-domain Optical Fourier Transformation (2007) (1)
- Software-Defined Fiber Optic Communications for Ultrahigh-Speed Optical Pulse Transmission Systems (2022) (1)
- Gain Characteristics of Lanthanum Co-Doped Erbium Fiber Amplifier (1992) (1)
- Low-Nonlinearity, Dispersion-Compensated Transmission Line with a Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating and Its Application to Ultrahigh-Speed Coherent Nyquist Pulse Transmission (2020) (1)
- Polarization dependence of soliton interactions and soliton self-frequency shift in a femtosecond soliton transmission (1995) (1)
- Stability Measurement of the 0.633 µm Line in a CH4-Locked 3.39 µm He-Ne Laser (1980) (1)
- Precise Measurements and their Analysis of GAWBS-Induced Depolarization Noise in Multi-Core Fiber for Digital Coherent Transmission (2022) (1)
- Absolute frequency stabilization of a laser diode based on triple ring resonators to an C2H2 absorption line (2011) (1)
- Marked Increase in the Power the Use of a Dispersion-All (1996) (1)
- A Dispersion-Allocated Soliton and its Impact on Soliton Communication (1996) (1)
- Experimental demonstration of distortion mitigation in 15 Tbit/s OTDM transmission using a cognitive dynamic system (2021) (1)
- QAM based coherent transmission technologies using DSP (2007) (1)
- Ultrahigh-speed optical soliton communication and new aspects of soliton-transmission technology (1993) (1)
- A film-type saturable absorber with p3ht-incorporated single-wall carbon nanotubes coated on polyamide and its application to a femtosecond fiber laser (2010) (1)
- A single-channel 960 Gbit/s 64 QAM orthogonal TDM transmission with a spectral efficiency of 10.0 bit/s/Hz using coherent Nyquist pulses (2014) (1)
- Plug-and-Play Optical Interconnection Using Digital Coherent Technology for Resilient Network Based on Movable and Deployable ICT Resource Unit (2014) (1)
- 64 Gbit/s, 256 QAM Coherently-Linked Optical and Wireless Transmission in 61 GHz Band Using Novel Injection-Locked Carrier Frequency Converter (2020) (1)
- 130 km-long fault location for single-mode optical fibers using a 1.55-µm Q-switched Er:glass laser (1984) (1)
- 10 Gbit/s-1200km single-pass soliton data transmission using erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (1992) (1)
- A C 2 H 2 frequency-stabilized laser diode with a linewidth of 4 kHz and its application to an optical phase-locked loop (2010) (1)
- 100 km transmission of a 640 Gbit/s OTDM signal using femtosecond pulses (2002) (1)
- Repetition rate control of an LD-pumped femtosecond erbium-doped fiber laser using a sub ring cavity (1991) (1)
- A Cesium optical atomic clock with high optical frequency stability (2012) (1)
- 100 Gbit/s DP-QPSK transmission over a 32 km legacy multi-mode GI fiber using a real-time digital coherent transceiver (2014) (1)
- Discrete solitons in optical fiber systems with large pre-dispersion. (2017) (1)
- A 380 fs, 40 GHz mode-locked erbium fiber laser with an MQW nonlinear PM/AM modulator using the pockels effect and the QCSE (2014) (1)
- First demonstration of digital coherent transmission in a deployed ROADM network with a 120 Gbit/s polarization-multiplexed 64 QAM signal (2015) (1)
- QAM quantum noise stream cipher transmission with extremely high security (2015) (1)
- Experimental and Theoretical Analyses of GAWBS Phase Noise in Multi-Core Fiber for Digital Coherent Transmission (2020) (1)
- Ultrafast optical TDM transmission with the use of novel nonlinear optical (2002) (1)
- Photonic Crystal Fibers. (2002) (1)
- 1 Tbit/s 256 QAM-OFDM transmission over 560 km with 14.3 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency (2013) (1)
- The Modulational Instability Laser (1989) (1)
- Generation of 72-fs pulse from a cavity dumped, synchronously pumped dye laser with a single jet (1989) (1)
- 160-Gb/s 200-km Field Transmission Experiment With Large PMD Using a Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation Technique (2008) (1)
- 320 Gbit/s single-polarization DPSK transmission over 525 km using time-domain optical fourier transformation (2008) (1)
- High Power Er3+-Doped Fiber Amplifier Pumped by 1.48 µm Laser Diodes (1990) (1)
- Mode-Locked Fiber Ring Lasers (1999) (1)
- Soliton Transmission Control for Ultra High Speed System (1995) (1)
- Ultrahigh-speed Distortion-free Transmission Using All-optical Time-domain Fourier Transformation (2005) (1)
- 256 QAM (polarization-multiplexed, 5 Gsymbol/s) coherent transmission with an injection-locked homodyne detection technique (2015) (1)
- Third- and fourth-order active dispersion compensation using a phase modulator in a terabit/s OTDM transmission (2001) (1)
- Experiments on Generation of Various Dark and Bright Pulses From an FM Mode-Locked Laser (2022) (1)
- A 10 GHz opto-electronic oscillator at 1.1 µm using a gain-switched InGaAs VCSEL and a photonic crystal fiber (2010) (1)
- Generation of 9 W, 4 kHz linewidth 13C2H2 frequency-stabilized fiber laser output with core pumped erbium-doped amplifier (2013) (1)
- 50.4 Tbit/s, 128 QAM L-band WDM Injection-locked Coherent Transmission over 160 km with Spectral Efficiency of 10.5 bit/s/Hz (2018) (1)
- Recent progress and challenges toward ultrahigh-speed transmission beyond 10 Tbit/s with optical Nyquist pulses (2021) (1)
- Optimization of power extraction in a high-power soliton fiber ring laser containing a chirped fiber grating (1996) (1)
- Evaluation of Systematic Errors in the Compact Absolute Gravimeter TAG-1 for Network Monitoring of Volcanic Activities (2020) (1)
- A Femtosecond Erbium‐Doped Fiber Laser with a Nonlinear Amplifying Loop Mirror Pumped by Laser Diodes and with Repetition Rate Control of Its Output Pulses (1993) (1)
- A mode-locked frequency-shifted feedback fiber laser (2001) (1)
- Ultrahigh Bit Rate Communication Systems (2002) (1)
- A /sup 13/C/sub 2/H/sub 2/ frequency-stabilized, polarization-maintained 1.54 /spl mu/m erbium fiber ring laser with a new feedback system (2006) (1)
- Secure Transmission using QAM Quantum Noise Stream Cipher with Continuous Variable QKD (2018) (1)
- A New Femtosecond Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser with Nonlinear Polarization Rotation (1993) (1)
- Ultrashort Pulse Generation at High Repetition Rate from Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers (1999) (1)
- 80 Gbit/s Multi-Channel Soliton Transmission over Transoceanic Distances (2000) (1)
- Measurement of Neutron Flux Distribution for Decommissioning in Tokai Power Station (2001) (1)
- Ad-hoc photonic network based on movable and deployable ICT resource unit to meet rapidly changing service demands (2015) (1)
- Absolutely optical-frequency-stabilized cesium optical atomic clock (2011) (1)
- Spectrally efficient pilot tone-based compensation of inter-channel cross-phase modulation noise in a WDM coherent transmission using injection locking. (2021) (1)
- Real-time adaptive 4–64 QAM coherent optical transmission over 320 km with FPGA-based transmitter and receiver (2014) (1)
- GAWBS phase noise characteristics in multi-core fibers for digital coherent transmission. (2020) (1)
- Real-Time 256 QAM Bi-directional Coherent Transmission in Next Generation Mobile Fronthaul (2019) (1)
- 140 Gbit/s, 128 QAM LD-Based Coherent Transmission Over 150 km with an Injection-Locked Homodyne Detection Technique (2014) (1)
- Dispersion-allocated soliton technologies and the stretched-pulse mode-locked fiber laser (1997) (1)
- Significant modification of femtosecond soliton interaction in gain medium by small subpulses (1992) (1)
- Demonstration of on-line bi-directional 10-RRHS with an 80 GBIT/S/RRH capacity using 256 QAM WDM coherent transmission for next generation mobile fronthaul (2019) (1)
- Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (2018) (0)
- Oscillation characteristics of an ^ C_2H_2 frequency-stabilized λ/4-shifted DFB LD with an external fiber ring cavity (2011) (0)
- Ultra High Capacity Optical Fiber Transmission Technologies (2011) (0)
- Multimode-fiber-type optical directional coupler for otdr using acoustooptical deflector (1989) (0)
- Longitudinal linewidth measurements of 10GHz, picosecond harmonically and regeneratively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber lasers using a heterodyne detection method (2003) (0)
- An ultrastable Cs optical atomic clock with a 9.1926-GHz low-drift regeneratively mode-locked fiber laser (2005) (0)
- Chromatic Dispersion Dependence of GAWBS Noise (2020) (0)
- Ultrahigh-speed fiber laser and its application to optical metrology (2006) (0)
- A 160 mW output, 5 kHz linewidth frequency-stabilized erbium silica fiber laser with a short cavity configuration (2014) (0)
- State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives of Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) High Bit Rate Optical Transmission (1999) (0)
- Derivation of analytical expression for third-order dispersion using time-domain optical Fourier transformation (2005) (0)
- Broadband Dynamic Injection-Locking Performance of Fabry-Perot LD and Its Application to Coherent Homodyne Receiver (2021) (0)
- Optical Soliton and Nonlinear Transmission Systmes (1997) (0)
- Roll-off factor dependence of system performance in 1.28 Tbit/s/ch-525 km Nyquist pulse transmission (2016) (0)
- Development of Lasers in the 20th Century and Prospect in the Future (2001) (0)
- High-speed, high spectrally efficient 64 QAM orthogonal TDM coherent Nyquist pulse transmission (2015) (0)
- Ultrahigh-speed optical soliton communication and soliton transmission control (1993) (0)
- B-10-43 10 Gbit/s (4 x 2.5 Gbit/s) photonic crystal fiber transmission with direct modulation of 850 nm VCSELs (2007) (0)
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- Self-Induced Transparency (SIT) Soliton and Coherent π Pulse Propagation in Erbium-Doped Fibers and Amplifiers (1992) (0)
- B-10-92 Mito-Maebashi, 40Gbit/s soliton transmission field experiments I : Extention of transmission distance by using in-line synchronous modulation (1999) (0)
- C-4-1 Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in DDF soliton compression of an ultrahigh-speed optical pulse train (2004) (0)
- Ultra high speed and high capacity optical communication (2000) (0)
- Measurement of optical carrier spectrum deformation in high-speed pulse transmission (2005) (0)
- Pulse Transmission Through a ero-Average Group Velocity (1996) (0)
- A mode-hop-free, frequency-tunable 40 GHz mode-locked fiber laser (2007) (0)
- B-10-46 2.56 Tbit/s/ch DQPSK Non-Coherent Nyquist Pulse Transmission over 525 km (2015) (0)
- Single-Channel 10.2 Tbit/s PDM-DQPSK Nyquist Pulse Transmission over 300 km (2018) (0)
- Marked reduction of depolarization-induced crosstalk in ultrahigh-speed Pol-MUX transmission with an optical Nyquist pulse (2013) (0)
- Photon number squeezing of ultrabroadband pulses generated by microstructure fibers (2005) (0)
- Soliton transmission field experiment (1996) (0)
- Ultralong distance soliton transmission (1992) (0)
- GAWBS Noise in Digital Coherent Transmission (2022) (0)
- BCI-1-10 Front line of ultra-multi-level modulation technique for coherent QAM transmission (2008) (0)
- Optical Fiber Transmission of Standard Signals Using Optical Combs (2007) (0)
- Optimization of ultrashort-pulse squeezing by spectral filtering with pulse-shaping technique (2003) (0)
- Ultrafast transmission technology using time-domain optical Fourier transformation technique (2009) (0)
- C-4-4 Characteristics of a ^ C_2H_2 frequency-stabilized, polarization-maintained fiber laser at 1.54μm : Measurement of frequency stability with beat note signal (2006) (0)
- Device Requirements for Next Generation Optical Transmission Technology (2010) (0)
- 40 Gbit/s Soliton Transmission Field Experiment Using Dispersion Management (1999) (0)
- C-4-21 A femtosecond fiber soliton laser at 1.1 μm band using SWNT-coated polyimide film as a saturable absorber (2010) (0)
- Dynamic optical transport connection with a 100 Gbit/s digital coherent optical transponder for disaster-resilient networking (2013) (0)
- Subpicosecond coherent Nyquist pulse generation for 1-Tbaud transmission using a C2H2 frequency-stabilized CW laser and a 40 GHz optical comb generator (2017) (0)
- Broadband injection-locked homodyne receiver for digital coherent transmission using a low Q Fabry-Perot LD. (2022) (0)
- Novel modulation format and high spectral efficiency technology for coherent optical communication systems (2008) (0)
- Recent Progress in Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (1996) (0)
- Long distance fault location system for single-mode and multimode fibers with a 1.3-µm YAG laser (1982) (0)
- A C2H2 frequency-stabilized laser diode with a linewidth of 4 kHz and its application to an optical phase-locked loop (2010) (0)
- Preparation for ultrahigh-capacity SDM transmission (2012) (0)
- Hardware paradigm shifts in the optical communication infrastructure with three “M technologies” (2010) (0)
- Application of a fiber Bragg grating to spectral filtering (1997) (0)
- TK-3-7 Optical Transmission Technologies for Enhancing the Resilience of Information and Communication Networks (2013) (0)
- Output-stabilized high-repetition-rate 1.545-microm Q-switched Er:glass laser. (1984) (0)
- A 440 fs, 9.2 GHz hybrid mode-locked erbium fiber laser with a combination of higher-order solitons and a SESAM saturable absorber (2016) (0)
- 10 Gb/s×4 channel WDM transmission over a 3 km-long photonic crystal fiber in the 800 nm region (2006) (0)
- Acetylene (^ C_2H_2) Stabilized Single-Polarization Fiber Laser (2005) (0)
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- Femtosecond Soliton Interaction with Adiabatic Soliton Narrowing in a Distributed Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (1993) (0)
- B-10-52 320 Gbit/s, 256 QAM Coherent Optical Transmission over 160 km with an LD-based Injection-locked Homodyne Receiver (2015) (0)
- Dynamic soliton communication (1991) (0)
- Efficient optical pulse compression with optical gain via four‐wave mixing (1999) (0)
- High Precision Frequency Standards Using Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers (2003) (0)
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- Effect of ASE Noise on Coherence for Supercontinuum Light Source by Solition Compression (2000) (0)
- Demonstration of quantum cipher communication using quadrature amplitude modulation technologies over 100 km optical fiber (2017) (0)
- Ultrahigh speed soliton and non-soliton transmission technologies (1999) (0)
- Characterization of Inter-core Crosstalk of Multi-core Fiber as a Function of Bending Radius with Multi-channel OTDR (2022) (0)
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- Oscillation characteristics of a 10GHz harmonically and regeneratively mode-locked SOA fiber laser (2004) (0)
- Mito-Maebashi 40 Gbit/s soliton transmission field experiment using dispersion compensation (1999) (0)
- Amplification and transmission at 1.53-1.55 µm with Er 3+ doped fibers (1990) (0)
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- Recent progress on optical soliton communication and future prospects (1992) (0)
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- Dispersion management of femtosecond pulse amplification for octave-spanning optical frequency comb generation (2008) (0)
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- An Ultrastable Cs Optical Atomic Clock with a Regeneratively Mode-Locked Fiber Laser and an Optically Pumped Cs Gas Cell (2007) (0)
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- Rare earth element-doped optical waveguide (1991) (0)
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- Optimization of a 40 GHz regeneratively and harmonically mode-locked fiber laser under PLL operation and its longitudinal mode characteristics (2005) (0)
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- Optical Soliton Communication Using Erbium-Doped Optical Fiber Amplifiers (1992) (0)
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- Optical soliton communication technologies for high-speed networks (1994) (0)
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- Single Channel Terabit/s OTDM Transmission Using a Femtosecond Pulse Train (invited) (2001) (0)
- Recent Progress in Long-Distance Soliton Communication (1996) (0)
- Single-Channel 1.28 Tbit/s Optical Nyquist Pulse Transmission over 3000 km with Roll-off Factor Optimization (2021) (0)
- 160 Gb/sec WDM (20 Gb/sec × 8 channels) soliton transmission over 10,000 km using in-line synchronous modulation and optical filtering (1997) (0)
- 320 Gbit/s, 256 QAM LD-based coherent transmission over 160 km with an injection-locked homodyne detection technique (2014) (0)
- Hardware paradigm shifts in the optical communication infrastructure with three “M technologies” (2010) (0)
- Pedestal-free transform-limited femtosecond pulse generation at 10 GHz using a polarization maintaining dispersion decreasing fiber and dispersion imbalanced nonlinear loop mirror (2001) (0)
- An ultra-low noise and narrow linewidth λ/4-shifted DFB Er-doped fiber laser with a ring configuration (2006) (0)
- 60 Gbit/s, 64 QAM LD-based injection-locked coherent heterodyne transmission over 160 km with a spectral efficiency of 9 bit/s/Hz (2014) (0)
- B-10-72 ABCD matrix formalism for distortion-free transmission using time-domain optical Fourier transformation (2005) (0)
- 40 GHz Bright and Dark Parabolic Pulse Generation Using a Picosecond Optical Pulse Source and a 64-channel AWG (2008) (0)
- Precise and Wideband Compensation of Inter-Channel Cross-Phase Modulation Noise in WDM Coherent Transmission Using Injection Locking (2020) (0)
- 160 Gbit/s-200 km field transmission experiment using a time-domain optical Fourier transformation technique with a large PMD (2008) (0)
- Ultrafast Optical TDM transmission with the use of Femtosecond Pulses (2002) (0)
- Dual-polarization real-time 256~512 QAM digital coherent transmission (2019) (0)
- Demultiplexing and routing TDM signal using wavelength conversion by four‐wave mixing and wavelength routing by fiber gratings (1997) (0)
- 10 GHz, 1.1 ps pulse generation from a harmonically and regeneratively mode-locked Yb fiber laser at 1.1 µm (2011) (0)
- Tb/s OTDM technology (2001) (0)
- Recent Progress on Ultra-High Capacity Optical Transmission using Multi-Level, Multi-Core, and Multi-Mode Techniques (2017) (0)
- Control of quantum correlation between frequency bands in ultrashort pulses via nonlinear fiber propagation and pulse shaping (2003) (0)
- Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier And Its Application To Nonlinear Optics (1990) (0)
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- An 88 fs fiber soliton laser at 1.56 µm using a quantum well saturable absorber with an ultrafast intersubband transition (2010) (0)
- Orthogonal TDM Using Optical Nyquist Pulses (2013) (0)
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- Subterabit soliton transmission using soliton control (1994) (0)
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- 20~30 GHz Pulse Train Generation from a Multi Quantum Well Electro-Absorption Intensity Modulator (1993) (0)
- 40Gbit/s WDM (10Gbit/s×4 channels) soliton transmission over 10,000 km (1996) (0)
- High-Gain Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier Pumped by 820 nm GaAlAs Laser Diodes (1990) (0)
- Ultrahigh-speed parabolic pulse generation for time-domain optical Fourier transformation (2004) (0)
- Reduction of amplified spontaneous emission (ase) noise from transmitted soliton signals with a nonlinear amplifying optical loop mirror (1993) (0)
- Optical cable amplifiers (1995) (0)
- Reduction of delay ripple on chirped fiber Bragg gratings made with electron beam overwritten phase masks (2000) (0)
- A single-channel 1.92 Tbit/s, 64 QAM coherent pulse OTDM transmission over 150 km (2013) (0)
- An Ultrastable Cs Optical Atomic Clock with a 9.1926-GHz Regeneratively Mode-Locked Fiber Laser (2007) (0)
- 1024 QAM, 7-core fiber/multi-core EDFA transmission over 100 km with an aggregated spectral efficiency of 109 bit/s/Hz (2016) (0)
- Ultrafast spectrally-efficient TDM multiplexing/demultiplexing schemes using orthogonality in coherent optical nyquist pulses (2015) (0)
- Transmission of microwaves and optical standards using a fiber laser (2006) (0)
- Optical Pulse Compression and Soliton Lasers (1987) (0)
- Linewidth and RIN measurements of longitudinal modes in ultrahigh-speed mode-locked laser diodes (2005) (0)
- Low-penalty 5x320 Gbit/s (1.6 Tbit/s) WDM DPSK transmission over 525 km using time-domain optical Fourier transformation (2009) (0)
- Active Q switching and mode locking in a 1.53-Mum fiber ring laser with saturable absorption in erbium-doped fiber at 4.2 K. (1993) (0)
- 40 GHz, 770 fs harmonically and regeneratively FM mode-locked erbium fiber laser in L-band (2017) (0)
- Femtosecond optical pulse transmission over long distances using adiabatic soliton trapping and soliton standardization (1991) (0)
- Next generation ultrafast telecommunications technologies (2007) (0)
- Handling noise in soliton systems for ultrahigh speed transmission over unlimited distances (1999) (0)
- New optimum dispersion design method for zero-dispersion and dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fibers (2005) (0)
- Quantum correlation among spectral modes of ultra-broadband pulses generated by nonlinear optics in microstructure fibers (2004) (0)
- Demodulation Performance Comparison of 160 Gbaud Coherent Nyquist Pulse Signal with Analog and Digital DEMUX Schemes (2022) (0)
- A 295 mW output, HCN frequency-stabilized CW erbium silica fiber laser with a linewidth of 5 kHz and a RIN of −120 dB/Hz (2016) (0)
- Full C+L-Band, Mode-Hop-Free Wavelength Tunable Laser Diode with a Linewidth of 8 kHz and a RIN of −130 dB/Hz (2018) (0)
- Preliminary experiment for optical heterodyne communication with a single-mode optical fiber by using frequency-stabilized He-Ne lasers. (1981) (0)
- Numerical Analyses of Ultrafast Fiber Laser with Soliton Effect (2000) (0)
- Optical Solitons: Soliton amplification in erbium-doped fiber amplifiers and its application to soliton communication (1992) (0)
- Handling Noise in Supercontinuun Generation For WDM Application (2000) (0)
- Theory of Higher-Order Hermite-Gaussian Pulse Generation From an FM Mode-Locked Laser (2023) (0)
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- CNT-based mode-locked lasers (2011) (0)
- Sub-Picosecond Optical Switch over Entire C-Band by Using Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror (2019) (0)
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- In-Line Fiber Grating-Type Optical Bandpass Filter Tuned by Applying Lateral Stress (1995) (0)
- 10Gbit/s-3,000km Dispersion Managed Soliton Transmission Using Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings (1999) (0)
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- 120 Gbit/s, 64 QAM Coherent Transmission Employing an Optical Voltage Controlled Oscillator (2013) (0)
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- Optical Cable Amplifier (1997) (0)
- Generation of 29-fs Pulses from a Synchronously Pumped Dye Laser and Its Cavity-Dumping Technique (1988) (0)
- A Cesium Optical Atomic Clock using a Low Phase Noise Regeneratively Mode-Locked Fiber Laser (invited) (2001) (0)
- Ultra-Multilevel Coherent QAM Optical Transmission Technology (2009) (0)
- A new ultrastable cesium optical atomic clock with a 9.1926-GHz regeneratively mode-locked fiber laser (2005) (0)
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- Delivery of an ultrastable Cs optical atomic clock using a JGN II optical test bed (2009) (0)
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- Polarization Dependence of Soliton Interactions in Femtosecond Soliton Transmission (1995) (0)
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