Matias Zaldarriaga
Argentine cosmologist
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Matias Zaldarriaga's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Buenos Aires
Why Is Matias Zaldarriaga Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Matias Zaldarriaga is a theoretical physicist best known for his work on cosmology. He has made significant contributions toward understanding both astrophysical phenomena and fundamental physics, most notably through his research on modeling the early universe and analyzing statistical properties of cosmic microwave background data. Zaldarriaga grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Buenos Aires in 1994. He received his PhD in 1998 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ. Zaldarriaga was a faculty member at New York University and Harvard University, where he received a MacArthur Fellowship in 2006. He is currently a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, where he has been a faculty member since 2009.
Matias Zaldarriaga's Published Works
Published Works
- A Line of sight integration approach to cosmic microwave background anisotropies (1996) (1662)
- An all sky analysis of polarization in the microwave background (1996) (834)
- Signature of gravity waves in polarization of the microwave background (1996) (706)
- Single field consistency relation for the 3-point function (2004) (580)
- New mechanism for generating density perturbations from inflation (2003) (544)
- The shape of non-Gaussianities (2004) (538)
- Ghost Inflation (2003) (533)
- Significance of the largest scale CMB fluctuations in WMAP (2003) (490)
- Cosmological non-linearities as an effective fluid (2010) (424)
- Non-Gaussianities in single field inflation and their optimal limits from the WMAP 5-year data (2009) (413)
- Cosmological Parameter Estimation Using 21 cm Radiation from the Epoch of Reionization (2005) (379)
- The Growth of H II Regions During Reionization (2004) (370)
- 21 Centimeter Fluctuations from Cosmic Gas at High Redshifts (2003) (360)
- Gravitational lensing effect on cosmic microwave background polarization (1998) (354)
- Limits on non-Gaussianities from WMAP data (2005) (338)
- The end of unified dark matter (2002) (326)
- The morphology of H ii regions during reionization (2006) (300)
- Microwave Background Constraints on Cosmological Parameters (1997) (297)
- Simulations and Analytic Calculations of Bubble Growth during Hydrogen Reionization (2006) (277)
- Measuring the small-scale power spectrum of cosmic density fluctuations through 21 cm tomography prior to the epoch of structure formation. (2003) (270)
- CMBPol Mission Concept Study Probing Ination with CMB Polarization (2008) (264)
- Non-Gaussianities in models with a varying inflaton decay rate (2003) (252)
- On loops in inflation (2009) (237)
- Solving large scale structure in ten easy steps with COLA (2013) (233)
- The effective field theory of multifield inflation (2010) (229)
- Evolution of the Intergalactic Opacity: Implications for the Ionizing Background, Cosmic Star Formation, and Quasar Activity (2008) (212)
- Cosmological Perturbations From Inhomogeneous Reheating, Freeze-Out, and Mass Domination (2003) (207)
- How accurately can 21cm tomography constrain cosmology (2008) (206)
- Studying reionization with Lyα emitters (2007) (205)
- Small-scale power spectrum of cold dark matter (2005) (196)
- Cosmological parameters from the BOSS galaxy power spectrum (2019) (195)
- A Direct Precision Measurement of the Intergalactic Lyα Opacity at 2 ≤ z ≤ 4.2 (2007) (193)
- Power Spectrum Correlations Induced by Nonlinear Clustering (1999) (188)
- Cosmic Microwave Background Observables and Their Cosmological Implications (2001) (180)
- New binary black hole mergers in the second observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo (2019) (177)
- The Accelerated universe and the moon (2002) (176)
- Probing primordial non-Gaussianity with large - scale structure (2003) (173)
- Galaxy Bias and non-Linear Structure Formation in General Relativity (2011) (172)
- CMB Observables and Their Cosmological Implications (2000) (171)
- Benchmark parameters for CMB polarization experiments (2002) (169)
- The Observed Squeezed Limit of Cosmological Three-Point Functions (2013) (167)
- The IR-resummed Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures (2014) (165)
- Statistical Probes of Reionization with 21 Centimeter Tomography (2004) (160)
- The Lagrangian-space Effective Field Theory of large scale structures (2013) (159)
- Detecting the Rise and Fall of 21 cm Fluctuations with the Murchison Widefield Array (2007) (155)
- Supernovae, CMB, and gravitational leakage into extra dimensions (2002) (153)
- The phase transition to eternal inflation (2008) (147)
- Primordial bispectrum information from CMB polarization (2004) (141)
- Polarization of the microwave background in reionized models (1996) (140)
- Combining full-shape and BAO analyses of galaxy power spectra: a 1.6% CMB-independent constraint on H0 (2020) (138)
- Is cosmology consistent (2001) (136)
- Algorithms for bispectra: Forecasting, optimal analysis, and simulation (2006) (136)
- A complete treatment of CMB anisotropies in a FRW universe (1997) (132)
- EBEX: a balloon-borne CMB polarization experiment (2010) (131)
- The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect from Reionization (2005) (130)
- Fast Fourier transform telescope (2008) (128)
- Renormalized halo bias (2014) (128)
- Reconstructing projected matter density power spectrum from cosmic microwave background (1998) (125)
- Biased tracers and time evolution (2014) (125)
- Changing alpha with time: implications for fifth-force-type experiments and quintessence. (2001) (123)
- E/B decomposition of finite pixelized CMB maps (2002) (122)
- Testing Inflation with Large Scale Structure: Connecting Hopes with Reality (2014) (120)
- Constraints from the Lyα Forest Power Spectrum (2000) (120)
- Highly spinning and aligned binary black hole merger in the Advanced LIGO first observing run (2019) (119)
- On the renormalization of the effective field theory of large scale structures (2013) (118)
- Equivalence Principle and the Baryon Acoustic Peak (2015) (118)
- Separating the early universe from the late universe: Cosmological parameter estimation beyond the black box (2002) (117)
- Optimal limits on fNLlocal from WMAP 5-year data (2009) (115)
- Dissipative effects in the effective field theory of inflation (2011) (115)
- New sources of gravitational waves during inflation (2011) (112)
- Estimators for local non-Gaussianities (2006) (111)
- The EBEX experiment (2004) (108)
- Precision calibration of radio interferometers using redundant baselines (2010) (106)
- Connection between Newtonian simulations and general relativity (2011) (106)
- Instability of dark energy with mass-varying neutrinos (2005) (106)
- Quasar Proximity Zones and Patchy Reionization (2007) (105)
- Constraining early dark energy with large-scale structure (2020) (105)
- Perturbations in bouncing cosmologies: Dynamical attractor versus scale invariance (2004) (104)
- Going beyond the Kaiser redshift-space distortion formula: A full general relativistic account of the effects and their detectability in galaxy clustering (2012) (104)
- An improved method for 21‐cm foreground removal (2009) (104)
- Probing the neutral fraction of the IGM with GRBs during the epoch of reionization (2007) (103)
- Integral Solution for the Microwave Background Anisotropies in Nonflat Universes (1997) (102)
- New window on primordial non-gaussianity. (2012) (101)
- A note on the consistency condition of primordial fluctuations (2012) (101)
- The Influence of Nonuniform Reionization on the CMB (2005) (101)
- CMBFAST for Spatially Closed Universes (1999) (98)
- The effects of reionization on Lyα galaxy surveys (2005) (97)
- The Phase Transition to Slow-roll Eternal Inflation (2008) (95)
- Towards a refined cosmic concordance model: Joint 11-parameter constraints from the cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure (2000) (95)
- On loops in inflation III: time independence of ζ in single clock inflation (2012) (93)
- Task force on cosmic microwave background research (2006) (93)
- A naturally large four-point function in single field inflation (2010) (92)
- Beyond the Linear-Order Relativistic Effect in Galaxy Clustering: Second-Order Gauge-Invariant Formalism (2014) (89)
- Inflation Physics from the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure (2013) (88)
- Shift of the baryon acoustic oscillation scale: A simple physical picture (2012) (87)
- Lensing of the CMB: non-Gaussian aspects. (1999) (87)
- GW150914: spin-based constraints on the merger time of the progenitor system (2016) (84)
- Effective field theory of large scale structure at two loops: The apparent scale dependence of the speed of sound (2015) (81)
- General solution to the E-B mixing problem (2006) (81)
- New search pipeline for compact binary mergers: Results for binary black holes in the first observing run of Advanced LIGO (2019) (79)
- Linear response to long wavelength fluctuations using curvature simulations (2015) (79)
- On loops in inflation II: IR effects in single clock inflation (2012) (78)
- Current Cosmological Constraints from a 10 Parameter Cosmic Microwave Background Analysis (2000) (77)
- The mildly non-linear regime of structure formation (2011) (77)
- Constraints on binary black hole populations from LIGO–Virgo detections (2018) (77)
- Lensing-induced Cluster Signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background (1999) (76)
- A Flat Photoionization Rate at 2 ≤ z ≤ 4.2: Evidence for a Stellar-Dominated UV Background and against a Decline of Cosmic Star Formation beyond z ~ 3 (2008) (76)
- Measuring Dark Matter Power Spectrum from Cosmic Microwave Background (1998) (75)
- The constancy of ζ in single-clock Inflation at all loops (2012) (74)
- Direct signature of an evolving gravitational potential from the cosmic microwave background (1998) (74)
- Probing inflation with CMB polarization (2008) (74)
- Cosmological perturbation theory using the FFTLog: formalism and connection to QFT loop integrals (2017) (73)
- Comparison of cosmological Boltzmann codes: Are we ready for high precision cosmology? (2003) (73)
- Cosmological parameters and neutrino masses from the final Planck and full-shape BOSS data (2019) (73)
- LSS constraints with controlled theoretical uncertainties (2016) (73)
- Universal bound on N-point correlations from inflation. (2011) (73)
- CMB 3-point functions generated by nonlinearities at recombination (2004) (73)
- Research Note: The Expected Spins of Gravitational Wave Sources With Isolated Field Binary Progenitors (2017) (71)
- Will point sources spoil 21-cm tomography? (2008) (71)
- Scale-invariance and the strong coupling problem (2011) (70)
- Blinded challenge for precision cosmology with large-scale structure: Results from effective field theory for the redshift-space galaxy power spectrum (2020) (69)
- Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization as a Direct Test of Inflation (1997) (68)
- Limits on f_NL parameters from WMAP 3yr data (2006) (68)
- Modeling biased tracers at the field level (2018) (68)
- Detecting primordial B-modes after Planck (2015) (66)
- Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiments (1998) (66)
- Phases of New Physics in the BAO Spectrum (2017) (65)
- Omniscopes: Large area telescope arrays with only NlogN computational cost (2009) (64)
- Redshift Space Distortions in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures (2014) (64)
- Limits on fNL parameters from Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe three-year data (2007) (63)
- Iterative initial condition reconstruction (2017) (62)
- Inferring the Linear Power Spectrum from the Lyα Forest (2001) (60)
- Towards an optimal reconstruction of baryon oscillations (2012) (58)
- Characterization of a liquid crystal television as a programmable spatial light modulator (1996) (58)
- Nature of the E-B decomposition of CMB polarization (2001) (56)
- Higher Order Contributions to the 21 cm Power Spectrum (2006) (54)
- Planets in Stellar Clusters Extensive Search. III. A Search for Transiting Planets in the Metal-rich Open Cluster NGC 6791 (2005) (54)
- On the reach of perturbative descriptions for dark matter displacement fields (2015) (54)
- On the reach of perturbative methods for dark matter density fields (2015) (53)
- Large-Scale Structure and Gravitational Waves III: Tidal Effects (2013) (53)
- Correlations in the Spatial Power Spectra Inferred from Angular Clustering: Methods and Application to the Automated Plate Measuring Survey (2001) (53)
- Detecting gravitational waves with disparate detector responses: Two new binary black hole mergers (2019) (52)
- Lensing Reconstruction Using Redshifted 21 Centimeter Fluctuations (2005) (51)
- Messengers from the Early Universe: Cosmic Neutrinos and Other Light Relics (2019) (50)
- Non-Gaussianities from Perturbing Recombination (2008) (49)
- Anomalous dimensions and non-gaussianity (2013) (49)
- Moving-mesh cosmology: properties of neutral hydrogen in absorption (2012) (49)
- Probing the Friedmann equation during recombination with future cosmic microwave background experiments (2002) (49)
- Cosmological perturbations at second order and recombination perturbed (2008) (48)
- Spectral Distortions of the CMB as a Probe of Inflation, Recombination, Structure Formation and Particle Physics (2019) (48)
- Implications of the scalar tilt for the tensor-to-scalar ratio (2014) (47)
- Gravitational waves and the scale of inflation (2014) (46)
- The Signatures of Large-scale Temperature and Intensity Fluctuations in the Lyman-alpha Forest (2010) (45)
- Dimming of supernovae by photon-pseudoscalar conversion and the intergalactic plasma (2001) (43)
- Last stand before WMAP: Cosmological parameters from lensing, CMB, and galaxy clustering (2002) (43)
- by a primordial magnetic field and its effect upon temperature anisotropy (1996) (42)
- Polarization of the microwave background in inflationary cosmology (1993) (42)
- Correlations in the Spatial Power Spectrum Inferred from Angular Clustering (1999) (41)
- A Hydrodynamical Approach to CMB mu-distortions (2012) (41)
- The Line-of-Sight Proximity Effect and the Mass of Quasar Host Halos (2007) (41)
- The Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure in the presence of Massive Neutrinos (2017) (41)
- Estimating CDM particle trajectories in the mildly non-linear regime of structure formation. Implications for the density field in real and redshift space (2012) (40)
- Constraining a spatially dependent rotation of the cosmic microwave background polarization (2009) (40)
- The Far-Infrared Background Correlation with Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing (2003) (39)
- Bumpy black holes from spontaneous Lorentz violation (2007) (38)
- ϕ(2) or not ϕ(2): testing the simplest inflationary potential. (2014) (38)
- Searching for Fluctuations in the Intergalactic Medium Temperature Using the Lyα Forest (2002) (37)
- Efficient evaluation of angular power spectra and bispectra (2017) (36)
- Erratum: Connection between Newtonian simulations and general relativity [Phys. Rev. D 83, 123505 (2011)] (2011) (36)
- Double soft limits of cosmological correlations (2014) (35)
- Heating of the intergalactic medium by the cosmic microwave background during cosmic dawn (2018) (33)
- How Neutral Is the Intergalactic Medium at z ~ 6? (2001) (32)
- Higher Order Moments of the Cosmic Shear and Other Spin-2 Fields (2002) (32)
- Neutrino clustering around spherical dark matter halos (2013) (32)
- The consistency condition for the three-point function in dissipative single-clock inflation (2012) (32)
- Optimal analysis of the CMB trispectrum (2015) (32)
- Cosmology from the Highly-Redshifted 21 cm Line (2009) (30)
- Contributions to the dark matter 3-Point function from the radiation era (2009) (30)
- Eavesdropping on radio broadcasts from galactic civilizations with upcoming observatories for redshifted 21 cm radiation (2006) (29)
- Beyond the traditional line-of-sight approach of cosmological angular statistics (2018) (29)
- New binary black hole mergers in the LIGO-Virgo O3a data (2022) (29)
- sCOLA: The N-body COLA Method Extended to the Spatial Domain (2015) (28)
- The Impact of Temperature Fluctuations on the Lyα Forest Power Spectrum (2005) (27)
- $\phi^2$ Inflation at its Endpoint (2014) (26)
- Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background (1998) (26)
- A Mission to Map our Origins (2008) (25)
- Precision analysis of the redshift-space galaxy bispectrum (2021) (25)
- Efficient Evaluation of Cosmological Angular Statistics (2017) (25)
- A cryogenic half-wave plate polarimeter using a superconducting magnetic bearing (2011) (25)
- Primordial B-mode diagnostics and self-calibrating the CMB polarization (2009) (25)
- CMB polarization as a direct test of Inflation (1997) (25)
- Fewer mocks and less noise: Reducing the dimensionality of cosmological observables with subspace projections (2020) (24)
- Lensing effect on polarization in the microwave background: Extracting the convergence power spectrum (1999) (24)
- Binary black hole mergers from LIGO/Virgo O1 and O2: Population inference combining confident and marginal events (2020) (24)
- CMB Polarization Experiments (1997) (23)
- EBEX: the E and B Experiment (2008) (23)
- Modeling galaxies in redshift space at the field level (2020) (23)
- Constraints on Single-Field Inflation from the BOSS Galaxy Survey. (2022) (23)
- Connections between the Cosmic Baryon Fraction, the Extragalactic Ionizing Background, and Lyman Break Galaxies (2002) (22)
- Lensing reconstruction of cluster-mass cross correlation with cosmic microwave background polarization (2010) (22)
- Constraints on multifield inflation from the BOSS galaxy survey (2022) (22)
- Implication of the Shape of the EDGES Signal for the 21 cm Power Spectrum (2018) (22)
- CMBFIT: Rapid WMAP likelihood calculations with normal parameters (2003) (22)
- CMB anisotropies from a gradient mode (2014) (22)
- Testing General Relativity on Horizon Scales and the Primordial non-Gaussianity (2011) (21)
- Correlations in the Lyα Forest: Testing the Gravitational Instability Paradigm (2000) (21)
- Weak Gravitational Lensing of High-Redshift 21 cm Power Spectra (2005) (21)
- CMBPol Mission Concept Study: Reionization Science with the Cosmic Microwave Background (2008) (20)
- Large squeezing behaviour of cosmological entropy generation (1994) (20)
- Constraining nonstandard recombination: A worked example (2000) (20)
- Source properties of the lowest signal-to-noise-ratio binary black hole detections (2020) (20)
- Improved estimation of cluster mass profiles from the cosmic microwave background (2008) (20)
- Dynamical tides reexpressed (2016) (20)
- Exploring the posterior surface of the large scale structure reconstruction (2018) (19)
- Astro 2020 Science White Paper: Fundamental Cosmology in the Dark Ages with 21-cm Line Fluctuations (2019) (18)
- Cosmological Recombination of Lithium and Its Effect on the Microwave Background Anisotropies (2002) (18)
- Detecting gravitational waves in data with non-stationary and non-Gaussian noise (2019) (17)
- Causality and Primordial Tensor Modes (2009) (16)
- The Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (2003) (16)
- The Imprint of Lithium Recombination on the Microwave Background Anisotropies (2001) (16)
- Distribution of effective spins and masses of binary black holes from the LIGO and Virgo O1–O3a observing runs (2021) (15)
- Impact of instrumental systematic contamination on the lensing mass reconstruction using the CMB polarization (2009) (14)
- Cosmology with the redshift-space galaxy bispectrum monopole at one-loop order (2022) (14)
- Astrophysics from the Highly-Redshifted 21 cm Line (2009) (13)
- Template bank for compact binary coalescence searches in gravitational wave data: A general geometric placement algorithm (2019) (13)
- Non-Gaussianity as a Probe of the Physics of the Primordial Universe and the Astrophysics of the Low Redshift Universe (2009) (13)
- Perturbed recombination from dark matter annihilation (2013) (13)
- Cosmic Dawn and Reionization: Astrophysics in the Final Frontier (2019) (12)
- The EBEX Cryostat and Supporting Electronics (2010) (12)
- First attempt at measuring the CMB cross-polarization (2002) (11)
- Solving the Corner-Turning Problem for Large Interferometers (2009) (11)
- First implementation of TES bolometer arrays with SQUID-based multiplexed readout on a balloon-borne platform (2010) (11)
- Science from an Ultra-Deep, High-Resolution Millimeter-Wave Survey (2019) (11)
- Cosmological constraints without fingers of God (2021) (10)
- Search for Lensed Gravitational Waves Including Morse Phase Information: An Intriguing Candidate in O2 (2020) (9)
- Mapping Cosmic Dawn and Reionization: Challenges and Synergies (2019) (9)
- Software systems for operation, control, and monitoring of the EBEX instrument (2010) (8)
- Astro2020 Science White Paper: Insights Into the Epoch of Reionization with the Highly-Redshifted 21-cm Line (2019) (8)
- Polarization of microwave background: Statistical and physical properties (1998) (8)
- Mapping the likelihood of GW190521 with diverse mass and spin priors (2021) (7)
- Observing the Evolution of the Universe (2009) (7)
- The Cosmic Baryon Fraction and the Extragalactic Ionizing Background (2001) (6)
- Post-Planck Cosmology: Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School: Volume 100, July 2013 (2015) (6)
- Mapping our universe in 3D with MITEoR (2013) (6)
- On loops in inflation III: time independence of ζ in single clock inflation (2012) (6)
- Cosmology with the Highly Redshifted 21cm Line (2019) (5)
- Signs of higher multipoles and orbital precession in GW151226 (2021) (5)
- Baryon Acoustic Peak and the Squeezed Limit Bispectrum (2014) (5)
- Non-Gaussianities in Dissipative EFT of Inflation Coupled to a Fluid (2013) (5)
- Testing the Dark Matter Annihilation Model for the WMAP Haze (2010) (5)
- Testing the dark matter annihilation model for the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe haze (2011) (4)
- Towards Constraints on Dark Energy from Absorption Spectra of Close Quasar Pairs (2003) (4)
- Astro2020 Science White Paper: Synergies Between Galaxy Surveys and Reionization Measurements (2019) (4)
- Astro2020 Science White Paper: First Stars and Black Holes at Cosmic Dawn with Redshifted 21-cm Observations (2019) (4)
- Lagrangian Formulation of the Eulerian-EFT (2015) (4)
- Lensing of the CMB: Non‐Gaussian Aspects (2001) (4)
- Dynamical Tides Simplified (2016) (3)
- Constraining single-field inflation with MegaMapper (2022) (3)
- Weighing neutrinos with microwave background and galaxy data (2001) (3)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and International Atomic Energy Agency THE ABDUS SALAM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS LIMITS ON fNL PARAMETERS FROM WMAP 3YR DATA (2006) (3)
- Constraints from the Lyman Α Forest Power Spectrum (2000) (3)
- The Big Bang's Radical Brother (2000) (2)
- decomposition of finite pixelized CMB maps (2003) (2)
- Reionization Science with the Cosmic Microwave Background (2009) (2)
- Removing degeneracy and multimodality in gravitational wave source parameters (2022) (2)
- Cosmology: Background comes to the fore (2002) (2)
- The signatures of large-scale temperature and intensity fluctuations in the Lyman α forest (2010) (1)
- Latest cosmological constraints on the densities of hot and cold dark matter (2000) (1)
- CMB polarization workshop : theory and foregrounds : CMBPol mission concept study, Batavia, IL, 23-26 June 2008 (2009) (1)
- Searching for fluctuations in the IGM temperature using the Lyman alpha forest (2001) (1)
- Large Squeezing Behavior of Cosmological (1994) (1)
- The Intergalactic Lyα Opacity at 2 ≤ z ≤ 4.2: Implications for the Ionizing Background, Cosmic Star Formation, and Quasar Activity (2008) (1)
- An Introduction to CMB Anisotropies (2000) (1)
- On loops in inflation II: IR effects in single clock inflation (2013) (1)
- Cosmology with the galaxy bispectrum multipoles: Optimal estimation and application to BOSS data (2023) (1)
- Synergies Between Galaxy Surveys and Reionization Measurements (2019) (0)
- Correlations in the Spatial Power Spectra Inferred from Angular Clustering: Methods and Application to APM (2022) (0)
- Calibration Error (2020) (0)
- Anomalous dimensions and non-gaussianity (2013) (0)
- 12th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Dev. in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories - Proc. of the MG 2009 Meeting on General Relativity (2012) (0)
- Astro2020 APC White Paper: Theoretical Astrophysics 2020-2030 (2019) (0)
- A New Method for Calibrating Radio Interferometers (2010) (0)
- Erratum: `Dynamical Tides Reexpressed' (2018) (0)
- The E and B EXperiment (EBEX); Progress and Status (2009) (0)
- Inuence of Long Wavelength Modes on Local Dynamics and Galaxy Biasing (2011) (0)
- 1 The Epoch of Reionization : How the Universe emerges from its dark ages 1 . 1 (2008) (0)
- 05 04 11 2 v 1 5 A pr 2 00 5 The Small-Scale Power Spectrum of Cold Dark Matter (2005) (0)
- O ct 2 00 2 Benchmark Parameters for CMB Polarization Experiments (2002) (0)
- The effective field theory of multifield inflation (2012) (0)
- 02 12 41 7 v 2 2 0 D ec 2 00 2 The last stand before MAP : cosmological parameters from lensing , CMB and galaxy clustering (2018) (0)
- Front Matter for Volume 1141 (2009) (0)
- Dissipative effects in the effective field theory of inflation (2012) (0)
- ou rnal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (2015) (0)
- Redshift Space Distorsions in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures (2014) (0)
- Mapping our universe in 3 D with MITEoR Citation (2013) (0)
- 03 05 27 2 v 1 1 5 M ay 2 00 3 1 The Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave (2009) (0)
- pycola: N-body COLA method code (2015) (0)
- Ja n 20 05 The EBEX Experiment (2004) (0)
- C O ] 2 1 Ju l 2 01 0 EBEX : A balloon-borne CMB polarization experiment (2012) (0)
- The EBEX Experiment - eScholarship (2005) (0)
- A pr 2 01 5 Gravitational Waves and the Scale of Inflation (2015) (0)
- Back Matter for Volume 1141 (2009) (0)
- On Loops in Inflation II: IR Effects in Single Clock Inflation (2013) (0)
- Tracing dark matter with gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background (1999) (0)
- The constancy of ζ in single-clock Inflation at all loops (2013) (0)
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