Mei-Cheng Wang
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Taiwanese biostatistician
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- Bachelors Mathematics National Taiwan University
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Why Is Mei-Cheng Wang Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Mei-Cheng Wang is a biostatistician in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her research includes both theoretical work on survival analysis and statistical truncation, and applications to medical questions including prenatal and infant care, AIDS infection, and kidney disease.
Mei-Cheng Wang's Published Works
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Published Works
- Risk of end-stage renal disease following live kidney donation. (2014) (795)
- A note on the product-limit estimator under right censoring and left truncation (1987) (346)
- Nonparametric Estimation from Cross-Sectional Survival Data (1991) (289)
- Asymptotic Properties of the Product Limit Estimate Under Random Truncation (1986) (244)
- Analyzing Recurrent Event Data With Informative Censoring (2001) (232)
- Regionally-specific diffusion tensor imaging in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (2009) (221)
- Joint Modeling and Estimation for Recurrent Event Processes and Failure Time Data (2004) (201)
- Nonparametric Estimation of a Recurrent Survival Function. (1999) (188)
- Hazards regression analysis for length-biased data (1996) (127)
- A Semiparametric Model for Randomly Truncated Data (1989) (111)
- Cognitive changes preceding clinical symptom onset of mild cognitive impairment and relationship to ApoE genotype. (2014) (103)
- Hypothetical Preclinical Alzheimer Disease Groups and Longitudinal Cognitive Change. (2016) (96)
- Cognitive reserve and long-term change in cognition in aging and preclinical Alzheimer's disease (2017) (92)
- CSF biomarker changes precede symptom onset of mild cognitive impairment (2013) (91)
- Analysing panel count data with informative observation times. (2006) (89)
- Relationship of medial temporal lobe atrophy, APOE genotype, and cognitive reserve in preclinical Alzheimer's disease (2015) (88)
- Analysis of Accelerated Hazards Models (2000) (80)
- The diffeomorphometry of temporal lobe structures in preclinical Alzheimer's disease☆ (2013) (75)
- Predicting progression from normal cognition to mild cognitive impairment for individuals at 5 years (2018) (75)
- Conditional Regression Analysis for Recurrence Time Data (1999) (70)
- Relationship of cognitive reserve and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers to the emergence of clinical symptoms in preclinical Alzheimer's disease (2013) (64)
- Changes in Aβ biomarkers and associations with APOE genotype in 2 longitudinal cohorts (2015) (62)
- Cortical thickness in relation to clinical symptom onset in preclinical AD (2016) (56)
- Cognitive reserve and cortical thickness in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease (2017) (45)
- Network Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s Disease via MRI Based Shape Diffeomorphometry and High-Field Atlasing (2015) (44)
- Relationship of cognitive reserve and APOE status to the emergence of clinical symptoms in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease (2013) (42)
- White matter hyperintensities and CSF Alzheimer disease biomarkers in preclinical Alzheimer disease (2019) (38)
- Longitudinal changes in vaginal microbiota composition assessed by gram stain among never sexually active pre- and postmenarcheal adolescents in Rakai, Uganda. (2011) (36)
- Variation in Variables that Predict Progression from MCI to AD Dementia over Duration of Follow-up. (2013) (35)
- Nonparametric Estimation of the Bivariate Recurrence Time Distribution (2005) (35)
- The Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium‐Down Syndrome: Rationale and methodology (2020) (31)
- Relationship between cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease and cognition in cognitively normal older adults (2015) (31)
- Progressive medial temporal lobe atrophy during preclinical Alzheimer's disease (2017) (29)
- Estimating the Occurrence Rate for Prevalent Survival Data in Competing Risks Models (1995) (28)
- The Short-term Variability of Bacterial Vaginosis Diagnosed by Nugent Gram Stain Criteria Among Sexually Active Women in Rakai, Uganda (2011) (28)
- Nonparametric and Semiparametric Trend Analysis for Stratified Recurrence Times (2000) (27)
- Analysing bivariate survival data with interval sampling and application to cancer epidemiology. (2012) (26)
- Frequency of Recurrent Events at Failure Time (2003) (25)
- Semiparametric regression analysis on longitudinal pattern of recurrent gap times. (2004) (25)
- Joint Scale-Change Models for Recurrent Events and Failure Time (2017) (23)
- Parametric frailty models for clustered data with arbitrary censoring: application to effect of male circumcision on HPV clearance (2010) (22)
- The Analysis of Retrospectively Ascertained Data in the Presence of Reporting Delays (1992) (22)
- Kernel Estimation of Rate Function for Recurrent Event Data (2005) (19)
- Cognitive reserve and rate of change in Alzheimer's and cerebrovascular disease biomarkers among cognitively normal individuals (2019) (19)
- A two‐stage model for wearable device data (2018) (19)
- Additive Hazards Models with Latent Treatment Effectiveness Lag Time (2002) (19)
- Non‐parametric methods for recurrent event data with informative and non‐informative censorings (2002) (19)
- Estimating Propensity Scores and Causal Survival Functions Using Prevalent Survival Data (2012) (19)
- Nonparametric inference on bivariate survival data with interval sampling: association estimation and testing. (2014) (18)
- Plasma Total-Tau and Neurofilament Light Chain as Diagnostic Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Adults with Down Syndrome. (2020) (18)
- Depressive symptoms in relation to clinical symptom onset of mild cognitive impairment (2018) (17)
- Marginal Analysis For Clustered Failure Time Data (2005) (16)
- Association of midlife vascular risk and AD biomarkers with subsequent cognitive decline (2020) (15)
- The Natural History of Bacterial Vaginosis Diagnosed by Gram Stain Among Women in Rakai, Uganda (2011) (15)
- Random Weighted Bootstrap Method for Recurrent Events with Informative Censoring (2005) (14)
- Proteomic profiles for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment among adults with Down syndrome spanning serum and plasma: An Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium–Down Syndrome (ABC–DS) study (2020) (14)
- Bootstrapping left truncated and right censored data (1997) (14)
- Semiparametric Analysis of Truncated Data (2001) (14)
- ROC analysis for multiple markers with tree-based classification (2013) (13)
- Self-reported Lifestyle Activities in Relation to Longitudinal Cognitive Trajectories (2019) (13)
- A new approach of nonparametric estimation of incidence and lifetime risk based on birth rates and incident events (2007) (12)
- Cognitive reserve and midlife vascular risk: Cognitive and clinical outcomes (2020) (12)
- A modeling framework for the analysis of HPV incidence and persistence: A semi‐parametric approach for clustered binary longitudinal data analysis (2010) (11)
- On the dependence structure of bivariate recurrent event processes: inference and estimation (2015) (11)
- Estimating Incident Population Distribution from Prevalent Data (2012) (11)
- Sex differences in risk of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down syndrome (2020) (11)
- Joint modeling of longitudinal, recurrent events and failure time data for survivor's population (2017) (10)
- Varying-coefficient model for the occurrence rate function of recurrent events (2009) (10)
- Statistical inference methods for recurrent event processes with shape and size parameters. (2014) (9)
- Association of Lifestyle Activities with Functional Brain Connectivity and Relationship to Cognitive Decline among Older Adults. (2021) (9)
- Estimating the ratio of multivariate recurrent event rates with application to a blood transfusion study (2017) (9)
- Bivariate Marker Measurements and ROC Analysis (2012) (8)
- Semiparametric Modeling and Estimation of the Terminal Behavior of Recurrent Marker Processes Before Failure Events (2017) (8)
- Delayed Rise of Oral Fluid Antibodies, Elevated BMI, and Absence of Early Fever Correlate With Longer Time to SARS-CoV-2 RNA Clearance in a Longitudinally Sampled Cohort of COVID-19 Outpatients (2021) (7)
- Nonparametric incidence estimation from prevalent cohort survival data. (2012) (7)
- Cohort Case—Control Design and Analysis for Clustered Failure‐Time Data (2002) (7)
- ROC‐guided survival trees and ensembles (2018) (6)
- A Semi-stationary Copula Model Approach for Bivariate Survival Data with Interval Sampling (2015) (6)
- The BIOCARD Index: A Summary Measure to Predict Onset of Mild Cognitive Impairment (2017) (6)
- Causal estimation using semiparametric transformation models under prevalent sampling (2015) (5)
- Complexity and bias in cross‐sectional data with binary disease outcome in observational studies (2020) (4)
- Nonparametric Benefit–Risk Assessment Using Marker Process in the Presence of a Terminal Event (2017) (4)
- Alternating event processes during lifetimes: population dynamics and statistical inference (2018) (3)
- Analysis of Longitudinal Multivariate Outcome Data From Couples Cohort Studies: Application to HPV Transmission Dynamics (2015) (3)
- Relationship of CSF tau and ß-amyloid to hippocampal atrophy rates (2015) (3)
- Age-Dependent Association Between Cognitive Reserve Proxy and Longitudinal White Matter Microstructure in Older Adults (2022) (2)
- Semiparametric modelling and estimation of covariate‐adjusted dependence between bivariate recurrent events (2020) (2)
- Estimations of the joint distribution of failure time and failure type with dependent truncation (2019) (2)
- Smoothing estimation of rate function for recurrent event data with informative censoring (2004) (2)
- Evaluating Utility Measurement From Recurrent Marker Processes in the Presence of Competing Terminal Events (2017) (2)
- Prevalent Cohort Models in Clinical Treatment Studies: An Analysis of Zidovudine Treatment Data (1990) (2)
- Computerized paired associate learning performance and imaging biomarkers in older adults without dementia (2021) (2)
- Relationship of cognitive reserve and CSF biomarkers to emergence of clinical symptoms in preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease (2013) (2)
- Using combinations of variables to identify individuals with preclinical ad (2015) (2)
- Obtaining optimal cutoff values for tree classifiers using multiple biomarkers (2020) (1)
- Using Semiparametric Risk Sets for the Analysis of Cross-Sectional Duration Data (1992) (1)
- Association Between Late-Life Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Cognitive Decline in Relation to White Matter Hyperintensities and Amyloid Burden. (2022) (1)
- Assessing Association for Bivariate Survival Data with Interval Sampling: A Copula Model Approach with Application to AIDS Study (2011) (1)
- Re: Low Testosterone at Time of Transplantation is Independently Associated with Poor Patient and Graft Survival in Male Renal Transplantation Recipients (2014) (1)
- Nonparametric analysis of bivariate gap time with competing risks (2016) (1)
- CSF Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers (2022) (1)
- Mortality after second malignancy in breast cancer survivors compared to a first primary cancer: a nationwide longitudinal cohort study (2022) (1)
- Relationship of cognitive reserve and APOE status to clinical symptom onset of mild cognitive impairment: The BIOCARD Cohort (2013) (1)
- Racial and ethnic disparities in mortality among breast cancer survivors after a second malignancy. (2022) (0)
- Nonparametric estimation of medical cost quantiles in the presence of competing terminal events (2017) (0)
- Modeling and Correlation Estimation for Bivariate Recurrent Event Processes (2019) (0)
- Weibull Racing Survival Analysis with Competing Events, Left Truncation, and Time-varying Covariates (2019) (0)
- Joint inference for competing risks data using multiple endpoints. (2022) (0)
- Regression Analysis of Recurrent Gap Times with Time-Dependent Covariates (2002) (0)
- White matter tract integrity, but not amyloid burden, is related to cognition in cognitively normal older adults (2021) (0)
- Bias correction via outcome reassignment for cross-sectional data with binary disease outcome (2022) (0)
- Editorial (2017) (0)
- Analyzing wearable device data using marked point processes (2020) (0)
- Cognitive reserve and cortical thickness in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease (2016) (0)
- Abstract P3-14-05: Racial/ethnic disparities in cancer mortality after a second breast cancer (2022) (0)
- Alternating event processes during lifetimes: population dynamics and statistical inference (2017) (0)
- Computerized paired associate learning performance and imaging biomarkers in older adults without dementia (2021) (0)
- Estimation and Projection of Indicence and Prevalence Based on Doubly Truncated Data with Application to Pharmacoepidemiological Databases (2005) (0)
- ROC analysis for multiple markers with tree-based classification (2012) (0)
- ROC-Guided Survival Trees and Forests (2018) (0)
- Depression Severity in Relation to Clinical Symptom Onset in Mild Cognitive Impairment (2018) (0)
- Medial temporal lobe changes preceding symptom onset of mild cognitive impairment: The BIOCARD Cohort (2013) (0)
- Joint modelling of competing risks and current status data: an application to a spontaneous labour study (2019) (0)
- Longitudinal CSF Alzheimer's disease biomarker changes from middle age to late adulthood (2022) (0)
- Validation of the PREDICT breast cancer tool in a multiethnic population of U.S. women after a second primary breast cancer. (2022) (0)
- Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)-Guided Classification and Survival Tree [R package rocTree version 1.1.1] (2020) (0)
- Simultaneous hypothesis testing for multiple competing risks in comparative clinical trials. (2023) (0)
- Mixture Hazards Models with Additive Random Effects Accounting for Treatment Effectiveness Lag Time (2001) (0)
- Longitudinal CSF biomarker trajectories from middle age to late adulthood (2022) (0)
- Detection of Progressive Deterioration in Early Onset Schizophrenia with a New Statistical Method (2001) (0)
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