
Mike Sandbothe

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German philosopher

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Why Is Mike Sandbothe Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mike Sandbothe is a German intellectual, philosopher and professor of culture and media at University of Applied Sciences Jena. He is co-founder of the new branch of media philosophy and one of the main proponents of philosophical pragmatism in Europe. He held professorships for Media Culture Studies at Friedrich Schiller University Jena as well as for Media Philosophy at Berlin University of the Arts and at Aalborg University Copenhagen. The certified trainer in Mindfulness-based stress reduction is one of the two founders of the German Network of Mindful Universities "Achtsame Hochschulen". Among his various English publications are The Temporalization of Time , The Pragmatic Turn , Pragmatic Media Philosophy , and From Pragmatist Philosophy to Cultural Politics . His most recent work deals with the topics "Mindful Universities", "Healthy Teaching and Learning", and "Pragmatism as Cultural Politics". Since 2020 he is member of the Erasmus+ Program Training Embodied Critical Thinking.

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Mike Sandbothe's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mike Sandbothe?

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