Minh Quang Tran
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Vietnamese scientist
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Minh Quang Tran's Degrees
- Bachelors Physics Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- Masters Physics Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- PhD Physics Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Why Is Minh Quang Tran Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Minh-Quảng Trần is a professor at the EPFL. He graduated in physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 1973, where he did his doctoral thesis in 1977, and where he has worked as a professor since 1980. He works at the Swiss Plasma Center , with the Tokamak à configuration variable.
Minh Quang Tran's Published Works
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Published Works
- Developing structural, high-heat flux and plasma facing materials for a near-term DEMO fusion power plant: The EU assessment (2014) (211)
- DEMO design activity in Europe: Progress and updates (2018) (200)
- Overview of the design approach and prioritization of R&D activities towards an EU DEMO (2016) (197)
- Ion Acoustic Solitons in a Plasma: A Review of their Experimental Properties and Related Theories (1979) (183)
- Creation and control of variably shaped plasmas in TCV (1994) (162)
- Materials RD for a timely DEMO: Key findings and recommendations of the EU Roadmap Materials Assessment Group (2014) (118)
- Overview of the ITER EC H&CD system and its capabilities (2011) (88)
- EU Megawatt-Class 140-GHz CW Gyrotron (2006) (80)
- Experimental study from linear to chaotic regimes on a terahertz-frequency gyrotron oscillator (2012) (76)
- Development of a 140-GHz 1-MW continuous wave gyrotron for the W7-X stellarator (2002) (76)
- Temperature-gradient instability induced by conducting end walls (1990) (75)
- ITER R&D: Auxiliary Systems: Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive System (2001) (69)
- Development of a 140 GHz, 1 MW, Continuous Wave Gyrotron for the W7-X Stellarator (2001) (65)
- First Experimental Results from the European Union 2-MW Coaxial Cavity ITER Gyrotron Prototype (2009) (65)
- Mode competition and startup in cylindrical cavity gyrotrons using high-order operating modes (1994) (64)
- European high-power CW gyrotron development for ECRH systems (2001) (58)
- Energy Confinement and MHD Activity in Shaped TCV Plasmas with Localized Electron Cyclotron Heating (1999) (57)
- Overview of the TCV tokamak program: scientific progress and facility upgrades (2017) (56)
- Behaviour of central plasma relaxation oscillations during localized electron cyclotron heating on the TCV tokamak (1999) (46)
- Availability of lithium in the context of future D-T fusion reactors (2005) (46)
- High-power ECH and fully non-inductive operation with ECCD in the TCV tokamak (2000) (44)
- Nanosecond pulses in a THz gyrotron oscillator operating in a mode-locked self-consistent Q-switch regime. (2013) (41)
- Steady-state fully noninductive operation with electron cyclotron current drive and current profile control in the tokamak à configuration variable (TCV) (2001) (41)
- Physics research on the TCV tokamak facility: from conventional to alternative scenarios and beyond (2019) (40)
- Electron beam instabilities in gyrotron beam tunnels (1998) (39)
- Design considerations for future DEMO gyrotrons: A review on related gyrotron activities within EUROfusion (2017) (39)
- The Korteweg-de Vries equation for a two component plasma (1974) (39)
- EU developments of the ITER ECRH system (2007) (38)
- Electromagnetic radiation from an inhomogeneous plasma: Theory and experiment (1981) (37)
- From Series Production of Gyrotrons for W7-X Toward EU-1 MW Gyrotrons for ITER (2014) (37)
- X- and O-mode electron cyclotron heating breakdown and startup in TCA (1992) (34)
- A 2 MW, CW, 170 GHz Coaxial Cavity Gyrotron for ITER (2003) (34)
- Ohmic H-modes in the TCV tokamak (1996) (32)
- Propagation of argon- and helium-ion acoustic modes in an argon-helium plasma (1976) (32)
- Status of the development of the EU 170 GHz/1 MW/CW gyrotron (2015) (32)
- Propagation of solitary waves in a two ion species plasma with finite ion temperature (1974) (31)
- Experimental measurements on a 100 GHz frequency tunable quasioptical gyrotron (1990) (30)
- Shape dependence of sawtooth inversion radii and profile peaking factors in TCV L mode plasmas (2002) (30)
- Recent results from the electron cyclotron heated plasmas in Tokamak à Configuration Variable (TCV) (2003) (29)
- Development of multimegawatt gyrotrons for fusion plasma heating and current drive (2005) (28)
- Development of a 2-MW, CW Coaxial Gyrotron at 70 GHz and Test Facility for ITER (2005) (28)
- TWANG-PIC, a novel gyro-averaged one-dimensional particle-in-cell code for interpretation of gyrotron experiments (2015) (28)
- Experimental-Study of a 115 Ghz Quasi-Optical Gyrotron with a Large Cavity (1988) (26)
- Safety factor profile requirements for electron ITB formation in TCV (2005) (26)
- An overview of results from the TCV tokamak (2003) (26)
- Experimental results and recent developments on the EU 2 MW 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron for ITER (2012) (26)
- A fully-implicit Particle-In-Cell Monte Carlo Collision code for the simulation of inductively coupled plasmas (2017) (24)
- Progress in EU-DEMO in-vessel components integration (2017) (23)
- High accuracy magnetic field measurements with a Hall probe (1999) (22)
- EU DEMO EC system preliminary conceptual design (2018) (22)
- Power modulation capabilities of the 140 GHz/1 MW gyrotron for the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (2003) (21)
- CW Experiments With the EU 1-MW, 170-GHz Industrial Prototype Gyrotron for ITER at KIT (2017) (20)
- Experimental Verification of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz Industrial CW Prototype Gyrotron for ITER (2017) (20)
- The 118 GHz ECRH experiment on Tore Supra (2001) (20)
- Technological and physics assessments on heating and current drive systems for DEMO (2015) (19)
- Recent progress in the upgrade of the TCV EC-system with two 1MW/2s dual-frequency (84/126GHz) gyrotrons (2017) (19)
- Conceptual design of the EU DEMO EC-system: main developments and R&D achievements (2017) (19)
- Trapped Electron in Ion-Acoustic Waves and Solitons (1976) (19)
- First experimental results from the EU 2 MW coaxial cavity ITER gyrotron prototype (2009) (18)
- Design of a frequency-tunable gyrotron for DNP-enhanced NMR spectroscopy (2009) (18)
- EU DEMO transient phases: Main constraints and heating mix studies for ramp-up and ramp-down (2017) (18)
- Low-power excitation of gyrotron-type modes in a cylindrical waveguide using quasi-optical techniques (1995) (17)
- Initial port integration concept for EC and NB systems in EU DEMO tokamak (2019) (16)
- Open Resonator for Quasi-Optical Gyrotrons - Structure of the Modes and Their Influence (1984) (16)
- Moment-based, self-consistent linear analysis of gyrotron oscillators (2014) (15)
- Accessibility and properties of ELMy H-mode and ITB plasmas in TCV (2003) (15)
- Overview of recent gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion Work Package Heating and Current Drive (2019) (15)
- Experimental measurements of competition between fundamental and second harmonic emission in a quasi-optical gyrotron (1990) (15)
- Effect of power reflection on the operation of a low-Q 8 GHz gyrotron (1990) (15)
- Integration concept of an Electron Cyclotron System in DEMO (2021) (14)
- Novel linear analysis for a gyrotron oscillator based on a spectral approach (2016) (14)
- Study of wave–particle interaction from the linear regime to dynamical chaos in a magnetized plasma* (1994) (14)
- RAMI evaluation of the beam source for the DEMO neutral beam injectors (2020) (13)
- Feasibility study of the eu home team on a 170GHz 1MW CW gyrotron for ECH on ITER (1995) (13)
- Experimental study of the propagation of ion acoustic solitons in a warm multi-ion plasma (1977) (12)
- Multimode simulation of the frequency spectrum of a quasi-optical gryrotron (1986) (12)
- Shocklike solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation (1977) (12)
- An ITER-relevant evacuated waveguide transmission system for the JET-EP ECRH project (2003) (12)
- Advanced high-power gyrotrons (2003) (11)
- Development of a Plasma Scenario for the EU-DEMO: Current Activities and Perspectives (2018) (11)
- Installation and commisionning of the EU test facility for ITER gyrotrons (2007) (11)
- Ohmic H-mode and confinement in TCV (1995) (10)
- 1 MW, 140 GHz, CW gyrotron for Wendelstein 7-X (2000) (10)
- Heating & Current Drive Efficiencies, TBR and RAMI considerations for DEMO (2017) (10)
- Parasitic Oscillations in Smooth-Wall Circular Symmetric Gyrotron Beam Ducts (2018) (10)
- Parasitic oscillation in and suppression of a gyrotron backward wave mode in a low-Q 8 GHz gyrotron (1992) (10)
- Design and testing of an electron gun producing a segmented sheet beam for a quasi-optical gyrotron (1992) (10)
- Kinetic simulations and photometry measurements of the E-H transition in cylindrical inductively coupled plasmas (2016) (10)
- Power plant conceptual studies in Europe. Nucl Fusion (2007) (9)
- Design of the EU-1MW gyrotron for ITER (2013) (9)
- Detailed characterization of a frequency-tunable 260GHz gyrotron oscillator planned for DNP/NMR spectroscopy (2013) (9)
- EC power sources: European technological developments towards ITER (2007) (9)
- Design study of a test stand for ITER gyrotron (2003) (9)
- On the design of open resonators for quasi-optical gyrotrons (1985) (8)
- Numerical Simulation of the RF Plasma Discharge in the Linac4 H- Ion Source (2017) (8)
- On the present status of the EU demo H&CD systems, technology, functions and mix (2015) (8)
- Prospects for high-power quasi-optical gyrotrons operating in the millimeter-wave range (1989) (8)
- Measurement of the parallel velocity distribution function of the electron beam in a quasi-optical gyrotron by Electron Cyclotron Emission (1996) (8)
- Progress of the 1 MW, 140 GHz, CW gyrotron for W7-X (2002) (8)
- Recent results from the TCV tokamak (1995) (8)
- Structural pre-conceptual design studies for an EU DEMO equatorial EC port plug and its port integration (2020) (7)
- ECH physics and new operational regimes on TCV (2002) (7)
- Emission of electromagnetic waves at frequencies around twice the plasma frequency in a laboratory plasma (1982) (7)
- Status of Europe's contribution to the ITER EC system (2015) (7)
- Systems engineering perspective to the integration of the heating and current drive system in the EU DEMO: Analysis of requirements and functions (2017) (7)
- Integrating a distributed antenna in DEMO: Requirements and challenges (2017) (7)
- Experimental results on a modular gyrotron operating at 0.26THz for 400MHz DNP/NMR spectroscopy applications (2012) (7)
- Dual-frequency, 126/84 GHz, 1 MW gyrotron for the upgrade of the TCV EC-system (2015) (7)
- Test-ion diffusion in a magnetized plasma (1992) (7)
- Manufacturing of a 263 GHz continuously tunable gyrotron (2013) (7)
- Design studies of the dual-frequency operation of the W7-X/140GHz/1MW gyrotron at 126GHz for TCV and 168GHz for ITER (2010) (7)
- From series production of gyrotrons for W7-X towards EU-1 MW gyrotrons for ITER (2013) (7)
- Design of Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive System of ITER (2007) (7)
- Progress on an ion cyclotron range of frequency system for DEMO (2019) (6)
- Cooling concepts for the CVD diamond brewster-angle window (2017) (6)
- Equilibrium and space-charge wave analysis of electron beams in conducting and absorbing gyrotron beam tunnels (1993) (6)
- EU DEMO EC equatorial launcher pre-conceptual performance studies (2020) (6)
- EU DEMO Heating and Current Drive: Physics and Technology (2017) (6)
- Spillover benefits from controlled nuclear fusion technology – A patent analysis (2012) (6)
- Status and experimental results of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz industrial CW prototype Gyrotron for ITER (2016) (6)
- Diamond Window Technology for Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive: State of the Art (2019) (6)
- EU gyrotron development for ITER: Recent achievements and experimental results of the coaxial 2 MW gyrotron (2012) (5)
- Experimental results of the 140 GHz, 1 MW longpurse gyrotron for W7-X (2003) (5)
- The Korteweg-de Vries Equation (1973) (5)
- The EC-system of EU DEMO: concepts for a reactor heating system (2017) (5)
- Experimental results on the 140 GHz, 1 MW, CW gyrotrons for the stellarator W7-X (2005) (5)
- Overview of TCV Results (2001) (5)
- Progress in the development of a 1-MW, CW gyrotron at 140 GHz for fusion plasma heating (2003) (5)
- Enhanced runaway production rate by waves in plasmas (1980) (5)
- Properties of diffraction gratings used as output couplers in a quasi-optical gyrotron (1993) (5)
- Optical carriage for laser‐induced fluorescence in a magnetized plasma (1988) (5)
- European research activities towards a future DEMO gyrotron (2017) (5)
- Status of the 2 MW, 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron for ITER (2007) (5)
- Spatial Propagation of Ion-Acoustic Waves in a 2-Component Plasma .2. Experiment (1975) (4)
- Stochastic Behavior of Particles in a Circularly Polarized Standing Wave (1982) (4)
- Study of chaos and optical tagging techniques (1989) (4)
- Recent results in ECH and ECCD experiments in the TCV tokamak (1999) (4)
- From W7-X Towards ITER and Beyond: 2019 Status on EU Fusion Gyrotron Developments (2019) (4)
- Investigation of the RF efficiency of inductively coupled hydrogen plasmas at 1 MHz (2017) (4)
- Nonlinear excitation of acoustic waves in a double plasma device (1976) (4)
- Propagation of Ion-Acoustic Solitons in a Warm Ion Plasma (1976) (4)
- New results on the physics of THz gyrotrons (2013) (4)
- Large Area Diamond Disk Growth Experiments and Thermomechanical Investigations for the Broadband Brewster Window in DEMO (2021) (4)
- Generalized non-reflecting radiation boundary conditions: Numerical implementation (2014) (4)
- Development and application of European high power CW gyrotrons for ECRH experiments (2000) (4)
- Status of the EU 170 GHz/2 MW/CW coaxial cavity gyrotron for ITER: The dummy gun experiment (2010) (3)
- Progress in Development of the 170 GHz, 2MW Coaxial Cavity Gyrotron for ITER (2006) (3)
- Megawatt power generation of the dual-frequency gyrotron for TCV at 84 and 126 GHz, in long pulses (2020) (3)
- Status of development of the 2MW, 170GHz coaxial-cavity gyrotron for ITER (2008) (3)
- Overview on recent progress in magnetron injection gun theory and design for high power gyrotrons (2019) (3)
- Low power measurements of the quality factor of an open resonator with stepped mirrors (1986) (3)
- An overview of the ITER electron cyclotron H&CD system (2009) (3)
- Experiment-theory comparison of non-stationary and chaotic regimes in gyrotrons (2013) (3)
- Stochastic plasma heating by electrostatic waves: A comparison between a particle-in-cell simulation and a laboratory experiment (1993) (3)
- Parametric study of the confinement properties of a magnetic wall (1974) (3)
- Overview of the DEMO Design-Staged Approach in Europe (2019) (3)
- Ion-Cyclotron Wave Excitation by Double-Resonance Coupling (1991) (3)
- The ITER EC H&CD System (2011) (3)
- A model for the parasitic oscillations in power tetrodes (1986) (3)
- Nonlinear effects in a beam plasma system : second harmonic emission and density depression formation (1982) (3)
- From series production of gyrotrons for W7-X towards EU-1 MW gyrotrons for ITER (2013) (3)
- High-Power Experiments with 140 GHz Series Gyrotrons for W7-X (2007) (2)
- Status of the 1-MW, 140-GHz, CW Gyrotron for W7-X (2006) (2)
- Operation of a 118 GHz -0.5 MW gyrotron with cryogenic window: Design and long pulse experiments (1995) (2)
- Experimental Considerations Concerning the Velocity-Measurement of the Relativistic Electron-Beam in a Gyrotron by Means of Thomson Scattering (1993) (2)
- From W7-X towards ITER and beyond: Status and progress in EU fusion gyrotron developments (2015) (2)
- Recent progress in the development of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW gyrotron for ITER (2018) (2)
- RESEARCH NOTES: Collisionless ion acoustic shocks in a two component plasma (1974) (2)
- Experimental results of the 1-MW, 140-GHz, CW gyrotron for W7-X (2007) (2)
- The use of high‐order TM0m0 modes of a resonant cavity for magnetized plasma density measurements (1990) (2)
- 140 GHz, 1 MW, CW gyrotron for fusion plasma heating (2002) (2)
- R&D in the frame of the PPPT Heating and Current Drive for EU DEMO (2017) (2)
- Velocity ratio measurement using the frequency of the gyro backward wave (1991) (2)
- Status of the 1 MW, CW gyrotrons for the stellarator W7-X (2004) (2)
- Self-consistent, time-dependent gyrotron linear analysis in nonhomogeneous RF-structures (2013) (2)
- Progress on the upgrade of the TCV EC-system with two 1MW dual-frequency gyrotrons (2016) (2)
- dc space‐charge‐induced frequency up‐shift in a quasioptical gyrotron (1991) (2)
- The development of the European 1MW 170 GHz CW Gyrotron for the ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating System (2016) (2)
- A high power gyrotron oscillator at 8 GHz (1987) (2)
- Development of new generation software tools for simulation of electron beam formation in novel high power gyrotrons (2006) (2)
- Series production of 1 MW, 140 GHz, CW gyrotrons for W7-X leading to EU-1 MW, 170 GHz, CW gyrotrons for ITER (2013) (2)
- General description of the evacuated wave-guide transmission line for the JET-EP ECRH project (2002) (2)
- Spatial Propagation of Ion-Acoustic Waves in a 2-Component Plasma .1. Theory (1975) (2)
- Towards Advanced Fusion Gyrotrons: 2018 Update on Activities within EUROfusion (2019) (2)
- Investigations of Quench Limits of the LHC Superconducting Magnets (2013) (2)
- Physics Studies with ECH/CD in the TCV Tokamak (2003) (2)
- Development of steady-state 2 MW, 170 GHz gyrotrons for ITER (2005) (2)
- Experimental Results of the EU ITER Prototype Gyrotrons (2017) (2)
- Coexistence of Drift Waves and D'Angelo Modes at Different Position and Frequency in Linear Plasma Device (2017) (2)
- Basic design considerations for a frequency step-tunable electron cyclotron wave system to suppress NTMs in DEMO (2021) (2)
- Progress in the Development of 1 MW CW Gyrotrons for the Stellarator W7-X (2004) (2)
- Novel self-consistent linear theory of a gyrotron oscillator and experimental validation (2015) (1)
- Free and forced ion cyclotron waves in a cylindrical cavity partially filled with a two ion species plasma (1982) (1)
- Evaluation of experimentally measured non-stationary oscillations in gyrotrons using adequate simulation methods (2015) (1)
- Report of recent experiments with the European 1 MW, 170 GHz CW and SP prototype gyrotrons for ITER (2019) (1)
- The 120 GHz quasi-optical gyrotron at the Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas (1986) (1)
- Development of High Power Gyrotrons for Fusion Applications at FZK Karlsruhe (2007) (1)
- Gyrotron Development in EU for Present and Future Fusion Plasma Experiments (2006) (1)
- 1 MW, 140 GHz, CW gyrotron for Wendelstein 7-X (2000) (1)
- Advanced high power gyrotrons (2001) (1)
- Measurement of the electric field pattern of a Fabry-Perot resonator used in quasi-optical gyrotrons (1993) (1)
- Doppler-Free Spectroscopy as Plasma Diagnostic (1982) (1)
- RF plasma conductivity in the CERN Linac4 H$^{-}$ ion source, comparison of simulations and measurements (2014) (1)
- First CW experiments with the European ITER 170 GHz - 1 MW industrial prototype gyrotron (2017) (1)
- The status of EU-1 MW gyrotron for ITER (2013) (1)
- Status of the Series Production of 1-MW, 140-GHz, CW Gyrotrons for W7-X (2006) (1)
- The Linear Magnetized Plasma-Device (1983) (1)
- Conceptual design studies of the Electron Cyclotron launcher for DEMO reactor (2017) (1)
- Conceptual design of the beam source for the DEMO NBIs (2016) (1)
- Interface and requirements analysis on the DEMO Heating and Current Drive system using Systems Engineering methodologies (2019) (1)
- Start-up scenario studies in gyrotron oscillator using a novel linear and spectral code (2016) (1)
- Status of development of the 2MW, 170GHz coaxial-cavity gyrotron for ITER (2008) (1)
- TWANG-PIC, a monomode gyro-averaged PIC code for gyrotron simulations (2014) (1)
- An overview of the ITER EC H&CD system and funktional capabilities (2010) (1)
- CRPP's evacuated waveguide proposal for JET-EP ECRH transmission line (2002) (1)
- The linear magnetized plasma device (LMP) (1982) (1)
- Plasma Box with Multipolar Magnetic Boundary (1974) (1)
- DESIGN AND OPERATION OF THE POWER INSTALLATION FOR THE TCV ECR ADDITIONAL HEATING This project is partly supported by Swiss National Science Foundation (1997) (1)
- The Swiss Master in Nuclear Engineering: A Collaboration Between Universities, Research Centre and Industry (2010) (1)
- Status of the 500 kW—8GHz gyrotron oscillator development program (2008) (0)
- Progress of the European 2 MW, 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron for ITER (2008) (0)
- Observation of the absolute parametric decay instability (1978) (0)
- Status of electron cyclotron wave technology (1998) (0)
- FIP / P 7-7 1 EU DEMO Heating and Current Drive : Physics and Technology (2016) (0)
- Non-stationary regimes on a THz gyrotron oscillator for DNP applications (2014) (0)
- Research programme on controlled thermonuclear fusion. Synthesis report 2011 (2012) (0)
- The Gyrotron - a Key Component of High-Power Microwave Transmitters (1987) (0)
- Recent results of the 1-MW, 140 GHz, CW gyrotrons for the stellarator W7-X (2006) (0)
- Free and Forced Ion-Cyclotron Waves in a Cylindrical Plasma Cavity (1983) (0)
- Abstract for possible Nuclear Fusion (2012) (0)
- ITR / P 1-10 1 An overview of the ITER EC H & CD system and functional capabilities (2010) (0)
- Status of EU's contribution to the ITER EC system and global IO/F4E activities for system integration (2014) (0)
- Measurement of plasma density in a steady-state magnetic field by means of a resonant cavity technique (1988) (0)
- Measurements of Electrical-Conductivity in a Plasma with Current-Driven Ion-Acoustic Instability (1977) (0)
- Basic Plasma Phenomena, Waves, Instabilities Electron inertia and lower-hybrid fluctuation-driven modified low-m (1991) (0)
- EC H&CD system for ITER (2010) (0)
- EU megawatt-class 140 GHz CW gyrotron for W7-X (2006) (0)
- Millimeter wave system upgrades on TCV: Additional X3 power and fast ECE polarizers (2011) (0)
- Novel s elf-consistent linear theory of a gyrotron oscillator and experimental validation T (0)
- Collisionless ion acoustic shock waves in a two component plasma (1973) (0)
- 1 Overview of TCV Results (2000) (0)
- The Thirteenth Special Issue on High-Power Microwave Generation (2010) (0)
- Gyrotron, a novel highpower microwave source (1987) (0)
- Conference digest : Sixteenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves : 26-30 August 1991, Lausanne, Switzerland (1991) (0)
- DEMO-Relevant Gyrotron Research at KIT (2019) (0)
- Testing and Development of a 2 MW/170 GHz Coaxial-Cavity Gyrotron for ITER in the CRPP Gyrotron Test Stand (2009) (0)
- Open Cavity Excitation by an Electron-Beam (1988) (0)
- Physics Insight and Performance Benefit in MHD and Energy Transport from Plasma Shaping Experiments in the TCV Tokamak (2009) (0)
- Proceedings of the 1984 International Conference on Plasma Physics, held at Lausanne, Switzerland, 27 June - 3 July 1984. (1985) (0)
- New H&CD designs and impact of the configurations on the performances for the EU DEMO fusion power plant reactor (2017) (0)
- Physics Insight and Performance Benefit from Plasma Shaping Experiments in MHD and Energy Transport in the TCV Tokamak (2008) (0)
- The 140-GHz 1-MW CW gyrotron for the stellarator W7-X (2004) (0)
- Report on the 1984 International conference on Plasma Physics (1984) (0)
- A non perturbative optical probe for laser induced fluorescence diagnostics in magnetized plasma (1988) (0)
- Structural and thermal analysis of a distributed ICRF antenna integrated in European DEMO blanket (2017) (0)
- Optical Absorption Produced by Silver Particles in Glass and by Sodium Particles in a Sodium Chloride Matrix (1974) (0)
- Overview of Recent Gyrotron R&D at KIT in View of the EU DEMO (2018) (0)
- Progress in the Understanding and the Performance of Electron Cyclotron Heating and Plasma Shaping on TCV (2005) (0)
- Nonlinear Excitation of Ion-Acoustic Waves in a Multi-Species Plasma (1975) (0)
- Ra 170 GHz , 2 MW , CW Coaxial Cavity Gyrotron for ITER-status and experimental results - (2006) (0)
- X- and O-mode ECH breakdown and startup in TCA (1992) (0)
- 1984 International Conference on Plasma Physics : Joint Conference of Sixth Kiev International Conference on Plasma Theory and Sixth International Congress on Waves and Instabilities : June 27-July 3, 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland : proceedings contributed papaers (1984) (0)
- Development of high power gyrotrons for fusion plasma applications in the EU (2004) (0)
- Preface to the Special Issue: Creativity and Innovations on the Path to Fusion Energy (2018) (0)
- Keynote 4: ITER: Fusion challenge and technologies (2015) (0)
- High-power gyrotrons at 8 GHz (1993) (0)
- Effect of Ionic Temperature on Soliton Propagation in Plasma with Two Ionic Components (1974) (0)
- 1 IT / 2-4 Re Experimental Results of the 1-MW , 140-GHz , CW Gyrotron for W 7X (2006) (0)
- Studies of self‐consistent field structure in a quasioptical gyrotron (1993) (0)
- NBI Systems for DEMO: Status and Prospects (2018) (0)
- DEMO concepts and their roles within the fusion programme (2007) (0)
- Parasitic oscillation in and suppression of a gyro BW mode in a low-Q 8GHz gyrotron (1991) (0)
- 1984 International Conference on Plasma Physics : June 27-July 3, 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland : proceedings invited papeprs (1984) (0)
- The Gyrotron - a High-Power Millimeter Wave Source (1983) (0)
- Progress in the EU DEMO research and design activity (2017) (0)
- The European Fusion Reactor Activities (2007) (0)
- Optical diagnosis of plasma waves via the ion dielectric response (1988) (0)
- Design of a microwave transmission diagnostic for the TCV tokamak (1994) (0)
- Review of gyrotron development at the Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas (1990) (0)
- Experimental verification of the EU 1 MW, 170 GHz industrial prototype gyrotron for ITER at KIT (2017) (0)
- A new toroidal plasma experiment for basic collisionless plasma physics (2002) (0)
- The path towards a DEMOnstration fusion reactor (2014) (0)
- ITER: Fusion challenge and technologies (2015) (0)
- Basic design considerations for a frequency-tunable ECRH&CD system to suppress NTMs in DEMO (2020) (0)
- Generalized Radiation Boundary Conditions in Gyrotron Oscillator Modeling (2015) (0)
- Design features and initial test results of an 8 GHz gyrotron oscillator (1986) (0)
- Numerical simulations of electron cyclotron assisted start-up in tokamaks (1994) (0)
- Preconceptual Design of the Port Cell Section for the EU DEMO Equatorial EC System (2022) (0)
- Progress on the development of the European 170 GHz, 1 MW gyrotron for ITER. (2015) (0)
- Fusion energy research: The central role of the European Union (2002) (0)
- Developments for future EU DEMO gyrotrons - 2015 updata on developments within EUROfusion (2015) (0)
- Physics basis for the application of electron cyclotron wave system on ITER and its technology (2006) (0)
- The European contribution to the EX system: status and main challenges (2015) (0)
- Status of the European 2 MW, 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron for ITER (invited paper) (2008) (0)
- Electromagnetic radiation from interaction of high energy, low density (1985) (0)
- Applications of supercomputer in the development of gyrotrons (1991) (0)
- A plasma box using magnetic multipole confinement (1973) (0)
- EX / P 5-15 Third Harmonic X-mode Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating on TCV using Top Launch (2002) (0)
- 2018 Status of Gyrotron R&D for W7-X, TCV, ITER and EU DEMO within Europe (2018) (0)
- Recent progress in the ITER EC H&CD system (2008) (0)
- Preprint of Paper to be submitted for publication in Proceeding of 13th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT) (2019) (0)
- Description of the ECRH transmission line system on TCV (1993) (0)
- Influence of the Resonator Shape on the Characteristics of a Quasi-Optical Gyrotron (1985) (0)
- 1 FIP / P 7-124 DEMO Port Plug Design and Integration Studies (2016) (0)
- 2019 Status and Focus Areas in the Development of an Advanced Gyrotron for EU DEMO (2019) (0)
- Towards a European 1 MW, 170 GHz gyrotron prototype for ITER. (2015) (0)
- Recent experiments with the European 1 MW, 170 GHz industrial CW and modular SP prototype gyrotron for ITER (2018) (0)
- Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Optical carriage for laser‐induced fluorescence in a magnetized plasma’ ’’ [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60, 3830 (1989)] (1989) (0)
- Progress on the development of the EU-1 MW gyrotron for ITER (2014) (0)
- Special Issue on Gyrotrons .3. Papers Presented at the Symposium on Gyrotron Development, Lausanne, 4-6 July 1984 - Editorial Note (1984) (0)
- Nuclear science and technology : proceedings of the international conference on plsma physics, Lausanne, 27 June-3 July 1982 (1985) (0)
- Gyrotron: from the concept to the physics and technology issues related to megawatt sources for fusion reactor (2017) (0)
- 1 FIP / P 7-8 Conceptual Design of the DEMO EC-System : Main Developments and R & D Achievements (2016) (0)
- ECRH and ECCD Physics in the TCV Tokamak (2003) (0)
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