Morris H. DeGroot
Most Influential Person Across History
American Statistician
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Morris H. DeGroot's Degrees
- PhD Statistics University of Chicago
- Masters Statistics University of Chicago
Why Is Morris H. DeGroot Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Morris Herman DeGroot was an American statistician. Biography Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, DeGroot graduated from Roosevelt University and earned master's and doctor's degrees from the University of Chicago. DeGroot joined Carnegie Mellon in 1957 and became a University Professor, the school's highest faculty position.
Morris H. DeGroot's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Optimal Statistical Decisions (1970) (4356)
- Reaching a Consensus (1974) (3325)
- Measuring utility by a single-response sequential method. (1964) (2551)
- Probability and Statistics (1977) (2131)
- The Comparison and Evaluation of Forecasters. (1983) (589)
- Uncertainty, Information, and Sequential Experiments (1962) (277)
- Bayesian estimation and optimal designs in partially accelerated life testing (1979) (248)
- Rational Expectations and Bayesian Analysis (1974) (154)
- Bayesian Statistics 2. (1987) (121)
- An Analysis of Cooperation and Learning in a Duopoly Context (1973) (102)
- Multiperiod Decision Models with Alternating Choice as a Solution to the Duopoly Problem (1970) (93)
- Essays in probability and statistics (1971) (90)
- Unbiased Sequential Estimation for Binomial Populations (1959) (85)
- Doing What Comes Naturally: Interpreting a Tail Area as a Posterior Probability or as a Likelihood Ratio (1973) (82)
- Probability and Statistics. 2nd edn. (1988) (65)
- Personal probabilities of probabilities (1975) (65)
- Assessing Probability Assessors: Calibration and Refinement. (1981) (64)
- Comparison of Experiments and Information Measures (1979) (64)
- Information about Hyperparameters in Hierarchical Models (1981) (62)
- Modeling lake-chemistry distributions: approximate Bayesian methods for estimating a finite-mixture model (1992) (59)
- Bayesian Analysis and Uncertainty in Economic Theory. (1986) (58)
- Bayesian Analysis and Duopoly Theory (1970) (57)
- Statistics and the Law (1987) (54)
- Optimal linear opinion pools (1991) (52)
- Estimation of the Correlation Coefficient from a Broken Random Sample (1980) (46)
- Bayesian analysis of selection models (1987) (44)
- Bayesian Decision Theory (1987) (44)
- What is the Likelihood Function (1988) (42)
- Some Problems of Optimal Stopping (1968) (42)
- Stochastic Processes and Related Topics. (1976) (38)
- Interfirm Learning and the Kinked Demand Curve (1971) (34)
- Optimal Peremptory Challenges in Trials by Juries: A Bilateral Sequential Process (1977) (33)
- A Bayesian view of assessing uncertainty and comparing expert opinion (1988) (33)
- A Conversation with George Box (1987) (30)
- Changes in utility as information (1994) (30)
- Game Theory: Mathematical Models of Conflict (1980) (29)
- Comparing Probability Forecasters: Basic Binary Concepts and Multivariate Extensions (1983) (27)
- Optimal Challenges for Selection (1980) (27)
- Only Normal Distributions Have Linear Posterior Expectations in Linear Regression (1980) (26)
- Bayes Estimation with Convex Loss (1963) (26)
- Information in Selection Models (1987) (25)
- Optimal Reporting of Predictions (1989) (25)
- Optimal allocation of observations (1966) (23)
- Information About Hyperparamters in Hierarchical Models (1981) (19)
- The Writings of Leonard Jimmie Savage--A Memorial Selection. (1983) (19)
- Minimax Sequential Tests of Some Composite Hypotheses (1960) (19)
- Lindley's Paradox: Comment (1982) (18)
- Estimating multiple rater agreement for a rare diagnosis (1988) (17)
- Concepts of Information Based on Utility (1986) (16)
- A Conversation with Persi Diaconis (1986) (15)
- Highly Informative Priors (1985) (15)
- What Bayesians expect of each other (1991) (14)
- Capital allocation within a firm (1979) (13)
- A Conversation with T. W. Anderson (1986) (12)
- A Conversation with David Blackwell (1986) (11)
- A Conversation with C. R. Rao (1987) (11)
- Some Aspects of the Use of the Sequential Probability Ratio Test (1958) (11)
- Bayesian Design and Analysis of Accelerated Life Testing with Step Stress (1986) (10)
- Bayesian Statistics 3: Proceedings of the Third Valencia International Meeting. (1990) (10)
- Truncation, Information, and the Coefficient of Variation (1989) (9)
- Stochastic give-and-take (1963) (9)
- Efficiency of gene frequency estimates for the ABO system. (1956) (9)
- Correlations between Similar Sets of Measurements (1966) (8)
- Decision Making with an Uncertain Utility Function (1983) (8)
- A Conversation with Charles Stein (1986) (7)
- Difficulties and ambiguities in the definition of a likelihood function (1992) (7)
- Optimal Two-Stage Stratified Sampling (1969) (6)
- Bayesian statistics 3 : proceedings of the third valencia international meeting, June 1-5, 1987 (1990) (5)
- Improving predictive distributions (1980) (5)
- The Essential Completeness of the Class of Generalized Sequential Probability Ratio Tests (1961) (5)
- Discussion: Comments on the Role of Parameters in the Predictive Approach to Statistics (1982) (4)
- Statistical studies of the effect of low level radiation from nuclear reactors on human health (1972) (4)
- A Conversation with Erich L. Lehmann (1986) (4)
- Sequential strategies in dual control problems (1977) (4)
- Comparison of Experiments for Selection and Censored Data Models (1992) (3)
- Stochastic Models of Choice Behavior (1963) (1974) (3)
- A Conversation with George A. Barnard (1988) (2)
- Towards a Control Theory of the Firm (1986) (2)
- Bayesian statistics 4 : proceedings of the Fourth Valencia International Meeting, dedicated to the memory of Morris H. DeGroot, 1931-1989, April 15-20, 1991 (1992) (2)
- The covariance structure of maximum likelihood gene frequency estimates for the MNS system. (1956) (2)
- Sequential Investment Decisions (1987) (2)
- Behavioral and Control Theory of the Firm (1987) (1)
- Optimization with an uncertain objective (1987) (1)
- Foundations of subjective probability and decision making: discussion (1980) (1)
- Cooperation and Learning in a Duopoly Context (1987) (0)
- Personal and inter-personal ethics: discussion (1980) (0)
- Bayesians in the Night (1991) (0)
- The First Issue of the Annals of Mathematical Statistics (1986) (0)
- Statistics and the Law, Morris DeGroot, Stephen Fienberg and Joseph Kadame, eds. 1986. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 484 pages. Index. ISBN: 0-471-09435-8. $39.95 (1988) (0)
- Some Examples of Adaptive Utility (1987) (0)
- COMPUTERS, SOFTWARE, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Accidental Millionaire: The Rise and Fall of Steve Jobs at Apple Computer, Lee Butcher. Paragon House, New York. 224 pages. Index. ISBN: 0-913729-79-5. $19.95 (1988) (0)
- Bayesian and non-Bayesian conditional inference: discussion (1980) (0)
- Consequences of age standardization procedures for statistics of sickness absence in industry. (1962) (0)
- Teaching and Learning in the Third Culture? Robert Finnigan and David Layton. 1984. University of Leeds Press, Leeds, U.K. 108 pages. Index. ISBN: 0-904421-12-0. £2.00 (1988) (0)
- Estimating Multiple Rater Agreement for a Rare Diagnosis**This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant DMS–8701770 and the National Institute of Mental Health under Grant 5–T32–MH15758. (1989) (0)
- Beliefs about beliefs: discussion (1980) (0)
- Toward a New Understanding of Literacy, Mersld E. Wrolstad and Dennis Fisher, eds. 1986. Praeger, New York. 350 pages. Index. ISBN: 0-275-92072-0. $29.95 (1988) (0)
- Scientific Discovery: Computational Explorations of the Creative Process, Gary L. Bradshaw, Pat Langley, Herbert A. Simon and Jan M. Zytkow. 1987. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 340 pages. Name and Subject Index. ISBN: 0-262-12116-6. $9.95 paperback (1988) (0)
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