Naomi Halas
American chemist and electrical engineer
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Chemistry Engineering
Naomi Halas's Degrees
- PhD Applied Physics Rice University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Naomi J. Halas is the Stanley C. Moore Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and professor of biomedical engineering, chemistry and physics at Rice University. She is also the founding director of Rice University Laboratory for Nanophotonics, and the Smalley-Curl Institute. She invented the first nanoparticle with tunable plasmonic resonances, which are controlled by their shape and structure, and has won numerous awards for her pioneering work in the field of nanophotonics and plasmonics. She was also part of a team that developed the first dark pulse soliton in 1987 while working for IBM.
Naomi Halas's Published Works
Published Works
- Nanoshell-mediated near-infrared thermal therapy of tumors under magnetic resonance guidance (2003) (3533)
- A Hybridization Model for the Plasmon Response of Complex Nanostructures (2003) (3309)
- The Fano resonance in plasmonic nanostructures and metamaterials. (2010) (3282)
- Plasmons in strongly coupled metallic nanostructures. (2011) (2525)
- Plasmon-induced hot carrier science and technology. (2015) (2168)
- Nano-optics from sensing to waveguiding (2007) (1955)
- Nanoengineering of optical resonances (1998) (1920)
- Photo-thermal tumor ablation in mice using near infrared-absorbing nanoparticles. (2004) (1725)
- Immunotargeted nanoshells for integrated cancer imaging and therapy. (2005) (1695)
- Photodetection with Active Optical Antennas (2011) (1680)
- Nanoshell-enabled photothermal cancer therapy: impending clinical impact. (2008) (1428)
- Self-Assembled Plasmonic Nanoparticle Clusters (2010) (1304)
- Near-infrared resonant nanoshells for combined optical imaging and photothermal cancer therapy. (2007) (1247)
- Hot electrons do the impossible: plasmon-induced dissociation of H2 on Au. (2013) (1172)
- Nanoshell-Enabled Photonics-Based Imaging and Therapy of Cancer (2004) (1074)
- Surface-enhanced Raman scattering from individual au nanoparticles and nanoparticle dimer substrates. (2005) (1023)
- Solar vapor generation enabled by nanoparticles. (2013) (1008)
- Aluminum for plasmonics. (2014) (955)
- Symmetry breaking in plasmonic nanocavities: subradiant LSPR sensing and a tunable Fano resonance. (2008) (922)
- Plasmonic enhancement of molecular fluorescence. (2007) (830)
- Theranostic nanoshells: from probe design to imaging and treatment of cancer. (2011) (827)
- Diverse Applications of Nanomedicine (2017) (825)
- Engineered nanomaterials for biophotonics applications: improving sensing, imaging, and therapeutics. (2003) (812)
- Shape-Controlled Synthesis and Surface Plasmonic Properties of Metallic Nanostructures (2005) (795)
- Metallic nanoparticle arrays: a common substrate for both surface-enhanced Raman scattering and surface-enhanced infrared absorption. (2008) (707)
- Nanorice: a hybrid plasmonic nanostructure. (2006) (685)
- Substrate-induced Fano resonances of a plasmonic nanocube: a route to increased-sensitivity localized surface plasmon resonance sensors revealed. (2011) (647)
- A whole blood immunoassay using gold nanoshells. (2003) (607)
- Plasmon Resonance Shifts of Au-Coated Au 2 S Nanoshells: Insight into Multicomponent Nanoparticle Growth (1997) (593)
- Plasmonic nanostructures: artificial molecules. (2007) (587)
- Graphene-antenna sandwich photodetector. (2012) (587)
- Linear optical properties of gold nanoshells (1999) (586)
- Gated tunability and hybridization of localized plasmons in nanostructured graphene. (2013) (582)
- Fano resonances in plasmonic nanoclusters: geometrical and chemical tunability. (2010) (579)
- Nanosphere arrays with controlled sub-10-nm gaps as surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy substrates. (2005) (568)
- Quantifying hot carrier and thermal contributions in plasmonic photocatalysis (2018) (561)
- Formation and Adsorption of Clusters of Gold Nanoparticles onto Functionalized Silica Nanoparticle Surfaces (1998) (541)
- Surface-enhanced Raman scattering on tunable plasmonic nanoparticle substrates (2004) (540)
- Active tunable absorption enhancement with graphene nanodisk arrays. (2014) (536)
- Plasmonic colour generation (2017) (529)
- Fluorescence enhancement by Au nanostructures: nanoshells and nanorods. (2009) (528)
- A cellular Trojan Horse for delivery of therapeutic nanoparticles into tumors. (2007) (514)
- Narrowband photodetection in the near-infrared with a plasmon-induced hot electron device (2013) (497)
- Infrared extinction properties of gold nanoshells (1999) (488)
- Plexcitonic nanoparticles: plasmon-exciton coupling in nanoshell-J-aggregate complexes. (2008) (472)
- Plasmonic Hot Electron Induced Structural Phase Transition in a MoS2 Monolayer (2014) (469)
- Emerging opportunities for nanotechnology to enhance water security (2018) (451)
- Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of DNA. (2008) (448)
- Plasmonic nanoclusters: near field properties of the Fano resonance interrogated with SERS. (2012) (446)
- Gold nanoshell-localized photothermal ablation of prostate tumors in a clinical pilot device study (2019) (435)
- Close encounters between two nanoshells. (2008) (434)
- Tailoring plasmonic substrates for surface enhanced spectroscopies. (2008) (429)
- Silver Nanoshells: Variations in Morphologies and Optical Properties (2001) (416)
- Substrates matter: influence of an adjacent dielectric on an individual plasmonic nanoparticle. (2009) (410)
- Near-field mediated plexcitonic coupling and giant Rabi splitting in individual metallic dimers. (2013) (403)
- Hot-electron-induced dissociation of H2 on gold nanoparticles supported on SiO2. (2014) (393)
- Heterodimers: plasmonic properties of mismatched nanoparticle pairs. (2010) (388)
- Evolution of light-induced vapor generation at a liquid-immersed metallic nanoparticle. (2013) (388)
- Compact solar autoclave based on steam generation using broadband light-harvesting nanoparticles (2013) (387)
- Nanoparticles heat through light localization. (2014) (370)
- Controlling the surface enhanced Raman effect via the nanoshell geometry (2003) (364)
- Plasmon-induced doping of graphene. (2012) (359)
- Fano-like interference in self-assembled plasmonic quadrumer clusters. (2010) (341)
- Gold nanoparticles can induce the formation of protein-based aggregates at physiological pH. (2009) (340)
- Light-induced release of DNA from gold nanoparticles: nanoshells and nanorods. (2011) (332)
- Surface enhanced Raman scattering in the near infrared using metal nanoshell substrates (1999) (331)
- A plasmonic Fano switch. (2012) (327)
- Applications of nanotechnology to biotechnology commentary. (2000) (326)
- Magnetic-plasmonic core-shell nanoparticles. (2009) (325)
- Temperature-sensitive polymer-nanoshell composites for photothermally modulated drug delivery. (2000) (324)
- Photothermal Efficiencies of Nanoshells and Nanorods for Clinical Therapeutic Applications (2009) (320)
- Au Nanomatryoshkas as Efficient Near-Infrared Photothermal Transducers for Cancer Treatment: Benchmarking against Nanoshells (2014) (310)
- All-optical nanoscale pH meter. (2006) (306)
- Gold nanoshell bioconjugates for molecular imaging in living cells. (2005) (306)
- Heterometallic antenna−reactor complexes for photocatalysis (2016) (305)
- Fanoshells: nanoparticles with built-in Fano resonances. (2010) (289)
- Nanophotonics-enabled solar membrane distillation for off-grid water purification (2017) (286)
- Independent Optical Control of Microfluidic Valves Formed from Optomechanically Responsive Nanocomposite Hydrogels (2005) (283)
- Immunonanoshells for targeted photothermal ablation of tumor cells (2006) (283)
- Embedding plasmonic nanostructure diodes enhances hot electron emission. (2013) (282)
- Electromigrated nanoscale gaps for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. (2007) (280)
- Distinguishing between plasmon-induced and photoexcited carriers in a device geometry (2015) (279)
- Plasmonics: an emerging field fostered by Nano Letters. (2010) (273)
- Light-driven methane dry reforming with single atomic site antenna-reactor plasmonic photocatalysts (2020) (272)
- Three-dimensional nanostructures as highly efficient generators of second harmonic light. (2011) (266)
- Quantum dot-based local field imaging reveals plasmon-based interferometric logic in silver nanowire networks. (2011) (263)
- Metal Nanoshells (2005) (260)
- Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering with single-molecule sensitivity using a plasmonic Fano resonance (2014) (259)
- Branched silver nanowires as controllable plasmon routers. (2010) (259)
- Playing with Plasmons: Tuning the Optical Resonant Properties of Metallic Nanoshells (2005) (258)
- Scattering Spectra of Single Gold Nanoshells (2004) (258)
- Vivid, full-color aluminum plasmonic pixels (2014) (257)
- Symmetry breaking in individual plasmonic nanoparticles. (2006) (256)
- Simultaneous measurements of electronic conduction and Raman response in molecular junctions. (2008) (252)
- Aluminum Nanocrystals as a Plasmonic Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Dissociation. (2016) (247)
- Plexciton dynamics: exciton-plasmon coupling in a J-aggregate-Au nanoshell complex provides a mechanism for nonlinearity. (2011) (244)
- Gene silencing by gold nanoshell-mediated delivery and laser-triggered release of antisense oligonucleotide and siRNA. (2012) (243)
- Plasmon-induced selective carbon dioxide conversion on earth-abundant aluminum-cuprous oxide antenna-reactor nanoparticles (2017) (242)
- Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Gold Nanoshells (2003) (237)
- Label-free detection of DNA hybridization using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. (2010) (231)
- An Atomically Layered InSe Avalanche Photodetector. (2015) (217)
- Nanoshells with Targeted Simultaneous Enhancement of Magnetic and Optical Imaging and Photothermal Therapeutic Response (2009) (215)
- Nanoshells made easy: improving Au layer growth on nanoparticle surfaces. (2008) (215)
- Geometrical parameters controlling sensitivity of nanoshell plasmon resonances to changes in dielectric environment (2004) (214)
- Nanosphere-in-a-Nanoshell: A Simple Nanomatryushka† (2010) (210)
- Enhancing the photocurrent and photoluminescence of single crystal monolayer MoS2 with resonant plasmonic nanoshells (2014) (209)
- Generation of subpicosecond electrical pulses on coplanar transmission lines (1986) (209)
- Optimized plasmonic nanoparticle distributions for solar spectrum harvesting (2006) (207)
- Fan-shaped gold nanoantennas above reflective substrates for surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA). (2015) (205)
- Light scattering from dipole and quadrupole nanoshell antennas (1999) (204)
- Designing and deconstructing the Fano lineshape in plasmonic nanoclusters. (2012) (204)
- Optical spectroscopy of conductive junctions in plasmonic cavities. (2010) (204)
- Influence of dielectric function properties on the optical response of plasmon resonant metallic nanoparticles (2004) (203)
- Surface-enhanced infrared absorption using individual cross antennas tailored to chemical moieties. (2013) (202)
- Coherent Fano resonances in a plasmonic nanocluster enhance optical four-wave mixing (2013) (198)
- Mesoscopic Au “Meatball” Particles (2008) (196)
- Surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy on nanoshell aggregate substrates (2008) (196)
- Fano Resonant Aluminum Nanoclusters for Plasmonic Colorimetric Sensing. (2015) (196)
- Chiral surface plasmon polaritons on metallic nanowires. (2011) (194)
- Nanoparticle-mediated coupling of light into a nanowire. (2007) (194)
- Removing a wedge from a metallic nanodisk reveals a fano resonance. (2011) (190)
- Cu nanoshells: effects of interband transitions on the nanoparticle plasmon resonance. (2005) (190)
- Relative contributions to the plasmon line shape of metal nanoshells (2002) (188)
- Plasmonic Properties of Concentric Nanoshells (2004) (187)
- Two-Dimensional Active Tuning of an Aluminum Plasmonic Array for Full-Spectrum Response. (2017) (187)
- Nanoshells to nanoeggs to nanocups: optical properties of reduced symmetry core–shell nanoparticles beyond the quasistatic limit (2008) (184)
- Fluorescence Enhancement of Molecules Inside a Gold Nanomatryoshka (2014) (179)
- Observing metal-catalyzed chemical reactions in situ using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy on Pd-Au nanoshells. (2008) (174)
- Color‐Selective and CMOS‐Compatible Photodetection Based on Aluminum Plasmonics (2014) (173)
- Plasmonic nanoshell arrays combine surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopies on a single substrate. (2007) (169)
- Insight into the mechanism of sidewall functionalization of single-walled nanotubes: an STM study (1999) (164)
- Nanoscale control of near-infrared fluorescence enhancement using Au nanoshells. (2008) (164)
- Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Functionalized by the Adsorption of Dialkyl Disulfides. (1998) (161)
- Near infrared laser‐tissue welding using nanoshells as an exogenous absorber (2005) (159)
- Three-dimensional plasmonic nanoclusters. (2013) (159)
- Al-Pd Nanodisk Heterodimers as Antenna-Reactor Photocatalysts. (2016) (158)
- Nanogapped Au Antennas for Ultrasensitive Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy. (2017) (157)
- Balancing Near-Field Enhancement, Absorption, and Scattering for Effective Antenna-Reactor Plasmonic Photocatalysis. (2017) (156)
- Tracking of multimodal therapeutic nanocomplexes targeting breast cancer in vivo. (2010) (156)
- Aluminum Nanocrystals: A Sustainable Substrate for Quantitative SERS-Based DNA Detection. (2017) (147)
- Plasmons in the metallic nanoparticle-film system as a tunable impurity problem. (2005) (145)
- High Chromaticity Aluminum Plasmonic Pixels for Active Liquid Crystal Displays. (2016) (143)
- Metallic nanoshells with semiconductor cores: optical characteristics modified by core medium properties. (2010) (142)
- Controlled texturing modifies the surface topography and plasmonic properties of Au nanoshells. (2005) (142)
- From tunable core-shell nanoparticles to plasmonic drawbridges: Active control of nanoparticle optical properties (2015) (142)
- Light-bending nanoparticles. (2009) (140)
- Reduced symmetry metallodielectric nanoparticles: Chemical synthesis and plasmonic properties (2003) (139)
- Optoelectronic memory using two-dimensional materials. (2015) (139)
- Pronounced Linewidth Narrowing of an Aluminum Nanoparticle Plasmon Resonance by Interaction with an Aluminum Metallic Film. (2015) (136)
- Light-induced release of DNA from plasmon-resonant nanoparticles: Towards light-controlled gene therapy (2009) (135)
- Noble metal nanowires: from plasmon waveguides to passive and active devices. (2012) (135)
- Applications of nanoparticles to diagnostics and therapeutics in colorectal cancer. (2007) (135)
- The Surprising in Vivo Instability of Near-IR-Absorbing Hollow Au–Ag Nanoshells (2014) (134)
- Delivery of nanoparticles to brain metastases of breast cancer using a cellular Trojan horse (2012) (134)
- Visualizing light-triggered release of molecules inside living cells. (2010) (132)
- Optically tunable nanoparticle contrast agents for early cancer detection: model-based analysis of gold nanoshells. (2005) (128)
- Optical properties of a nanosized hole in a thin metallic film. (2008) (128)
- Construction of simple gold nanoparticle aggregates with controlled plasmon–plasmon interactions (1999) (125)
- Magnetic plasmon formation and propagation in artificial aromatic molecules. (2012) (122)
- Nanoparticle-induced enhancement and suppression of photocurrent in a silicon photodiode. (2008) (120)
- Aromatic amino acids providing characteristic motifs in the Raman and SERS spectroscopy of peptides. (2008) (117)
- Metallodielectric gratings with subwavelength slots: Optical properties (2003) (117)
- Profiling the near field of a plasmonic nanoparticle with Raman-based molecular rulers. (2006) (115)
- Nanoscience under glass: the versatile chemistry of silica nanostructures. (2008) (115)
- Aluminum nanocrystals. (2015) (114)
- Adenine− and Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP)−Gold Binding Interactions Studied by Surface-Enhanced Raman and Infrared Spectroscopies (2009) (113)
- Hot Hole Photoelectrochemistry on Au@SiO2@Au Nanoparticles. (2017) (111)
- Individual nanoantennas loaded with three-dimensional optical nanocircuits. (2013) (108)
- Nanoparticle-Mediated, Light-Induced Phase Separations. (2015) (105)
- Independent optically addressable nanoparticle-polymer optomechanical composites (2002) (103)
- Peptide-assembled optically responsive nanoparticle complexes. (2007) (102)
- Response to Comment on “Quantifying hot carrier and thermal contributions in plasmonic photocatalysis” (2019) (102)
- Effects of dielectric screening on the optical properties of metallic nanoshells (2003) (99)
- Reshaping the plasmonic properties of an individual nanoparticle. (2009) (98)
- Manipulating magnetic plasmon propagation in metallic nanocluster networks. (2012) (96)
- Charge Transfer Plasmons: Optical Frequency Conductances and Tunable Infrared Resonances. (2015) (96)
- Dark plasmons in hot spot generation and polarization in interelectrode nanoscale junctions. (2013) (95)
- Angle- and spectral-dependent light scattering from plasmonic nanocups. (2011) (95)
- Asymmetric Aluminum Antennas for Self-Calibrating Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (2016) (94)
- Direct optical detection of aptamer conformational changes induced by target molecules. (2009) (93)
- Bethe-hole polarization analyser for the magnetic vector of light (2011) (91)
- A Plethora of Plasmonics from the Laboratory for Nanophotonics at Rice University (2012) (89)
- Fractal nanoparticle plasmonics: the Cayley tree. (2015) (89)
- Determining the conformation of thiolated poly(ethylene glycol) on Au nanoshells by surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopic assay. (2006) (88)
- An opto-mechanical nanoshell–polymer composite (2001) (86)
- Combining Plasmonic Hot Carrier Generation with Free Carrier Absorption for High-Performance Near-Infrared Silicon-Based Photodetection (2018) (83)
- Multicolor Electrochromic Devices Based on Molecular Plasmonics. (2017) (82)
- Threefold Electron Scattering on Graphite Observed with C60-Adsorbed STM Tips (1996) (81)
- Nanoshells for photothermal cancer therapy. (2010) (81)
- Monolithic metal dimer-on-film structure: new plasmonic properties introduced by the underlying metal. (2020) (80)
- Understanding Resonant Light-Triggered DNA Release from Plasmonic Nanoparticles. (2017) (78)
- A Molecularly Targeted Theranostic Probe for Ovarian Cancer (2010) (77)
- Coherent modulation of propagating plasmons in silver-nanowire-based structures. (2011) (77)
- Laser-Induced Reshaping of Metallodielectric Nanoshells under Femtosecond and Nanosecond Plasmon Resonant Illumination (2004) (76)
- Sub-100nm gold nanomatryoshkas improve photo-thermal therapy efficacy in large and highly aggressive triple negative breast tumors. (2014) (74)
- Plasmon transmutation: inducing new modes in nanoclusters by adding dielectric nanoparticles. (2012) (74)
- Vacuum Ultraviolet Light-Generating Metasurface. (2018) (72)
- Enhancing the active lifetime of luminescent semiconducting polymers via doping with metal nanoshells (2001) (72)
- Capacitance free generation and detection of subpicosecond electrical pulses on coplanar transmission lines (1988) (72)
- Plasmonic interactions between a metallic nanoshell and a thin metallic film (2007) (72)
- Toroidal Dipole-Enhanced Third Harmonic Generation of Deep Ultraviolet Light Using Plasmonic Meta-atoms. (2019) (71)
- Fluorinated nanodiamond as a wet chemistry precursor for diamond coatings covalently bonded to glass surface. (2005) (69)
- Correlation of molecular orientation and packing density in a dsDNA self-assembled monolayer observable with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. (2008) (67)
- Effect of a proximal substrate on plasmon propagation in silver nanowires (2010) (66)
- Chain-length-dependent vibrational resonances in alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers observed on plasmonic nanoparticle substrates. (2006) (66)
- Light-triggered biocatalysis using thermophilic enzyme-gold nanoparticle complexes. (2013) (65)
- Interactions of ibuprofen with hybrid lipid bilayers probed by complementary surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopies. (2008) (65)
- Tailoring Plasmonic Substrates for Surface Enhanced Spectroscopies (2008) (65)
- Subpicosecond optoelectronic study of resistive and superconductive transmission lines (1987) (64)
- Enhancing T1 magnetic resonance imaging contrast with internalized gadolinium(III) in a multilayer nanoparticle (2017) (64)
- Plasmonic Photocatalysis of Nitrous Oxide into N2 and O2 Using Aluminum-Iridium Antenna-Reactor Nanoparticles. (2019) (64)
- Influence of excitation and collection geometry on the dark field spectra of individual plasmonic nanostructures. (2010) (63)
- Solar thermal desalination as a nonlinear optical process (2019) (63)
- Detecting Chemically Modified DNA Bases Using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. (2011) (63)
- Ultrafast optical properties of gold nanoshells (1999) (62)
- Transition-Metal Decorated Aluminum Nanocrystals. (2017) (61)
- Near-infrared remotely triggered drug-release strategies for cancer treatment (2017) (61)
- Enhanced thermal stability of silica-encapsulated metal nanoshells (2001) (60)
- Near-normal incidence dark-field microscopy: applications to nanoplasmonic spectroscopy. (2012) (60)
- Targeting pancreatic cancer with magneto-fluorescent theranostic gold nanoshells. (2014) (60)
- Tuning the acoustic frequency of a gold nanodisk through its adhesion layer (2015) (59)
- Combining Solar Steam Processing and Solar Distillation for Fully Off-Grid Production of Cellulosic Bioethanol (2017) (59)
- Electronic and optical properties of electromigrated molecular junctions (2008) (57)
- Ultrafast light‐controlled optical‐fiber modulator (1987) (57)
- Aluminum Nanorods. (2018) (56)
- Photoinduced Force Mapping of Plasmonic Nanostructures. (2016) (55)
- Mesoscopic nanoshells: geometry-dependent plasmon resonances beyond the quasistatic limit. (2007) (55)
- Layer Engineering of 2D Semiconductor Junctions (2016) (54)
- Real-time monitoring of lipid transfer between vesicles and hybrid bilayers on Au nanoshells using surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). (2009) (53)
- Polydopamine-Stabilized Aluminum Nanocrystals: Aqueous Stability and Benzo[a]pyrene Detection. (2019) (53)
- Metal-organic frameworks tailor the properties of aluminum nanocrystals (2019) (53)
- Nanoshell-based substrates for surface enhanced spectroscopic detection of biomolecules. (2009) (52)
- Whole-blood immunoassay facilitated by gold nanoshell-conjugate antibodies. (2005) (51)
- Orientation-preserving transfer and directional light scattering from individual light-bending nanoparticles. (2011) (51)
- Light scattering from spherical plasmonic nanoantennas: effects of nanoscale roughness (2006) (51)
- Nanoparticle shape conservation in the conversion of MnO nanocrosses into Mn3O4 (2007) (50)
- Plasmon-driven carbon–fluorine (C(sp3)–F) bond activation with mechanistic insights into hot-carrier-mediated pathways (2020) (50)
- Generating Third Harmonic Vacuum Ultraviolet Light with a TiO2 Metasurface. (2019) (48)
- Light Interaction between Gold Nanoshells Plasmon Resonance and Planar Optical Waveguides (2002) (47)
- Determination of α and β site defects on graphite using C60-adsorbed STM tips (1998) (45)
- Perforated semishells: far-field directional control and optical frequency magnetic response. (2010) (45)
- CTAB Mediated Reshaping of Metallodielectric Nanoparticles (2003) (44)
- Optomechanics of Single Aluminum Nanodisks. (2017) (44)
- Substrate-mediated charge transfer plasmons in simple and complex nanoparticle clusters. (2013) (44)
- Aluminum Nanocubes Have Sharp Corners. (2019) (44)
- Toward Surface Plasmon-Enhanced Optical Parametric Amplification (SPOPA) with Engineered Nanoparticles: A Nanoscale Tunable Infrared Source. (2016) (42)
- Vibrational coupling in plasmonic molecules (2017) (42)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Lanthanide-Doped Silica Microspheres (2001) (42)
- Morphology-Dependent Reactivity of a Plasmonic Photocatalyst. (2020) (42)
- Light-Driven Chemical Looping for Ammonia Synthesis (2019) (40)
- Connecting the dots: Reinventing optics for nanoscale dimensions (2009) (40)
- Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: Substrates and materials for research and applications (2013) (39)
- Polymer-Directed Growth of Plasmonic Aluminum Nanocrystals. (2018) (38)
- Ternary CuIn7Se11: Towards Ultra‐Thin Layered Photodetectors and Photovoltaic Devices (2014) (38)
- Plasmonic nanoparticle heterodimers in a semiembedded geometry fabricated by stepwise upright assembly. (2006) (38)
- Ligand-Dependent Colloidal Stability Controls the Growth of Aluminum Nanocrystals. (2019) (37)
- Efficient Second Harmonic Generation in a Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide by Mode Interactions. (2019) (37)
- Simultaneous optical pulse compression and wing reduction (1986) (36)
- Route to mode locking in a three-mode He-Ne 3.39-μm laser including chaos in the secondary beat frequency (1983) (36)
- Using Catalytic and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Active Gold Nanoshells to Understand the Role of Basicity in Glycerol Oxidation (2013) (36)
- Plasmonic enhancement of Raman optical activity in molecules near metal nanoshells. (2009) (36)
- Wavelength-Dependent Optical Force Imaging of Bimetallic Al-Au Heterodimers. (2018) (36)
- Wide-bandwidth frequency doubling with high conversion efficiency. (1992) (35)
- Adsorbate-Induced Quenching of Hot Electrons in Gold Core−Shell Nanoparticles (2001) (34)
- The Optical Properties of Nanoshells (2002) (34)
- Molecular Plasmonics. (2015) (33)
- Epitaxial integration of single crystal C60 (1993) (33)
- Absorption Spectroscopy of an Individual Fano Cluster. (2016) (33)
- Au nanorice assemble electrolytically into mesostars. (2009) (32)
- Polycrystallinity of Lithographically Fabricated Plasmonic Nanostructures Dominates Their Acoustic Vibrational Damping. (2018) (31)
- Walking the Walk: A Giant Step toward Sustainable Plasmonics. (2016) (31)
- Orienting nanoantennas in three dimensions to control light scattering across a dielectric interface. (2013) (31)
- Routes to Potentially Safer T1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast in a Compact Plasmonic Nanoparticle with Enhanced Fluorescence. (2018) (30)
- Effects of photo-oxidation on conjugated polymer films (1997) (29)
- From the cover: nanoscale imaging of chemical interactions: fluorine on graphite. (2000) (28)
- Benchtop Fabrication of Submicrometer Metal Line and Island Arrays Using Passivative Microcontact Printing and Electroless Plating (2003) (28)
- Plasmon-enabled degradation of organic micropollutants in water by visible-light illumination of Janus gold nanorods (2020) (28)
- Localized heating in nanoscale Pt constrictions measured using blackbody radiation emission (2008) (27)
- The photonic nanomedicine revolution: let the human side of nanotechnology emerge. (2009) (26)
- Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Single Aluminum Nanostructures. (2019) (26)
- Photocatalytic Hydrogenation of Graphene Using Pd Nanocones. (2019) (26)
- Impact of chemical interface damping on surface plasmon dephasing. (2019) (26)
- Nanoshells as an optical coherence tomography contrast agent (2004) (26)
- Laser-Induced Spectral Hole-Burning through a Broadband Distribution of Au Nanorods (2016) (25)
- Facile chemical approach to ZnO submicrometer particles with controllable morphologies. (2007) (25)
- Hot carrier multiplication in plasmonic photocatalysis (2021) (24)
- Lifetime dynamics of plasmons in the few-atom limit (2018) (24)
- Dember effect in C60 thin films (1994) (23)
- Near-Infrared Excited Raman Optical Activity (2007) (23)
- Plasmonic Enhancement of Raman Optical Activity in Molecules near Metal Nanoshells: Theoretical Comparison of Circular Polarization Methods† (2010) (23)
- Plasmon response of nanoshell dopants in organic films: a simulation study (2003) (22)
- Diffusion of silver in C60 thin films (1993) (21)
- Site-selective nanoreactor deposition on photocatalytic Al nanocubes. (2020) (21)
- Imaging through plasmonic nanoparticles (2016) (21)
- Standing wave plasmon modes interact in an antenna-coupled nanowire. (2015) (21)
- Theory of hot electrons: general discussion. (2019) (21)
- Resonant energy transfer enhances solar thermal desalination (2020) (21)
- Duplicating plasmonic hotspots by matched nanoantenna pairs for remote nanogap enhanced spectroscopy. (2020) (20)
- Measurement of immunotargeted plasmonic nanoparticles’ cellular binding: a key factor in optimizing diagnostic efficacy (2008) (19)
- Impurity-induced plasmon damping in individual cobalt-doped hollow Au nanoshells. (2014) (19)
- Direct observation of fullerene‐adsorbed tips by scanning tunneling microscopy (1996) (19)
- Toward a Nanophotonic Nose: A Compressive Sensing-Enhanced, Optoelectronic Mid-Infrared Spectrometer (2019) (18)
- Anomalously Strong Electric Near-Field Enhancements at Defect Sites on Au Nanoshells Observed by Ultrafast Scanning Photoemission Imaging Microscopy (2013) (18)
- Experimental evidence for self-pulsing and chaos in CW-excited lasers (1983) (18)
- Al@TiO2 Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Plasmonic Photocatalysis. (2022) (18)
- Nanostructure-mediated launching and detection of 2D surface plasmons. (2010) (17)
- Absorption-Induced Image Resolution Enhancement in Scattering Media (2016) (17)
- Propagation of surface plasmons on Ag and Cu extended one-dimensional arrays on silicon substrates (2006) (17)
- A 3D Plasmonic Antenna-Reactor for Nanoscale Thermal Hotspots and Gradients. (2021) (16)
- Molecular Plasmon-Phonon Coupling. (2016) (16)
- Vacuum ultraviolet nonlinear metalens (2022) (16)
- Subpicosecond optoelectronic study of superconducting transmission lines (1987) (16)
- Shining Light on Aluminum Nanoparticle Synthesis. (2020) (16)
- Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy with fullerene coated tips (1994) (16)
- Monitoring Chemical Reactions with Terahertz Rotational Spectroscopy (2018) (16)
- Optically-driven collapse of a plasmonic nanogap self-monitored by optical frequency mixing. (2010) (16)
- Tunable optical tweezers for wavelength-dependent measurements. (2012) (15)
- UV-Resonant Al Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Silica Coating, and Broadband Photothermal Response. (2020) (15)
- The Effect of Microgravity on the Growth of Silica Nanostructures (2000) (14)
- Excimer Model for Photoluminescence in Single-Crystal C60 (1996) (14)
- Photoluminescence spectra of epitaxial single crystal C60 (1995) (14)
- A room-temperature mid-infrared photodetector for on-chip molecular vibrational spectroscopy (2018) (14)
- Nano as a Rosetta Stone: The Global Roles and Opportunities for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. (2019) (13)
- Electron relaxation dynamics in semicontinuous metal films on nanoparticle surfaces (2002) (13)
- Chemical and Dielectric Manipulation of the Plasmonic Band Gap of Metallodielectric Arrays (2004) (12)
- Optical-Force-Dominated Directional Reshaping of Au Nanodisks in Al-Au Heterodimers. (2018) (12)
- Spiers Memorial Lecture. Introductory lecture: Hot-electron science and microscopic processes in plasmonics and catalysis. (2019) (12)
- Nanoshell-mediated near infrared photothermal tumor therapy (2003) (12)
- Polarized Angular Dependent Light Scattering Properties of Bare and PEGylated Gold Nanoshells (2007) (12)
- High‐purity vapor phase purification of C60 (1994) (11)
- Dynamics of hot electron generation in metallic nanostructures: general discussion. (2019) (11)
- Plasmonic nanoparticle-based epoxy photocuring: A deeper look (2019) (11)
- Targeted photothermal tumor therapy using metal nanoshells (2002) (10)
- Acoustic Vibrations of Al Nanocrystals: Size, Shape and Crystallinity Revealed by Single-Particle Transient Extinction Spectroscopy. (2020) (10)
- Earth-abundant photocatalyst for H2 generation from NH3 with light-emitting diode illumination (2022) (10)
- Photodeposition of Molecular Layers on Nanoparticle Substrates (1999) (10)
- Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties II (2003) (9)
- Time-resolved study of silicon surface recombination (1989) (9)
- Phase matching and focussing effects in noncollinear sum frequency mixing in the near VUV region (1994) (9)
- Excimer-laser-induced electric conductivity in thin-film C60 (1993) (9)
- Chemical Nanoplasmonics: Emerging Interdisciplinary Research Field at Crossroads between Nanoscale Chemistry and Plasmonics. (2019) (9)
- Work Function-Driven Hot Electron Extraction in a Bimetallic Plasmonic MIM Device (2018) (8)
- Photothermal cancer therapy using intravenously injected near-infrared-absorbing nanoparticles (2005) (8)
- Towards scalable plasmonic Fano-resonant metasurfaces for colorimetric sensing (2022) (8)
- Nanoshells for Integrated Cancer Imaging and Therapy (2006) (8)
- Determination of a and b site defects on graphite using C 60-adsorbed STM tips (1998) (7)
- Quantitative analysis of gas phase molecular constituents using frequency-modulated rotational spectroscopy. (2019) (7)
- Gold coated iron phosphide core–shell structures (2017) (7)
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications of Metal Nanoshells (2006) (7)
- Plasmonic Materials: A Plethora of Plasmonics from the Laboratory for Nanophotonics at Rice University (Adv. Mater. 36/2012) (2012) (7)
- The Biomedical Engineering Handboo (2007) (7)
- Effects of Electronic Structure on Molecular Plasmon Dynamics (2020) (6)
- Reply to: Distinguishing thermal from non-thermal contributions to plasmonic hydrodefluorination (2022) (6)
- Dynamics of triplet excitons in MEH-PPV measured by two-photon photoemission (1997) (5)
- Pulsatile release of insulin via photothermally modulated drug delivery (2002) (5)
- Plasmonic gadolinium oxide nanomatryoshkas: bifunctional magnetic resonance imaging enhancers for photothermal cancer therapy (2022) (5)
- Absorption-enhanced imaging through scattering media using carbon black nano-particles: from visible to near infrared wavelengths (2018) (5)
- Direct H2S Decomposition by Plasmonic Photocatalysis: Efficient Remediation plus Sustainable Hydrogen Production (2022) (5)
- Gd2O3-mesoporous silica/gold nanoshells: A potential dual T1/T2 contrast agent for MRI-guided localized near-IR photothermal therapy (2022) (5)
- Plasmon-Generated Solvated Electrons for Chemical Transformations. (2022) (4)
- Fullerene functionalized scanning tunneling microscope tips- preparation, characterization and applications (1997) (4)
- Optically controllable materials: potential valves and actuators in microfluidics and MEMS (2002) (4)
- Controlled Loading of Nanoparticles into Submicrometer Holes (2008) (4)
- Plasmonic Photocatalysis with Chemically and Spatially Specific Antenna-Dual Reactor Complexes. (2022) (4)
- Nanoshells for integrated diagnosis and therapy of cancer (2004) (4)
- Nanotechnology Provides New Tools for Biomedical Optics (2006) (4)
- Aluminum Nanocrystals Grow into Distinct Branched Aluminum Nanowire Morphologies. (2020) (3)
- Higher Order Plasmon Resonances of Gold Nanoshells (1998) (3)
- A Dual Catalyst Strategy for Controlling Aluminum Nanocrystal Growth. (2022) (3)
- Laser tissue soldering with near-infrared absorbing nanoparticles (2005) (3)
- Multimodal optical molecular image reconstruction with frequency domain measurements (2009) (3)
- New materials for hot electron generation: general discussion. (2019) (3)
- Nanoshell bioconjugates for integrated imaging and therapy of cancer (2004) (3)
- Nanoshell‐Enabled Photothermal Cancer Therapy: Impending Clinical Impact (2009) (3)
- Optical trapping of nanoshells (2007) (3)
- Selective Photodetoxification of a Sulfur Mustard Simulant Using Plasmonic Aluminum Nanoparticles. (2022) (3)
- Time-resolved reflectivity studies of GaAs(100)/oxide and GaAs(100)/ZnSe interfaces (1991) (2)
- A rapid, near infrared, whole blood immunoassay using metal nanoshells (2002) (2)
- Electrical conductivity of cationized ferritin decorated gold nanoshells (2012) (2)
- All-optical nanoscale pH meter: a plasmonic nanodevice with quantifiable output (2006) (2)
- Delivery of Therapeutic Nanoshells to Hypoxic Areas of Tumors Using a Cellular Trojan Horse. (2009) (2)
- Nanoshell-polymer composites for photothermally modulated drug delivery (2001) (2)
- Controlling the Surface Enhanced Raman Effect on Nanoshells in a Film Geometry (2003) (2)
- Integrated cancer imaging and therapy using gold nanoshells (2004) (2)
- Plasmonic properties of non-concentric nanoshells (2006) (2)
- PSD of Excited Hydrogen from KCl (1988) (2)
- Mark Stockman: Evangelist for Plasmonics (2021) (2)
- A rapid, whole blood immunoassay using metal nanoshells (2003) (2)
- Plasmonic Nanostructures: Artifical Molecules (2007) (2)
- Dynamic tuning of Fano-coupled metasurfaces (2021) (1)
- Optical Properties of 2D hexagonal arrays of gold nanoshells (2007) (1)
- Plasmon-induced selective carbon dioxide conversion on earth-abundant aluminum-cuprous oxide antenna-reactor nanoparticles (2017) (1)
- Manipulating Magnetic Plasmon Propagation in Metallic Nanocluster (2012) (1)
- Preparation and characterization of polymer-coated nanoparticles (1999) (1)
- Reduction in Nanoparticle Size Dramatically Improves Plasmonic Photo-thermal Therapy Efficacy in Aggressive Triple Negative Breast Cancer (2014) (1)
- Optical trapping of nanoshells near resonance (2008) (1)
- Plasmonics sheds light on the nanotechnology of daguerreotypes (2019) (1)
- A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach to Measure Spatially Resolved Local Surface Plasmon Resonances in Aluminum Nanocrystals (2018) (1)
- Profiling the Near field of Nanoshells Using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (2005) (1)
- Optical properties of crossed metallodielectric gratings (2003) (1)
- Tunable Absorption Enhancement with Graphene Nanodisk Arrays (2014) (1)
- Solvent Free High Purity Solid C60: Optical Properties (1994) (1)
- Enhanced Photophysical Processes in Controlled Electromagnetic Nanoenvironments (2010) (1)
- Wide bandwidth frequency doubling and harmonic generation of Ti:sapphire laser radiation (1994) (1)
- Nanophotonics: an overview (2004) (1)
- Vascular targeting of nanoshells for photothermal cancer therapy. (2006) (1)
- Plasmonically Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution with an Al–TiO2-Based Photoelectrode (2022) (1)
- Computational chromatography: A machine learning strategy for demixing individual chemical components in complex mixtures. (2022) (1)
- Calibrating the photo-thermal response of magneto-fluorescent gold nanoshells (2011) (1)
- Fullerene thin films (1992) (1)
- Propagation of Ultrashort Electrical Pulses on Superconducting Transmission Lines (1986) (1)
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2018) (1)
- Calibrating the imaging and therapy performance of magneto-fluorescent gold nanoshells for breast cancer (2012) (1)
- Complex Nanostructures A Hybridization Model for the Plasmon Response of (2010) (1)
- Nanoscale plasmonics for molecular recognition and light-triggered molecular release (2009) (0)
- Modeling and experimental observations of gold nanoshell reflectance (2005) (0)
- "…nanoparticle-assisted, photothermal therapeutic strategies have the capability of providing revolutionary tools in many battles against human disease, with the clear potential for highly effective therapy for cancer and other diseases. " (2009) (0)
- Data for: Plasmonic Nanoparticle-based Epoxy Photocuring (2018) (0)
- Decentralized Solar-Driven Photothermal Desalination: An Interdisciplinary Challenge to Transition Lab-Scale Research to Off-Grid Applications (2022) (0)
- Characterization of C{sub 60} and C{sub 70} thin films (1992) (0)
- Time-resolved study of surface recombination at Si(111) surfaces (1988) (0)
- Plasmon-induced modifications in spontaneous emission of fluorophores in controlled nanoscale geometries (2004) (0)
- Single molecule surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in nanogap structures (2009) (0)
- Decomposition of gold nanoshells in carbon tetrachloride (2002) (0)
- A Novel In Ovo System to Treat Lung Cancer (2018) (0)
- Design and implementation of a standalone Raman-based all-optical nanosensor (2005) (0)
- Plasmonic Coupling of a Gold Colloid and a Gold Film (2008) (0)
- Can thermal annealing of ZnO and ZnS powders produce Type-II heterostructures? (2020) (0)
- Radiosensitization of Gold Nanoparticles as a Therapeutic for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers (2018) (0)
- Probing near-field hot spots by localized surface enhanced Raman scattering (2012) (0)
- A combined experimental and theoretical approach to measure spatially resolved local surface plasmon resonances in aluminum nanocrystals (Conference Presentation) (2018) (0)
- Metal nanoshells: a novel substrate for immunoassays (2001) (0)
- S 1 Monitoring Chemical Reactions with Terahertz Rotational Spectroscopy Supplementary Information (2018) (0)
- Nanorice: a new hybrid nanostructure (2006) (0)
- Raman Scattering from Adsorbate Coated Nanoshells: Local Field Effects (2000) (0)
- Short-wavelength nonlinear optical meta-device (2022) (0)
- Simultaneous measurements of single-molecule electrical conduction and Raman response (2008) (0)
- 2010 Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonics, June 13-19 2010 (2010) (0)
- Applications of Nanoplasmonics (2008) (0)
- Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI); Nanoshell-Based Infrared and Terahertz Adaptive Materials (2006) (0)
- Large-dynamic-range spectroscopy of molecular relaxations (1995) (0)
- Detection of Molecular and Biomolecular Species by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering: Nanoengineered Substrates for SERS Detection (2004) (0)
- Multifunctional vacuum ultraviolet nonlinear metadevice (Conference Presentation) (2019) (0)
- Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Talk: Plasmonics: Photonic Nanoscience with Societal Impact (2018) (0)
- Plasmons, hot electrons and nanoscale heat transfer (2016) (0)
- NIR and MIR charge transfer plasmons in wire-bridged antennas (Presentation Recording) (2015) (0)
- Time resolved carrier dynamics of solid C 60 (1992) (0)
- O-3 . 4-Observation of Trochoidal Dichroism (2018) (0)
- Optical Tweezing Red-Shifted From Resonance (2009) (0)
- Gold nanoshells : A multifunctional agent for integrated diagnosis and therapy (2007) (0)
- Dynamically tunable integrated plasmonic-photonic systems for multi-color generation (2022) (0)
- Utilizing the broad electromagnetic spectrum and unique nanoscale properties for chemical-free water treatment (2021) (0)
- Coherent plasmonics: Optimized for sensing and energy transfer (2014) (0)
- Temperature measurements of optically trapped gold nanoshells (2011) (0)
- Strong Substrate Binding Modulates the Acoustic Quality Factors in Gold Nanodisks (2023) (0)
- Distinguishing between plasmon-induced and photo-excited carriers in a device geometry (Presentation Recording) (2015) (0)
- Au Bowtie Nanostructures for Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (2007) (0)
- Gold nanoshells aided optical imaging in vitro , in vivo , and ex vivo (2007) (0)
- Generation of broad bandwidth ultraviolet pulses from a Ti:sapphire laser via noncollinear sum-frequency mixing (1994) (0)
- Fluorescent and T1 MRI active multilayer nanoparticle for imaging and targeting cellular delivery (2018) (0)
- Aluminum nanoparticle deposition for scalable plasmonic metasurface fabrication (2021) (0)
- Probing the optical near field of a nanolens (2002) (0)
- Diagnostics and Modeling of Laser-Assisted MOCVD Growth of Thin Films. (1994) (0)
- COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (CR&D) Task Order 0035: Incorporation of Metal Nanoshells into Photovoltaic Devices (2007) (0)
- Soft lithographic directed growth of wire grating arrays with optical resonances (2002) (0)
- Fan-shaped gold nanoantennas above reflective substrates for surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) (Presentation Recording) (2015) (0)
- Optical spectroscopy of conductive molecular junctions in plasmonic cavities (2009) (0)
- Design and Fabrication of the Vacuum Ultraviolet Nonlinear Metasurfaces (2020) (0)
- Optical trapping near resonance (2008) (0)
- Plasmonics: nanoparticles putting light to work (2013) (0)
- Plexcitonics: Coupled and Plasmon-Exciton Systems with Tailorable Properties (2013) (0)
- Absorption-enhanced Imaging through Scattering Medium (2018) (0)
- Plasmon-based Enhanced NSOM Spectroscopy. (2006) (0)
- AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-13-1-0342 TITLE: “Delivery of Nano-Tethered Therapies to Brain Metastases of Primary Breast Cancer Using a Cellular Trojan Horse” PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Naomi Halas CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION: WILLIAM MARSH RICE UNIVERSITY (2014) (0)
- type : Full Paper Ternary CuIn 7 Se 11 : Towards Ultra-Thin Layered Photodetectors and Photovoltaic Devices (2014) (0)
- Chapter 7 Nanoshells for Photothermal Cancer Therapy (2010) (0)
- Frontiers of Plasmonics: enabling new applications (2012) (0)
- Radio-Enhancement of Gold Nanoparticles In Ovo and In Vivo as a Therapeutic for Lung Cancer (2018) (0)
- Photoluminescence spectra of epitaxial single-crystal C60: an excimer model (1995) (0)
- Dielectrophoretic Trapping of Gold Nanoshells (2000) (0)
- Carrier relaxation in undoped C60 solid films (1991) (0)
- Two-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy of poly(3-octylthiophene) (1998) (0)
- Probing the near fields of plasmonic and 2D materials with photo-induced gradient force imaging(Conference Presentation) (2016) (0)
- Ultrafast, large-dynamic-range absorption spectroscopy of slow relaxations in condensed systems (1993) (0)
- Properties and Applications of Metal Nanoshells and their Composite Solids (1997) (0)
- Probing superconductors with ultrashort electrical pulses (1987) (0)
- Seamless Integration of Detection and Therapy for Breast Cancer using Targeted Engineered Nanoparticles (2007) (0)
- Facet Tunability of Aluminum Nanocrystals. (2022) (0)
- Fullerene tips for scanning probe microscopy (1996) (0)
- Electronic transitions in photon-stimulated desorption (1987) (0)
- Plasmon-enabled processes: new opportunities in cross-cutting science and emerging technologies (2014) (0)
- Effect of adsorbed molecules on hot electron relaxation in gold nanoshells (2001) (0)
- Peptide-Assembled Optically Responsive Nanoparticle Complexes (Preprint) (2007) (0)
- Plasmon-based photodetectors: new devices, wavelength ranges, and capabilities (2012) (0)
- Optical properties and ultrafast electron dynamics in gold nanoshells (1999) (0)
- Carrier dynamics in solid C60 (1993) (0)
- A Novel Intratumoral Delivery System to Treat Lung Cancer (2017) (0)
- Nanotechnology for Beyond Earth Water Treatment (2020) (0)
- Surfaced Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Nanojunctions with Anomalous Polarization Dependence (2013) (0)
- Metal Nanoshells: controlling subwavelength optical fields (2002) (0)
- The Influence of Microgravity on Silica Sol-Gel Formation (2000) (0)
- Plasmon-Enhanced Sensing and Photodetection (2012) (0)
- Optical Tweezing near and far from Resonance (2009) (0)
- A Polarizer for the Magnetic Component of Light (2011) (0)
- Surface Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (SEIRA) using Infrared resonant Au-nanoshell based substrates (2008) (0)
- Reshaping of the metallic surface of a nanoshell by pulsed laser light (2003) (0)
- Influence of chemical functionalization on the plasmon properties of metallodielectric gratings and nanoshells (2003) (0)
- Polarized angular dependent light scattering properties of gold nanoshells (2004) (0)
- Light-driven methane dry reforming with single atomic site antenna-reactor plasmonic photocatalysts (2020) (0)
- Self-assembled plasmonic nonoparticle clusters: New building blocks for metamaterials and their optical properties (2011) (0)
- Plasmonics-based design: combining surface-enhanced Raman and IR spectroscopies into the same structure (2008) (0)
- Fluorescence Enhancement Under Controlled Electromagnetic Nanoenvironments (2003) (0)
- Frank Isakson Prize: Coherent Plasmonics (2014) (0)
- Erratum: Chain-length dependent vibrational resonances in alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers observed on plasmonic nanoparticle substrates (Nano Letters (2006) 6 2619)) (2007) (0)
- Mapping near-field environments of plasmonic and 2D materials with photo-induced force imaging (Conference Presentation) (2016) (0)
- Gold Nanoshell Enhanced Fluorophores for Multi-Frequency Near Infrared Fluorescence Optical Tomography (2010) (0)
- Nonlinear Generation of Vacuum Ultraviolet Light with an All-Dielectric Metasurface (2019) (0)
- Metal Nanoparticle Radiosensitization and Immunotherapy as a Therapeutic Strategy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers (2018) (0)
- Impact of Chemical Interface Damping on Plasmon Dephasing (2019) (0)
- Plasmon-plasmon interaction between gold nanoshells and gold surfaces (2001) (0)
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