Nicola Graham-Kevan
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Nicola Graham-Kevan's Degrees
- PhD Psychology University of Central Lancashire
- Masters Forensic Psychology University of Central Lancashire
- Bachelors Psychology University of Central Lancashire
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Why Is Nicola Graham-Kevan Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Nicola Graham-Kevan is a psychologist and professor of criminal justice psychology at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, England. She is also a professor of clinical psychology at the Mid Sweden University in Östersund, Sweden. She conducts research on aggression, domestic violence, stalking, victimisation, psychological trauma and post-traumatic growth. Professor Graham-Kevan is the Director of TRAC Psychological Limited where she develops and delivers behaviour change programmes, training and evaluations. She also works clinically designing interventions for offenders with emotional management or aggression management problems.
Nicola Graham-Kevan's Published Works
Published Works
- Intimate Terrorism and Common Couple Violence (2003) (300)
- Intimate violence in families (2005) (194)
- Testosterone and aggression: A reanalysis of Book, Starzyk, and Quinsey's (2001) study. (2005) (181)
- Understanding the nature and etiology of intimate partner violence and implications for practice and policy. (2011) (174)
- Investigating Three Explanations of Women's Relationship Aggression (2005) (142)
- Control tactics and partner violence in heterosexual relationships (2009) (127)
- Testing predictions from the male control theory of men's partner violence. (2014) (114)
- Do beliefs about aggression predict physical aggression to partners (2003) (104)
- Does Controlling Behavior Predict Physical Aggression and Violence to Partners? (2008) (99)
- Physical Aggression and Control in Heterosexual Relationships: The Effect of Sampling (2003) (98)
- Perpetrator programmes for partner violence: Are they based on ideology or evidence? (2012) (73)
- Fathers and Domestic Violence: Building Motivation for Change through Perpetrator Programmes (2012) (66)
- Domestic Violence: Research and Implications for Batterer Programmes in Europe (2007) (56)
- Trauma Characteristics and Posttraumatic Growth: The Mediating Role of Avoidance Coping, Intrusive Thoughts, and Social Support (2019) (54)
- Rumination, event centrality, and perceived control as predictors of post‐traumatic growth and distress: The Cognitive Growth and Stress model (2017) (52)
- Adaptive and maladaptive personality traits as predictors of violent and nonviolent offending behavior in men and women. (2010) (50)
- Investigating Sub-groups of Harassers: The Roles of Attachment, Dependency, Jealousy and Aggression (2008) (46)
- Media depictions of physical and relational aggression: connections with aggression in young adults' romantic relationships. (2011) (44)
- Exploring Help Seeking Experiences of Male Victims of Female Perpetrators of IPV (2017) (43)
- Mean on the screen: Psychopathy, relationship aggression, and aggression in the media (2010) (40)
- Is the Presence of Control Related to Help-Seeking Behavior? A Test of Johnson’s Assumptions Regarding Sex Differences and the Role of Control in Intimate Partner Violence (2016) (33)
- The Psychology of Women's Partner Violence: Characteristics and Cautions (2009) (26)
- Prevalence of Women’s Violent and Nonviolent Offending Behavior (2012) (24)
- The Re-Emergence of Male Victims (2007) (23)
- A Review of Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programs in the United Kingdom (2017) (23)
- Posttraumatic growth in students, crime survivors and trauma workers exposed to adversity (2016) (23)
- Intimate partner violence: Are the risk factors similar for men and women, and similar to other types of offending? (2016) (22)
- Using Johnson's domestic violence typology to classify men and women in a non-selected sample (2011) (20)
- The CAT: A Gender-Inclusive Measure of Controlling and Abusive Tactics (2015) (18)
- Do the same risk and protective factors influence aggression toward partners and same‐sex others? (2017) (17)
- Development and confirmatory factor analysis of the non-violent and violent offending behavior scale (NVOBS). (2013) (14)
- Repeat Victimisation, Retraumatisation and Victim Vulnerability (2015) (12)
- A qualitative examination of engagement with support services by victims of violent crime (2016) (11)
- Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: A Challenge to the Gendered Paradigm (2019) (11)
- You don’t see the world through the same eyes any more: The impact of sexual offending work on police staff (2018) (10)
- Evaluating the Chinese Revised Controlling Behaviors Scale (2015) (10)
- Violence during Pregnancy: Investigating Infanticidal Motives (2011) (9)
- Perpetrator programmes for partner violence: A rejoinder to Respect (2012) (7)
- Investigating Violence and Control Dyadically in a Help-Seeking Sample from Mozambique (2012) (7)
- Investigating Social Dominance in a Prison Population (2011) (7)
- Johnson's control-based domestic violence typology: Implications for research and treatment (2007) (6)
- Treatment approaches for interpersonal violence : domestic violence and stalking (2008) (6)
- ‘I put my “police head” on’: Coping strategies for working with sexual offending material (2018) (6)
- Review of domestic violence perpetrator programmes in the UK (2016) (5)
- An Evaluation of a New Initiative for Male Perpetrators of Domestic Violence (2011) (4)
- Men and women's perceptions and experiences of attending an abusive behaviour management programme (2009) (4)
- The association between beliefs about aggression and partner physical aggression (2000) (4)
- Injury patterns and associated demographics of intimate partner violence in men presenting to U.S. emergency departments. (2021) (4)
- Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrator Programmes (2020) (4)
- Development of antenatal education to raise awareness of the risk of relationship conflict (2011) (3)
- Distorting Intimate Violence Findings: Playing with Numbers (2007) (3)
- Predictors of engagement with support services in a sample of UK victims of violent crime. (2016) (3)
- Assessing the Risk and Treatment Needs of People Who Perpetrate Intimate Partner Violence (2020) (3)
- The prevalence of Bi-Directional intimate partner violence reported by Portuguese men (2019) (2)
- Controlling and abusive tactics: preliminary findings of a gender-inclusive questionnaire (2013) (2)
- Predictors of traumatic stress symptoms in police personnel exposed to sexual trauma (2021) (1)
- Nonviolent and Violent Offending Behavior Scale (2017) (1)
- Testing Johnson's hypothesis on a large community sample (2011) (1)
- Assessing victim risk in cases of violent crime (2015) (1)
- Physical Aggression and Controlling Behaviours Within Relationships (2004) (1)
- Rumination, centrality and control as predictors of post traumatic growth and distress: The cognitive growth and stress (CGAS) model. (2017) (0)
- Emotion Regulation Mediates Posttraumatic Growth and Cluster B Personality Traits After Childhood Trauma. (2021) (0)
- Comparing Abuse Profiles, Contexts, and Outcomes of Help-Seeking Victims of Domestic Violence: Part III—LGBT Clients (2022) (0)
- Chinese Controlling Behaviors Scale--Revised (2015) (0)
- Men and women’s perceptions and experiences of attending a managing abusive behaviour programme (2009) (0)
- “I get knocked down, but I get up again” – A qualitative exploration of posttraumatic growth after multiple traumas. (2021) (0)
- Controlling Behaviours Scale (CBS) 2000 (2007) (0)
- Violence in pregnancy: investigating infanticidal motivations (2011) (0)
- Until death do they part: preventing intimate partner homicide (2011) (0)
- An evaluation of a pilot multi-professional offender personality disorder (OPD) higher education programme (2022) (0)
- The nature and extent of harassment and related behaviours, dispositions and personality disorders in a British prison sample. (2011) (0)
- Brooks, M and Graham-Kevan, N and Robinson, S and Lowe, M (2019)Trauma Characteristics and Posttraumatic Growth: The Mediating Role of Avoidance Coping, Intrusive Thoughts, and Social Support. Psycho- (2019) (0)
- Comparing Abuse Profiles, Contexts and Outcomes of Help-Seeking Heterosexual Male and Female Victims of Domestic Violence: Part II – Exit From Specialist Services (2022) (0)
- The consequences of psychological abuse and control in intimate partner relationships. (2023) (0)
- Comparing the Demographic Characteristics, and Reported Abuse Type, Contexts and Outcomes of Help-Seeking Heterosexual Male and Female Victims of Domestic Violence: Part I – Who Presents to Specialist Services? (2022) (0)
- Profiling the victims of post-relationship harassment (2011) (0)
- Until death do us part (2011) (0)
- Johnson's typology : a critical review (2010) (0)
- Effective support for victims of sexual violence: A systematic review of reviews (2016) (0)
- Clinical psychopathy, personality disorder and risk of intra-familial violence (2010) (0)
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