Olav Kallenberg
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Why Is Olav Kallenberg Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Olav Kallenberg is a probability theorist known for his work on exchangeable stochastic processes and for his graduate-level textbooks and monographs. Kallenberg is a professor of mathematics at Auburn University in Alabama in the USA.
Olav Kallenberg's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Foundations of Modern Probability (2021) (2060)
- Random Measures (1983) (800)
- Probabilistic Symmetries and Invariance Principles (2005) (442)
- Random Measures, Theory and Applications (2017) (241)
- Correction (1977) (131)
- Stability of Critical Cluster Fields (1977) (100)
- Canonical representations and convergence criteria for processes with interchangeable increments (1973) (88)
- Characterization and convergence of random measures and point processes (1973) (69)
- An Informal Guide to the Theory of Conditioning in Point Processes (1984) (62)
- Some time change representations of stable integrals, via predictable transformations of local martingales (1992) (61)
- Splitting at Backward Times in Regenerative Sets (1981) (57)
- On the representation theorem for exchangeable arrays (1989) (57)
- Spreading and Predictable Sampling in Exchangeable Sequences and Processes (1988) (50)
- Some dimension-free features of vector-valued martingales (1991) (50)
- Symmetries on random arrays and set-indexed processes (1992) (48)
- Limits of compound and thinned point processes (1975) (41)
- On conditional intensities of point processes (1978) (36)
- Exchangeable random measures in the plane (1990) (35)
- Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling (2016) (35)
- Multivariate Sampling and the Estimation Problem for Exchangeable Arrays (1999) (32)
- Multiple integration with respect to Poisson and Lévy processes (1989) (29)
- Characterizations and embedding properties in exchangeability (1982) (27)
- A counterexample to R. Davidson's conjecture on line processes (1977) (25)
- Series of Random Processes without Discontinuities of the Second Kind (1974) (24)
- On an Independence Criterion for Multiple Wiener Integrals (1991) (22)
- Path properties of processes with independent and interchangeable increments (1974) (22)
- On the Existence and Path Properties of Stochastic Integrals (1975) (21)
- On Symmetrically Distributed Random Measures (1975) (20)
- Lectures on random measures (1974) (18)
- Random time change and an integral representation for marked stopping times (1990) (17)
- On the existence of universal functional solutions to classical SDE's (1996) (17)
- Some new representations in bivariate exchangeability (1988) (17)
- Invariant measures and disintegrations with applications to Palm and related kernels (2007) (16)
- On the asymptotic behavior of line processes and systems of non-interacting particles (1978) (16)
- Ballot theorems and Sojourn laws for stationary processes (1999) (14)
- Maximizing the intersection density of fibre processes (1981) (13)
- On the structure of stationary flat processes. III (1976) (13)
- Local hitting and conditioning in symmetric interval partitions (2001) (12)
- Spreading-invariant sequences and processes on bounded index sets (2000) (11)
- Improved criteria for distributional convergence of point processes (1996) (11)
- Invariant Palm and related disintegrations via skew factorization (2011) (9)
- Some local approximations of Dawson–Watanabe superprocesses (2008) (8)
- A Note on the Asymptotic Equivalence of Sampling with and Without Replacement (1974) (8)
- Random arrays and functionals with multivariate rotational symmetries (1995) (8)
- Some Uses of Point Processes in Multiple Stochastic Integration (1991) (7)
- Palm Measure Duality and Conditioning in Regenerative Sets (1999) (7)
- Palm distributions and local approximation of regenerative processes (2003) (7)
- General wald-type identities for exchangeable sequences and processes (1989) (7)
- Some Problems of Local Hitting, Scaling, and Conditioning (2007) (6)
- Infinitely divisible processes with interchangeable increments and random measures under convolution (1975) (6)
- On the structure of stationary flat processes (1976) (5)
- Commutativity properties of conditional distributions and Palm measures (2010) (5)
- Iterated Palm Conditioning and Some Slivnyak-Type Theorems for Cox and Cluster Processes (2011) (4)
- Some local approximation properties of simple point processes (2009) (4)
- Lp-intensities of random measures (1979) (3)
- Tangential existence and comparison, with applications to single and multiple integration (2018) (3)
- On the structure of stationary flat processes. II (1980) (3)
- Schoenberg’s Theorem and Unitarily Invariant Random Arrays (2012) (3)
- Conditions for Continuity of Random Processes without Discontinuities of the Second Kind (1973) (3)
- From Optional Skipping to Random Time Change — on Some Recent Advances in Exchangeability Theory (1993) (3)
- An extension of the basic Palm measure correspondence (2000) (2)
- Stationary and invariant densities and disintegration kernels (2014) (2)
- Stability in the decomposition of probability measures with finite support (1972) (2)
- One dimensional uniqueness and convergence criteria for exchangeable processes (1988) (2)
- An Elementary Approach to the Daniell‐Kolmogorov Theorem and Some Related Results (1988) (2)
- Decoupling Identities and Predictable Transformations in Exchangeability. (1987) (2)
- Decomposition of generalized binomial and multinomial distributions (1972) (1)
- Conditioning and Disintegration (2021) (1)
- Local conditioning in Dawson–Watanabe superprocesses (2013) (1)
- Stochastic Differential Equations and Martingale Problems (2002) (1)
- Some highlights from the theory of multivariate symmetries (2006) (1)
- Lectures on the Coupling Method (Torgny Lindvall) (1993) (1)
- Semi-Martingales and Stochastic Integration (2021) (1)
- Asymptotically invariant sampling and averaging from stationary-like processes (1999) (1)
- Invariant measures and disintegrations with applications to Palm and related kernels (2007) (1)
- Ergodic Properties of Palm and Spacing Measures (2002) (1)
- Poisson and Related Processes (2021) (1)
- Continuous Martingales and Brownian Motion (2021) (1)
- Group Stationarity and Invariance (2017) (1)
- Path decomposition at backward times in regenerative sets (1980) (1)
- Homogeneity and the Strong Markov Property (1987) (1)
- On the Theory of Conditioning in Point Processes. (1986) (1)
- Extremality of poisson and sample processes (1974) (1)
- A limit theorem for thinning of point processes (1974) (1)
- An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes - D. J. Daley, D. Vere-Jones. (1991) (0)
- Random Walks and Renewal Theory (2002) (0)
- Branching Systems and Super-processes (2017) (0)
- Gaussian Processes and Brownian Motion (2021) (0)
- Convergence of non-ergodic dynamical systems (1980) (0)
- Measure Extension and Decomposition (2021) (0)
- One-Dimensional SDEs and Diffusions (2021) (0)
- It$$ {\hat{\text{o}}} $$ Integration and Quadratic Variation (2021) (0)
- Book reviews (1991) (0)
- Markov Processes and Discrete-Time Chains (2002) (0)
- Stationary and invariant densities and disintegration kernels (2013) (0)
- Stationary Processes and Ergodic Theory (2021) (0)
- Stochastic Equations and Martingale Problems (2021) (0)
- Characteristic Functions and Classical Limit Theorems (2002) (0)
- Convergence of Random Processes, Measures, and Sets (2002) (0)
- Regeneration and Local Time (2017) (0)
- Connections with PDEs and Potential Theory (2002) (0)
- Some Linear Random Functionals Characterized by L p - Symmetries (1993) (0)
- Special Notions of Symmetry and Invariance (2002) (0)
- Book review (1941) (0)
- Multi-variate Arrays and Symmetries (2021) (0)
- Palm and Related Kernels (2017) (0)
- Predictability and Compensation (2021) (0)
- Skorohod Embedding and Functional Convergence (2021) (0)
- Markov Properties and Discrete-Time Chains (2021) (0)
- Introduction and Reading Guide (2021) (0)
- Line and Flat Processes (2017) (0)
- Palm and Gibbs Kernels, Local Approximation (2021) (0)
- Measure Theory — Key Results (2002) (0)
- Distributions and Local Structure (2017) (0)
- Schoenberg’s Theorem and Unitarily Invariant Random Arrays (2010) (0)
- Semimartingales and General Stochastic Integration (2002) (0)
- Skorohod Embedding and Invariance Principles (2002) (0)
- On the genealogy of branching populations and their diffusion limits (2018) (0)
- Predictability, Compensation, and Excessive Functions (2002) (0)
- Stability in Polynomial Factorization. (1973) (0)
- Local Time, Excursions, and Additive Functionals (2021) (0)
- Compensation and Time Change (2017) (0)
- Note: Correction to "Conditions for Continuity of Random Processes Without Discontinuities of the Second Kind" (1976) (0)
- Spaces, Kernels, and Disintegration (2017) (0)
- Components of the Strong Markov Property (1998) (0)
- Measure Theory — Basic Notions (2002) (0)
- On the Existence and Path Properties of Stochastic Intemrals L on the Existence and Path Properties of Stochastic Integrals L (0)
- Ergodic Properties of Markov Processes (2021) (0)
- Symmetric Distributions and Predictable Maps (2021) (0)
- Feller Processes and Semi-groups (2021) (0)
- Optional Times and Martingales (2021) (0)
- Independent-Increment and Lévy Processes (2021) (0)
- Sets and Functions, Measures and Integration (2021) (0)
- Convergence in Distribution (2021) (0)
- Stationarity in Euclidean Spaces (2017) (0)
- Stochastic Differential Geometry (2021) (0)
- Infinite Divisibility and General Null Arrays (2021) (0)
- Martingales and Optional Times (2002) (0)
- Processes, Distributions, and Independence (2021) (0)
- Independent Increments and Infinite Divisibility (2002) (0)
- Kernels, Disintegration, and Invariance (2021) (0)
- On extrapolation of characteristic functions (1974) (0)
- Malliavin Calculus (2021) (0)
- Stochastic Integrals and Quadratic Variation (2002) (0)
- Gaussian and Poisson Convergence (2021) (0)
- Random Sequences, Series, and Averages (2021) (0)
- Random Walks and Renewal Processes (2021) (0)
- PDE Connections and Potential Theory (2021) (0)
- Poisson and Pure Jump-Type Markov Processes (2002) (0)
- Random Measures, Smoothing and Scattering (2021) (0)
- Convergence and Approximation (2017) (0)
- Large Deviations (2021) (0)
- Jump-Type Chains and Branching Processes (2021) (0)
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