Oliver Hobert
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Oliver Hobert's Degrees
- PhD Biology University of California, San Francisco
- Bachelors Biochemistry University of California, Berkeley
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Oliver Hobert's Published Works
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Published Works
- Gene Regulation by Transcription Factors and MicroRNAs (2008) (849)
- A microRNA controlling left/right neuronal asymmetry in Caenorhabditis elegans (2003) (765)
- PCR fusion-based approach to create reporter gene constructs for expression analysis in transgenic C. elegans. (2002) (667)
- Ezh2 controls B cell development through histone H3 methylation and Igh rearrangement (2003) (616)
- Functions of LIM-homeobox genes. (2000) (491)
- Perfect seed pairing is not a generally reliable predictor for miRNA-target interactions (2006) (484)
- Starvation-Induced Transgenerational Inheritance of Small RNAs in C. elegans (2014) (409)
- Whole-animal connectomes of both Caenorhabditis elegans sexes (2019) (396)
- MicroRNAs act sequentially and asymmetrically to control chemosensory laterality in the nematode (2004) (369)
- Functional mapping of neurons that control locomotory behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans. (2003) (355)
- The molecular diversity of glycosaminoglycans shapes animal development. (2006) (343)
- The taxonomy of developmental control in Caenorhabditis elegans. (1998) (336)
- Transgenerational Inheritance of an Acquired Small RNA-Based Antiviral Response in C. elegans (2011) (300)
- Ultrastructural features of the adult hermaphrodite gonad of Caenorhabditis elegans: relations between the germ line and soma. (1999) (297)
- A regulatory cascade of three homeobox genes, ceh-10, ttx-3 and ceh-23, controls cell fate specification of a defined interneuron class in C. elegans. (2001) (294)
- MicroRNAs acting in a double-negative feedback loop to control a neuronal cell fate decision. (2005) (283)
- Regulation of Interneuron Function in the C. elegans Thermoregulatory Pathway by the ttx-3 LIM Homeobox Gene (1997) (266)
- CloudMap: A Cloud-Based Pipeline for Analysis of Mutant Genome Sequences (2012) (265)
- Differential Sulfations and Epimerization Define Heparan Sulfate Specificity in Nervous System Development (2004) (265)
- Caenorhabditis elegans mutant allele identification by whole-genome sequencing (2008) (255)
- A cellular and regulatory map of the cholinergic nervous system of C. elegans (2015) (254)
- Regulatory logic of neuronal diversity: Terminal selector genes and selector motifs (2008) (249)
- LIM homeobox gene-dependent expression of biogenic amine receptors in restricted regions of the C. elegans nervous system. (2003) (242)
- Genomic cis-regulatory architecture and trans-acting regulators of a single interneuron-specific gene battery in C. elegans. (2004) (237)
- Gene regulatory logic of dopaminergic neuron differentiation (2009) (237)
- Modular Control of Glutamatergic Neuronal Identity in C. elegans by Distinct Homeodomain Proteins (2013) (235)
- C. elegans Mutant Identification with a One-Step Whole-Genome-Sequencing and SNP Mapping Strategy (2010) (234)
- New insights into the diversity and function of neuronal immunoglobulin superfamily molecules. (2003) (232)
- A Conserved LIM Protein That Affects Muscular Adherens Junction Integrity and Mechanosensory Function in Caenorhabditis elegans (1999) (213)
- Common logic of transcription factor and microRNA action. (2004) (212)
- The neuronal genome of Caenorhabditis elegans. (2013) (209)
- Direct Conversion of C. elegans Germ Cells into Specific Neuron Types (2011) (208)
- Molecular topography of an entire nervous system (2020) (193)
- A transcriptional regulatory cascade that controls left/right asymmetry in chemosensory neurons of C. elegans. (2003) (191)
- Regulation of terminal differentiation programs in the nervous system. (2011) (182)
- A Toolkit and Robust Pipeline for the Generation of Fosmid-Based Reporter Genes in C. elegans (2009) (178)
- Molecular architecture of a miRNA-regulated 3' UTR. (2008) (178)
- The molecular signature and cis-regulatory architecture of a C. elegans gustatory neuron. (2007) (171)
- Heparan sulfate proteoglycan-dependent induction of axon branching and axon misrouting by the Kallmann syndrome gene kal-1 (2002) (170)
- A C. elegans CLIC-like Protein Required for Intracellular Tube Formation and Maintenance (2003) (157)
- Left–right asymmetry in the nervous system: the Caenorhabditis elegans model (2002) (156)
- Behavioral plasticity in C. elegans: paradigms, circuits, genes. (2003) (156)
- Terminal Selectors of Neuronal Identity. (2016) (152)
- Coordinated regulation of cholinergic motor neuron traits through a conserved terminal selector gene (2011) (151)
- Alternative olfactory neuron fates are specified by the LIM homeobox gene lim-4. (1999) (144)
- Maintenance of postmitotic neuronal cell identity (2014) (143)
- Interaction of Vav with ENX-1, a putative transcriptional regulator of homeobox gene expression (1996) (143)
- Reporter gene fusions. (2006) (138)
- Control of Neural Development and Function in a Thermoregulatory Network by the LIM Homeobox Gene lin-11 (1998) (130)
- A Conserved Postsynaptic Transmembrane Protein Affecting Neuromuscular Signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans (2004) (129)
- The Caenorhabditis elegans lim-6 LIM homeobox gene regulates neurite outgrowth and function of particular GABAergic neurons. (1999) (123)
- Neurogenesis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. (2010) (123)
- Regulatory Logic of Pan-Neuronal Gene Expression in C. elegans (2015) (122)
- Searching for Neuronal Left/Right Asymmetry: Genomewide Analysis of Nematode Receptor-Type Guanylyl Cyclases (2006) (119)
- The molecular and gene regulatory signature of a neuron (2010) (119)
- A cellular and regulatory map of the GABAergic nervous system of C. elegans (2016) (117)
- Immunoglobulin-Domain Proteins Required for Maintenance of Ventral Nerve Cord Organization (2002) (117)
- MAQGene: software to facilitate C. elegans mutant genome sequence analysis (2009) (110)
- Hypoxia activates a latent circuit for processing gustatory information in C. elegans (2010) (107)
- Differential Functions of the C. elegans FGF Receptor in Axon Outgrowth and Maintenance of Axon Position (2004) (106)
- Specification of the nervous system. (2005) (105)
- Removal of Polycomb repressive complex 2 makes C. elegans germ cells susceptible to direct conversion into specific somatic cell types. (2012) (104)
- Oxygen levels affect axon guidance and neuronal migration in Caenorhabditis elegans (2008) (101)
- Neuronal identity control by terminal selectors in worms, flies, and chordates (2019) (101)
- Plasticity of the Electrical Connectome of C. elegans (2018) (101)
- Analysis of Multiple Ethyl Methanesulfonate-Mutagenized Caenorhabditis elegans Strains by Whole-Genome Sequencing (2010) (99)
- Novel signaling pathway suggested by SH3 domain-mediated p95vav/heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein K interaction. (1994) (97)
- Lateralized Gustatory Behavior of C. elegans Is Controlled by Specific Receptor-Type Guanylyl Cyclases (2009) (97)
- The lin-11 LIM homeobox gene specifies olfactory and chemosensory neuron fates in C. elegans. (2001) (97)
- Sex-specific pruning of neuronal synapses in Caenorhabditis elegans (2016) (96)
- The LIM and POU homeobox genes ttx-3 and unc-86 act as terminal selectors in distinct cholinergic and serotonergic neuron types (2014) (94)
- An Interneuronal Chemoreceptor Required for Olfactory Imprinting in C. elegans (2005) (93)
- SH3 domain-dependent interaction of the proto-oncogene product Vav with the focal contact protein zyxin. (1996) (93)
- Two Neuronal, Nuclear-Localized RNA Binding Proteins Involved in Synaptic Transmission (2003) (91)
- Caenorhabditis elegans ABL-1 antagonizes p53-mediated germline apoptosis after ionizing irradiation (2004) (90)
- Automated screening for mutants affecting dopaminergic neuron specification in C. elegans (2008) (87)
- Linking asymmetric cell division to the terminal differentiation program of postmitotic neurons in C. elegans. (2009) (86)
- A map of terminal regulators of neuronal identity in Caenorhabditis elegans (2016) (83)
- Chloride intracellular channel 4 is involved in endothelial proliferation and morphogenesis in vitro (2009) (82)
- Isolation and developmental expression analysis of Enx-1, a novel mouse Polycomb group gene (1996) (80)
- NeuroPAL: A Multicolor Atlas for Whole-Brain Neuronal Identification in C. elegans (2020) (79)
- A combinatorial regulatory signature controls terminal differentiation of the dopaminergic nervous system in C. elegans. (2013) (75)
- An atlas of Caenorhabditis elegans chemoreceptor expression (2017) (75)
- Early Embryonic Programming of Neuronal Left/Right Asymmetry in C. elegans (2006) (73)
- miRNAs Play a Tune (2007) (73)
- Genetic Screens for Caenorhabditis elegans Mutants Defective in Left/Right Asymmetric Neuronal Fate Specification (2007) (72)
- Revisiting Neuronal Cell Type Classification in Caenorhabditis elegans (2016) (71)
- Embryonic Priming of a miRNA Locus Predetermines Postmitotic Neuronal Left/Right Asymmetry in C. elegans (2012) (70)
- Architecture of a microRNA-controlled gene regulatory network that diversifies neuronal cell fates. (2006) (70)
- Transcriptional control of the terminal fate of monoaminergic neurons. (2011) (70)
- Extracellular Sugar Modifications Provide Instructive and Cell-Specific Information for Axon-Guidance Choices (2008) (68)
- The Impact of Whole Genome Sequencing on Model System Genetics: Get Ready for the Ride (2010) (68)
- PHYTOCHROME C Is an Essential Light Receptor for Photoperiodic Flowering in the Temperate Grass, Brachypodium distachyon (2014) (63)
- The CeNGEN Project: The Complete Gene Expression Map of an Entire Nervous System (2018) (62)
- Transcriptional Coordination of Synaptogenesis and Neurotransmitter Signaling (2015) (61)
- Coordinated control of terminal differentiation and restriction of cellular plasticity (2017) (60)
- Diversification of C. elegans Motor Neuron Identity via Selective Effector Gene Repression (2017) (60)
- Spatiotemporal control of a novel synaptic organizer molecule (2015) (60)
- Cis-regulatory mechanisms of left/right asymmetric neuron-subtype specification in C. elegans (2009) (59)
- Development of left/right asymmetry in the Caenorhabditis elegans nervous system: From zygote to postmitotic neuron (2014) (59)
- Characterization of Caenorhabditis elegans homologs of the Down syndrome candidate gene DYRK1A. (2003) (58)
- Neurexin controls plasticity of a mature, sexually dimorphic neuron (2017) (58)
- Functional dissection of the C. elegans cell adhesion molecule SAX-7, a homologue of human L1 (2008) (58)
- BRN3-type POU Homeobox Genes Maintain the Identity of Mature Postmitotic Neurons in Nematodes and Mice (2018) (55)
- Unique homeobox codes delineate all the neuron classes of C. elegans (2020) (54)
- An unusual Zn-finger/FH2 domain protein controls a left/right asymmetric neuronal fate decision in C. elegans (2006) (53)
- Expression profiling of the mature C. elegans nervous system by single-cell RNA-Sequencing (2019) (53)
- Mapping functional domains of chloride intracellular channel (CLIC) proteins in vivo. (2006) (53)
- Comparing Platforms for C. elegans Mutant Identification Using High-Throughput Whole-Genome Sequencing (2008) (52)
- Sexually Dimorphic Differentiation of a C. elegans Hub Neuron Is Cell Autonomously Controlled by a Conserved Transcription Factor (2017) (50)
- A novel C. elegans zinc finger transcription factor, lsy-2, required for the cell type-specific expression of the lsy-6 microRNA (2005) (50)
- A Novel Eph Receptor-Interacting IgSF Protein Provides C. elegans Motoneurons with Midline Guidepost Function (2006) (49)
- Diverse functions of microRNAs in nervous system development. (2012) (48)
- Vector-free DNA constructs improve transgene expression in C. elegans (2008) (47)
- Temporal and spatial regulation of microRNA activity with photoactivatable cantimirs. (2011) (46)
- A Genome-Wide RNAi Screen for Factors Involved in Neuronal Specification in Caenorhabditis elegans (2011) (46)
- The neurexin superfamily of Caenorhabditis elegans. (2011) (45)
- The C. elegans Tailless/TLX transcription factor nhr-67 controls neuronal identity and left/right asymmetric fate diversification (2009) (43)
- A Neurotransmitter Atlas of the Caenorhabditis elegans Male Nervous System Reveals Sexually Dimorphic Neurotransmitter Usage (2017) (41)
- Evolution of neuronal anatomy and circuitry in two highly divergent nematode species (2019) (40)
- From genes to function: the C. elegans genetic toolbox (2012) (39)
- CisOrtho: A program pipeline for genome-wide identification of transcription factor target genes using phylogenetic footprinting (2004) (39)
- Lineage programming: navigating through transient regulatory states via binary decisions. (2010) (38)
- Looking beyond development: maintaining nervous system architecture. (2009) (38)
- NeuroPAL: A Neuronal Polychromatic Atlas of Landmarks for Whole-Brain Imaging in C. elegans (2019) (37)
- Atypical Transcriptional Activation by TCF via a Zic Transcription Factor in C. elegans Neuronal Precursors. (2015) (36)
- Timing mechanism of sexually dimorphic nervous system differentiation (2018) (36)
- DIG-1, a novel giant protein, non-autonomously mediates maintenance of nervous system architecture (2006) (36)
- Identification of spatial and temporal cues that regulate postembryonic expression of axon maintenance factors in the C. elegans ventral nerve cord (2003) (35)
- Homeotic Transformations of Neuronal Cell Identities (2015) (35)
- Defining Specificity Determinants of cGMP Mediated Gustatory Sensory Transduction in Caenorhabditis elegans (2013) (34)
- Cis-regulatory Mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans Homeobox Gene Locus cog-1 Affect Neuronal Development (2009) (34)
- An intersectional gene regulatory strategy defines subclass diversity of C. elegans motor neurons (2017) (33)
- The Groucho ortholog UNC-37 interacts with the short Groucho-like protein LSY-22 to control developmental decisions in C. elegans (2010) (33)
- Gene Regulation: Enhancers Stepping Out of the Shadow (2010) (33)
- A Genetic Screen for Neurite Outgrowth Mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans Reveals a New Function for the F-box Ubiquitin Ligase Component LIN-23 (2004) (32)
- The SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Selectively Affects Multiple Aspects of Serotonergic Neuron Differentiation (2013) (32)
- Progressive Degeneration of Dopaminergic Neurons through TRP Channel-Induced Cell Death (2014) (32)
- C. elegans SoxB genes are dispensable for embryonic neurogenesis but required for terminal differentiation of specific neuron types (2015) (32)
- Expansion microscopy of C. elegans (2020) (31)
- Development and maintenance of neuronal architecture at the ventral midline of C. elegans (2003) (31)
- Unconventional function of an Achaete-Scute homolog as a terminal selector of nociceptive neuron identity (2018) (30)
- Sexually Dimorphic unc-6/Netrin Expression Controls Sex-Specific Maintenance of Synaptic Connectivity (2018) (30)
- Postmitotic diversification of olfactory neuron types is mediated by differential activities of the HMG‐box transcription factor SOX‐2 (2015) (30)
- Two distinct types of neuronal asymmetries are controlled by the Caenorhabditis elegans zinc finger transcription factor die-1 (2014) (29)
- A competition mechanism for a homeotic neuron identity transformation in C. elegans. (2015) (29)
- Silencing of Repetitive DNA Is Controlled by a Member of an Unusual Caenorhabditis elegans Gene Family (2017) (29)
- Homeobox genes and the specification of neuronal identity (2021) (27)
- Uses of GFP in Caenorhabditis elegans. (2005) (26)
- Notch-Dependent Induction of Left/Right Asymmetry in C. elegans Interneurons and Motoneurons (2011) (26)
- Maintenance of Neuronal Laterality in Caenorhabditis elegans Through MYST Histone Acetyltransferase Complex Components LSY-12, LSY-13 and LIN-49 (2010) (26)
- The Small, Secreted Immunoglobulin Protein ZIG-3 Maintains Axon Position in Caenorhabditis elegans (2009) (25)
- A common theme for LIM homeobox gene function across phylogeny? (1998) (25)
- The Secreted Immunoglobulin Domain Proteins ZIG-5 and ZIG-8 Cooperate with L1CAM/SAX-7 to Maintain Nervous System Integrity (2012) (25)
- Transcription factor autoregulation is required for acquisition and maintenance of neuronal identity (2019) (25)
- Past experience shapes sexually dimorphic neuronal wiring through monoaminergic signaling (2018) (24)
- Unique homeobox codes delineate all C. elegans neuron classes (2020) (23)
- The Prop1-like homeobox gene unc-42 specifies the identity of synaptically connected neurons (2021) (21)
- Brn3/POU‐IV‐type POU homeobox genes—Paradigmatic regulators of neuronal identity across phylogeny (2020) (21)
- Developmental control of lateralized neuron size in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (2010) (20)
- Pax genes in Caenorhabditis elegans: a new twist. (1999) (20)
- Neuron-type specific regulation of a 3'UTR through redundant and combinatorially acting cis-regulatory elements. (2010) (20)
- The connectome of the Caenorhabditis elegans pharynx (2019) (19)
- UTR ′ Molecular architecture of a miRNA-regulated 3 Material Supplemental (2008) (18)
- Questions over the scientific basis of epigenome project (2010) (17)
- Maintaining a memory by transcriptional autoregulation (2011) (16)
- DAF-16/FoxO and DAF-12/VDR control cellular plasticity both cell-autonomously and via interorgan signaling (2020) (16)
- Characterization of two novel single-stranded DNA-specific autonomously replicating sequence-binding proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one of which is adenylosuccinate synthetase. (1993) (16)
- Temporal transitions in the post-mitotic nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans (2021) (15)
- Developmental regulation of whole cell capacitance and membrane current in identified interneurons in C. elegans. (2006) (15)
- TargetOrtho: A Phylogenetic Footprinting Tool to Identify Transcription Factor Targets (2014) (15)
- A panel of fluorophore-tagged daf-16 alleles (2020) (14)
- Modular Organization of Cis-regulatory Control Information of Neurotransmitter Pathway Genes in Caenorhabditis elegans (2020) (14)
- Morphological Diversity of C. elegans Sensory Cilia Instructed by the Differential Expression of an Immunoglobulin Domain Protein (2017) (12)
- Wnt asymmetry and the terminal division of neuronal progenitors (2009) (12)
- Ubiquitin-dependent regulation of a conserved DMRT protein controls sexually dimorphic synaptic connectivity and behavior (2020) (10)
- In silico analysis of the transcriptional regulatory logic of neuronal identity specification throughout the C. elegans nervous system (2021) (10)
- A Left/Right Asymmetric Neuronal Differentiation Program Is Controlled by the Caenorhabditis elegans LSY-27 Zinc-Finger Transcription Factor (2011) (10)
- Restriction of Cellular Plasticity of Differentiated Cells Mediated by Chromatin Modifiers, Transcription Factors and Protein Kinases (2019) (10)
- Temporal, Spatial, Sexual and Environmental Regulation of the Master Regulator of Sexual Differentiation in C. elegans (2020) (10)
- Microbeam irradiation of C. elegans nematode in microfluidic channels (2013) (9)
- Piecemeal regulation of convergent neuronal lineages by bHLH transcription factors in Caenorhabditis elegans. (2021) (9)
- Small Immunoglobulin Domain Proteins at Synapses and the Maintenance of Neuronal Features (2016) (8)
- Robust regulatory architecture of pan-neuronal gene expression (2021) (8)
- Nematode nuclear receptors as integrators of sensory information (2021) (7)
- Statistical Atlas of C. elegans Neurons (2020) (7)
- Development of neural circuitry (2009) (7)
- The immunoglobulin superfamily in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster (2004) (7)
- SLC17A6/7/8 Vesicular Glutamate Transporter Homologs in Nematodes (2019) (7)
- Molecular Mechanisms of Sexually Dimorphic Nervous System Patterning in Flies and Worms. (2021) (7)
- Demixing Calcium Imaging Data in C. elegans via Deformable Non-negative Matrix Factorization (2020) (6)
- A nervous system-specific subnuclear organelle in Caenorhabditis elegans. (2021) (6)
- Nervous System Development: Flies and Worms Converging on Neuron Identity Control (2018) (6)
- Probabilistic Joint Segmentation and Labeling of C. elegans Neurons (2020) (5)
- A Caenorhabditis elegans Zinc Finger Transcription Factor, ztf-6, Required for the Specification of a Dopamine Neuron-Producing Lineage (2018) (5)
- The enteric nervous system of the C. elegans pharynx is specified by the Sine oculis-like homeobox gene ceh-34 (2022) (5)
- Introduction: behavioral genetics--the third century. (2003) (5)
- A novel null allele of C. elegans gene ceh-14 (2018) (5)
- Unlike Drosophila elav, the C. elegans elav orthologue exc-7 is not panneuronally expressed (2019) (5)
- Left‐right asymmetry: Advances and enigmas (2014) (4)
- An isoform-specific allele of the sax-7 locus (2019) (4)
- Restriction of Cellular Plasticity of Differentiated Cells Mediated by Chromatin Modifiers, Transcription Factors and Protein Kinases. (2019) (4)
- Caenorhabditis elegans sine oculis/SIX-type homeobox genes act as homeotic switches to define neuronal subtype identities (2022) (3)
- MicroRNAs: All Gone and Then What? (2005) (3)
- Sexual Dimorphism: Mystery Neurons Control Sex-Specific Behavioral Plasticity (2015) (3)
- Visualizing the organization and differentiation of the male-specific nervous system of C. elegans (2021) (3)
- Methods to Study Nervous System Laterality in the Caenorhabditis elegans Model System (2017) (3)
- The neuropeptidergic connectome of C. elegans (2022) (3)
- Integrating bulk and single cell RNA-seq refines transcriptomic profiles of specific C. elegans neurons (2022) (3)
- A new anterior pharyngeal region specific fluorescent co-transformation marker (2019) (3)
- Neuronal identity specification in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (2020) (2)
- Regulatory logic of neuronal diversity: Neuronal selector genes and selector motifs (2008) (2)
- Parallel pathways for serotonin biosynthesis and metabolism in C. elegans (2022) (2)
- SLC17A6/7/8 Vesicular Glutamate Transporter Homologs in Nematodes. (2020) (2)
- Visualizing the organization and differentiation of the male-specific nervous system of C. elegans. (2021) (2)
- The bHLH-PAS gene hlh-34 is expressed in the AVH, not AVJ interneurons (2021) (2)
- Chapter 30 – Neurogenesis in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans * (2013) (2)
- pals-22, a member of an expanded C. elegans gene family, controls silencing of repetitive DNA (2017) (2)
- LIM Homeodomain Proteins (2002) (2)
- Author response: The Prop1-like homeobox gene unc-42 specifies the identity of synaptically connected neurons (2021) (1)
- Extending Our Experimental Reach: Toolbox Reviews in GENETICS (2012) (1)
- Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Exploiting transcription factor binding site clustering to identify cis-regulatory modules involved in pattern formation in the Drosophila genome. (2012) (1)
- An antibody staining protocol variation for nematodes that adds heat-induced antigen retrieval (HIAR) (2019) (1)
- Temporal transitions in the postembryonic nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: Recent insights and open questions. (2022) (1)
- New alleles of the lin-22/Hairy bHLH transcription factor (2019) (1)
- Widespread employment of conserved C. elegans homeobox genes in neuronal identity specification (2022) (1)
- Author response: A cellular and regulatory map of the cholinergic nervous system of C. elegans (2015) (1)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of The intracellular domain of the frazzled/dcc receptor is a transcription factor required for commissural axon guidance. (2015) (1)
- Neuronal contact predicts connectivity in the C. elegans brain (2022) (1)
- Author response: Coordinated control of terminal differentiation and restriction of cellular plasticity (2017) (1)
- Author response: Ubiquitin-dependent regulation of a conserved DMRT protein controls sexually dimorphic synaptic connectivity and behavior (2020) (1)
- Corrigendum: Nibbling 405 kb off the X: Viable deletion alleles eliminating 50 protein coding genes, including a chromatin factor involved in neuronal development (2019) (1)
- Nibbling 405 kb off the X: Viable deletion alleles eliminating 50 protein coding genes, including a chromatin factor involved in neuronal development (2019) (1)
- ceh-84, an unusual homeobox gene (2020) (1)
- Sex‐specific pheromone responses in Caenorhabditis elegans (2019) (1)
- The field of neurogenetics: where it stands and where it is going. (2021) (1)
- C. elegans Sine oculis/SIX-type homeobox genes act as homeotic switches to define neuronal subtype identities (2022) (1)
- Sexual Dimorphisms in the Nervous System of the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (2017) (1)
- [Table], Table 10: Other ligand-gated ion channels of the Cys-loop LGIC superfamily (41 genes) (2005) (0)
- Microbeam irradiation of C. elegans nematode in microfluidic channels (2013) (0)
- Figure 3, Neuronal specification programs can be divided into genetically distinct steps (2005) (0)
- The heterochronic LIN-14 protein is a BEN domain transcription factor (2023) (0)
- Table 1, Useful vector backbones: GFP/LacZ/DsRed reporter variants (2006) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Caenorhabditis elegans aristaless/Arx gene alr-1 restricts variable gene expression. (2011) (0)
- [Table], Table 6: Calcium binding proteins – the “EF hand-only” proteins (65 genes) (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 3: Candidate auxiliary subunits for various types of ion channels (93 genes) (2005) (0)
- [Table, 2.4.2. Protocol: generation of promoter::gfp and promoter::ORF::gfp reporters]. (2006) (0)
- Figure 4, Phylogenetic analysis of cysteine-loop ligand-gated ion channels. (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 17: Insulin/EGF receptor-like proteins (70 genes) (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 4: Voltage-gated calcium channels (9 genes) (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of CRISPR RNA maturation by trans-encoded small RNA and host factor RNase III. (2011) (0)
- Author response: An intersectional gene regulatory strategy defines subclass diversity of C. elegans motor neurons (2017) (0)
- [Table], Table 1: Summary of genes discussed in each chapter. As mentioned in the text, molecules listed in specific categories in this Table are often no more than mere candidates for being involved in the indicated function. (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Identification of genes expressed in C. elegans touch receptor neurons. (2002) (0)
- [Table], Table 20: GPCR-type putative neuropeptide receptors and their grouping into families (153 genes) (2005) (0)
- Publisher Correction: Parallel pathways for serotonin biosynthesis and metabolism in C. elegans (2022) (0)
- Figure 10, NZGFP-CZGFP reconstitution (2006) (0)
- Figure 8, Recombination of GFP-URA3-GFP into target sequence (2006) (0)
- Editorial board members (2007) (0)
- [Table], Table 24: Making and breaking cGMP - Guanylyl cyclases and phosphodiesterases (40 genes) (2005) (0)
- Cis-regulatory mutations in the C . elegans homeobox gene locus cog-1 affect neuronal development (2009) (0)
- Figure 3, Neuronal Calcium Signaling. (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Early asymmetry of gene transcription in embryonic human left and right cerebral cortex. (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of A cAMP-response element binding protein-induced microRNA regulates neuronal morphogenesis. (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 23: Downstream of GPCRs (83 genes) (2005) (0)
- Figure 3, Generating a C-terminal translational PCR fusion (2006) (0)
- [Table], Table 18: The five classes of GPCRs (2005) (0)
- Restricted effects of the sole C. elegans Daughterless/E homolog, HLH-2, on nervous system development (2022) (0)
- [Table], Table 5: SLC transporters with confirmed or putative neuronal functions (82 genes) (2005) (0)
- Figure 5, Chloride fluxes across neuronal membranes. (2005) (0)
- Past experience shapes sexually dimorphic neuronal wiring through monoaminergic signalling (2018) (0)
- [Table], Table 14: Neurotransmitter synthesis and degradation (36 genes) (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Regulation of organogenesis by the Caenorhabditis elegans FoxA protein PHA-4. (2002) (0)
- Piecemeal regulation of convergent neuronal lineages by bHLH transcription factors in C. elegans (2021) (0)
- Figure 2, The superfamily of voltage-gated ion channels. (2005) (0)
- Figure 1, Architecture of reporter gene constructs (2006) (0)
- Temporal and spatial regulation of microRNA activity with photo-activatable cantimirs (2013) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Computational identification of microRNA targets. (2004) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Alternative splicing of lola generates 19 transcription factors controlling axon guidance in Drosophila. (2003) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Synaptic activity of the AFD neuron in Caenorhabditis elegans correlates with thermotactic memory. (2003) (0)
- High-speed, high-content volumetric microscopy with sub-cellular resolution applied to cell-identity resolved C. elegans (2022) (0)
- Development (2005) (0)
- Editorial overview: Neuronal Identity (2019) (0)
- Regulation of miRNA expression in the context of functional lateralization of the brain (2013) (0)
- Author response: In silico analysis of the transcriptional regulatory logic of neuronal identity specification throughout the C. elegans nervous system (2021) (0)
- Figure 6, Generating promoter::gfp (2006) (0)
- [Table], Table 16: Metabolism of neuropeptides (47 genes) (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 7: TRP channels (23 genes) (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 1. Genes controlling neuronal specification in C. elegans (2005) (0)
- Oliver Hobert (2006) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Beyond the connectome: how neuromodulators shape neural circuits. (2012) (0)
- [Table], Table 27: PDZ domain proteins (70 genes) (2005) (0)
- Table 2, Primer sequences used with pPD95.75 (2006) (0)
- Figure 1, Location of neurons in the lineage diagram (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Serotonin1A receptor acts during development to establish normal anxiety-like behaviour in the adult. (2002) (0)
- [Table], Table 2: Potassium channels (72 genes) (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 12: DEG/ENaC channels (32 genes) (2005) (0)
- [Table, 2.6. Protocol 6: Cell type-specific GFP expression from reconstituted reporter genes]. (2006) (0)
- A combinatorial code of transcription factors specify dopaminergic neuron differentiation across phylogeny (2010) (0)
- Sexually dimorphic differentiation of a C. elegans hub neuron is cell-autonomously controlled by a conserved transcription factor (2016) (0)
- [Table], Table 28: Gap junction proteins – the innexins (25 genes) (2005) (0)
- Figure 7, Generating promoter::ORF::gfp (2006) (0)
- [Table], Table 8: Cyclic nucleotide gated channels (6 genes) (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 29: Kinesin-like Motor Proteins (21 genes) (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 34: Cadherins (13 genes) (2005) (0)
- Figure 1, Topology of the main families of ion channels. (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Counting mutagenized genomes and optimizing genetic screens in Caenorhabditis elegans. (2008) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of The Drosophila standard brain. (2002) (0)
- Editor's evaluation: Differential adhesion regulates neurite placement via a retrograde zippering mechanism (2021) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of MicroRNAs regulate brain morphogenesis in zebrafish. (2005) (0)
- Analysis of multiple EMS-mutagenized C. elegans strains by whole genome sequencing (2010) (0)
- The people behind the papers – Eduardo Leyva-Díaz and Oliver Hobert (2019) (0)
- [Table], Table 21: Representative analysis of srw genes reveals their relation to neuropeptide receptors (2005) (0)
- The enteric nervous system of C. elegans is specified by the Sine Oculis-like homeobox gene ceh-34 (2021) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of The Multilayer Connectome of Caenorhabditis elegans. (2017) (0)
- The Cbr-DPY-10(Arg92Cys) modification is a reliable co-conversion marker for CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in Caenorhabditis briggsae (2022) (0)
- [Table], Table 32: Sensory cilia transport (35 genes) (2005) (0)
- Figure 2, Lineage transformations in specific mutant backgrounds (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 22: Adhesion-type GPCRs (5 genes) (2005) (0)
- S10-02 Left/right asymmetric neuronal fate specification in Caenorhabditis elegans (2009) (0)
- Figure 9, Isolation of GFP fusion construct (2006) (0)
- Figure 4, Combinatorial gene expression patterns determine cell fates (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 11: Ionotropic glutamate receptors (15 genes) (2005) (0)
- Olfactory Imprinting: A Worm’s Memory of Things Past (2017) (0)
- [Table], Table 35: Neurexin superfamily and neurexin ligands (8 genes) (2005) (0)
- Figure 11, Domain structure of CZGFP and NZGFP (2006) (0)
- Molecular mechanisms of maintaining nervous system architecture (2009) (0)
- The small , secreted immunoglobulin protein ZIG-3 maintains axon position in C . elegans (2009) (0)
- Development: Editorial overview (2010) (0)
- Author response for "The connectome of the Caenorhabditis elegans pharynx" (2020) (0)
- Figure 4, Generating a N-terminal translational reporter (2006) (0)
- [Table], Table 19: Metabotropic neurotransmitter receptors (27 genes) (2005) (0)
- Starvation-induced changes in somatic insulin/IGF-1R signaling drive metabolic programming across generations (2023) (0)
- Figure 7, Overview of the biosynthesis of biogenic amines. (2005) (0)
- Figure 2, Description of pPD95.75 (2006) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Developmental regulation of a novel outwardly rectifying mechanosensitive anion channel in Caenorhabditis elegans. (2001) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Sensory experience and sensory activity regulate chemosensory receptor gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. (2001) (0)
- A Neuronal Atlas of RNA-Binding Protein Expression and Localization at Single-Cell Resolution (2020) (0)
- [Table], Table 31: Myosin Motors (18 genes) (2005) (0)
- Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Wnt-mediated axon guidance via the Drosophila Derailed receptor. (2012) (0)
- [Table], Table 13: Chloride channels (35 genes) (2005) (0)
- Editor's evaluation: The transcriptional corepressor CTBP-1 acts with the SOX family transcription factor EGL-13 to maintain AIA interneuron cell identity in Caenorhabditis elegans (2021) (0)
- A Zinc Finger Transcription Factor, , Required for the Specification of a Dopamine Neuron-Producing Lineage (2018) (0)
- [Table], Table 26: Synaptic vesicle proteins and their homologs (57 genes) (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Genome-wide analysis of clustered Dorsal binding sites identifies putative target genes in the Drosophila embryo. (2002) (0)
- [Table], Table 30: Dynein motors (17 genes) (2005) (0)
- Figure 5, Generating pENTRY-prom (2006) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Laminin alpha subunits and their role in C. elegans development. (2003) (0)
- [Table], Table 25: Receptors of CO2 and O2 (39 genes plus 7 soluble GCY genes) (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of A primary culture system for functional analysis of C. elegans neurons and muscle cells. (2002) (0)
- Figure 5, Sequential repression of neuronal fates (2005) (0)
- Figure 6, Neurotransmitter pathways. (2005) (0)
- [Table], Table 33: Extracellular Immunoglobulin (Ig) and Leucine rich repeat (LRR) domain-containing proteins (93 genes) (2005) (0)
- Soma/Germline Interactions In Caenorhabditis Elegans Gonad (1999) (0)
- Establishing single-cell specific ChIP to study neuronal differentiation (2007) (0)
- Map Making in C. elegans: Charting the Nervous System (2016) (0)
- Cell-specific effects of the sole C. elegans Daughterless/E protein homolog, HLH-2, on nervous system development (2023) (0)
- Temporal transitions in post-mitotic neurons throughout the C. elegans nervous system (2020) (0)
- [Table], Table 15: Neuropeptide-encoding genes (122 genes) (2005) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Glia are essential for sensory organ function in C. elegans. (2009) (0)
- Author response: Expansion microscopy of C. elegans (2020) (0)
- [Table], Table 9: nAChR-type ligand-gated ion channels of the Cys-loop LGIC superfamily (61 genes) (2005) (0)
- The Role of Microbeams in Systems-Biology Oriented Studies of Inter-Cellular Responses in 3-D Tissue, in Vitro and in Vivo (2009) (0)
- A missense mutation separates distinct functions of the Zic-family transcription factor REF-2 (2020) (0)
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