Øystein Ore
Norwegian mathematician
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Øystein Ore was a Norwegian mathematician known for his work in ring theory, Galois connections, graph theory, and the history of mathematics. Life Ore graduated from the University of Oslo in 1922, with a Cand.Real.degree in mathematics. In 1924, the University of Oslo awarded him the Ph.D. for a thesis titled Zur Theorie der algebraischen Körper, supervised by Thoralf Skolem. Ore also studied at Göttingen University, where he learned Emmy Noether's new approach to abstract algebra. He was also a fellow at the Mittag-Leffler Institute in Sweden, and spent some time at the University of Paris. In 1925, he was appointed research assistant at the University of Oslo.
Øystein Ore's Published Works
Published Works
- Theory of Graphs (1962) (1282)
- Theory of Non-Commutative Polynomials (1933) (749)
- Note on Hamilton Circuits (1960) (721)
- The Four-Color Problem (1967) (293)
- Linear Equations in Non-Commutative Fields (1931) (254)
- On a special class of polynomials (1933) (240)
- Number Theory and Its History (1949) (230)
- Graphs and Their Uses (1964) (190)
- Contributions to the theory of groups of finite order (1939) (189)
- Theory of equivalence relations (1942) (168)
- Gesammelte mathematische Werke (1932) (148)
- Arc coverings of graphs (1961) (125)
- Contributions to the theory of finite fields (1934) (102)
- Structures and group theory. II (1937) (102)
- Newtonsche Polygone in der Theorie der algebraischen Körper (1928) (95)
- Theory of Multigroups (1938) (88)
- Graphs and matching theorems (1955) (87)
- Diameters in graphs (1968) (77)
- Pascal and the invention of probability theory (1959) (77)
- On the Foundation of Abstract Algebra. II (1935) (67)
- The General Chinese Remainder Theorem (1952) (61)
- Cardano, the gambling scholar (1954) (54)
- Graphs and subgraphs (1957) (49)
- Formale Theorie der linearen Differentialgleichungen. (Erster Teil). (1932) (47)
- Theory of monomial groups (1942) (45)
- Combinations of Closure Relations (1943) (45)
- On the Averages of the Divisors of a Number (1948) (37)
- Studies on Directed Graphs, III (1956) (37)
- Some studies on closure relations (1943) (36)
- Van der Waerden on Algebra (1932) (35)
- Theory of Quasi-Groups (1937) (34)
- A problem regarding the tracing of graphs. (1951) (27)
- On the application of structure theory to groups (1938) (27)
- Chains in partially ordered sets (1943) (25)
- On the theorem of Jordan-Hölder (1937) (24)
- Mappings of Closure Relations (1946) (23)
- Some studies on cyclic determinants (1951) (22)
- Numerical calculations on the four-color problem (1970) (21)
- Invitation to Number Theory (1967) (19)
- Niels Henrik Abel: Mathematician Extraordinary (1957) (17)
- Formale Theorie der linearen Differentialgleichungen. (Zweiter Teil). (1932) (17)
- On a graph theorem by dirac (1967) (15)
- Sex in graphs (1960) (14)
- Zur Theorie der Irreduzibilitätskriterien (1923) (13)
- Criteria for the Irreducibility of Polynomials (1933) (13)
- Über den Zusammenhang zwischen den definierenden Gleichungen und der Idealtheorie in algebraischen Körpern (1927) (12)
- Remarks on Multigroups (1940) (12)
- Bestimmung der diskriminanten algebraischer körper (1925) (11)
- Zur Theorie der Algebraischen Körper (1923) (11)
- Zur Theorie der Eisensteinschen Gleichungen (1924) (10)
- Semi-Invariants and Sheppard's Correction (1930) (10)
- On coset representatives in groups (1958) (10)
- The Development of the Sciences (10)
- Systematic computations on amicable numbers (1967) (9)
- GRAPHS AND SUBGRAPHS, II(') (1959) (9)
- Abstract ideal theory (1933) (9)
- Bemerkungen zur Theorie der Differente (1926) (9)
- Mathematische Erblichkeitsanalyse von Populationen. (1948) (8)
- On Generalized Rings (1941) (8)
- On functions with bounded derivatives (1938) (7)
- Problems for Solution: 4713-4717 (1956) (6)
- Errata in my paper: “On a special class of polynomials” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 35 (1933), no. 3, 559–584; 1501703] (1934) (5)
- Weitere Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Algebraischen Körper (1925) (5)
- On the selection of subsequences (1952) (4)
- Abriß einer arithmetischen Theorie der Galoisschen Körper (1928) (4)
- James Pierpont—In memoriam (1939) (3)
- Dominating sets, covering sets and independent sets (1962) (3)
- Existenzbeweise für algebraische Körper mit vorgeschriebenen Eigenschaften (1926) (3)
- Graphen und ihre Anwendungen (1974) (3)
- Review: Enzyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen (1942) (2)
- Review: F. N. David, Games, Gods and Gambling. The Origins and History of Probability and Statistical Ideas from the Earliest Times to the Newtonian Era (1964) (2)
- Errata in My Paper "On a Special Class of Polynomials" (1934) (2)
- Mathematics for Students of the Humanities (1944) (2)
- Some theorems on the connection between ideals and group of a Galois field (1928) (1)
- Book Review: Moderne Algebra (1932) (1)
- Book Review: Höhere Algebra. II. Gleichungen höheren Grades (1938) (1)
- Über Zusammengesetzte Algebraische Körper (1)
- Review: Helmut Hasse, Höhere Algebra (1928) (1)
- Subsets and subgraphs with maximal properties (1959) (1)
- Book Review: Diophantische Approximationen (1938) (1)
- Some recent developments in abstract algebra (1931) (1)
- Review: H. Hasse, Bericht über neuere Untersuchungen und Probleme aus der Theorie der algebraischen Zahlkörper (1933) (1)
- Book Review: Höhere Algebra (1)
- Review: W. Krull, Idealtheorie (1937) (1)
- Review: Helmut Hasse, Höhere Algebra. II. Gleichungen höheren Grades (1938) (1)
- Groups and graphs (1962) (0)
- Book Review: Leopold Kronecker's Werke. (1931) (0)
- Addendum to “Sex in graphs” (1961) (0)
- Problems for Solution: E1011-E1015 (1952) (0)
- Review: K. Hensel, Leopold Kronecker's Werke, Volume IV (1930) (0)
- Review: David Hilbert, Gesammelte Abhandlungen (1934) (0)
- Book Review: Minimum Decompositions into Fifth Powers (1934) (0)
- Hancock on Algebraic Numbers (1933) (0)
- A remark on groups which are the direct product of their sylow groups (1939) (0)
- Problems for Solution: 4834-4839 (1959) (0)
- Book Review: Idealtheorie (1937) (0)
- Advanced Problems: 5310-5319 (1965) (0)
- Review: K. Hensel, Leopold Kronecker's Werke. Volume 3, Part 2 (1932) (0)
- Über die Bedeutung der Fundamentalgleichung in der Theorie der algebraischen Körper (1926) (0)
- Book Review: Integral Bases (0)
- Problems for Solution: 3631-3638 (1933) (0)
- Algebraische Gleichungen mit primitiven Gruppen (1924) (0)
- The Art of Calculating in Old Norway until the Time of Abel.@@@All is Number, a History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the Renaissance. (1968) (0)
- Bestimmung der Differente Eines Algebraischen Zahlkörpers (1925) (0)
- Problems for Solution: 4995-5000 (1961) (0)
- Binary relations and Galois correspondences (1962) (0)
- Über den Zusammenhang zwischen den definierenden Gleichungen und der Idealtheorie in algebraischen Körpern (0)
- Abriß einer arithmetischen Theorie der Galoisschen Körper (0)
- Review: Otto Haupt, Einführung in die Algebra (1930) (0)
- Book Review: Aufgabensammlung zur höheren Algebra (1935) (0)
- Book Review: Bericht über neuere Untersuchungen und Probleme aus der Theorie der algebraischen Zahlkörper (1933) (0)
- Errata: “On the theorem of Jordan-Hölder” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 41 (1937), no. 2, 266–275; 1501901] (1937) (0)
- Review: Ludwig Kaiser, Über die Verhältniszahl des Goldenen Schnitts, die Reihe der mit ihr zusammen hängenden ganzen Zahlen und eine aus dieser abgeleitete Reihe (1930) (0)
- Review: Ernst Steinitz, Algebraische Theorie der Körper (0)
- Review: Helmut Hasse, Aufgabensammlung zur höheren Algebra (1935) (0)
- Review: L. E. Dickson, Minimum Decompositions into Fifth Powers (1934) (0)
- Book Review: Über die Verhältniszahl des Goldenen Schnitts, die Reihe der mit ihr zusammen hängenden ganzen Zahlen und eine aus dieser abgeleitete Reihe (1930) (0)
- The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. O. Neugebauer (1959) (0)
- Review: David Hilbert, Gesammelte Werke (1936) (0)
- Notes & Correspondence (1961) (0)
- The development of the sciences, second series (1942) (0)
- Leaves and lobes (1962) (0)
- Communication (1941) (0)
- Review: N. Dunford, M. H. Stone, On the Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras (1944) (0)
- Problems for Solution: 3952-3957 (1940) (0)
- Book Review:The Rainbow, from Myth to Mathematics Carl B. Boyer (1960) (0)
- A remark on the normal decompositions of groups (1939) (0)
- Problems for Solutions: 3807-3810 (1936) (0)
- Book Review: , Volume IV Leopold Kronecker's Werke (1930) (0)
- Review: W. E. H. Berwick, Integral Bases (1928) (0)
- Book Review:Leonhard Euler und Christian Goldbach Briefwechsel 1729-1764 A. P. Juskevic, E. Winter (1966) (0)
- Review: J. F. Koksma, Diophantische Approximationen (1938) (0)
- The axiom of choice (1962) (0)
- Book Review: Gesammelte Abhandlungen (1934) (0)
- Review: B. L. Van der Waerden, Moderne Algebra (1938) (0)
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