
Paul B. Preciado

Most Influential Person Now

Spanish philosopher

Paul B. Preciado's Academic­ Rankings

Paul B. Preciado
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Paul B. Preciado Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Paul B. Preciado , is a writer, philosopher and curator whose work focuses on applied and theoretical topics relating to identity, gender, pornography, architecture and sexuality. Originally known as a female writer, in 2010 Preciado began a process of "slow transition" where he started taking testosterone to medically transition. From this point on he has publicly considered himself transgender as well as a feminist.

Other Resources About Paul B. Preciado

What Schools Are Affiliated With Paul B. Preciado?

Paul B. Preciado is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Paul B. Preciado's Academic Contributions?

Paul B. Preciado is most known for their academic work in the field of philosophy. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Paul B. Preciado has made the following academic contributions: