
Paul Weiss

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American philosopher

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  • Philosophy

Why Is Paul Weiss Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Paul Weiss was an American philosopher. He was the founder of The Review of Metaphysics and the Metaphysical Society of America. Early life and education Paul Weiss grew up on the Lower East Side of New York City. His father, Samuel Weiss , was a Jewish emigrant who moved from Europe in the 1890s. He worked as a tinsmith, a coppersmith, and a boilermaker. Paul Weiss's mother, Emma Rothschild , was a Jewish emigrant who worked as a servant until she married Samuel. Born into a Jewish family, Paul lived among other Jewish families in a working-class neighborhood in the Yorkville section of Manhattan. Originally given the Hebrew name "Peretz," Weiss says in his autobiography that the name "Paul" was his "registered name" and "part of his mother's attempt to move upward in the American world." He had three brothers, two older and one younger.

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