
Pavel Etingof

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American mathematician

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Why Is Pavel Etingof Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Pavel Ilyich Etingof is an American mathematician of Russian-Ukrainian origin. He does research on the intersection of mathematical physics and representation theory, e.g., quantum groups. Biography Etingof was born in Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, and studied in the Kyiv Natural Science Lyceum No. 145 in 1981–1984, and at the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1984–1986. He received his M.S. in applied mathematics from the Oil and Gas Institute in Moscow in 1989 and then went to the US in 1990. In 1994, he received his PhD in mathematics at Yale University under Igor Frenkel with thesis Representation Theory and Holonomic Systems. After his PhD, he became Benjamin Peirce Assistant Professor at Harvard University and in 1998 an assistant professor at MIT. Since 2005 he is a professor at MIT.

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Pavel Etingof's Published Works

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