Philip Jessup
Most Influential Person Across History
American diplomat, scholar, and jurist
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Law Political Science
Philip Jessup's Degrees
- Bachelors Law Yale University
- Doctorate Law Yale University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Philip Caryl Jessup , also Philip C. Jessup, was a 20th-century American diplomat, scholar, and jurist notable for his accomplishments in the field of international law. Early life and education Philip Caryl Jessup was born on January 5, 1897, in New York, New York. He was the grandson of Henry Harris Jessup In 1919, he received his undergraduate A.B. degree from Hamilton College. In 1924, he received a law degree from Yale Law School. In 1927, he received a doctorate from Columbia University.
Philip Jessup's Published Works
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Published Works
- A Guide to Diplomatic Practice. (1918) (112)
- The Modern Law of Nations. (1948) (94)
- Legal Controls of International Conflict. (1955) (65)
- A modern law of nations : an introduction (1948) (57)
- An International Bill of the Rights of Man. (1945) (45)
- Should International Law Recognize an Intermediate Status between Peace and War? (1954) (41)
- Controls for outer space and the Antarctic analogy (1960) (33)
- The three-mile limit of territorial seas (1973) (31)
- The Estrada Doctrine (1931) (27)
- International Law, Being the Collected Papers of Hersch Lauterpacht Q.C., LL.D., F.B.A. (1971) (27)
- The United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (1959) (26)
- Colonial Blockade and Neutral Rights, 1739-1763. (1938) (26)
- The law of territorial waters and maritime jurisdiction (26)
- The Palmas Island Arbitration (1928) (23)
- A Modern Law of Nations: An Introduction (1949) (21)
- International Law as Applied by International Courts and Tribunals.@@@Volume III: International Constitutional Law: Fundamentals, The United Nations, Related Agencies. (1977) (19)
- The Growth of the Law (1935) (18)
- Intervention in the International Court (1981) (18)
- Sovereignty in Antarctica (1947) (16)
- The Subjects of a Modern Law of Nations (1947) (16)
- The Reality of International Law (1940) (13)
- The International Law Commission’s 1954 Report or the Regime of the Territorial Sea (1955) (12)
- Neutrality, its history, economics, and law (1936) (12)
- The Customs Union Advisory Opinion (1932) (12)
- The United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (1959) (11)
- Peaceful Change. An International Problem. (1938) (11)
- The Law of the Sea Around Us (1961) (11)
- The Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea; a Study in International Law-Making (1958) (10)
- Law without force (1941) (9)
- The Spanish Rebellion and International Law (1937) (9)
- Responsibility of States for Injuries to Individuals (1946) (8)
- Arms Control and Inspection in American Law. (1960) (8)
- The Permanent Court of International Justice (8)
- A collection of neutrality laws, regulations and treaties of various countries (1940) (8)
- The Crime of Aggression and the Future of International Law (1947) (7)
- Controls for Outer Space (1960) (7)
- The Treaty Veto of the American Senate. (1930) (7)
- Transnational law in a changing society : essays in honor of Philip C. Jessup (1972) (7)
- The Doctrine of Erie Railroad v. Tompkins Applied to International Law (1939) (6)
- Has the Supreme Court Abdicated One of its Functions? (1946) (6)
- The price of international justice (1971) (6)
- Modernization of the law of International Contractual Agreements (1947) (6)
- The Birth, Death and Reincarnation of Neutrality (1932) (5)
- The International Protection of Whales (1930) (5)
- A Belligerent Occupant’s Power over Property (1944) (5)
- Outer Space, Antarctica, and the United Nations (1959) (4)
- Do New Problems Need New Courts? (1971) (4)
- Introduction to International Law (1959) (4)
- The Equality of States as Dogma and Reality (1945) (4)
- The Berlin Blockade and the Use of the United Nations (1971) (4)
- Park Avenue Diplomacy--Ending the Berlin Blockade (1972) (4)
- Negotiating Reciprocity Treaties (1933) (4)
- Early Prize Court Procedure: Part II (1934) (4)
- Political and Humanitarian Approaches to Limitation of Warfare (1957) (4)
- Status of International Organizations: Privileges and Immunities of their Officials (1944) (4)
- Regional Guarantees Of Minority Rights (1933) (4)
- International Parliamentary Law (1957) (3)
- Unrra, Sample of World Organization (1944) (3)
- American Neutrality 1914-1917. (1936) (3)
- Development of International Law by the United Nations (1945) (3)
- The Saavedra Lamas Anti-War Draft Treaty (1933) (3)
- Revising our Nationality Laws (1934) (3)
- A Collection of Nationality Laws (1930) (3)
- The Early Development of the Law of Neutral Rights (1931) (3)
- The Early Development of the Law of Contraband of War III (1933) (3)
- The Contribution of Sir Hersch Lauterpacht to the Development of International Law (1961) (3)
- International Law Reports 1950 (1957) (3)
- To Form a More Perfect United Nations (1970) (3)
- Jurisdiction in Marginal Seas. (1929) (3)
- Great Britain and the law of nations : a selection of documents illustrating the views of the government in the United Kingdom upon matters of international law (1933) (3)
- The Present State of Transnational Law (1973) (3)
- Dexter & Carpenter, Inq. v. Kunglig Jarnvagstyrelsen et al. (1931) (2)
- Neutrality: Its History, Economics and Law. Vol. I: The Origins. Vol. II: The Napoleonic Period. Vol. III: The World War Period. Vol. IV: Today and Tomorrow.@@@Can We Be Neutral? (1936) (2)
- Lord McNair, selected papers and bibliography (1975) (2)
- In Support of International Law (1940) (2)
- The “Neutrality Act of 1939” (1940) (2)
- American neutrality and international police (2)
- A half-century of efforts to substitute law for war (1960) (2)
- The New Neutrality Legislation (1935) (2)
- The Defense of Oppressed Peoples (1938) (2)
- Jurisdiction of the courts of the forum (1960) (2)
- International Law and Totalitarian War (1941) (2)
- Acceptance by the United States of the Optional Clause of the International Court of Justice (1945) (2)
- The Litvinov Assignment And The Pink Case (1942) (2)
- An Introduction to the Papers of the New York Prize Court, 1861-1865. (1947) (2)
- A Selection of Cases and Other Readings on the Law of Nations. (1930) (2)
- The Anti-Smuggling Act of 1935 (1937) (1)
- The International Problem of Governing Mankind (1948) (1)
- Neutrality: Its History, Economics and Law, Volume I, The Origins. (1936) (1)
- The Court as an Organ of the United Nations (1945) (1)
- The Monroe Doctrine in 1940 (1940) (1)
- Selected readings on protection by law of private foreign investments (1964) (1)
- International Coöperation in the Political Field (1949) (1)
- Neutrality, Its History, Economics and Law; Vol. I, The Origins (1937) (1)
- The Litvinoff Assignment and the Belmont Case (1937) (1)
- Force Under a Modern Law of Nations (1946) (1)
- International regulation of Economic and social questions (1978) (1)
- Courses on international affairs in American colleges, 1930-31 (1932) (1)
- Norwegian Maritime Courts in England (1942) (1)
- International Litigation as a Friendly Act (1960) (1)
- The Atlantic Community and the United Nations (1949) (1)
- The First Session of the Council of UNRRA (1944) (1)
- Far Eastern Adjustments and the United States (1940) (1)
- Neutrality Legislation–1937 (1937) (1)
- The Argentine Anti-War Pact (1934) (1)
- Revising the Statute of the Permanent Court Of International Justice (1930) (1)
- The Root Formula for the Accession of the United States to the Permanent Court of International Justice (1931) (1)
- International Adjudications.@@@International Adjudications :Volumes I-II: St. Croix River Arbitration; Volume III: Arbitration of Claims for Compensation for Losses and Damages Resulting from Lawful Impediments to the Recovery of Pre-War Debts. (1932) (1)
- Controls for Outer Space and the Antarctic Analogy. (1960) (1)
- The use of international law : five lectures delivered at the University of Michigan, February 27, 28, March 3, 6, and 7, 1958 (1988) (1)
- Manley Hudson 1886–1960 (1960) (1)
- Yearbook of the United Nations, 1953. (1956) (1)
- Toward Further Neutrality Legislation (1936) (1)
- Banff Meeting of the Institute of Pacific Relations (1933) (1)
- Civil Jurisdiction over Ships in Innocent Passage (1933) (1)
- The Diversion of Merchantmen (1940) (1)
- Conference on the Teaching of International Law (1957) (1)
- International Security: The American Role in Collective Action for Peace (1975) (1)
- Review of “Handbook of International Law,” By George Grafton Wilson (1939) (0)
- Area and Language Studies in Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation (1943) (0)
- Foreward to the Symposium: Recent Developments in International Law (1968) (0)
- The League of Nations and the Recognition of States.@@@American Policy of Recognition towards Mexico. (1934) (0)
- Remarks by Philip C. Jessup (1978) (0)
- Freedom of Museums to Sell, Trade or Otherwise Dispose of Objects of Art in Their Collections / Liberte des Musees de Proceder a des Transactions D’Objets D’Art (1991) (0)
- Analysis of the Problem of War. By Clyde Eagleton. (New York: Ronald Press Co., 1937. pp. vi, 132. $1.50.) (1937) (0)
- The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Deep Waterway Treaty (1932) (0)
- Report of the Committee on Publications of the Department of State (1935) (0)
- Contracts and torts (1960) (0)
- Policies in choice of law (1960) (0)
- La Conception Americaine de la Neutralite (1937) (0)
- : Ambassador's Report . Chester Bowles. (1954) (0)
- World Court Reports. Volume I, 1934, Volume II, 1935.@@@Fontes Juris Gentium: Series A. Tomus 3: Digest of the Decisions of the Permanent Court of International Justice, 1931-1934. (1936) (0)
- A Modern Law of Nations@@@The United Nations@@@The New Foundation of International Law@@@Great Britain, the United States and the Future (1948) (0)
- American Citizenship as Distinguished from Alien Status. By Frederick A. Cleveland. (New York: The Ronald Press. 1927. Pp. vii, 475.) (1927) (0)
- Federalism and conflict of laws (1960) (0)
- List of Unperfected Treaties (1933) (0)
- Rules of choice of law (1960) (0)
- The Protocol for American Adherence to the Permanent Court (1931) (0)
- Research Note/The Record of Wake Island—A Correction (1981) (0)
- International Adjudications: Volume IV: Compensation for Losses and Damages Caused by the Violation of Neutral Rights, and by the Failure to Perform Neutral Duties. (1933) (0)
- Atoms for Power: United States Policy in Atomic Energy Development (1959) (0)
- Determinants of a Sino-Japanese Settlement: An Impression of the I. P. R. Study Meeting (1940) (0)
- The Legislation of the Peace Conference (1941) (0)
- The Reconsideration of “Neutrality” Legislation in 1939 (1939) (0)
- Multilateral treaties as constitutive of new customary international law (1970) (0)
- Weather Modification: Possible Effects (1975) (0)
- Discussion: The United States and Conflicting World Forces (1937) (0)
- Key problems of agency (1970) (0)
- A Manual of International Law@@@The Crisis in the Law of Nations@@@The International Problem of Governing Mankind (1948) (0)
- International Law in the Post-War World (1942) (0)
- Planned Neutrality (1937) (0)
- Louis H. Pollak (1978) (0)
- The Freedom of the Seas in History, Law, and Politics (0)
- Fontes Juris Gentium. Series B. Digest of the diplomatic Correspondence of the European States, 1856-1871. (1933) (0)
- The advantages of stimulating the growth of general international law through treaties (1970) (0)
- Agency in private international law and the unification of the law of agency (1970) (0)
- International Law in 1953 A.D. (1953) (0)
- Statut et Reglement de la Cour Permanente de Justice Internationale-Element d'interpretation. (1935) (0)
- Remarks and Awards (1972) (0)
- International Law of the Air: Neutral Rights and Duties (1938) (0)
- AJI volume 44 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1950) (0)
- The Comparative Approach to Administration@@@Immunities and Privileges of International Officials; The Experience of the League of Nations (1948) (0)
- The Use of International Law (The Thomas M. Cooley Lectures) (1960) (0)
- The Use of International Law (1960) (0)
- International regulation of Economic and social questions . International organization (1958) (0)
- Discussion: Disarmament, Sanctions and American Policy (1926) (0)
- The Generalization of the Monroe Doctrine (1935) (0)
- The United States and the World Court . What's wrong with international law ? . The legal process and international law . The foreign policy of a free democracy and The fallacy of a "preventive war" (1972) (0)
- International Tribunals: Past and Future.@@@The United States and the World Court. (1945) (0)
- Sixteenth Report of the Permanent Court of International Justice (June 15, 1939-Dec. 31, 1945) (1947) (0)
- The concept of agency and legal reality (1970) (0)
- Bilateral treaties as evidence of customary international law (1970) (0)
- Presentation of the Manley O. Hudson Medal to the Honorable Philip C. Jessup (1965) (0)
- The Role of International Law in Statecraft (1953) (0)
- The Danish Sound Dues and the Command of the Baltic (1927) (0)
- Multilateral treaties as declaratory of customary international law (1970) (0)
- Is Neutrality Essential (1933) (0)
- XI. PLANNING A POLICY (1938) (0)
- A determined unity is surest hope for peace (1948) (0)
- The Position of Foreign States before German Courts.@@@The Position of Foreign States before French Courts.@@@The Position of Foreign States before Belgian Courts. (1930) (0)
- The effect given to another State's conflict of laws rules: Renvoi (1960) (0)
- AJI volume 26 issue S1 Cover and Front matter (1932) (0)
- The sources of rules of conflict of laws (1960) (0)
- New Horizons in Public Administration. A Symposium by Leonard D. White, Marshall E. Dimock, Donald C. Stone, Gordon R. Clapp, John D. Millett, Arthur W. Macmahon . Birmingham: University of Alabama Press; 1945. Pp. 145. $2.00. (1947) (0)
- Financial Assistance to States Threatened with Aggression (1931) (0)
- Peace in the Balance: The Future of American Foreign Policy. By Eugene V. Rostow, Simon and Schuster, 1972. Pp. 352. S8.95. (1973) (0)
- Power, Facts and Law (1955) (0)
- Civilization and Foreign Policy: An Inquiry for Americans.@@@Common Sense and World Affairs. (1955) (0)
- 1976 Annual Report of the Advisory Committee on Foreign Relations in the United States (1977) (0)
- The United States Attorneys General and International Law. By David R. Deener. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. 1957. Pp. xi, 416. 26.50 guilders.) (1958) (0)
- Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council, 1946-1951.@@@Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs. Vol. I: Articles 1-22 of the Charter. (1955) (0)
- Report of Committee on Nominations (1937) (0)
- The Chatham House Conference (1935) (0)
- The New Protocol for American Accession to The Permanent Court of International Justice (1930) (0)
- The application of rules of conflict of laws (1960) (0)
- The International Law Students Association Annual Report of the Executive Director (1988) (0)
- The Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace (1937) (0)
- The common law background of the conflict of laws (1960) (0)
- The Teaching of International Law in Law Schools (1947) (0)
- Fourth Annual Report of the Permanent Court of International Justice, June 15, 1927-June 15, 1928 (1929) (0)
- The United Nations Economic and Social Council.@@@The Bill of Social Rights. (1946) (0)
- The Litvinoff Assignment and the Guaranty Trust Company Case (1938) (0)
- The protection of foreign-based legal interests (1960) (0)
- Prize Rules (1942) (0)
- Problems of the growing influence of multilateral treaties and their impact on customary international law (1970) (0)
- Mr. Root, the Senate and the World Court (0)
- The origin and nature of the problems of conflict of laws (1960) (0)
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