Pippa Norris
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Pippa Norris is a British American political scientist specializing in comparative politics. She is the McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and she has served as the Australian Laureate Fellow and Professor of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney, and Director of the Electoral Integrity Project.
Pippa Norris's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide (2004) (2313)
- Digital Divide: Civic Engagement, Information Poverty, and the Internet Worldwide (2001) (2180)
- Critical citizens : global support for democratic government (1999) (1766)
- Democratic Phoenix: Reinventing Political Activism (2002) (1571)
- Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism: Economic Have-Nots and Cultural Backlash (2016) (1335)
- Democratic Deficit: Critical Citizens Revisited (2011) (1210)
- Rising Tide: Gender Equality and Cultural Change Around the World (2003) (805)
- Cultural Backlash (2019) (804)
- Political Recruitment: Gender, Race and Class in the British Parliament (1995) (779)
- The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap: Women’s and Men’s Voting Behavior in Global Perspective (2000) (541)
- Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behavior (2004) (510)
- Gender and party politics (1993) (503)
- Does Television Erode Social Capital? A Reply to Putnam (1996) (483)
- The True Clash of Civilizations (2003) (456)
- THREE. Confidence in Public Institutions: Faith, Culture, or Performance? (2000) (456)
- Passages to power : legislative recruitment in advanced democracies (1997) (413)
- Framing Terrorism : The News Media, the Government and the Public (2003) (408)
- A Virtuous Circle: Political Communications in Postindustrial Societies (2000) (406)
- On Message: Communicating the Campaign (1999) (402)
- Introduction: The Growth of Critical Citizens? (1999) (385)
- Gender Equality and Democracy (2003) (383)
- Trump and the Populist Authoritarian Parties: The Silent Revolution in Reverse (2017) (347)
- Preaching to the Converted? (2001) (338)
- Confidence in political institutions: faith, culture, or performance? (2000) (338)
- Driving Democracy: Do Power-Sharing Institutions Work? (2008) (323)
- Sacred and Secular: Index (2011) (317)
- Westminster Women: The Politics of Presence (2003) (304)
- Women's legislative participation in western Europe (1985) (303)
- Islamic Culture and Democracy: Testing the 'Clash of Civilizations' Thesis (2002) (298)
- Choosing Electoral Systems: Proportional, Majoritarian and Mixed Systems (1997) (296)
- The Bridging and Bonding Role of Online Communities (2002) (296)
- A Virtuous Circle (2000) (287)
- Who Demonstrates? Antistate Rebels, Conventional Participants, or Everyone? (2005) (264)
- Rising Tide: List of Figures (2003) (262)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters (2014) (243)
- Institutional Explanations for Political Support (1999) (232)
- Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market. Reviewed by Amir Abedi (2005) (226)
- Muslim Integration into Western Cultures: Between Origins and Destinations (2009) (224)
- Women and Democracy: Cultural Obstacles to Equal Representation (2001) (218)
- Cultural Backlash: Trump, Brexit, and Authoritarian Populism (2019) (188)
- Second–order elections (1997) (186)
- Social representation (1997) (180)
- The restless searchlight: network news framing of the post-cold war world (1995) (179)
- Women, Media, and Politics (1996) (178)
- Elections and voting in global perspective (1996) (167)
- ‘If Only More Candidates Came Forward’: Supply-Side Explanations of Candidate Selection in Britain (1993) (164)
- An experiential thinking style: its facets and relations with objective and subjective criterion measures. (2011) (162)
- Campaign Strategies and Tactics (1996) (161)
- Sacred and Secular: THE CONSEQUENCES OF SECULARIZATION (2004) (152)
- Conclusions: The Growth of Critical Citizens and Its Consequences (1999) (147)
- The politics of news : the news of politics (1998) (145)
- May's Law of Curvilinear Disparity Revisited (1995) (141)
- Political Activism: New Challenges, New Opportunities (2009) (141)
- Digital Divide: Civic Engagement (2001) (141)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Cultural Diversity in a Globalized World (2009) (137)
- Does Ethnicity Determine Support for the Governing Party? The Structural and Attitudinal Basis of Partisan Identification in 12 African Nations (2003) (135)
- Beyond Quotas: Strategies to Promote Gender Equality in Elected Office (2014) (134)
- The Impact of Electoral Reform on Women's Representation (2006) (130)
- Digital Divide by Pippa Norris (2001) (130)
- Representation and the democratic deficit (1997) (127)
- Getting the Message Out: A Two-Step Model of the Role of the Internet in Campaign Communication Flows During the 2005 British General Election (2008) (124)
- The Puzzle of Constituency Service (1997) (122)
- Critical Elections: British Parties and Voters in Long-term Perspective (1999) (121)
- Women Politicians: Transforming Westminster? (1996) (120)
- Is Western Democracy Backsliding? Diagnosing the Risks (2017) (116)
- Comparative Political Communications: Common Frameworks or Babelian Confusion? (2009) (108)
- Why Parties Fail to Learn (2004) (108)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: Frontmatter (2014) (103)
- Message or Medium? Campaign Learning During the 2001 British General Election (2003) (102)
- Do Candidates Make a Difference? Gender, Race, Ideology and Incumbency (1992) (97)
- The new research agenda studying electoral integrity (2013) (95)
- Political representation in the European Parliament (1997) (90)
- Confidence in Public Institutions (1999) (90)
- The Impact of the Internet on Political Activism: Evidence from Europe (2005) (90)
- Making Democracies Work: Social Capital and Civic Engagement in 47 Societies (2001) (89)
- Gendering social capital: Bowling in women's leagues? (2005) (83)
- Did the Media Matter? Agenda-Setting, Persuasion and Mobilization Effects in the British General Election Campaign (2006) (81)
- Radical Right: List of Tables (2005) (80)
- Politics and the press : the news media and their influences (1997) (73)
- Cultural Barriers to Women's Leadership: A Worldwide Comparison (2000) (72)
- Health-seeking behaviour in Pakistan: a narrative review of the existing literature. (2012) (70)
- The Worldwide Digital Divide: Information Poverty, the Internet and Development (2000) (68)
- The role of the free press in promoting democratization, good governance, and human development (*) (2006) (66)
- Checkbook Elections?: Political Finance in Comparative Perspective (2016) (64)
- The Risks of Contentious Elections (2015) (63)
- Introduction: The Politics of Electoral Reform (1995) (63)
- Political Recruitment: Contents (1994) (61)
- Ballots not Bullets: Testing Consociational Theories of Ethnic Conflict, Electoral Systems, and Democratization (2002) (61)
- Making Democratic Governance Work: How Regimes Shape Prosperity, Welfare, and Peace (1987) (61)
- Women Candidates for Parliament: Transforming the Agenda? (1989) (59)
- Sacred and Secular: SACRED AND SECULAR (2004) (58)
- Comparing Political Communication: Global Political Communication: Good Governance, Human Development, and Mass Communication (2004) (58)
- Measuring populism worldwide (2020) (58)
- Political Recruitment: Who selects and how? (1994) (57)
- A Virtuous Circle by Pippa Norris (2000) (57)
- Measuring Electoral Integrity around the World: A New Dataset (2014) (57)
- Assessing the Quality of Elections (2013) (56)
- The Politics of Electoral Reform in Britain (1995) (56)
- Does the world agree about standards of electoral integrity? Evidence for the diffusion of global norms (2013) (56)
- Comparing Democracies: Elections and Voting in the 21st Century (2010) (54)
- Public Sentinel: News Media and Governance Reform (2009) (54)
- A Virtuous Circle? The Impact of Political Communications in Post-Industrial Democracies (2001) (54)
- Islam & the West: Testing the Clash of Civilizations Thesis (2002) (52)
- TEN. The Impact of Television on Civic Malaise (2000) (52)
- The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Understanding Human Security (2011) (52)
- Editorial: Virtual Democracy (1998) (51)
- Towards A More Cosmopolitan Political Science (1997) (50)
- Cultural Explanations of Electoral Reform: A Policy Cycle Model (2010) (50)
- The Twilight of Westminster? Electoral Reform and its Consequences (2001) (48)
- Mobilising the 'Women's Vote': The Gender-Generation Gap in Voting Behaviour (1996) (47)
- If You Build a Political Web Site, Will They Come? (2006) (46)
- Work values, experience, and job satisfaction among government workers (2002) (46)
- Strengthening Electoral Integrity (2017) (46)
- Advancing electoral integrity (2014) (46)
- Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Good Governance, Human Development & Mass Communications (2002) (46)
- Apathetic Landslide: The 2001 British General Election (2001) (45)
- The Political Regime (1999) (45)
- Electoral Engineering by Pippa Norris (2004) (44)
- The Globalization of Comparative Public Opinion Research (2008) (43)
- Gender: A Gender-Generation Gap? (1999) (41)
- Why Elections Fail (2015) (41)
- Are High Levels of Existential Security Conducive to Secularization? A Response to Our Critics (2015) (41)
- New labour, new tactical voting? The causes and consequences of tactical voting in the 1997 general election (1998) (40)
- Contentious elections : from ballots to barricades (2015) (39)
- The Gender Gap: Old Challenges, New Approaches (2000) (39)
- Anatomy of a Labour Landslide (1997) (39)
- The evolution of election campaigns : Eroding political engagement ? (2004) (38)
- The four horsemen of the apocalypse: Understanding human security: The 2011 Johan Skytte prize lecture (2012) (38)
- The Internet in Europe: A New North-South Divide? (2000) (38)
- Selecting women candidates: obstacles to the feminisation of the House of Commons (1989) (37)
- The conceptual framework of political support (2017) (37)
- The Impact of Political Advertising in the 2001 U.K. General Election (2005) (37)
- Electoral Change in Britain Since 1945 (1997) (36)
- The Impact of Television on Civic Malaise (2000) (35)
- Stable Democracy and Good Governance in Divided Societies: Do Powersharing Institutions Work? (2005) (34)
- Electoral Engineering: Women's Representation (2004) (34)
- Recruitment into the European Parliament (1999) (34)
- Do perceptions of electoral malpractice undermine democratic satisfaction? The US in comparative perspective (2018) (33)
- Heterogeneity in the Frequency Distribution of Crime Victimization (2013) (33)
- Cancel Culture: Myth or Reality? (2021) (32)
- British and American Journal Evaluation: Divergence or Convergence? (1991) (31)
- If You Build a Political Web Site, Will They Come? The Internet and Political Activism in Britain (2006) (31)
- The TRH test in bulimia and anorexia nervosa: a controlled study. (1985) (30)
- Women in politics (1996) (29)
- Blair's Babes: Critical Mass Theory, Gender, and Legislative Life (2001) (29)
- Are We All Green Now? Public Opinion on Environmentalism in Britain (1997) (28)
- Draft chapter for the UN World Public Sector Report Deepening Democracy via E-Governance (2003) (28)
- Did the British Marginals Vanish?: Proportionality and Exaggeration in the British Electoral System Revisited (1994) (28)
- Neighbourhood Effects on Youth Delinquency and Drug Use (2006) (28)
- Gender Differences in Political Participation in Britain: Traditional, Radical and Revisionist Models (1991) (27)
- Does protest signify dissatisfaction? Demonstrators in a postindustrial democracy (2006) (27)
- e-Voting as the magic ballot for European Parliamentary elections? Evaluating e-voting in the light of experiments in UK local elections (2004) (27)
- Petroleum Patriarchy? A Response to Ross (2009) (26)
- Different Roles, Different Voices: Women and Politics in the United States and Europe (1997) (26)
- Does television erode social capital (1996) (26)
- Tuned Out Voters? Media Impact on Campaign Learning (2002) (26)
- Britain votes 2001 (2001) (26)
- Gender and Political Participation in Britain (2004) (25)
- Dial ‘F’ for fraud: Explaining citizens suspicions about elections (2018) (25)
- Social Capital and the News Media (2002) (25)
- Political Communications and Democratic Politics (2001) (24)
- Breaking the Barriers: Positive Discrimination Policies for Women (2001) (24)
- Uneven Secularization in the United States and Western Europe (2007) (24)
- Party Members and Ideological Change (1999) (24)
- Conservative Attitudes in Recent British Elections: An Emerging Gender Gap? (1986) (23)
- The paranoid style of American elections: explaining perceptions of electoral integrity in an age of populism (2020) (22)
- Information Poverty and Internet Access Worldwide (2000) (22)
- Police awareness and involvement in cases of domestic and partner abuse (2016) (21)
- One of Us: Multilevel Models Examining the Impact of Descriptive Representation on Civic Engagement (2009) (21)
- E-Voting as the Magic Ballot? (2002) (21)
- New challenges in the study of elections and voting (2002) (21)
- Why Do Arab States Lag the World in Gender Equality? (2009) (21)
- Party Selectorates in Australia, Britain and Canada: Prolegomena for Research in the 1990s (1990) (21)
- Populist Threats to Electoral Integrity: The Year in Elections, 2016-2017 (2017) (21)
- New Politicians? Changes in Party Competition at Westminster (1999) (21)
- Do campaign communications matter for civic engagement?: American elections from Eisenhower to George W.Bush (2002) (20)
- Varieties of populist parties (2019) (20)
- Does Negative News Matter? The Effect of Television News on Party Images in the 1997 British General Election (1998) (20)
- Britain votes 2005 (2005) (20)
- Political mobilization and social networks.: The example of the Arab spring (2012) (20)
- New Feminist Challenges to the Study of Political Engagement (2007) (19)
- Do By-Elections Constitute Referenda? A Four-Country Comparison (1990) (19)
- Rising Tide: Conclusions: Gender Equality and Cultural Change (2003) (19)
- E-Politics? the Impact of the Internet on Political Trust and Participation (2004) (19)
- A Test of the Multidimensionality of the Self-Construal Scale in Thailand and the United States (2012) (18)
- Closed Minds? Is a ‘Cancel Culture’ Stifling Academic Freedom and Intellectual Debate in Political Science? (2020) (18)
- Who Demonstrates? Disaffected Rebels, Conventional Participants, or Everyone? (2003) (18)
- Driving Democracy by Pippa Norris (2008) (17)
- Will New Technology Boost Turnout? Evaluating Experiments in E-Voting V. All-Postal Voting Facilities in UK Local Elections (2003) (17)
- Sacred and Secular: Concepts and Measures (2004) (17)
- British By-Elections: The Volatile Electorate (1990) (17)
- Why American Elections are Flawed (And How to Fix Them) (2016) (16)
- Sacred and Secular: Frontmatter (2004) (16)
- Government and third-party performance in mid-term by-elections: The Canadian, British and Australian experience (1989) (16)
- Thatcher's enterprise society and electoral change* (1990) (16)
- Information Poverty and the Wired World (2000) (16)
- A Continental Divide? Social Capital in the US and Europe (2007) (15)
- US Campaign 2000: Of Pregnant Chads, Butterfly Ballots and Partisan Vitriol (2000) (15)
- Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics in the Muslim World (2004) (15)
- Democratic Divide ? The Impact of the Internet on Parliaments Worldwide * (2000) (15)
- Mecca or oil? Why Arab states lag in gender equality (2011) (14)
- Families of Nations, Victimisation and Attitudes Towards Criminal Justice (2009) (14)
- Conclusions: The new research agenda on electoral management (2019) (14)
- The Party and Women (1994) (14)
- Report for International IDEA : revised draft @ January 5 , 2005 Building political parties : Reforming legal regulations and internal rules (2005) (14)
- Modernization and Gender Equality: A Response to Adams and Orloff (2005) (13)
- Radical Right: Index (2005) (13)
- Britain votes, 1997 (1997) (13)
- 7. Does Democratic Satisfaction Reflect Regime Performance (2011) (13)
- Will New Technology Boost Turnout? Evaluating Experiments in UK Local Elections (2004) (13)
- Election Watchdogs : Transparency, Accountability, and Integrity (2017) (13)
- Why Electoral Malpractices Heighten Risks of Electoral Violence (2012) (13)
- A Virtuous Circle: Evaluating Media Performance (2000) (13)
- A Global Resurgence of Religion? by (2003) (12)
- Editorial: The Bridging and Bonding Role of Online Communities (2002) (12)
- Public opinion among Muslims and the west (2003) (12)
- The 'New Cleavage' Thesis and the Social Basis of Radical Right Support (2005) (12)
- Knows Little, Learns Less? An Experimental Study of the Impact of the Media on Learning (2001) (12)
- New Labour and Public Opinion: the Third Way as Centrism? (2001) (12)
- Do campaign communications matter for civic engagement (2003) (12)
- ‘To them that hath…’. News media and knowledge gaps (2012) (11)
- Women in Congress: A Policy Difference? (1986) (11)
- The Reputation of Political Science Journals: Pluralist and Consensus Views (1993) (11)
- Technical Appendix B: Questions in the Expert Survey of Perceptions of Electoral Integrity (2014) (11)
- On the Fast Track: The Spread of Gender Quota Policies for Elected Office (2015) (11)
- Elections and voting in the 21st century (2010) (11)
- Digital Parties: Civic Engagement & Online Democracy (2001) (11)
- Will new technology boost turnout? (2003) (10)
- Tuned Out Voters (2002) (10)
- Perhaps petroleum perpetuates patriarchy? A response and critique to Ross (2010) (10)
- Rising Tide: Introduction: Explaining the Rising Tide of Gender Equality (2003) (10)
- Are There Global Norms and Universal Standards of Electoral Integrity and Malpractice? Comparing Public and Expert Perceptions (2012) (10)
- Why didn’t religion disappear? Re-examining the secularization thesis (2007) (10)
- Democratic Phoenix Agencies , Repertoires , & Targets of Political Activism (2002) (10)
- Conclusion: Whether the Campaign Mattered and How (2005) (10)
- The Nolan Committee: Financial Interests and Constituency Service (1996) (10)
- Race and parliamentary representation (1992) (10)
- Muslim Support for Secular Democracy (2013) (10)
- Expenditure on Public Order and Safety (2007) (9)
- Elections and voting behaviour : new challenges, new perspectives (1998) (9)
- Skeptical Patients: Performance, Social Capital, and Culture (2006) (9)
- Editorial: Information Poverty and the Wired World (2000) (9)
- Understanding Brexit: Cultural Resentment Versus Economic Grievances (2018) (9)
- A Failing Grade? The News Media and Campaign 2000 (2001) (9)
- The Year in Elections, 2013: The World's Flawed and Failed Contests (2014) (9)
- Would the Real Freeview Please Stand Up (2010) (9)
- Introduction: Understanding Electoral Change (1999) (9)
- Procedural justice, compliance with the law and police stop-and-search: a study of young people in England and Scotland (2020) (9)
- Adjusting for Non-response in a Longitudinal Survey: Comparisons of Weighting and Imputation (2006) (8)
- Comparing Democracies: Elections and Voting in a Changing World (2014) (8)
- Too Close to Call: Opinion Polls in Campaign 2000 (2001) (8)
- Isolates or Socialites? the Social Ties of Internet Users (2007) (8)
- ‘Us and Them’: Immigration, Multiculturalism, and Xenophobia (2005) (8)
- The Electoral Integrity Project: The Year in Elections, 2015 (2016) (8)
- Silencing dissent The impact of restrictive media environments on regime support (2008) (8)
- The Iceberg and the Titanic: Electoral Defeat, Policy Moods, and Party Change (2001) (8)
- God, Guns and Gays (2006) (8)
- Data on the Functions of Government: Where Are We Now? (2007) (7)
- Advocacy versus Attack: The impact of political advertising in the 2001 UK general election (2002) (7)
- Electoral Integrity in America : Securing Democracy (2018) (7)
- Existential security and the gender gap in religious values (2008) (7)
- The Blair Effect 2001–5: Elections and public opinion (2005) (7)
- Increasing Inequality in Experience of Victimization During the Crime Drop: Analysing Patterns of Victimization in Scotland from 1993 to 2014–15 (2020) (7)
- Age and sex modulate effects of stress on the immune system: a multivariate analysis. (1994) (7)
- The Year in Elections, 2015: The expert survey on perceptions of electoral integrity. (2016) (7)
- The gender‐generation gap in British elections (1993) (7)
- Evaluation of the Use of Home Detention Curfew and the Open Prison Estate in Scotland (2011) (7)
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Home Detention Curfew and Open Prison in Scotland (2011) (6)
- Methods and Evidence (2014) (6)
- If you build a political website , will they come ? The supply and demand model of new technology , social capital , and civic engagement in Britain (2004) (6)
- Labour and the Unions: After the Brighton Conference (1994) (6)
- The Consequences of Electoral Reform for Political Participation (2004) (6)
- Puzzles in political recruitment (1994) (6)
- Are Australian MPs in touch with constituents (2004) (6)
- Electoral integrity in East Asia (2016) (5)
- The 1992 general election (1992) (5)
- Democratic Phoenix: Theories of Political Activism (2002) (5)
- ‘Binge drinking’, anti-social behaviour and alcohol-related disorder: examining the 2003 Licensing Act (2008) (5)
- Making Democratic-Governance Work: The Consequences for Prosperity (2011) (5)
- Rising Tide: The Gender Gap in Voting and Public Opinion (2003) (5)
- A comparison of alexithymia in American and Japanese dialysis patients. (1992) (5)
- Introduction: Building and Sustaining Democracy (2010) (5)
- Does Balance Matter ? Experiments in TV News (2000) (5)
- Why Electoral Malpractices Generate Pressures for Electoral Reform: An Agenda-Setting Model (2012) (5)
- Democratic consensus and the young: a cross national comparison of Britain and America. (1984) (5)
- Driving Democracy: Federalism and Decentralization (2008) (5)
- Labour party quotas for women (1994) (5)
- An Enterprise Culture? Policy Moods and Cycles towards Markets and the State (2001) (5)
- Is national diversity under threat? Cosmopolitan Communications and Cultural Convergence (2009) (5)
- A Virtuous Circle: The News Media and Democracy (2000) (4)
- What maximizes productivity and impact in political science research? (2021) (4)
- Comparisons between survey estimates of crime and crimes recorded by the police: the UK position (2009) (4)
- Introduction: The Third Blair Victory: How and Why? (2005) (4)
- Sacred and Secular: Religious Organizations and Social Capital (2004) (4)
- The Year in Elections, 2014 (2015) (4)
- Does PR promote political extremism, redux. (2004) (4)
- Beyond the Long Good Friday—Reforming the RUC (2000) (4)
- Rising Tide: Religion, Secularization, and Gender Equality (2003) (4)
- Was Farage the midwife delivering Johnson’s victory? The Brexit Party and the size of the Conservative majority (2019) (4)
- All Spin and No Substance? (2001) (4)
- Party rules and women's representation: Reforming the British labour party (1991) (4)
- The Persistence of Cultural Diversity Despite Cosmopolitanism (2012) (4)
- Do Public Perceptions of Electoral Malpractice Undermine Democratic Satisfaction? The U.S. In Comparative Perspective (2018) (4)
- Global Communications and Cultural Identities (1999) (4)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Morality: Traditional Values, Sexuality, Gender Equality, and Religiosity (2009) (3)
- Driving Democracy: Evidence and Methods (2008) (3)
- Max weber and the protestant work ethic (2009) (3)
- Editorial: The Internet in Europe: A New North-South Divide? (1999) (3)
- The Impact of Parties on Economic Equality (1988) (3)
- Democratic Phoenix: New Social Movements, Protest Politics, and the Internet (2002) (3)
- Generation wars over Brexit - and beyond: how young and old are divided over social values (2018) (3)
- Why populism is a threat to electoral integrity (2017) (3)
- Conclusion: Was 1997 a Critical Election? (1999) (3)
- The 1992 US Elections (1993) (3)
- Electoral Reform & Fragmented Multipartyism The mechanical and psychological effects of electoral systems on party systems (2002) (3)
- Changing Patterns of Victimisation in Scotland 1993-2011 (2014) (3)
- Setting the ground rules for wet-mix sprayed concrete (1999) (3)
- Electoral Integrity and Political Legitimacy (2014) (3)
- Beyond Quotas: Strategies to Promote Gender Equality in Elected Office (2014) (3)
- European Candidates Study 1994 (1999) (3)
- In defence of British electoral studies (1991) (3)
- NZ On Air: An Evaluative Study from 1989-2011 (2011) (3)
- Sacred and Secular: Religious Parties and Electoral Behavior (2004) (3)
- The Fourth Estate (2008) (3)
- Candidate selection: Reform in Britain (1991) (3)
- Elections and voting in a changing world (2014) (3)
- “Gender Party Quotas in Poland” (2005) (3)
- Democratic Phoenix: Conclusions: The Reinvention of Political Activism? (2002) (2)
- The Populist Challenge to Liberal Democracies (2020) (2)
- Sacred and Secular: Religion, the Protestant Ethic, and Moral Values (2004) (2)
- Policing priorities in London : do borough characteristics make a difference? (2009) (2)
- The Digital Divide (2020) (2)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: The Concept of Electoral Integrity (2014) (2)
- Democratic Deficit: Comparing Political Support around the World (2011) (2)
- A Virtuous Circle: The Evolution of Campaign Communications (2000) (2)
- Does Praying Together Mean Staying Together? Religion and Civic Engagement in Europe and the United States (2013) (2)
- Democratic Phoenix: Traditional Mobilizing Agencies: Unions and Churches (2002) (2)
- Good Governance, Human Development & Mass Communications (2001) (2)
- Theories Why Electoral Integrity Matters (2014) (2)
- The Cultural Backlash Theory (2019) (2)
- A Transatlantic Divide? Social Capital in the United States and Europe (2003) (2)
- Electoral Assistance (2000) (2)
- Do cosmopolitan communications threaten traditional moral values (2012) (2)
- Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1999) (2)
- The accidental president: Fuzzy math, Florida lawsuits, and campaign 2000 (2001) (2)
- Sacred and Secular: Comparing Secularization Worldwide (2004) (2)
- The Civic Culture Transformed: Mecca or Oil? (2014) (2)
- The Third Blair Victory: How and Why? (2005) (2)
- Women in Elective Office Worldwide: Barriers and Opportunities (2014) (2)
- The Effect of Neighbourhood Perceptions on Adolescent Property Offending (2006) (2)
- Introduction: Democracy and Autocracy (2014) (2)
- Is poverty reflected in changing patterns of victimisation in Scotland (2015) (1)
- Comparative candidate recruitment (1994) (1)
- A Virtuous Circle: The Rise of the Postmodern Campaign? (2000) (1)
- Sacred and Secular: The Secularization Debate (2004) (1)
- Electoral Engineering: Do Rules Matter? Structure versus Culture (2004) (1)
- A social portrait of Canterbury in 1870 (1964) (1)
- Editorial (1998) (1)
- Heterogeneity in the Frequency Distribution of Crime Victimization (2012) (1)
- Eroding the Civic Culture (2019) (1)
- An experimental study of the impact of the media on learning during the 2001 British general election. (2001) (1)
- Editorial: Social Capital and the News Media (2002) (1)
- ‘None of the Above’: The Politics of Resentment (2005) (1)
- The 1998 Northern Ireland Assembly Election (2000) (1)
- Expert Perceptions of Electoral Integrity: A New Dataset (2013) (1)
- Ballot Structures & Legislative Behavior (2002) (1)
- Digital Divide: Theories of Digital Democracy (2001) (1)
- Public Space CCTV in Scotland: Results of a National Survey of Scotland's Local Authorities (2009) (1)
- A Religious Revival in Post-Communist Europe? (2004) (1)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: Public Perceptions of Electoral Integrity (2014) (1)
- Silver or Lead? Why Violence and Corruption Limit Women’s Representation (2019) (1)
- Does Regulation Work (2016) (1)
- Why Lack of Integrity Triggers Electoral Violence (2013) (1)
- Sacred and Secular: Measuring Secularization (2004) (1)
- Trust in Government Redux: The Role of Information Environments and Cognitive Skills (2021) (1)
- Political Elites and Constitutional Change (1998) (1)
- Trump's America (2019) (1)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Titles in the Series (2009) (1)
- Rising Tide: Women as Political Leaders (2003) (1)
- Authoritarian and Populist Values (2019) (1)
- A Discussion of Alexander Cooley and Jack Snyder's Ranking the World: Grading States as a Tool for Global Governance (2017) (1)
- Making Democratic Governance Work: Select Bibliography (2012) (1)
- Four Weeks of Sound and Fury…: The 1987 British Election Campaign (1987) (1)
- Opening the Door (2006) (1)
- New Labour and the Rejection of Stakeholder Capitalism (1999) (1)
- Making Democratic Governance Work: Notes (2012) (1)
- The backlash against the silent revolution (2019) (1)
- Driving Democracy: What Works? Lessons for Public Policy (2008) (1)
- By‐elections: Their Importance in Britain (1990) (1)
- Which contests meet international standards of electoral integrity? Developing a Perception of electoral Integrity Index (PEI) (2013) (1)
- Classifying the Radical Right (2005) (1)
- Comparability of the Crime Surveys in the UK: A Comparison of Victimisation and Technical Details (2010) (1)
- The 1992 US Primaries: If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It (1992) (1)
- Digital Divide: e-Governance (2001) (1)
- Comparing Cross-Border Information Flows and Their Effects (2012) (1)
- A Virtuous Circle: Negative News, Negative Public? (2000) (1)
- Putting the Demos Back Into the Concept of Democratic Quality (2016) (1)
- Electoral Systems and Electoral Integrity (2018) (1)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Is Cultural Diversity Under Threat? (2009) (1)
- The Rise of the Radical Right : Parties and electoral competition in postindustrial societies (2004) (1)
- Political Communications in British Election Campaigns: Reconsidering Media Effects (2020) (1)
- Sacred and Secular: CONCLUSIONS (2004) (0)
- Philip Bobbitt: Terror and Consent (2009) (0)
- The Senses of Sight in Lancelot Andrewes’s Sermons (2022) (0)
- Rational and Experiential Multimodal Inventory--Short Form (2017) (0)
- Demographic and social change in the Durham coalfield. IV. Household size and structure 1851-1881. (1986) (0)
- The progress to digital in New Zealand (2013) (0)
- Geoffrey Francis Norris (2018) (0)
- Current Affairs - Endangered and Facing Uncertain Digital Future [Book Review] (2006) (0)
- The progress to digital television in New Zealand: an update (2010) (0)
- Paolo Tripodi and Jessica Wolfendale (Eds.): New Wars and New Soldiers: Military Ethics in the Contemporary World (2012) (0)
- Mr Distance : 12 mai 1952 au 18 octobre 1952 / William Ritt, Clarence Gray, Paul Norris (2016) (0)
- Mr Distance : 12 mai 1952 au 18 octobre 1952 / William Ritt, Clarence Gray, Paul Norris (2016) (0)
- The Accumulation and Depletion of Personal Resources for Managing Work–Life Balance (2020) (0)
- Francois Debrix: Tabloid Terror: War, Culture and Geopolitics (2008) (0)
- Demographic and social change in the Durham coalfield. III. Birthplace and migration 1851-1881 (1984) (0)
- Chapter 3 – Shareholders' attitude to directors' pay (2005) (0)
- Demographic and social change in the Durham coalfield. II. An industrial study of occupational data 1851-1881 (1983) (0)
- Confidence in the police in Scotland: Trends in Scottish Crime and Justice Survey responses, 2012/13‐2017/18 (2021) (0)
- Football, hooliganism and public order policing: the contested interface between cultural identity and security - and some comments on a local case study (2010) (0)
- Examining Patterns of Police Reporting amongst Victims of Partner Abuse: Analysis of the SCJS 2008/09 (2011) (0)
- Demographic and social change in the Durham coalfield. I. Introduction to the study (1983) (0)
- Public Broadcasting in the Digital Age: Issues for Television in New Zealand (2005) (0)
- Rational and Experiential Multimodal Inventory (2017) (0)
- Comparing Difficulties and Combination Possibilities: Experiences in the United Kingdom (2016) (0)
- Richard Devetak and Christopher W. Hughes (Eds.), The Globalization of Political Violence: Globalization's Shadow (2009) (0)
- Rationality and illusions of health. (2000) (0)
- The disability football player pathway: aiming to improve participation rates at the University of Lincoln (2013) (0)
- Winners and losers in the great crime drop (2014) (0)
- Scottish Crime and Victimisation Survey User Guide (2009) (0)
- Shareholders’ attitude to directors’ pay (2005) (0)
- A Review of the 2006 Scottish Crime and Victimisation Survey: Victim File and Victimisation Rates (2009) (0)
- Book reviews: Majid Yar Cybercrime and Society London: Sage, 2006. 185 pp. £18.99 ISBN 10—1—4129—0754—3 (pbk) (2007) (0)
- Perceived Causes of Literacy and Illiteracy (2012) (0)
- Trademark protection : crucial to compete (2004) (0)
- Christopher J. Coyne: After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy (2009) (0)
- On the threshold : teaching the theme 'The people of God' to senior forms (1968) (0)
- Stellenbosch Media Forum 2006 (2003) (0)
- Social Capital and ICTs (2003) (0)
- Digital Divide: Wired World (2001) (0)
- Digital Divide: Social Inequalities (2001) (0)
- Digital Divide: Nations in the Study and Abbreviated Names Used in Figures (2001) (0)
- Is There A Correlation Between Inequality And Brexit (2016) (0)
- Digital Divide: Notes (2001) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Labour recruitment (1994) (0)
- Democratic Phoenix: Mapping Turnout (2002) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Details of the survey design and sample (1994) (0)
- PART I Understanding Secularization (2004) (0)
- Editorial (1997) (0)
- Electoral Engineering: Bibliography (2004) (0)
- Party Politics Why Parties Fail to Learn : Electoral Defeat, Selective Perception and British (2010) (0)
- The Authoritarian-Populist Challenge (2019) (0)
- Supporting Independent Media (2017) (0)
- Location, Location, Location: Party Competition (2005) (0)
- Digital Divide: Understanding the Digital Divide (2001) (0)
- Electoral Engineering: Ethnic Minorities (2004) (0)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: Preface and Acknowledgments (2014) (0)
- Sacred and Secular: Reexamining Evidence for the Security Thesis (2011) (0)
- Reviews (2003) (0)
- Democratic Phoenix: Preface (2002) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Questionnaires (1994) (0)
- Why Elections Fail: Electoral Management (2015) (0)
- Rising Tide: Appendix A (2003) (0)
- Electoral Engineering: Notes (2004) (0)
- Regulating Political Finance (2017) (0)
- Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) Module 1 (1996-2001) (2014) (0)
- Editorial (1996) (0)
- Democratic Phoenix: Social Capital and Civic Society (2002) (0)
- Making Democratic Governance Work: Theories of Regime Effects (2012) (0)
- The Fate of Young Democracies . By Ethan B. Kapstein and Nathan Converse. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 212p. $90.00 cloth, $29.99 paper. (2010) (0)
- Electoral Engineering: The Impact of Electoral Engineering (2004) (0)
- Making Democratic Governance Work: Does Democratic Governance Determine Human Security? (2012) (0)
- Does ethnicity determine electoral behaviour: the structural and attitudinal basis of partisan identification in 12 African nations (2003) (0)
- Technical Note on the Major Scales (2003) (0)
- Ethnic pluralism and consociational democracy revisited (2005) (0)
- Radical Right: Radical Right (2005) (0)
- Technical Note on the Freedom of Religion Scale (2004) (0)
- Radical Right: Understanding the Rise of the Radical Right (2005) (0)
- Divergence or Convergence (2016) (0)
- Making Democratic Governance Work: Welfare (2012) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: Stays Home? Political Mobilization (2000) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: THE NEWS MEDIA AND CIVIC MALAISE (2000) (0)
- Democratic Phoenix: Appendix: Comparative Framework (2002) (0)
- The Rise (and Fall?) of Multi-party by-election Politics (1991) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: Technical Appendix (2000) (0)
- Democratic Deficit: Trends in the United States and Western Europe (2011) (0)
- Wealth and Democracy (2008) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Technical Appendix C: Methods and Multilevel Regression Models (2009) (0)
- The Pragmatic Case for Electoral Assistance (2017) (0)
- Democratic Deficit: Failing Performance? (2011) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Candidate resources (1994) (0)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: For Political Behavior (2014) (0)
- Evaluating Electoral Systems (2004) (0)
- Political Recruitment: The structure of political recruitment (1994) (0)
- 1 Introduction Norris (2017) (0)
- Why Elections Fail: Select Bibliography (2015) (0)
- Analyzing Regime Effects (2012) (0)
- Antistate Rebels, Conventional Participants, or Everyone? (2016) (0)
- Editorial (1996) (0)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: Select Bibliography (2014) (0)
- Editorial (1997) (0)
- Interreligious Dialogue as a Response to Processes of Secularization (2020) (0)
- Supply and demand explanations (1994) (0)
- Why Elections Fail: Introduction: Why Do Elections Fail? (2015) (0)
- Driving Democracy: Electoral Systems (2008) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Markets (2009) (0)
- From Values to Votes (2019) (0)
- Making Democratic Governance Work: Description of the Variables and Data Sources (2012) (0)
- Why Elections Fail: Institutional Checks (2015) (0)
- Democratic Phoenix: Who Joins? (2002) (0)
- Electoral Engineering: Constituency Service (2004) (0)
- III: Comparing Electoral Integrity within and across States (2018) (0)
- Democratic Deficit: Conclusions and Implications (2011) (0)
- What Maximizes Research Excellence? Productivity and Impact in Political Science (2020) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Select Bibliography (2009) (0)
- Improving Voter Registration (2017) (0)
- Cultural Convergence over Time (2009) (0)
- Why Elections Fail: Technical Appendix (2015) (0)
- Democratic Consensus and the Young (1984) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Activists: Civic Engagement (2009) (0)
- Radical Right: Select Bibliography (2005) (0)
- Fast Track Strategies for Women's Representation in Iraq and Afghanistan: Choices and Consequences (*) (2006) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: Knows Little? Information and Choice (2000) (0)
- Political Recruitment: The values, priorities and roles of MPs (1994) (0)
- Democratic Deficit: Trends in Democratic Deficits (2011) (0)
- Countries in the Pooled World Values Survey, 1981–2007 (2011) (0)
- Making Democratic Governance Work: The Regime Typology (2012) (0)
- ‘To them that hath…’. News media and knowledge gaps (2012) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: Notes (2000) (0)
- IV: What Is to Be Done? (2018) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: The Rise (and Fall?) of the Television Age (2000) (0)
- Bibliography of political studies 1990 (1991) (0)
- The Twilight of Westminster ? Electoral Reform & its Consequences (2004) (0)
- Editorial (1996) (0)
- Making Democratic Governance Work: Preface and Acknowledgments (2012) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: The Decline of Newspapers? (2000) (0)
- The debate – a gender gap in leadership performance? (2015) (0)
- Who Votes for Authoritarian-Populist Parties? (2019) (0)
- Driving Democracy: What Drives Democracy? (2008) (0)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: International Concern about Electoral Malpractices (2014) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Notes (1994) (0)
- Electoral Engineering: Turnout (2004) (0)
- Sacred and Secular: Secularization and Its Consequences (2004) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: The Emerging Internet Era (2000) (0)
- Rising Tide: From Traditional Roles toward Gender Equality (2003) (0)
- Critical Citizens Revisited: The Impact of Policy Performance, Process Performance and Cultural Modernization on Democratic Orientations (2010) (0)
- Editorial (1996) (0)
- Democratic Phoenix: Do Institutions Matter? (2002) (0)
- Back to chicken entrails? problems of opinion polls in us campaign 2000 (2001) (0)
- The Strengths and Weaknesses of Electoral Assistance Programs (2017) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: Select Bibliography (2000) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Technical Appendix B: List of Countries (2009) (0)
- Rising Tide: Notes (2003) (0)
- Why the Cameron-Clegg coalition will be a shock to both Tory and Liberal Democrat voters (2010) (0)
- Cosmopolitans, Nationalists and Parochials: Globalization and Cultural Change (1999) (0)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: For Legitimacy (2014) (0)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: Notes (2014) (0)
- Chapter 7 Political Activism (2011) (0)
- Why Elections Fail: Structural Constraints (2015) (0)
- Democratic Phoenix: The Decline and Fall of Political Activism? (2002) (0)
- Driving Democracy: Democratic Indicators and Trends (2008) (0)
- Book reviews (1985) (0)
- Democratic Phoenix: Who Votes? (2002) (0)
- Civic Engagement : Mexico in Comparative Perspective (2002) (0)
- Radical Right: Assessing the Rise of the Radical Right and Its Consequences (2005) (0)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: For Conflict and Security (2014) (0)
- Introduction to Comparative Politics Fall 2002 (2002) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Citizens: National and Cosmopolitan Identities (2009) (0)
- Sacred and Secular: Appendix C (2011) (0)
- 1 What are VAAs and how do they work ? (2012) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Notes (2009) (0)
- Editorial (1997) (0)
- Institutions Matter : Ballot Structures & Legislative Behavior (2004) (0)
- Democratic Deficit: Rising Aspirations? (2011) (0)
- Why Elections Fail: The Role of International Forces (2014) (0)
- Sacred and Secular: Classifications of Types of Society (2004) (0)
- Editorial (1997) (0)
- Rising Tide: Preface and Acknowledgments (2003) (0)
- Political leadership and value change : Reagan, Thatcher and the conservative revolution? (1990) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: THE IMPACT ON DEMOCRACY (2000) (0)
- In Praise of Skepticism (2022) (0)
- Democratic Deficit: Evidence and Methods (2011) (0)
- DEMOCRATIC DIFFUSION How regional organizations strengthen electoral integrity (2016) (0)
- Threats and Opportunities Facing Electoral Assistance (2017) (0)
- Democratic Deficit: Democratic Hopes and Fears (2011) (0)
- Democratic Phoenix: Mapping Party Activism (2002) (0)
- Muslim mores [2] (multiple letter) (2003) (0)
- It’s even worse than the news about North Carolina: American elections rank last among all Western democracies (2017) (0)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: Technical Appendix C: Electoral Context and Background in the Selected Cases (2014) (0)
- Radical Right: Notes (2005) (0)
- Electoral transitions: stumbling out of the gate (2016) (0)
- Change Plus Ca Change? Electoral Studies in the 1990s (2008) (0)
- Voter Suppression or Voter Fraud in the 2014 US Elections? (2015) (0)
- Sacred and Secular: Reexamining the Theory of Existential Security (2011) (0)
- Technical Appendix: Description of the Variables and Data Sources (2008) (0)
- Lessons from the Ground (2014) (0)
- Challenges in American Elections (2018) (0)
- Why Elections Fail: International forces (2014) (0)
- Sacred and Secular: Preface and Acknowledgments (2004) (0)
- Lessons for the Reform Agenda (2018) (0)
- God , guns , and gays : Religion and Politics in the US and Western Europe (2004) (0)
- Sacred and Secular: The Puzzle of Secularization in the United States and Western Europe (2004) (0)
- Democratic Deficit: The Conceptual Framework (2011) (0)
- Minor party recruitment (1994) (0)
- Retrospective Voting in the 1984 Presidential Election: Peace, Prosperity and Patriotism (1987) (0)
- Power-sharing institutions and good governance in plural societies : Reexamining the links (2005) (0)
- Its the women stupid. Social science shows that the Western-Muslim culture clash is not about democratic ideals. (2004) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Candidate motivation (1994) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: Cares Less? Cynical Media, Cynical Public? (2000) (0)
- Digital Divide: Conclusions: Promoting e-Democracy (2001) (0)
- Electoral Engineering: Classifying Electoral Systems (2004) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Reforming recruitment (1994) (0)
- Why Elections Fail: Evidence (2015) (0)
- Lack of women at Westminster (2010) (0)
- Rising Tide: Political Activism (2003) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Gatekeeper attitudes (1994) (0)
- Varieties of Populism (2019) (0)
- Reforming Electoral Laws (2017) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: Preface (2000) (0)
- Strengthening Women's Representation (2017) (0)
- The Consequences for Citizenship, Governance, and Democratization (2011) (0)
- The Electoral Performance of Centre-Left Parties: Putting ‘Decline’ in Perspective (2013) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Bibliography (1994) (0)
- The Lessons for Political Finance Reform (2016) (0)
- Political Studies in British Universities (1988) (0)
- A Virtuous Circle: Understanding Political Communications (2000) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: The Implications for Cultural Policies (2009) (0)
- Electoral Engineering: Preface (2004) (0)
- 1986 US Elections: National Issues or Pluralistic Diversity?* (1987) (0)
- Radical Right: Ballot Access and Campaign Finance (2005) (0)
- Radical Right: The ‘New Cleavage’ Thesis: The Social Basis of Right-Wing Support (2005) (0)
- The 1992 Presidential Election: Voting Behavior and Legitimacy (1994) (0)
- Technical Appendix A: Description of Variables and Scale Construction (2014) (0)
- Rucht, Dieter. 2003. “Interactions between Social Movements and States in Comparative Perspective.” In Women’s Movements Facing the Reconfigured State, ed. Lee (2010) (0)
- Why Electoral Integrity Matters: Conclusions: Strengthening Electoral Integrity (2014) (0)
- Consolidating Party Organizations (2005) (0)
- Driving Democracy: Preface and Acknowledgments (2008) (0)
- Towards a more cosmopolitan political science? (1997) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Theoretical Framework (2009) (0)
- Making Electoral Assistance Work Better (2017) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Consumers: Economic Values (2009) (0)
- Democratic Deficit: Democratic Knowledge (2011) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Technical Appendix A: Concepts and Measures (2009) (0)
- The impact of electoral reform on the representation of women and ethnic minorities (2005) (0)
- Political Recruitment: Conservative recruitment (1994) (0)
- Draft : Not for quotation Democracy or governance ? The consequences for domestic peace ( * ) (2011) (0)
- Conclusions: Lessons for Strengthening Electoral Integrity (2015) (0)
- Presidential and Parliamentary Executives (2008) (0)
- Sacred and Secular: Notes (2004) (0)
- Christian conservatism in global perspective : US exceptionalism ( again ) ? (2007) (0)
- Cosmopolitan Communications: Poverty (2009) (0)
- The Exit Poll, BBC Election Night and systemic media bias (2019) (0)
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