Robert L. Saucy
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American biblical scholar
Robert L. Saucy's Rankings
Robert L. Saucyreligious-studies Degrees
Religious Studies
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Christian Theology
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Religious Studies
Robert L. Saucy's Degrees
- PhD Systematic Theology Dallas Theological Seminary
Why Is Robert L. Saucy Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert Lloyd Saucy was an American biblical scholar and professor of systematic theology. Biography Saucy was born in Salem, Oregon, and educated at George Fox College and Westmont College , earning his A.B. in history. He went on to earn both his Th.M. and Th.D. in systematic theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. While completing his graduate studies at Dallas, Saucy served as part-time instructor at the Southern Bible Training Institute, and as part-time pastor at Milligan Bible Church. He was ordained as a minister in the North American Baptist General Conference.
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What Schools Are Affiliated With Robert L. Saucy?
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