Robert Piercey
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Canadian philosopher
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Why Is Robert Piercey Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert Piercey is a Canadian philosopher and Professor of Philosophy at Campion College, University of Regina. He is the editor of Philosophy in Review. Piercey is known for his works on continental philosophy.
Robert Piercey's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Evidence for Deformed Ground States in Light Kr Isotopes (1981) (102)
- Collective Rotation of 238U at High Spins (1981) (48)
- Measurement of the high energy two-body deuteron photodisintegration differential cross section. (2001) (40)
- First evidence for triaxial superdeformation in 168Hf (2001) (31)
- Anomalous Behavior of High-Spin States in Cm 248 (1981) (26)
- Collective band structure to high spin and shape coexistence in /sup 76/Kr (1982) (25)
- Two discontinuities of the moment of inertia in the 74Kr yrast levels at high spin (1984) (20)
- Demonstration of three-dimensional imaging with a germanium Compton camera (1994) (19)
- Evidence for ground and both neutron and proton rotational aligned bands in 68Ge (1979) (19)
- Effects of reinforcing shell gaps in the competition between spherical and highly deformed shapes (1984) (18)
- Longitudinal-transverse separations of deep-inelastic structure functions at low Q2 for hydrogen and deuterium. (2006) (18)
- Measurement of R = {sigma}{sub L}/{sigma}{sub T} and the Separated Longitudinal and Transverse Structure Functions in the Nucleon Resonance Region (2004) (17)
- Evidence for an octupole rotational band in /sup 74/Se (1976) (16)
- Reduced transition probabilities of vibrational states in /sup 156,158/Dy, /sup 162,164/Er, and ¹â¶â¸Yb (1982) (16)
- Observation of 7Be on the surface of LDEF spacecraft (1991) (15)
- Multiple band structures in /sup 68/Ge (1981) (15)
- g-factor measurements in 68Ge and evidence for higher multipole forces (1986) (14)
- A solid-state Compton camera for three-dimensional imaging (1994) (14)
- High-spin states and band structure in /sup 76/Se (1980) (13)
- Binary and ternary fission studies with 252Cf (2001) (11)
- High-spin levels and band structure in 78 Kr (1980) (10)
- The proton and deuteron F_2 structure function at low Q^2 (2010) (10)
- The GRAD Gamma Ray Spectrometer (1986) (10)
- Level structure of 70 Se (1981) (10)
- In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of /sup 74/Se following the /sup 60/Ni(/sup 16/O,2p), /sup 64/Ni(/sup 12/C,2n) and /sup 65/Cu(/sup 11/B,2n) reactions (1979) (10)
- Coulomb excitation measurements of reduced E 2 and E 4 transition matrix elements in Dy 1 5 6 , 1 5 8 , Er 1 6 2 , 1 6 4 , and Yb 168 (1977) (9)
- Effects of increased shielding on gamma-radiation levels within spacecraft. (1992) (9)
- Identification of 181Hg and shape coexistence in odd-A Hg isotopes (1997) (8)
- Radiation and solvent effects on wavelength shifting fibers used with liquid scintillators (1993) (8)
- Coulomb-nuclear interference measurements of hexadecapole deformations in 168Yb and 178,180Hf (1988) (8)
- Cold and hot binary and ternary fission yields in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf (2002) (8)
- Eγ−Eγ correlations from partial fusion reactions (1983) (7)
- Gamma-ray measurements from the space shuttle during a solar flare. (1992) (7)
- Band structure in /sup 80/Kr (1981) (7)
- Unexpected backward-angle enhancement in /sup 19/F+ /sup 12/C scattering (1984) (6)
- High-spin states and band structure inBr76 (1981) (6)
- Preliminary characteristics of a germanium-based, Compton-scatter telescope (1989) (6)
- The Shuttle activation monitor: a system for direct comparison of gamma-ray detector materials in a space environment (1990) (5)
- Coulomb excitation of 2/sup +/ and 3/sup -/ states in /sup 192/Pt and /sup 194/Pt (1977) (5)
- Coulomb excitation studies to high spin in 248Cm (1993) (5)
- Techniques to Maximize Software Reliability in Radiation Fields (1986) (4)
- Systematic spectroscopic-factor discrepancy in heavy-ion proton-pickup reactions on /sup 40/Ca (1984) (4)
- Comparison of the single-proton pickup reactionsCa40(B11,C12)K39andCa40(C13,N14)K39at low and high bombarding energies (1980) (4)
- Linear polarization measurements of. gamma. rays from /sup 64/Zn (1978) (4)
- Test and application of a symmetrical four-detector Compton polarimeter for low temperature nuclear orientation and in-beam spectroscopy (1992) (4)
- Gamma radiation survey of the LDEF spacecraft (1992) (3)
- The Grad Data Acquisition and Control System (1986) (3)
- Radiation Survey Of The LDEF Spacecraft (1990) (3)
- Performance Of A BGO Detector In Low Earth Orbit (1990) (3)
- Binary and Ternary Fission Yields of 252Cf (2001) (2)
- Neutron-Gamma Pulse Shape Discrimination at High Count Rates (1987) (2)
- Band structure in /sup 66/Ge (1982) (2)
- First cascades in 73Br and high-spin states in 75Br (1985) (2)
- Multiparameter Data Acquisition System For Germanium Compton Telescope (1993) (2)
- Radiation Resistant Software for Microprocessors (1984) (2)
- Inconsistency of hexadecapole matrix elements for 180Hf as extracted from nuclear and leptonic scattering (1988) (2)
- Discovery of Be-7 accretion in low earth orbit (1991) (2)
- Near-spherical band in Kr76 observed in the decay of mass separated Rb76 (1985) (2)
- Laboratory Testing Of A Volume-imaging Germanium Compton Camera (1993) (2)
- Performance of a three-element thin film detector (1992) (1)
- Low-energy structure of neutron-rich S, Cl and Ar nuclides through β decay (1998) (1)
- Induced activity in scintillation detectors in space (1991) (1)
- Coulomb re-excitation of radioactive nuclei (1987) (1)
- Erratum: Multiple band structures in Ge68 (Physical Review C (1981) 23, 5) (1981) (1)
- Computational simulation of high-energy heavy-ion collisions (1996) (1)
- Test of a symmetrical four-detector compton polarimeter using low temperature nuclear orientation (1992) (0)
- New Vistas of Fission and Neutron Rich Nuclei (2001) (0)
- Nuclear transparency from quasielastic A „ e , e 8 p ... reactions up to Q 2 Ä 8 . 1 „ GeV Õ c ... (2002) (0)
- Gammasphere software development. Final report, May 15, 1992 - August 14, 1996 (1999) (0)
- New five-segment, annular, neutron detector array (1984) (0)
- 2006 Longitudinal-Transverse Separations of Structure Functions at Low Q 2 for Hydrogen and Deuterium (2006) (0)
- Kmax-based data acquisition system for the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory (2012) (0)
- Nuclear transparency from quasielastic AÑe,e8pÖ reactions up to Q 2 ˜8.1 ÑGeV'cÖ 2 (2002) (0)
- In-beam γ rays from 78 Kr (1976) (0)
- Radiation effects on wavelength shifting fibers used with liquid scintillators (1992) (0)
- Observation of hot and cold alpha ternary and cold ^10Be ternary spontaneous fission processes in ^252Cf (2000) (0)
- Gammasphere software development. Progress report (1993) (0)
- Identification of 181Hg and shape coexistence in odd-A Hg isotopes [Phys. Lett. B 410 (1997) 103] (1998) (0)
- 5Heternary fission yields of252Cfand235U(n,f) (2000) (0)
- Studies of nuclei using radioactive beams. Progress report, May 1988--July 1989 (1989) (0)
- Measurement of <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:mi>R</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> and the separated longitu (2022) (0)
- Oblate-prolate shape competition in Z = 34--38 nuclei (1987) (0)
- Band structures in 76,78,80Kr (1976) (0)
- Perspectives in nuclear physics : proceedings of the international conference (1999) (0)
- A CAMAC-based Data Acquisition System With A Macintosh Interface (1990) (0)
- Proton and deuteron F[subscript 2] structure function at low Q[superscript 2] (2010) (0)
- Fission studies with large detector arrays (2001) (0)
- Numerical simulation of high energy heavy ion collisions (1995) (0)
- The performance of three CAMAC controllers in a real-world simulation (1999) (0)
- Multiparameter data acquisition software: The Kmax topology (1991) (0)
- Gammasphere software development (1993) (0)
- Numerical simulation of ultra-relativistic, heavy-ion collisions (1998) (0)
- High spin states and the competition of spherical and strongly deformed shapes in the A = 70 to 80 region (1982) (0)
- A neutron multiplicity technique for in-beam gamma -spectroscopy on neutron deficient nuclei (1981) (0)
- Space Science in American Classrooms: The Teachspace Experience (2005) (0)
- Low-Energy Nuclear Structure of ^39,40,41S (1998) (0)
- Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Studies in SELENIUM-74 and f4 Moment Measurements for DYSPROSIUM-156,158, Erbium -162,164, and Ytterbium. (1977) (0)
- Band structures in 74,76Kr (1976) (0)
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy of platinum-183, gold-182, and mercury-181 and development of a modular application for data analysis and manipulation (madam) (1996) (0)
- Multiple band structure in 68 Ge and the g 9/2 orbital (1976) (0)
- A large-area, scintillation telescope for heavy ions (1990) (0)
- Deformed ground states and double backbending at high spins in light Kr isotopes (1981) (0)
- A new region of nuclear superdeformation (2000) (0)
- Studies of nuclei using radioactive beams. [Space Astronomy Lab. , Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, Florida] (1989) (0)
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