Robert Solow
American economist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert Merton Solow, GCIH is an American economist whose work on the theory of economic growth culminated in the exogenous growth model named after him. He is currently Emeritus Institute Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he has been a professor since 1949. He was awarded the John Bates Clark Medal in 1961, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1987, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2014. Four of his PhD students, George Akerlof, Joseph Stiglitz, Peter Diamond and William Nordhaus, later received Nobel Memorial Prizes in Economic Sciences in their own right.
Robert Solow's Published Works
Published Works
- A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth (1956) (21522)
- Models Of Man : Social And Rational (1957) (2645)
- Report of the NOOA Panel on Contingent Valuation (1993) (2071)
- Capital-labor substitution and economic efficiency (1961) (1914)
- Intergenerational Equity and Exhaustable Resources (1973) (1644)
- The Economics of Resources or the Resources of Economics (2008) (1317)
- Wage bargaining and employment (1992) (1227)
- We’d better watch out (1987) (1176)
- Linear Programming and Economic Analysis. (1958) (1128)
- On the Intergenerational Allocation of Natural Resources (1986) (846)
- Perspectives on Growth Theory (1994) (810)
- Another possible source of wage stickiness (1979) (805)
- Growth Theory: An Exposition (1971) (774)
- An Almost Practical Step Toward Sustainability (1998) (660)
- Made in America: Regaining the Productive Edge (1989) (585)
- The Production function and the Theory of Capital (1955) (540)
- Does fiscal policy matter (1973) (464)
- Growth Theory and After (1987) (388)
- The Labor Market as a Social Institution (1992) (274)
- Capital theory and the rate of return (1963) (254)
- Extraction Costs in the Theory of Exhaustible Resources (1976) (253)
- A critical essay on modern macroeconomic theory (1995) (223)
- Economic History and Economics (1985) (212)
- International Productivity Comparisons Built from the Firm Level (2001) (200)
- Neoclassical Growth with Fixed Factor Proportions (1966) (197)
- On Theories of Unemployment (1995) (177)
- Output, employment, and wages in the short run (1968) (177)
- Money, inflation and growth (1990) (173)
- Insiders and Outsiders in Wage Determination (1985) (168)
- Learning from ‘Learning by Doing’: Lessons for Economic Growth (1997) (163)
- Substitution and Fixed Proportions in the Theory of Capital (1962) (160)
- Congestion Cost and the Use of Land for Streets (1973) (156)
- Toward a Macroeconomics of the Medium Run (2000) (155)
- The Roaring Nineties: Can Full Employment Be Sustained? (2003) (154)
- Growth Theory: An Exposition. (1970) (150)
- Wages and Employment in a Segmented Labor Market (1985) (149)
- 100 Years of the American Economic Review: The Top 20 Articles (2011) (147)
- The last 50 years in growth theory and the next 10 (2007) (144)
- The Consequences of Economic Rhetoric (1989) (136)
- Balanced Growth under Constant Returns to Scale (1953) (134)
- A Complete Capital Model Involving Heterogeneous Capital Goods (1956) (134)
- Congestion, Density and the Use of Land in Transportation (1972) (134)
- Is There a Core of Usable Macroeconomics We Should All Believe In (1997) (133)
- Work and Welfare (1998) (132)
- On the Structure of Linear Models (1952) (125)
- On a Family of Lag Distributions (1960) (123)
- Is the End of the World at Hand (1973) (118)
- How did economics get that way & what way did it get? (2005) (115)
- Applying Growth Theory across Countries (2001) (113)
- Resources and Economic Growth (1978) (112)
- Unemployment in the United States and in Europe: A Contrast and the Reasons (2000) (108)
- Growth, productivity, unemployment : essays to celebrate Bob Solow's birthday (1990) (107)
- Unemployment: Getting the Questions Right (1986) (103)
- Neoclassical growth theory (1999) (101)
- An economists' Manifesto on unemployment in the European Union (1998) (97)
- Inflation, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy (1998) (89)
- Alternative Approaches to Macroeconomic Theory: A Partial View, W.A. Mackintosh Lecture 1979 (1979) (87)
- The Economist's Approach to Pollution and Its Control. (1971) (79)
- Economic Growth and the Structure of Long-Term Development (1996) (79)
- Price expectations and the behavior of the price level: Lectures given in the University of Manchester, (1970) (71)
- What have we learned from a decade of empirical research on growth? Applying Growth Theory across Countries (2001) (68)
- On the Rate of Return: Reply to Pasinetti (1970) (66)
- Aggregate production functions: some CES experiments (1977) (66)
- Reflections on Growth Theory (2005) (64)
- The neoclassical theory of growth and distribution (2000) (64)
- Law of Production and Laws of Algebra: The Humbug Production Function: A Comment (1974) (61)
- Note on Uzawa's Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth (1961) (58)
- Goodwin’s Growth Cycle: Reminiscence and Rumination (1990) (58)
- Cities : Engines of Growth and Prosperity for Developing Countries ? (2008) (56)
- Science and Engineering Indicators 2000. Volume 1 (2000) (55)
- Does fiscal policy still matter?: A reply (1976) (52)
- Some Recent Developments in the Theory of Production (1967) (52)
- Capital, Labor, and Income in Manufacturing (1964) (51)
- What to Do (Macroeconomically) When OPEC Comes (1980) (49)
- Economic Reforms, Growth, and Governance: The Political Economy Aspects of Bangladesh's Development Surprise (2008) (49)
- Blood and Thunder (1971) (48)
- Monopolistic competition and macroeconomic theory (1998) (47)
- Price Expectations and the Behaviour of the Price Level. (1971) (45)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: Does the “New Economy” Measure Up to the Great Inventions of the Past? (2003) (44)
- How Did Economics Get That Way and What Way Did It Get? (43)
- “Analytical Aspects of Anti-Inflation Policy” after 40 Years (2019) (41)
- Some Implications of Alternative Criteria for the Firm (1971) (37)
- The Behavior of Help-Wanted Advertising (1967) (37)
- Linear Programming & Economic Analysis (1958) (37)
- Some Simple Economics of Mandated Benefits (1987) (37)
- The great society : lessons for the future (1974) (34)
- Comments from inside economics (1989) (33)
- Second Thoughts on Growth Theory (1987) (33)
- Synthesizing the Neo-Austrian and Alternative Approaches to Capital Theory : A Survey (2009) (29)
- Equilibrium analysis: Monopolistic competition and the multiplier (1986) (28)
- The Nature And Sources Of Unemployment In The United States (1964) (27)
- Is Fiscal Policy Possible? Is It Desirable? (2004) (27)
- Learning from ‘Learning by Doing’ (1997) (27)
- Rethinking Fiscal Policy (2005) (25)
- The conservative revolution: a roundtable discussion (1987) (24)
- Rethinking the Financial Crisis (2012) (23)
- Introduction: The Tobin Approach to Monetary Economics (2004) (23)
- What Is a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This? Macroeconomics after Fifty Years (1986) (22)
- Heterogeneous Capital and Smooth Production Functions: An Experimental Study (1963) (21)
- A few comments on ‘Sustainability and the measurement of wealth’ (2012) (21)
- An Essay on the Economic Theory of Rank. (1955) (21)
- The U.S. Subprime Mortgage Crisis: Issues Raised and Lessons Learned (2008) (21)
- Chapter 9 Neoclassical growth theory (1999) (20)
- Does fiscal policy matter?. A correction (1976) (20)
- The consequences of economic rhetoric: ECONOMIC RHETORIC: ITS RHETORIC AND ITS CONSEQUENCES (1989) (20)
- From Neoclassical Growth Theory to New Classical Macroeconomics (2001) (19)
- A Note on the Price Level and Interest Rate in a Growth Model (1953) (18)
- Broadening the discussion of macroeconomic policy (2008) (18)
- The Behavior of Help-Wanted Advertising: A Reply (1970) (17)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: Are Procyclical Productivity Fluctuations a Figment of Measurement Error? (2003) (16)
- Samuelson's "Economics" at Fifty: Remarks on the Occasion of the Anniversary of Publication. (1999) (15)
- Errata: Neoclassical Growth with Fixed Factor Proportions (1966) (15)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: The Collected Essays of Robert J. Gordon (2003) (14)
- Notes on "doomsday models". (1972) (14)
- Teaching Economics in the 1980s. (1983) (14)
- Reflections on Growth and Development (2003) (14)
- Technical Progress and Production Functions:Reply (1958) (13)
- The State of Economics: The Behavioral and Social Sciences Survey: Discussion (1971) (13)
- Growth Economics: What and Why? (1994) (13)
- POLICIES FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH****Fifth Tinbergen Lecture delivered on October 4, 1991, in Amersfoort for the Royal Netherlands Economic Association. (1993) (12)
- Policies for economic growth (1992) (12)
- Distribution in the Long and Short Run (1968) (12)
- A theory is a sometime thing (2018) (12)
- 5. After “Technical Progress and the Aggregate Production Function” (2019) (12)
- A Note on Dynamic Multipliers (1951) (12)
- Marxian theory and the rhetorics of economics (1989) (11)
- How economic ideas turn to mush (1989) (11)
- A Policy for Full Employment (1962) (11)
- Growth with Equity Through Investment in Human Capital (1992) (10)
- Stories about economics and technology (2010) (10)
- Does Growth Have a Future? Does Growth Theory Have a Future? Are These Questions Related? (2009) (10)
- Capital and Time. A Neo-Austrian Theory. (1974) (10)
- It Ain't the Things You Don't Know That Hurt You, It's the Things You Know That Ain't So (1997) (10)
- Price Expectations and the Behaviour of the Price Level (1971) (9)
- Economics for the Curious. Inside the Minds of 12 Nobel Laureates (2016) (9)
- Efficiency Wage Models of the Labor Market: Another Possible Source of Wage Stickiness (1986) (9)
- What's Right with Macroeconomics? (2013) (9)
- Leif Johansen (1930-1982): A Memorial (1983) (9)
- Does Economics Make Progress (1982) (9)
- Structural Dynamics and Economic Growth: On Pasinetti and the unfinished Keynesian Revolution (2012) (8)
- Beyond DSGE Models: Towards an Empirically-Based Macroeconomics Paper for presentation at the 2008 American Economics Association Meetings (2007) (8)
- Science Over Politics (1999) (8)
- Proceedings of a Symposium on Productivity Concepts and Measurement Problems: Welfare, Quality and Productivity in the Service Industries, Uppsala, May 1991: Introduction (1992) (8)
- Is Factor Substitution a Crime, and if so, How Bad? Reply to Professor Eisner (1959) (8)
- Introduction: The Inputs for Growth (1978) (8)
- The story of a social experiment and some reflections (1980) (7)
- Some Problems of the Theory and Practice of Economic Planning (1962) (7)
- Three Nobel Laureates on the State of Economics (2000) (7)
- Labor Productivity Functions in Meat Packing (1949) (7)
- James Meade at Eighty (1987) (7)
- Economic Growth and the Structure of Long Term Development. Proceedings of the IEA Conference held in Varenna, Italy (1994) (7)
- Landmark papers in economic growth (2001) (7)
- Secrets of Economics Editors (2014) (7)
- Human Capital. Gary S. Becker (1965) (6)
- Comments on Domínguez and Raphael (2015) (6)
- Union Wage Policies: Reply [Wage Bargaining and Employment] (1984) (6)
- An economist's view of the income maintenance experiments (1986) (6)
- The Economics Major: What It Is and What It Should Be: Panel Discussion (1982) (6)
- The consequences of economic rhetoric: Preface (1989) (6)
- 2. Thomas Piketty Is Right (2017) (6)
- Comments on Papers by Saint-Paul, Aghion, and Bhidé (2006) (6)
- A native informant speaks (2001) (5)
- VI. The Survival of Mathematical Economics (1954) (5)
- Notes Toward A Wicksellian Model of Distributive Shares (1961) (5)
- Flexibility and Endogenous Innovation (2004) (5)
- Economic dimensions of prospective technological studies at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (2002) (5)
- Progress in Economics since Tinbergen (2004) (5)
- Cournot and the Social Income (2007) (5)
- An Amateur Among Professionals (2009) (5)
- The most significant contributions to economics during the twentieth century: lists of the Nobel laureates (2001) (5)
- The Shape of the Division of Labour: Nations, Industries and Households (2011) (5)
- Monopoly, uncertainty, and exploration (1977) (5)
- The Computer Revolution: An Economic Perspective by Daniel E. Sichel (1998) (5)
- The Royal Society Nuffield Lecture - Economic behaviour under uncertainty (1965) (5)
- La teoria neoclassica della crescita e della distribuzione (Neoclassical Theory of growth and Income Distribution) (2000) (4)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: Interpreting the “One Big Wave” in U.S. Long-term Productivity Growth (2003) (4)
- Export Diversifi cation and Economic Growth (2008) (4)
- The bigger they are … (2010) (4)
- Public Finance and Economic Development : Reflections based on the Experience in China by (2009) (4)
- What do we Know that Francis Amasa Walker didn't? (1987) (4)
- Economics for the Curious (2014) (4)
- Book Review:An Approach to the Theory of Income Distribution Sidney Weintraub (1959) (4)
- Did Policy Errors Of The 1960S Sow The Seeds Of Trouble In The 1970S (1992) (4)
- “Yellow rain” and “supply-side economics”: Some rhetoric that failed (1989) (4)
- Comments on Scott Carter (2014) (4)
- Structural Reform and Macroeconomic Policy (2004) (4)
- Reflections on Macroeconomic Modelling; Confessions of a DRI Addict (1985) (4)
- Get the question right, then choose the method (2009) (4)
- Book Review:Three Essays on the State of Economic Science Tjalling C. Koopmans (1958) (3)
- Markets, Money and Capital: ‘Distribution and Economic Progress’ after seventy years (2009) (3)
- Rereading The Structure of the American Economy (1998) (3)
- Fifty Years of the Phillips Curve: A Dialog on What We Have Learned (2009) (3)
- Franco Modigliani : a mind that never rests (2008) (3)
- Institutional Change, Policy Challenges, and Macroeconomic Performance: Case Study of the Islamic Republic of Iran (1979-2004) (2008) (3)
- DSM: Not for jobs, but on its merits (1994) (3)
- Round Table Discussion: Monetary Policy in the New International Environment (2008) (3)
- Modigliani and Keynes (2005) (3)
- Book Review:Macroeconomics after Keynes: A Reconsideration of the General Theory Victoria Chick (1984) (3)
- Frank Hahn (1925–2013) (2017) (3)
- INTRODUCTION The German Story (2011) (3)
- A tribute to Richard Abel Musgrave (2008) (3)
- Solow Prices and the Dual Stability Paradox in the Leontief Dynamic System: Comment (1971) (3)
- Nobel laureates' letter to President Bush. (2001) (3)
- The Public Discussion of Economics: Some Pitfalls (1978) (3)
- Economic behaviour under uncertainty. (1965) (2)
- A Low-Pass Filtered Panel Model For Estimating Production Function Parameters: The Substitution Elasticity And Growth Theory (2006) (2)
- The substitution elasticity, growth theory, and the low-pass filter panel model (2011) (2)
- Reform, not retrenchment (1981) (2)
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy - Coordination or Conflict? (1983) (2)
- Remin1nscences of Dudley Dillard (1995) (2)
- The rate of return and the rate of interest (1991) (2)
- Round table discussion: where is macro going? (2012) (2)
- Introduction: passing the smell test (2012) (2)
- One Little Piece of Irving Fisher (1997) (2)
- Even a Worldly Philosopher Needs a Good Mechanic (2014) (1)
- Improving State Regulation of Agricultural Production (2021) (1)
- A Model of Fixed Capital without Substitution (1965) (1)
- Toward a Macroeconomics of the Medium (2000) (1)
- A Manifesto on Unemployment in the European Union (1998) (1)
- Public Service Employment as Macroeconomic Policy. (1979) (1)
- Capital Theory and Dynamics. Edwin Burmeister (1982) (1)
- Leff's Swindling and Selling: The Spanish Prisoner & Other Bargains (1977) (1)
- Notes toward a macro version of the Nee–DellaPosta–Opper model of institutional change (2017) (1)
- Natural Resources and Sustainability (2014) (1)
- Lecture II: Guess Who Pays for Workfare (2009) (1)
- Structural Dynamics and Economic Growth: First afterword: Pasinetti on structural dynamics (2012) (1)
- A couple of thoughts about the matrix multiplier: Richard Goodwin at 10 × 10 (2015) (1)
- 4. Science and Ideology in Economics (2019) (1)
- Europe's economic crisis : transatlantic perspectives (2011) (1)
- Testimony I: An interview (1989) (1)
- Does Fiscal Policy Matter? The View from the Government Budget Restraint-A Reply (1977) (1)
- Round Table Discussion: Economics and Climate Change – Where do we Stand and Where do we go from Here? (2009) (1)
- A Case of Institutional Entrepreneurship (2016) (1)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: The Disappearance of Productivity Change (2003) (1)
- Not growth, not cycles, but something in between (2010) (1)
- Resources and Economic Growth (1978) (1)
- What if Jevons Had Actually Liked Trees (2002) (1)
- Macroeconomic Issues Confronting the Next President (1988) (1)
- Structural reform and economic policy (2004) (1)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: Contents (2003) (1)
- Panel discussion: the role of macroeconomic policy (1996) (1)
- Thinking about Sustainability la Faon de Fitoussi (2014) (1)
- Round Table Discussion: Shareholder Rights in European Corporations: Impact on Economic Performance (2009) (0)
- Time and the New Industrial State: Discussion (1988) (0)
- Bibliography, 1950-1987 (1988) (0)
- The consequences of economic rhetoric: Appendix: Other contributors and participants (1989) (0)
- National Ambient Air Quality Standards (Naaqs) Brief (2000) (0)
- Leadership for Growth, Development, and Poverty Reduction (2008) (0)
- 11. John Kenneth Galbraith—Economist as Social Critic (2014) (0)
- [Solow and Stiglitz on Employment and Distribution: A New Romance with an Old Model?]: Reply (1970) (0)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - Social Sector Technical Assistance Credit (2004) (0)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: The Concept of Capital (2003) (0)
- Computers and Economic Growth: Firm-leyel Evidence Computers and Economic Growth: Firm-level Evidence (0)
- The bugaboo of double taxation (2003) (0)
- Reflections on Saving Behavior (2008) (0)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: Preface (2003) (0)
- 2. The Intellectual Gantry of Neoclassical Economic Policy (2014) (0)
- Modigliani E Keynes (Modigliani and Keynes) (2005) (0)
- 5. Arthur Cecil Pigou—Externalities in Production (2014) (0)
- This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: The Behavior Of Income Shares: Selected Theoretical and Empirical Issues (1970) (0)
- 6. Edward Hastings Chamberlin—The Wastes of Competition (2014) (0)
- Thinking about Sustainability à la Façon de Fitoussi (2015) (0)
- Why Is There No Milton Friedman Today (2013) (0)
- 8. Alvin H. Hansen—The American Keynes (2014) (0)
- The State of Economic Science (1989) (0)
- The links between agriculture, international trade, diversification and economic development (2015) (0)
- Of Kings and Cabbages (2021) (0)
- Preface to the Lectures (2009) (0)
- Robert Solow, Address to Eastern Michigan University Honors College, 1973 (1973) (0)
- General Comments on Part IV (2021) (0)
- Productivity Slowdown , Exhausted Opportunities and the Power of Human Ingenuity — Schumpeter (2019) (0)
- A New Survey of Demand Analysis (1954) (0)
- The Economics of Resources or the Kesources of bconomics (2008) (0)
- Cash Flow, Investment, and Keynes-Minsky Cycles (2006) (0)
- On Paul Samuelson (2010) (0)
- The Economics of Public Finance.@@@Economic Policies and Social Goals.@@@Public Finance. (1976) (0)
- Book Review:On Economic Growth: An Essay in Pure Theory D. M. Bensusan-Butt (1962) (0)
- The Aftermath of Welfare Reform in the USA (2004) (0)
- The Dutch story. (2001) (0)
- The Shape of the Division of Labour (2010) (0)
- Solow ’ s Model of Economic Growth Revised : Spring 2012 (2011) (0)
- Paul A. Samuelson (1915–2009) (2010) (0)
- I. The Pillars of Neoclassical Economics (2014) (0)
- Interview of Nobel Laureate Robert M. Solow (2004) (0)
- The Growth of Nations (2007) (0)
- Landmark Papers in Economic Growth Selected By Robert M. Solow (2001) (0)
- HigherOrder SystemFunctionAnalysis: Optimal Fittingand Statistical Estimates (1979) (0)
- The spread of economic ideas: Faith, hope, and clarity (1989) (0)
- 10. Abba P. Lerner—The Artist as Economist (2014) (0)
- Nothing is Sacred: Economic Ideas for the New Millennium (2004) (0)
- The Growing Economy. Volume Two of A Principles of Political Economy. (1969) (0)
- Preface (2009) (0)
- About the Series (2009) (0)
- Title Page, Copyright, Quote (2014) (0)
- Round Table Discussions: How Do Nations Adapt to Changes in the Division of Labour? (2010) (0)
- Author Index to Volume 228, April-June 1985 (1985) (0)
- 14. Milton Friedman—Classical Liberal as Economic Scientist (2014) (0)
- World Bank Economic Review 15 (2), May 2001 (2001) (0)
- Back Matter (1972) (0)
- Dynamic Growth under Diminishing Returns to Scale, and Balanced Growth under Constant Returns to Scale: A Brief Comment (1954) (0)
- On the financial crisis & economic policy - Introduction (2010) (0)
- 3. Alfred Marshall—Exemplar of Neoclassical Economic Thought (2014) (0)
- [On the Political Economy of Labor Market Flexibility]: Comment (1993) (0)
- Chapter 21. Imposed Environmental Standards and International Trade (2008) (0)
- Productivity in Service Industries: Implications of the Boskin Commission Report (2000) (0)
- 4. Thorstein Veblen—The Abrogation of Consumer Sovereignty (2014) (0)
- IF ONLY WE KNEW (2002) (0)
- Union Wage Policies: Reply (2016) (0)
- Reply to Yoann Verger (2017) (0)
- Planning system inefficiency causes organization hassles Lcttcnpcp ’ s Club Hopors îtobby Beamjaij (0)
- Book Reviews (2010) (0)
- sbs505010 1 (X 0) (0)
- Population Aging and Econonic Growth. (2016) (0)
- III. The New Economics (2014) (0)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: Foundations of the Goldilocks Economy: Supply Shocks and the Time-Varying NAIRU (2003) (0)
- Chronic inflation and unemployment are essentially coordination failures (2011) (0)
- II. The Eclipse of Neoclassical Economics (2014) (0)
- Bibliography of Robert M. Solow's Publications, 1950-1987 (1988) (0)
- Special Issue in Honor of Robert J. Lampman (1990) (0)
- Stray Thoughts on How It Might Go (2016) (0)
- The Structural Interdependences of the Economy: Proceedings of an International Conference on Input-Output Analysis (1958) (0)
- Black Monday in Retrospect and Prospect: A Roundtable (1988) (0)
- Science and Engineering Indicators 2000. Volume 2: Appendix Tables (2000) (0)
- The New Era as Seen by a Young Man (2017) (0)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: Foreword by Robert M. Solow (2003) (0)
- Remarks by Professor Robert Solow: Bhagwati Festschrift (2005) (0)
- IV. The New Neoclassicism (2014) (0)
- Leif Johansen's Contributions to the Theory of Production, Planning, and Multisectoral Growth (1985) (0)
- Inflation, Trade, and Taxes. (1977) (0)
- Previous version: 2002-02-27 SIMULATING THE NEW ECONOMY * (2002) (0)
- 9. Paul A. Samuelson—From Economic Wunderkind to Policymaker (2014) (0)
- What’s Wrong with Economics? (1973) (0)
- A Note on the Stationary State (2016) (0)
- 7. John Maynard Keynes—Unemployment in Equilibrium (2014) (0)
- 12. Frank H. Knight—Philosopher of the Counterrevolution in Economics (2014) (0)
- Lecture I: Guess Who Likes Workfare (2009) (0)
- [A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth] Ekonomik Büyüme Teorisine Katkı (2014) (0)
- The Productivity Paradox: The Role of Quality and Technology Type in the Investment Decision (2007) (0)
- On Macroeconomic Models of Free-Market Innovation and Growth (2021) (0)
- Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: Introduction (2003) (0)
- Nobel Laureate Panel Discussion: What Retirement Means to Me (2009) (0)
- Economics and Sociology (2020) (0)
- Comments and Discussion: The Bosworth and Gordon Papers (1972) (0)
- Chapter Twenty-one. Commentary (2014) (0)
- Introduction: The Moving Lines of the Division of Labour (2010) (0)
- Notes on contributors (2009) (0)
- Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Growth: a Comment on a Comment (2008) (0)
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