Robert V. Kohn
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American mathematician and academic
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Robert V. Kohn's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics Princeton University
Why Is Robert V. Kohn Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert V. Kohn is an American mathematician working on partial differential equations, calculus of variations, mathematical materials science, and mathematical finance. He is a professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University.
Robert V. Kohn's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Partial regularity of suitable weak solutions of the navier‐stokes equations (1982) (1532)
- First order interpolation inequalities with weights (1984) (1029)
- Determining conductivity by boundary measurements (1984) (645)
- Asymptotically self‐similar blow‐up of semilinear heat equations (1985) (571)
- Optimal design and relaxation of variational problems, III (1986) (519)
- Determining conductivity by boundary measurements II. Interior results (1985) (423)
- Local minimisers and singular perturbations (1989) (404)
- Characterizing Blow-up Using Similarity Variables (1985) (403)
- The relaxation of a double-well energy (1991) (366)
- Nondegeneracy of blowup for semilinear heat equations (1989) (319)
- Variational bounds on the effective moduli of anisotropic composites (1988) (299)
- Topics in the Mathematical Modelling of Composite Materials (1997) (295)
- A new model for thin plates with rapidly varying thickness (1984) (278)
- Optimal design for minimum weight and compliance in plane stress using extremal microstructures (1993) (269)
- Surface energy and microstructure in coherent phase transitions (1994) (259)
- Motion by mean curvature as the singular limit of Ginzburg-Landau dynamics (1991) (256)
- Branching of twins near an austenite—twinned-martensite interface (1992) (229)
- Cloaking via change of variables in electric impedance tomography (2008) (221)
- Relaxation of a variational method for impedance computed tomography (1987) (218)
- Symmetry, texture and the recoverable strain of shape-memory polycrystals (1996) (206)
- Numerical implementation of a variational method for electrical impedance tomography (1990) (197)
- Homogenization and effective moduli of materials and media (1986) (186)
- A rescaling algorithm for the numerical calculation of blowing-up solutions (1988) (175)
- Refined asymptotics for the blowup of ut –Δu = up (1992) (167)
- Upper Bounds on Coarsening Rates (2002) (164)
- Singular Perturbation and the Energy of Folds (2000) (160)
- Dual spaces of stresses and strains, with applications to Hencky plasticity (1983) (151)
- Cloaking via change of variables for the Helmholtz equation (2010) (150)
- A reduced theory for thin‐film micromagnetics (2002) (147)
- Microstructures minimizing the energy of a two phase elastic composite in two space dimensions. (1995) (144)
- Numerical study of a relaxed variational problem from optimal design (1986) (137)
- On the slowness of phase boundary motion in one space dimension (1990) (135)
- Optimal bounds on the effective behavior of a mixture of two well-ordered elastic materials (1993) (132)
- A deterministic‐control‐based approach motion by curvature (2006) (125)
- A compactness result in the gradient theory of phase transitions (2001) (124)
- Elastic Energy Minimization and the Recoverable Strains of Polycrystalline Shape‐Memory Materials (1997) (124)
- Topology optimization and optimal shape design using homogenization (1993) (123)
- A New Model for Thin Plates with Rapidly Varying Thickness. II. A Convergence Proof. (1985) (121)
- Domain Branching in Uniaxial Ferromagnets: A Scaling Law for the Minimum Energy (1999) (119)
- Another Thin-Film Limit of Micromagnetics (2005) (112)
- New integral estimates for deformations in terms of their nonlinear strains (1982) (109)
- Restrictions on microstructure (1994) (107)
- Upper bound on the coarsening rate for an epitaxial growth model (2003) (102)
- Action minimization and sharp‐interface limits for the stochastic Allen‐Cahn equation (2007) (99)
- Magnetic microstructures - a paradigm of multiscale problems (1999) (92)
- Energy-driven pattern formation (2006) (91)
- A Variational Perspective on Cloaking by Anomalous Localized Resonance (2012) (88)
- On Bounding the Effective Conductivity of Anisotropic Composites (1986) (85)
- A variational method for parameter identification (1988) (84)
- Optimal design in elasticity and plasticity (1986) (84)
- Hencky-Prandtl nets and constrained Michell trusses (1983) (81)
- Reinforcement by a thin layer with oscillating thickness (1987) (77)
- Magnetism and Homogenization of Microresonators (2007) (76)
- Optimal bounds for the effective energy of a mixture of isotropic, incompressible, elastic materials (1988) (76)
- Explicit optimal bounds on the elastic energy of a two-phase composite in two space dimensions (1993) (74)
- A deterministic‐control‐based approach to fully nonlinear parabolic and elliptic equations (2010) (69)
- Bounds on the Micromagnetic Energy of a Uniaxial Ferromagnet (1998) (69)
- Two–dimensional modelling of soft ferromagnetic films (2000) (67)
- Recent analytical developments in micromagnetics (2004) (64)
- Some Model Problems of Polycrystal PLasticity with Deficient Basic Crystals (1998) (59)
- Scale-Invariant Extinction Time Estimates for Some Singular Diffusion Equations (2010) (58)
- Convergence of a crystalline algorithm for the heat equation in one dimension and for the motion of a graph by weighted curvature (2014) (58)
- Wrinkles as the Result of Compressive Stresses in an Annular Thin Film (2014) (57)
- A New Model for Thin Plates with Rapidly Varying Thickness. III. Comparison of Different Scalings. (1986) (55)
- Magnetic Elements at Finite Temperature and Large Deviation Theory (2005) (54)
- Nucleation Barriers for the Cubic‐to‐Tetragonal Phase Transformation (2013) (51)
- New estimates for deformations in terms of their strains (1979) (51)
- Ground state energy scaling laws during the onset and destruction of the intermediate state in a type I superconductor (2008) (48)
- Continuum Relaxation of Interacting Steps on Crystal Surfaces in 2+1 Dimensions (2006) (48)
- Energy Minimization and Flux Domain Structure in the Intermediate State of a Type-I Superconductor (2004) (48)
- Effective dynamics for ferromagnetic thin films: a rigorous justification (2005) (47)
- A geometric model for coarsening during spiral-mode growth of thin films (1999) (46)
- Explicit relaxation of a variational problem in optimal design (1983) (42)
- Optimal lower bounds on the elastic energy of a composite made from two non-well-ordered isotropic materials (1994) (38)
- Modeling of Branched Needle Microstructures at the Edge of a Martensite Laminate (1995) (35)
- Metric-Induced Wrinkling of a Thin Elastic Sheet (2014) (35)
- Repulsive Interaction of Néel Walls, and the Internal Length Scale of the Cross-Tie Wall (2003) (34)
- Geometric Effects in Continuous-media Percolation (1982) (34)
- Some three–dimensional problems related to dielectric breakdown and polycrystal plasticity (2003) (34)
- Sharp-interface limit of the Allen-Cahn action functional in one space dimension (2006) (33)
- The String Method as a Dynamical System (2011) (32)
- Coarsening rates for models of multicomponent phase separation (2004) (31)
- Erratum: Cloaking via change of variables for the Helmholtz equation (2010) (30)
- Optimization of Structural Topology in the High-Porosity Regime (2008) (30)
- The relationship between linear and nonlinear variational models of coherent phase transitions (1990) (29)
- Geometric parameters and the relaxation of multiwell energies (1993) (29)
- Bending martensite needles in Ni 65 Al 35 investigated by two-dimensional elasticity and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (2001) (28)
- Analysis of a Compressed Thin Film Bonded to a Compliant Substrate: The Energy Scaling Law (2013) (28)
- Numerical Analysis of a Steepest-Descent PDE Model for Surface Relaxation below the Roughening Temperature (2010) (27)
- Energy Scaling Laws for Conically Constrained Thin Elastic Sheets (2013) (27)
- Structural design optimization, homogenization and relaxation of variational problems (1982) (26)
- Relaxation and regularization of nonconvex variational problems (1992) (26)
- Optimization of scattering resonances (2008) (26)
- The evolution of a crystal surface: Analysis of a one-dimensional step train connecting two facets in the ADL regime (2011) (25)
- Blister Patterns and Energy Minimization in Compressed Thin Films on Compliant Substrates (2013) (25)
- Small surface energy, coarse-graining, and selection of microstructure (1997) (25)
- Minimal energy for elastic inclusions (2011) (25)
- On the Bending and Twisting of Rods with Misfit (2017) (22)
- Duality Relations for Non-Ohmic Composites, with Applications to Behavior near Percolation (1998) (22)
- Optimal design for torsional rigidity (1982) (22)
- Microstructures and interfaces in Ni-Al martensite: comparing HRTEM observations with continuum theories (2002) (22)
- Coarsening of Folds in Hanging Drapes (2015) (22)
- Thin Plates with Rapidly Varying Thickness, and their Relation to Structural Optimization (1986) (21)
- Prediction with Expert Advice: A PDE Perspective (2019) (21)
- Optimal fine-scale structures in compliance minimization for a uniaxial load (2014) (21)
- The initial‐value problem for measure‐valued solutions of a canonical 2 × 2 system with linearly degenerate fields (1991) (19)
- Optimal Fine‐Scale Structures in Compliance Minimization for a Shear Load (2016) (19)
- A new approach to the continuum modeling of epitaxial growth: slope selection, coarsening, and the role of the uphill current (2002) (18)
- New Potential-Based Bounds for Prediction with Expert Advice (2019) (18)
- The Wrinkling of a Twisted Ribbon (2018) (17)
- Lattice deformations at martensite-martensite interfaces in Ni-Al (2001) (17)
- Asset price bubbles from heterogeneous beliefs about mean reversion rates (2011) (17)
- Low energy domain patterns in soft ferromagnetic films (2002) (16)
- Random media and composites (1989) (16)
- The Crystalline Algorithm for Computing Motion by Curvature (1996) (16)
- Surface Relaxation Below the Roughening Temperature: Some Recent Progress and Open Questions (2012) (16)
- Wrinkling of a thin circular sheet bonded to a spherical substrate (2016) (15)
- Non-Classical Continuum Mechanics: The Constrained Least Gradient Problem (1987) (15)
- Recent progress in the mathematical modelling of composite materials (1988) (14)
- Composite materials and structural optimization (1989) (14)
- Geometrically constrained walls (2006) (13)
- Effect of Step Anisotropy on Crystal Growth Inhibition by Immobile Impurity Stoppers (2017) (11)
- The sharp-interface limit of the action functional for Allen-Cahn in one space dimension (2005) (11)
- Second-order PDE's and deterministic games (2009) (11)
- New Potential-Based Bounds for the Geometric-Stopping Version of Prediction with Expert Advice (2019) (10)
- Anisotrophy of the vigdergauz microstructure (1995) (10)
- Irreversibility and the statistics of grain boundaries (2011) (9)
- A deterministic-control-based approach to motion by curvature (Viscosity Solution Theory of Differential Equations and its Developments) (2005) (9)
- Continuum Limit of a Step Flow Model of Epitaxial Growth (2001) (9)
- Recoverable strains in shape-memory polycrystals (1995) (8)
- Geometrically nonlinear shape-memory polycrystals made from a two-variant material (2000) (8)
- Erratum to: Asset price bubbles from heterogeneous beliefs about mean reversion rates (2013) (8)
- Effective behavior of polycrystals that undergo martensitic phase transformation (1993) (7)
- A PDE Approach to the Prediction of a Binary Sequence with Advice from Two History‐Dependent Experts (2020) (7)
- Removability of blowup points for semilinear heat equations (1989) (7)
- Some examples of nonlinear homogenization involving nearly degenerate energies (1999) (6)
- Optimal design of a two-way conductor (1988) (6)
- Dynamics and unsteady morphologies at ice interfaces driven by D2O–H2O exchange (2017) (5)
- Optimal design of cylinders in shear (1982) (5)
- The effective viscosity of a mixture of two Stokes fluids (1986) (5)
- On the equivalence of the static and dynamic asset allocation problems (2006) (4)
- Parabolic PDEs and Deterministic Games (2007) (4)
- Crystal Growth Inhibition by Mobile Randomly Distributed Stoppers (2020) (4)
- Numerical Structural Optimization via a Relaxed Formulation (1992) (4)
- Partial regularity and the navier-stokes equations (1983) (4)
- Some Post-complete extensions of S2 and S3 (1977) (3)
- Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems (Edward J. Haug, Kyung K. Choi, and Vadim Komkov) (1988) (3)
- A Few of Louis Nirenberg’s Many Contributions to the Theory of Partial Differential Equations (2019) (3)
- Surface energy and the length scale of twinning in martensite (1993) (2)
- Wrinkles as a relaxation of compressive stresses in annular thin films (2012) (2)
- Surface energy and microstructure (1991) (2)
- A PDE-Based Analysis of the Symmetric Two-Armed Bernoulli Bandit (2022) (2)
- Energy Minimizing Twinning with Variable Volume Fraction, for Two Nonlinear Elastic Phases with a Single Rank-One Connection (2022) (2)
- A New Approach to Drifting Games, Based on Asymptotically Optimal Potentials (2022) (2)
- Continuum imit of a tep Flow odel of Epitaxial Growth (2001) (2)
- Behavior of polycrystalline shape-memory materials (1994) (1)
- Viewpoint: Irreversibility and the statistics of grain boundaries (2011) (1)
- Fibered structures in optimal design (1986) (1)
- Modeling MOCVD growth of YBCO thin films (2000) (1)
- The Taylor Estimate of Recoverable Strains in Shape-Memory Polycrystals (1998) (1)
- The Method of Partial Regularity as Applied to the Navier-Stokes Equations (1984) (1)
- An Energy Minimization Approach to Twinning with Variable Volume Fraction (2022) (1)
- MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF NON-LINEAR ELASTICITY (Ellis Horwood Series Mathematics and Its Applications) (1986) (1)
- Mathematics of Finance – Notes on Options , Part 2 – 11 / 15 / 04 (0)
- PRM volume 120 issue 3-4 Cover and Front matter (1992) (0)
- Research in Heterogeneous and Nonlinear Media. (1995) (0)
- 65Al35 investigated by two-dimensional elasticity and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (2001) (0)
- The Royal Society of Edinburgh (1960) (0)
- Rigidity and nonlinear elasticity (1980) (0)
- PRM volume 100 issue 3-4 Cover and Front matter (1985) (0)
- Analysis , Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems Repulsive interaction of N eel walls , and the internal length scale of the cross { tie wall (0)
- Extremal microstructures for composite materials (1991) (0)
- A variational perspective on wrinkling patterns in thin elastic sheets (2013) (0)
- PRM volume 119 issue 1-2 Cover and Front matter (1991) (0)
- Analysis of a Compressed Thin Film Bonded to a Compliant Substrate: The Energy Scaling Law (2012) (0)
- Energy Scaling Laws for Conically Constrained Thin Elastic Sheets (2012) (0)
- Partial Regularity and the Navier-Stokes equations(SOLUTIONS OF THE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS) (1983) (0)
- Mathematical Problems in Micromechanics and Composite Materials (1998) (0)
- Prediction with Expert Advice: A PDE Perspective (2019) (0)
- Computations of Asymptotic Scaling for the Kohn-M ¨ uller and Aviles-Giga Functionals (2010) (0)
- Relaxed approach to structural optimization (1993) (0)
- PRM volume 104 issue 1-2 Cover and Front matter (1986) (0)
- Dynamics and unsteady morphologies at ice interfaces driven by D\textsubscript{2}O--H\textsubscript{2}O exchange (2017) (0)
- PRM volume 112 issue 3-4 Cover and Front matter (1989) (0)
- Erratum to: Asset price bubbles from heterogeneous beliefs about mean reversion rates (2012) (0)
- Derivative Securities – Fall 2012– Section 4 Notes (2007) (0)
- Center for Analysis of Heterogeneous and Nonlinear Media (1993) (0)
- Refined asymptotics for the blowup of ut- $\Delta$ u=up. (1991) (0)
- Derivative Securities – Fall 2007– Section 2 Notes (2007) (0)
- Generalization of a result of Halldén (1975) (0)
- On the Bending and Twisting of Rods with Misfit (2017) (0)
- Some results on the Guest-Hutchinson modes and periodic mechanisms of the Kagome lattice metamaterial (2022) (0)
- PRM volume 108 issue 3-4 Cover and Front matter (1988) (0)
- PRM volume 101 issue 3-4 Cover and Front matter (1985) (0)
- Mathematical Problems in Micro-Mechanics and Composite Materials. (1995) (0)
- PRM volume 102 issue 1-2 Cover and Front matter (1986) (0)
- PRM volume 109 issue 3-4 Cover and Front matter (1988) (0)
- Pde for Finance Notes – Section 7 Notes (2015) (0)
- Proceedings of minisemester on evolution of interfaces, Sapporo 2010 (2010) (0)
- PRM volume 122 issue 1-2 Cover and Front matter (1992) (0)
- Existence of optimal geometries for a model problem of antiplane shear (1981) (0)
- The annulus problem, using a von Karman membrane model (2014) (0)
- PRM volume 126 issue 6 Cover and Front matter (1996) (0)
- PRM volume 115 issue 1-2 Cover and Front matter (1990) (0)
- PRM volume 112 issue 1-2 Cover and Front matter (1989) (0)
- Metric-Induced Wrinkling of a Thin Elastic Sheet (2014) (0)
- Complex Analytic Dependence on the Dielectric Permittivity in ENZ Materials: The Photonic Doping Example (2022) (0)
- PRM volume 100 issue 1-2 Cover and Front matter (1985) (0)
- A Variational Perspective on Cloaking by Anomalous Localized Resonance (2014) (0)
- A homogenization-based study of the scattering resonances of a microstructured slab (0)
- Workshop: PDE and Materials Table of Contents (2010) (0)
- PRM volume 116 issue 3-4 Cover and Front matter (1990) (0)
- PRM volume 110 issue 3-4 Cover and Front matter (1988) (0)
- rxWI A Rescaling Algorithm for the Numerical Calculation oof Blowing-up Solutions 0 (0)
- PDE for Finance Notes – Stochastic Calculus Review Notes (2011) (0)
- PRM volume 101 issue 1-2 Cover and Front Matter (1985) (0)
- The Wrinkling of a Twisted Ribbon (2018) (0)
- Louis Nirenberg (1925–2020) (2021) (0)
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