Roy Andrew Miller
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American linguist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Roy Andrew Miller was an American linguist best known as the author of several books on Japanese language and linguistics, and for his advocacy of Korean and Japanese as members of the proposed Altaic language family.
Roy Andrew Miller's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The Japanese Language (1968) (216)
- Japan's modern myth : the language and beyond (1983) (106)
- Yamanoe Okura, a Korean Poet in Eighth-Century Japan (1984) (82)
- The Lost Poetic Sequence of the Priest Manzei (1981) (79)
- Japanese and the other Altaic Languages (1973) (72)
- The history of the Japanese written language (1984) (41)
- The Japanese Language in Contemporary Japan: Some Sociolinguistic Observations (1977) (29)
- are familists amoral? a test of Banfield's amoral familism hypothesis in a South Italian village1 (1974) (27)
- Origins of the Japanese Language (1982) (23)
- Essays in Semantics and Pragmatics in Honor of Charles J. Fillmore (1996) (20)
- Sino-Tibetan: Inspection of a Conspectus@@@Sino-Tibetan, a Conspectus (1974) (20)
- Chantyal Dictionary and Texts (2000) (20)
- The origin of the Japanese language (1970) (18)
- The Inariyama Tumulus Sword Inscription (1979) (18)
- the golden chain: a study of the structure, function, and patterning of comparatico in a south Italian village (1978) (14)
- Tibeto-Mongolica: The Tibetan Loanwords of Monguor and the Development of the Archaic Tibetan Dialects (1968) (14)
- The "Spirit" of the Japanese Language (1977) (14)
- The Genetic Relationship of the Ainu Language (1982) (13)
- Japanese and the Japanese (1978) (13)
- Japanese genre painting : the lively art of Renaissance Japan (1962) (12)
- Accounts of western nations in the history of the Northern Chou dynasty (1960) (12)
- Ethnology and/or Cultural Anthropology in Italy: Traditions and Developments [and Comments and Reply] (1977) (12)
- Subject, Voice and Ergativity: Selected Essays (1996) (11)
- No Time for Literature@@@Kokin Wakashū, the First Imperial Anthology of Japanese Poetry@@@Kokin Wakashu, the First Imperial Anthology of Japanese Poetry (1987) (11)
- The Lungtu Dialect. A Descriptive and Historical Study of a South Chinese Idiom (1957) (11)
- Dagur Mongolian: Grammar, Texts, and Lexicon (1962) (11)
- Languages and History: Japanese, Korean, and Altaic (2003) (11)
- The Tibeto-Burman Languages of South Asia (1971) (11)
- Do the Japanese Know How to Tell Time (1975) (11)
- Nihongo: In Defence of Japanese (1986) (10)
- Bernard Bloch on Japanese (1971) (10)
- Korean and Altaic (1984) (9)
- Old Japanese Phonology and the Korean-Japanese Relationship (1967) (9)
- Studies in the grammatical tradition in Tibet (1979) (8)
- Altaic elements in old Japanese (1975) (8)
- Prolegomena to the first two Tibetan grammatical treatises (1997) (8)
- Sources of Japanese Tradition, Vol. 1: From Earliest Times to 1600 (2002) (8)
- Early Evidence for Vowel Harmony in Tibetan (1966) (7)
- The Tibetan system of writing (1956) (6)
- The Study of Language in Japan: A Historical Survey (1978) (6)
- Altaic origins of the Japanese verb classes (1981) (5)
- Pleiades Perceived : MUL. MUL to Subaru (1988) (5)
- A Study of Japanese Syntax (1969) (5)
- The Sino-Burmese Vocabulary of The I-shih chi-yu (1954) (5)
- Some Old Paekche Fragments (2011) (4)
- The Tibeto-Burman Infix System (1958) (4)
- The Origins of Japanese@@@Nihongo no Kigen. (1974) (4)
- Thon-mi Sambhoṭa and His Grammatical Treatises@@@Thon-mi Sambhota and His Grammatical Treatises (1963) (4)
- Studies in Spoken Tibetan, I: Phonemics (1955) (4)
- The Yakushiji Poems@@@`The Footprints of the Buddha': An Eighth-Century Old Japanese Poetic Sequence. (1976) (4)
- Iwanami kogo jiten [The Iwanami Dictionary of Early Forms of Japanese] (1975) (4)
- Externalizing Internal Rules: Lyman's Law in Japanese and Altaic (1985) (3)
- Some Problems in Tibetan Transcriptions of Chinese from Tun-Huang (1967) (3)
- The Relevance of Historical Linguistics for Japanese Studies (1976) (3)
- Professor Harry Willis and the History of NIR Spectroscopy (1991) (3)
- Morphologically Determined Allomorphs in Spoken Tibetan (1954) (3)
- The Zhi ma Funeral Ceremony of the Na-khi of Southwest China . By Joseph F. Rock. Studia Instituti Anthropos, Vol. IX. Vienna: St. Gabriel's Mission Press, 1955. xv, 228. Swiss frs. 25.-. (1957) (2)
- Some Japanese Influences on Chinese Classical Scholarship of the Ch'ing Period (1952) (2)
- Book Review: Alexander VOVIN and OSADA Toshiki (eds.): Nihongo keitôron no genzai.Perspectives on the Origins of the Japanese Language (2009) (2)
- Nihongo to tamirugo [Japanese and Tamil]@@@Nihongo wa doko kara kita ka [Where Did Japanese Come from?] (1983) (2)
- Comparing Japanese and Korean (2008) (2)
- Hymonymy, heteroclysis, and history in the Japanese verb (1985) (2)
- “Plus ça Change …” (1980) (2)
- Beginning Japanese. Part I and 2.@@@A Japanese Reader. Graded Lessons in the Modern Language. (1963) (2)
- Origins of the Japanese language : lectures in Japan during the academic year, 1977-78 (1982) (2)
- The Wu-ching I-I of Hsü Shen (1977) (2)
- The Etymology of Chinese 'liu 'Pomegranate' (1951) (2)
- 1. Thon-mi Sambhota and his Grammatical Treatises (1976) (2)
- Recent Works on the Japanese Language (1978) (1)
- Chûgoku gogaku kenkyûkai ronshû [Papers of the Society for Chinese Linguistic Studies]@@@Chugoku gogaku kenkyukai ronshu [Papers of the Society for Chinese Linguistic Studies] (1954) (1)
- Haniwa: The Clay Sculpture of Protohistoric Japan (1961) (1)
- Writing and Literacy in China, Korea and Japan (1998) (1)
- A New Grammar of Written Tibetan@@@The Classical Tibetan Language (1994) (1)
- 3. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit āli, kāli as Grammatical Terms in Tibet (1966) (1)
- Tamil and Japanese? (1986) (1)
- Origins of the Japanese Language: Lectures in Japan during the Academic Year 1977-78 (1982) (1)
- A Twelfth Century Tibetan Grammatical Fragment (1964) (1)
- Phonemic Theory and Orthographic Practice in Old Tibetan (1981) (1)
- Ashikaga gakkō no kenkyū ( Studies in the Ashikaga College ). By Kawase Kazuma . Tokyo, Kōdansha, 1948. ii, xi, 367. (1955) (1)
- Haruhiko Kindaichi The Japanese Language. Translated and annotated by Umeyo Hirano (1982) (1)
- 7. A Grammatical Sketch of Classical Tibetan (1970) (1)
- Kodansha Library of Japanese Art. No. 9: Utagawa Toyokuni. (1957) (1)
- The Muro-ji : an eighth century Japanese temple, its art and history (1954) (1)
- A Third Pillar of the Altaic Hypothesis (2003) (1)
- Addenda et Corrigenda to Study 3 (1976) (0)
- Japanese and the Other Uralic Languages (1981) (0)
- A complete history of Korean (1995) (0)
- The Burmese Writing System.@@@A Grammar of Pashto.@@@The Tibetan System of Writing. (1957) (0)
- On Linguistic Dowsing@@@Origins of the Japanese Language (1981) (0)
- Prolegomenon to a History of Korean (2011) (0)
- 5. Some Minor Tibetan Grammatical Fragments (1976) (0)
- 1. Index of Grammatical and Technical Terms and Items (1976) (0)
- Time, Space, and Texts (1981) (0)
- A Japanese Reader (1962) (0)
- The Altaic Numerals and Japanese. (1969) (0)
- Kojiki . Translated by Donald L. Philippi. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1968. v, 655 pp. Appendixes, Glossary, Bibliography, Index. np. (1970) (0)
- Linguistics: Tungusologie. W. FUCHS, IVAN A. LOPATIN, KARL H. MENGES and DENIS SINOR (1972) (0)
- Comments on Charles Dewolfs review of Japan's modern myth (1985) (0)
- Addenda et Corrigenda to Study 2 (1976) (0)
- "Sangoku shiki kisai no Kudara chimei yori mita kodai Kudarago no kōsatsu" (review) (2011) (0)
- A Programmed Course on Respect Language in Modern Japanese@@@Japanese Kana Workbook (1969) (0)
- Selected Works of Peter A. Boodberg, Compiled by Alvin P. Cohen. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. xix, 501 pp. (1979) (0)
- Han-yü yü-fa-lun (A Grammar of the Chinese Language). By Kao Ming-k'ai . Shanghai: K'ai-ming shu-tien, 1948; 20 + 696 p. (1952) (0)
- Post-structural approaches to language: Language theory in a Japanese context By J. V. Neustupny (review) (2015) (0)
- The Contribution of Linguistics to Second-Language Teaching (1958) (0)
- Review : Christopher Seeley. A history of writing in Japan. (2016) (0)
- 2. The Si-tu Mahāpaṇḍita on Tibetan Phonology (1976) (0)
- Naoki Sakai, Voices of the past: The status of language in eighteenth-century Japanese discourse . Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991. Pp. xiv + 349. Hb$35.00. (1993) (0)
- 4. Index of Abbreviations, Special Symbols, and Miscellaneous (1976) (0)
- Chinese 法 fǎ in Altaic: A Further Note@@@Chinese fa in Altaic: A Further Note (1998) (0)
- Another Chinese Interrogative (1950) (0)
- The Significance for Comparative Grammar of Some Ablauts in the Tibetan Number-System (1954) (0)
- Kofun bunka shoko [Minor Studies in the Tumulus Culture] (1975) (0)
- Bibliographical Finding-List of Literature Cited (1976) (0)
- Paralipomena of Korean etymologies By G. J. Ramstedt (review) (2015) (0)
- Notes on theRelazioneof Ippolito Desideri, S. J. (1963) (0)
- Old Japanese sword names and stories relating to swords (1995) (0)
- Addenda et Corrigenda to Study 4 (1976) (0)
- Review of “Writing in the Altaic world” by Juha Janhunen & Volker Rybatzki (eds) (2001) (0)
- 2. Index of Titles of Texts and Other Primary Sources (Tibetan, Indic, Chinese, etc.) (1976) (0)
- 3. Index of Names of Peoples, Places, and Miscellaneous Terms (Tibetan, Indic, Chinese, etc.) (1976) (0)
- Structural Analysis of Modern Japanese , by Bernard Saint-Jacques. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, Publications Centre, 1971. Pp. xvii + 110. (1971) (0)
- Japanese Pidgin English in Hawaii: A Bilingual Description (1973) (0)
- The Japanese Reflexes of Proto-Altaic *d, *ž and *č-@@@The Japanese Reflexes of Proto-Altaic *d, *z and *c- (1968) (0)
- Explorations in Korean Syntax and Semantics (review) (2011) (0)
- Addenda et Corrigenda to Study 1 (1976) (0)
- Dictionary of Khotan Saka. By H. W. Bailey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. xvi, 559 pp. Supplement, Addendum, Index. N.p.l. (1980) (0)
- United States Patent ( 19 ) Joseph 54 SLOW MODULATION DESTANCE MEASURING APPARATUS (2017) (0)
- Text Structure and Rule Ordering in the First Tibetan Grammatical Treatise (1987) (0)
- Chibettogo koten bumpogaku (1955) (0)
- The Syntax of Japanese Honorifics. GARY DEAN PRIDEAUX (1971) (0)
- Kodai Nihongo no nazo [The Riddle of Old Japanese] (1974) (0)
- Book Review: The Knife Man (2005) (0)
- Ono Susumu ed., Nihongo no keito (1981) (0)
- Turrell V. Wylie (1927-1984) (1986) (0)
- How Many Verner’s Laws Does an Altaicist Need? (1991) (0)
- CHAPTER XV. Levels of Speech (keigo) and the Japanese Linguistic Response to Modernization (2015) (0)
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