
Sabine Hyland

Most Influential Person Now

American anthropologist

Sabine Hyland's Academic­ Rankings

Sabine Hyland
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Cultural Anthropology
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anthropology Degrees
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Why Is Sabine Hyland Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Sabine Hyland is an American anthropologist and ethnohistorian working in the Andes. She is currently Professor of World Christianity at the University of St Andrews. She is best known for her work studying khipus and hybrid khipu-alphabetic texts in the Central Andes and is credited with the first potential phonetic decipherment of an element of a khipu. She has also written extensively about the interaction between Spanish missionaries and the Inca in colonial Peru, focusing on language, religion and missionary culture, as well as the history of the Chanka people.

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Sabine Hyland's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Sabine Hyland?

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