Sakdirat Kaewunruen
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Civil Engineering
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Applied Physics
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Sakdirat Kaewunruen's Degrees
- PhD Civil Engineering University of Technology Sydney
- Masters Civil Engineering Chulalongkorn University
- Bachelors Civil Engineering Chulalongkorn University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Sakdirat Kaewunruen's Published Works
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Published Works
- A review of loading conditions for railway track structures due to train and track vertical interaction (2008) (296)
- Grand Challenges in Transportation and Transit Systems (2016) (233)
- Sensitivity analysis of free vibration characteristics of an in-situ railway concrete sleeper to variations of rail pad parameters (2006) (165)
- Progressive failure of prestressed concrete sleepers under multiple high-intensity impact loads (2009) (119)
- Composite railway sleepers – recent developments, challenges and future prospects (2015) (117)
- Nonlinear free vibrations of marine risers/pipes transporting fluid (2005) (112)
- Field trials for dynamic characteristics of railway track and its components using impact excitation technique (2007) (112)
- A Digital-Twin Evaluation of Net Zero Energy Building for Existing Buildings (2018) (96)
- Monitoring structural deterioration of railway turnout systems via dynamic wheel/rail interaction (2014) (93)
- Digital twin aided sustainability-based lifecycle management for railway turnout systems (2019) (93)
- Impact capacity of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2009) (91)
- Dynamic crack propagations in prestressed concrete sleepers in railway track systems subjected to severe impact loads (2010) (85)
- Effect of improper ballast packing/ tamping on dynamic behaviors of on-track railway concrete sleeper (2007) (85)
- Experimental load rating of aged railway concrete sleepers (2014) (78)
- Investigation of free vibrations of voided concrete sleepers in railway track system (2007) (76)
- Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Railway Sleeper/Ballast Interaction (2006) (74)
- Strategic framework to achieve carbon-efficient construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure systems (2015) (71)
- Mode shape‐based damage detection in plate structure without baseline data (2016) (70)
- State-of-the-Art Review of Railway Track Resilience Monitoring (2018) (70)
- Digital Twin for Sustainability Evaluation of Railway Station Buildings (2018) (66)
- An Alternative Rail Pad Tester for Measuring Dynamic Properties of Rail Pads Under Large Preloads (2008) (66)
- Experimental simulation of the railway ballast by resilient materials and its verification by modal testing (2008) (65)
- Reliability-based conversion of a structural design code for railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2012) (64)
- Current state of practice in railway track vibration isolation: an Australian overview (2016) (62)
- Experimental structural damage localization in beam structure using spatial continuous wavelet transform and mode shape curvature methods (2017) (62)
- Dynamic properties of railway track and its components: recent findings and future research direction (2010) (60)
- Experimental and numerical studies for evaluating dynamic behaviour of prestressed concrete sleepers subject to severe impact loading (2007) (60)
- Enhancement of Dynamic Damping in Eco-Friendly Railway Concrete Sleepers Using Waste-Tyre Crumb Rubber (2018) (59)
- Nonlinear finite element modelling of railway prestressed concrete sleeper (2006) (58)
- Lifecycle Assessments of Railway Bridge Transitions Exposed to Extreme Climate Events (2017) (57)
- Bayesian Network-based probability analysis of train derailments caused by various extreme weather patterns on railway turnouts (2017) (57)
- Dynamic flexural influence on a railway concrete sleeper in track system due to a single wheel impact (2009) (56)
- Monitoring in-service performance of fibre-reinforced foamed urethane sleepers/bearers in railway urban turnout systems (2014) (53)
- Impact resistance of reinforced concrete columns: experimental studies and design considerations (2006) (53)
- Effect of a large asymmetrical wheel burden on flexural response and failure of railway concrete sleepers in track systems (2008) (53)
- Composites for Timber-Replacement Bearers in Railway Switches and Crossings (2017) (53)
- Experiments into impact behaviour of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2011) (52)
- Determination of dynamic properties of rail pads using an instrumented hammer impact technique (2005) (52)
- Dynamic properties of railway track and its components : a state-of-the-art review (2008) (52)
- Sustainability-Based Lifecycle Management for Bridge Infrastructure Using 6D BIM (2020) (50)
- On the residual energy toughness of prestressed concrete sleepers in railway track structures subjected to repeated impact loads (2013) (50)
- Field investigation and parametric study of greenhouse gas emissions from railway plain-line renewals (2016) (47)
- Comparison of structural design methods for railway composites and plastic sleepers and bearers (2017) (47)
- Introducing a New Limit States Design Concept to Railway Concrete Sleepers: An Australian Experience (2014) (46)
- Fatigue Life Assessment Method for Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2017) (45)
- Fatigue Life Assessment Method for Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2017) (45)
- Digital Twin Aided Vulnerability Assessment and Risk-Based Maintenance Planning of Bridge Infrastructures Exposed to Extreme Conditions (2021) (43)
- Experimental and Numerical Studies of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers Under Static and Impact Loads (2007) (43)
- Risks of Climate Change with Respect to the Singapore-Malaysia High Speed Rail System (2016) (39)
- Digital Twin Aided Sustainability and Vulnerability Audit for Subway Stations (2020) (39)
- Composite slabs for railway construction and maintenance: a mechanistic review (2014) (39)
- Dynamic Wheel–Rail Interaction Over Rail Squat Defects (2015) (39)
- Operational readiness for climate change of Malaysia high-speed rail (2016) (38)
- Identification of appropriate risk analysis techniques for railway turnout systems (2018) (36)
- Acoustic and Dynamic Characteristics of a Complex Urban Turnout Using Fibre-Reinforced Foamed Urethane (FFU) Bearers (2015) (35)
- Vibration Attenuation at Rail Joints through under Sleeper Pads (2017) (35)
- Railway track inspection and maintenance priorities due to dynamic coupling effects of dipped rails and differential track settlements (2018) (34)
- Non-destructive testing (NDT): A tool for dynamic health monitoring of railway track structures (2006) (33)
- Vulnerability of Structural Concrete to Extreme Climate Variances (2018) (33)
- Life Cycle Cost, Energy and Carbon Assessments of Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway (2019) (32)
- Effectiveness of Using Elastomeric Pads to Mitigate Impact Vibration at an Urban Turnout Crossing (2012) (31)
- Heavy rainfall and flood vulnerability of Singapore-Malaysia high speed rail system (2016) (31)
- Application of Experimental Modal Testing for Estimating Dynamic Properties of Structural Components (2005) (31)
- Review of digital image correlation application to large-scale composite structure testing (2021) (31)
- Seismic metamaterial barriers for ground vibration mitigation in railways considering the train-track-soil dynamic interactions (2020) (31)
- Structural Safety of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2009) (30)
- Impact damage mechanism and mitigation by ballast bonding at railway bridge ends (2014) (30)
- Nonlinear finite element analysis for structural capacity of railway prestressed concrete sleepers with rail seat abrasion (2019) (29)
- Flexural cracking-induced acoustic emission peak frequency shift in railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2019) (28)
- Dynamic Responses of Interspersed Railway Tracks to Moving Train Loads (2018) (28)
- Flexural cracking-induced acoustic emission peak frequency shift in railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2019) (28)
- Wireless Sensor Networks: Toward Smarter Railway Stations (2018) (27)
- Friction and fracture characteristics of engineered crumb-rubber concrete at microscopic lengthscale (2018) (27)
- Wet/dry influence on behaviors of closed-cell polymeric cross-linked foams under static, dynamic and impact loads (2018) (26)
- Life cycle analysis of mitigation methodologies for railway rolling noise and groundbourne vibration. (2017) (26)
- Natural Hazard Risks on Railway Turnout Systems (2016) (26)
- Free vibrations of interspersed railway track systems in three-dimensional space (2014) (26)
- Sensitivity of crumb rubber particle sizes on electrical resistance of rubberised concrete (2016) (25)
- Life Cycle Cost Evaluation of Noise and Vibration Control Methods at Urban Railway Turnouts (2016) (25)
- Deterioration of dynamic rail pad characteristics (2006) (25)
- Monitoring of Rail Corrugation Growth on Sharp Curves For Track Maintenance Prioritisation (2018) (25)
- Torsional effect on track support structures of railway turnouts crossing impact (2017) (25)
- A review on modelling and monitoring of railway ballast (2017) (25)
- Life Cycle Assessment of Railway Ground-Borne Noise and Vibration Mitigation Methods Using Geosynthetics, Metamaterials and Ground Improvement (2018) (25)
- Learning From Accidents: Machine Learning for Safety at Railway Stations (2020) (25)
- RideComfort: A Development of Crowdsourcing Smartphones in Measuring Train Ride Quality (2017) (25)
- Monitoring structural degradation of rail pads in laboratory using impact excitation technique (2005) (24)
- Toughness of Railroad Concrete Crossties with Holes and Web Openings (2017) (24)
- Finite Element Modelling of Modular Precast Composites for Railway Track Support Structure: A Battle to Save Sydney Harbour Bridge (2015) (23)
- Investigation of vibration characteristics of prestressed concrete sleepers in free-free and in-situ conditions (2005) (23)
- Does High-Speed Rail Influence Urban Dynamics and Land Pricing? (2020) (23)
- Influence of ballast conditions on flexural responses of railway concrete sleepers (2009) (22)
- Effects of under sleeper pads on dynamic responses of railway prestressed concrete sleepers subjected to high intensity impact loads (2020) (22)
- Influences of piles on the ground vibration considering the train-track-soil dynamic interactions (2020) (22)
- Nonlinear Finite Element Modelling of Railway Turnout System considering Bearer/Sleeper-Ballast Interaction (2015) (22)
- Evaluation of lateral stability of railway tracks due to ballast degradation (2021) (22)
- Wheel/rail conditions and squat development on moderately curved tracks (2012) (21)
- The effect of ground borne vibrations from high speed train on overhead line equipment (OHLE) structure considering soil-structure interaction. (2018) (21)
- Nonlinear 3D finite-element modeling for structural failure analysis of concrete sleepers/bearers at an urban turnout diamond (2016) (21)
- Assessment of Turnout-Related Derailments by Various Causes (2017) (21)
- Damage and failure modes of railway prestressed concrete sleepers with holes/web openings subject to impact loading conditions (2018) (21)
- Dynamic Effect on Vibration Signatures of Cracks in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2008) (21)
- Conversion of AS1085.14 for prestressed concrete sleepers to limit states design format (2008) (21)
- Limit states design of railway concrete sleepers (2012) (21)
- Post-failure mechanism and residual load-carrying capacity of railway prestressed concrete sleeper under hogging moment (2006) (21)
- Influences of dynamic material properties of slab track components on the train-track vibration interactions (2020) (20)
- A through-life evaluation of end-of-life rolling stocks considering asset recycling, energy recovering, and financial benefit (2019) (20)
- Utilizing an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for Overcrowding Level Risk Assessment in Railway Stations (2020) (20)
- Quantitative monitoring of brittle fatigue crack growth in railway steel using acoustic emission (2018) (20)
- Derailment-Resistant Performance of Modular Composite Rail Track Slabs (2018) (20)
- Multiple Damage Identification in Beam Structure Based on Wavelet Transform (2017) (20)
- Mode shape curvature squares method for crack detection in railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2019) (20)
- Mode shape curvature squares method for crack detection in railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2019) (20)
- Damped frequencies of precast modular steel-concrete composite railway track slabs (2017) (20)
- FBG-Based Sensing for Structural Health Monitoring of Road Infrastructure (2021) (20)
- Derailment-Resistant Performance of Modular Composite Rail Track Slabs (2018) (20)
- Structural Behaviours of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (Crossties) With Hole and Web Openings (2016) (19)
- Recycled Aggregates Concrete Compressive Strength Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) (2021) (19)
- A numerical study to evaluate dynamic responses of voided concrete railway sleepers to impact loading (2011) (19)
- Evaluation of CO2 emissions from railway resurfacing maintenance activities (2018) (19)
- Laboratory measurements of dynamic properties of rail pads under incremental preload (2006) (19)
- Field monitoring of rail squats using 3D ultrasonic mapping technique (2014) (18)
- Investigations of static and dynamic performance of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2007) (18)
- Optimisation of schedules for the inspection of railway tracks (2018) (18)
- Rotational capacity of railway prestressed concrete sleeper under static hogging moment (2006) (18)
- In Situ Monitoring of Rail Squats in Three Dimensions Using Ultrasonic Technique (2016) (18)
- Additive manufacturing meta-functional composites for engineered bridge bearings: A review (2020) (18)
- An Experimental Evaluation of the Attenuation Effect of Rail Pad on Flexural Behaviour of Railway Concrete Sleeper under Severe Impact Loads (2008) (18)
- Dynamic Bayesian network-based system-level evaluation on fatigue reliability of orthotropic steel decks (2019) (17)
- Bayesian network-based human error reliability assessment of derailments (2020) (17)
- Influence of time-dependent material degradation on life cycle serviceability of interspersed railway tracks due to moving train loads (2019) (17)
- Early-age dynamic moduli of crumbed rubber concrete for compliant railway structures (2017) (17)
- Free vibrations of precast modular steel-concrete composite railway track slabs (2017) (17)
- Benchmarking on railway safety performance using Bayesian inference, decision tree and petri-net techniques based on long-term accidental data sets (2021) (17)
- Wavelet Transform Based Damage Detection in a Plate Structure (2016) (17)
- Investigation of the Dynamic Buckling of Spherical Shell Structures Due to Subsea Collisions (2018) (17)
- In situ performance of a complex urban turnout grillage system using fibre-reinforced foamed urethane (FFU) bearers (2013) (16)
- Reliability Assessment of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2008) (16)
- Greener and leaner : unleashing capacity of railroad concrete ties via limit states concept (2011) (16)
- Georisks in railway systems under climate uncertainties by different types of sleeper/crosstie materials (2018) (16)
- Impact fatigue responses of pre-stressed concrete sleepers in railway track systems (2009) (16)
- The Effect of Unsupported Sleepers/Bearers on Dynamic Phenomena of a Railway Turnout System under Impact Loads (2020) (16)
- Peridynamic Analysis of Rail Squats (2018) (16)
- State dependent properties of rail pads (2009) (16)
- Dynamic Performance of Concrete Turnout Bearers and Sleepers in Railway Switches and Crossings (2018) (16)
- Dynamic Capacity Reduction of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers Due to Surface Abrasions Considering the Effects of Strain Rate and Prestressing Losses (2018) (16)
- Potential Reconstruction Design of an Existing Townhouse in Washington DC for Approaching Net Zero Energy Building Goal (2019) (15)
- Numerical investigation into thermal load responses of railway transom bridge (2016) (15)
- Identification and prioritization of rail squat defects in the field using rail magnetisation technology (2015) (15)
- Rail Short-wavelength Irregularity Identification based on Wheel-Rail Impact Response Measurements and Simulations (2009) (15)
- Damage analysis of spot replacement sleepers interspersed in ballasted railway tracks (2016) (15)
- A Deep Learning Approach Towards Railway Safety Risk Assessment (2020) (15)
- Recycling of Rolling Stocks (2016) (14)
- Shaking Table Tests of Suspended Structures Equipped with Viscous Dampers (2019) (14)
- Design of holes and web openings in railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2015) (14)
- New Insights from Multibody Dynamic Analyses of a Turnout System under Impact Loads (2019) (14)
- Effect of Extreme Climate on Topology of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2019) (14)
- Rail accident analysis using large-scale investigations of train derailments on switches and crossings: Comparing the performances of a novel stochastic mathematical prediction and various assumptions (2019) (14)
- Evaluation of remaining fatigue life of concrete sleeper based on field loading conditions (2019) (14)
- A Novel Separation Technique of Flexural Loading-Induced Acoustic Emission Sources in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2019) (14)
- Determination of Prestressing Force in Railway Concrete Sleepers Using Dynamic Relaxation Technique (2015) (14)
- Dynamic Responses of Marine Risers/Pipes Transporting Fluid Subject to Top End Excitations (2008) (14)
- A Novel Separation Technique of Flexural Loading-Induced Acoustic Emission Sources in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2019) (14)
- Dynamic Pressure Analysis of Hemispherical Shell Vibrating in Unbounded Compressible Fluid (2018) (13)
- Derailment-based Fault Tree Analysis on Risk Management of Railway Turnout Systems (2017) (13)
- Sustainability Challenges in Managing End-of-Life Rolling Stocks (2017) (13)
- Saturated Ground Vibration Analysis Based on a Three-Dimensional Coupled Train-Track-Soil Interaction Model (2019) (13)
- Low-velocity impact analysis of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2007) (13)
- Dynamic train-track interactions over railway track stiffness transition zones using baseplate fastening systems (2020) (13)
- Impact Capacity Reduction in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers with Surface Abrasions (2017) (13)
- Response and Prediction of Dymanic Characteristics of Worn Rail Pads Under Static Preloads (2007) (13)
- Experimental determination of the effect of wet/dry ballast on dynamic railway sleeper/ballast interaction (2008) (13)
- The Total Track Inspection (2019) (12)
- Reliability-based design of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2009) (12)
- Seismic vulnerbility analysis of Bankstown’s West Terrace railway bridge (2016) (12)
- Dynamic design guidelines for prestressed concrete sleepers (2008) (12)
- Climate change adaptation for GeoRisks mitigation of railway turnout systems (2017) (12)
- Damage Detection in Fiber-Reinforced Foamed Urethane Composite Railway Bearers Using Acoustic Emissions (2020) (12)
- Modelling Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (Crossties) With Holes and Web Openings (2016) (12)
- Methods to Monitor and Evaluate the Deterioration of Track and Its Components in a Railway In-Service: A Systemic Review (2020) (12)
- Detection and Severity Evaluation of Combined Rail Defects Using Deep Learning (2021) (12)
- Experimental and Numerical Investigations into Dynamic Modal Parameters of Fiber-Reinforced Foamed Urethane Composite Beams in Railway Switches and Crossings (2020) (12)
- Smart Composite Structures with Embedded Sensors for Load and Damage Monitoring – A Review (2021) (12)
- Case Study: the Influence of Oil-based Friction Modifier Quantity on Tram Braking Distance and Noise (2017) (11)
- Creep and Shrinkage Effects on Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2018) (11)
- Global Warming Potentials Due to Railway Tunnel Construction and Maintenance (2020) (11)
- Comparative studies into public private partnership and traditional investment approaches on the high-speed rail project linking 3 airports in Thailand (2020) (11)
- Risk-Based Maintenance Planning for Rail Fastening Systems (2019) (11)
- The Self-Sealing Capacity of Environmentally Friendly, Highly Damped, Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (2020) (11)
- Safety-based Maintenance for Geometry Restoration of Railway Turnout Systems in Various Operational Environments (2016) (11)
- Prediction of Healing Performance of Autogenous Healing Concrete Using Machine Learning (2021) (11)
- Under sleeper pads: field investigation of their role in detrimental impact mitigation (2015) (11)
- Underpinning systems thinking in railway engineering education (2017) (11)
- Design and modelling of pre-cast steel-concrete composites for resilient railway track slabs (2016) (11)
- Impact capacity reduction in railway prestressed concrete sleepers with vertical holes (2017) (11)
- Systems Thinking Approach for Rail Freight Noise Mitigation (2016) (10)
- A Decision Framework for Managing the Risk of Terrorist Threats at Rail Stations Interconnected with Airports (2018) (10)
- Buckling Analysis of Interspersed Railway Tracks (2020) (10)
- Continuous wavelet transform-based method for enhancing estimation of wind turbine blade natural frequencies and damping for machine learning purposes (2020) (10)
- Experimental Performance Evaluation of Multi-Storey Steel Plate Shear Walls Designed by Different Methods (2018) (10)
- Integrated field measurements and track simulations for condition assessment of railway track (2005) (10)
- Impact analyses for negative flexural responses (hogging) in railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2016) (10)
- 5G Intelligence Underpinning Railway Safety in the COVID-19 Era (2021) (9)
- Environment-friendly recycled steel fibre reinforced concrete (2022) (9)
- Crossing Phenomena in Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE) Structure in 3D Space Considering Soil-Structure Interaction (2017) (9)
- Experimental determination of energy absorption capacity for prestressed concrete sleepers under impact loads (2007) (9)
- Simulating shock loads in railway track environments: experimental studies (2007) (9)
- A hierarchical Bayesian-based model for hazard analysis of climate effect on failures of railway turnout components (2021) (9)
- Influence of joint stiffness on the free vibrations of a marine riser conveying fluid (2008) (9)
- Condition monitoring with defect localisation in a two-dimensional structure based on linear discriminant and nearest neighbour classification of strain features (2020) (9)
- Damage Detection in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers using Acoustic Emission (2017) (8)
- Reply to Giannakos, K. Comment on: Toughness of Railroad Concrete Crossties with Holes and Web Openings. Infrastructures 2017, 2, 3 (2017) (8)
- Probabilistic fatigue assessment of rib-to-deck joints using thickened edge U-ribs (2020) (8)
- Dynamic resistance and rational design of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2019) (8)
- Damage Detection in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers using Acoustic Emission (2017) (8)
- Disruption: A new component in the track inspection schedule (2016) (8)
- Far-Field Earthquake Responses of Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE) Structure Considering Soil-Structure Interaction (2018) (8)
- Experimental Investigations into Earthquake Resistance of Steel Frame Retrofitted by Low-Yield-Point Steel Energy Absorbers (2019) (8)
- Influence of Asymmetrical Topology on Structural Behaviours of Bearers and Sleepers in Turnout Switches and Crossings (2017) (8)
- Railway defect detection based on track geometry using supervised and unsupervised machine learning (2022) (8)
- Performance Improvement of Ballasted Railway Tracks Using Geocells: Present State of the Art (2020) (8)
- Relationships between wheel/rail interface impact and railseat flexural moment of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2007) (8)
- Fatigue Assessment on Suspenders under Stochastic Wind and Traffic Loads Based on In-Situ Monitoring Data (2019) (8)
- Effectiveness of soft baseplates and fastenings to mitigate track dynamic settlement at transition zone at railway bridge approaches (2016) (8)
- State-of-the-Art Review on Additive Manufacturing Technology in Railway Infrastructure Systems (2021) (8)
- Sustainability and recyclability of composite materials for railway turnout systems (2020) (8)
- On Hogging Bending Test Specifications of Railway Composite Sleepers and Bearers (2020) (7)
- Non-destructive evaluation for dynamic integrity of railway track structure (2006) (7)
- Machine Learning Aided Design and Prediction of Environmentally Friendly Rubberised Concrete (2021) (7)
- Eco-friendly High-Strength Concrete Engineered by Micro Crumb Rubber from Recycled Tires and Plastics for Railway Components (2020) (7)
- Numerical simulations of negative flexural responses (hogging) in railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2015) (7)
- Climate change vulnerability and adaptation for the Singapore-Malaysia high-speed rail system (2016) (7)
- Damage Identification in Polymer Composite Beams Based on Spatial Continuous Wavelet Transform (2015) (7)
- Discussion of “Field Test Performance of Noncontact Ultrasonic Rail Inspection System” by Stefano Mariani, Thompson Nguyen, Xuan Zhu, and Francesco Lanza di Scalea (2018) (7)
- Ultimate Impact Resistance and Residual Toughness of Pre-Stressed Concrete Railway Sleepers (2011) (7)
- Influences of ballast degradation on railway track buckling (2021) (7)
- Life cycle analysis of railway noise and vibration mitigation methodologies with respect to curve squeal noises (2016) (7)
- Carbon Emissions Analysis of Rail Resurfacing Work: A Case Study, Practical Guideline, and Systems Thinking Approach (2014) (7)
- Time-dependent behaviours of railway prestressed concrete sleepers in a track system (2021) (7)
- Impact damage classification of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2008) (7)
- Normalised curvature square ratio for detection of ballast voids and pockets under rail track sleepers (2018) (7)
- Static and dynamic behaviours of railway prestressed concrete sleepers with longitudinal through hole (2017) (7)
- Vibration-Induced Pressures on a Cylindrical Structure Surface in Compressible Fluid (2019) (7)
- The importance of ‘dynamics’ in the design and performance-based testing criteria for railway track components (2019) (6)
- Influence of voids and pockets on vibration characteristics of railway concrete sleepers (2007) (6)
- Large deflection analysis of orthotropic, elliptic membranes (2009) (6)
- Briefing: Limit states design of railway concrete sleepers (2012) (6)
- Dynamic responses of railway bridge ends: A systems performance improvement by application of ballast glue/bond (2014) (6)
- Need and Opportunities for a ‘Plan B’ in Rail Track Inspection Schedules☆ (2016) (6)
- Prognostics of unsupported railway sleepers and their severity diagnostics using machine learning (2022) (6)
- Briefing: Dynamic mode couplings of railway composite track slabs (2020) (6)
- Sustainability of Vibration Mitigation Methods Using Meta-Materials/Structures along Railway Corridors Exposed to Adverse Weather Conditions (2020) (6)
- GPR-assisted evaluation of probabilistic fatigue crack growth in rib-to-deck joints in orthotropic steel decks considering mixed failure models (2022) (6)
- Dynamic responses of railway ballasted track considering rail pad deterioration (2018) (6)
- Influence of vertical holes on creep and shrinkage of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2017) (6)
- Life Cycle Sustainability Assessments of an Innovative FRP Composite Footbridge (2021) (6)
- Classification Model for Damage Localization in a Plate Structure (2018) (6)
- Time-Dependent Topology of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2017) (5)
- Base isolation fibre-reinforced composite bearings using recycled rubber (2019) (5)
- Wheel flat detection and severity classification using deep learning techniques (2021) (5)
- Impact Load Response of PC Rail Joint Sleeper under a Passing Train (2018) (5)
- Trends in vibration-based structural health monitoring of railway sleepers (2009) (5)
- Large-Amplitude Vibrations of Spider Web Structures (2020) (5)
- Failure investigations into interspersed railway tracks exposed to flood and washaway conditions under moving train loads (2021) (5)
- Field performance to mitigate impact vibration at railway bridge ends using soft baseplates (2016) (5)
- Integration of Building Information Modeling and machine learning for railway defect localization (2021) (5)
- Think outside the box: new materials, design application, and performance of railway turnout bearers (2014) (5)
- Utilizing Big Data for Enhancing Passenger Safety in Railway Stations (2019) (5)
- Large amplitude vibrations of imperfect spider web structures (2020) (5)
- Rail squats: understand its causes, severity, and non-destructive evaluation techniques (2015) (5)
- Benchmarking Socio-Economic Impacts of High-Speed Rail Networks Using K-Nearest Neighbour and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient Techniques through Computational Model-Based Analysis (2022) (5)
- Integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Detect Combined Defects of Infrastructure in the Railway System (2021) (5)
- Local Failure Modes and Critical Buckling Loads of a Meta-Functional Auxetic Sandwich Core for Composite Bridge Bearing Applications (2021) (5)
- Benchmarking environmental and economic impacts from the HSR networks considering life cycle perspectives (2021) (5)
- Track Geometry Prediction Using Three-Dimensional Recurrent Neural Network-Based Models Cross-Functionally Co-Simulated with BIM (2022) (5)
- Influence of Surface Abrasion on Creep and Shrinkage of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2017) (5)
- Stochastic Traffic-Based Fatigue Life Assessment of Rib-to-Deck Welding Joints in Orthotropic Steel Decks with Thickened Edge U-Ribs (2019) (5)
- Smartphone Sensing and Identification of Shock Noise and Vibration Induced by Gym Activities (2020) (5)
- Blast simulations and transient responses of long-span glass roof structures: A case of London's railway station (2017) (5)
- Machine Learning Application to Eco-Friendly Concrete Design for Decarbonisation (2021) (5)
- Influence of shear bolt connections on modular precast steel-concrete composites for track support structures (2018) (5)
- Contact Conditions over Turnout Crossing Noses (2019) (4)
- Role of Railway Transportation in the Spread of the Coronavirus: Evidence From Wuhan-Beijing Railway Corridor (2020) (4)
- Socioeconomic Benefits of the Shinkansen Network (2021) (4)
- Asymetrical influences on nonlinear dynamics of railway turnout bearers (2017) (4)
- Probabilistic Impact Fractures of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2008) (4)
- Mechanical Properties and Energy-Absorption Capability of a 3D-Printed TPMS Sandwich Lattice Model for Meta-Functional Composite Bridge Bearing Applications (2022) (4)
- The Use of e-Learning Technologies in the Russian University in the Training of Engineers of the XXI Century (2020) (4)
- Multi-Hazard Effects of Crosswinds on Cascading Failures of Conventional and Interspersed Railway Tracks Exposed to Ballast Washaway and Moving Train Loads (2023) (4)
- Spectro-Temporal Responses of Curved Railway Tracks with Variable Radii of Arc Curves (2019) (4)
- Value of rescheduling of rail inspection (2018) (4)
- Review On Feasibility of Using Satellite Imaging for Risk Management of Derailment Related Turnout Component Failures (2017) (4)
- LOD BIM Element specification for Railway Turnout Systems Risk Mitigation using the Information Delivery Manual (2017) (4)
- Numerical studies to evaluate crack propagation behaviour of prestressed concrete railway sleepers (2021) (4)
- An Investigation to Optimize the Layout of Protective Blast Barriers Using Finite Element Modelling (2017) (4)
- Severity and growth evaluation of rail corrugations on sharp curves using wheel/rail interaction (2015) (4)
- Discussion of “Evaluation of an Innovative Composite Railway Sleeper for a Narrow-Gauge Track under Static Load” by Wahid Ferdous, Allan Manalo, Gerard Van Erp, Thiru Aravinthan, and Kazem Ghabraie (2019) (4)
- Discussion of “Mitigation of Ground Vibration Generated by High-Speed Trains on Saturated Poroelastic Ground with Under-Sleeper Pads” by Zhigang Cao, Yuanqiang Cai, and Jie Han (2015) (4)
- Investigation of Risk-based Maintenance Strategies for Turnout Geometry Restoration (2016) (4)
- Getting It Right on the Policy Prioritization for Rail Decarbonization: Evidence From Whole-Life CO2e Emissions of Railway Systems (2021) (4)
- Causal analysis of bus travel time reliability in Birmingham, UK (2021) (4)
- Train-track Interactions over vulnerable Railway Turnout Systems exposed to Flooding Conditions (2021) (4)
- Methodologies for designing railway plastic and composite sleepers (2017) (4)
- Enhancing Railway Engineering Student Engagement Using Interactive Technology Embedded with Infotainment (2019) (4)
- Condition Monitoring of Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE) Structures Using Ground-Bourne Vibrations from Train Passages (2018) (4)
- Parametric Studies Into Creep and Shrinkage Characteristics in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2020) (4)
- Life cycle evaluation of railway turnout crossings' impact attenuation methods using soft fasteners and composite sleepers (2018) (3)
- Life cycle assessment of retrofit strategies applied to concrete infrastructure at railway stations exposed to future extreme events (2019) (3)
- CFD simulation of passenger hazard risk at railway station platforms due to explosive air blasts (2017) (3)
- Dynamic properties of early-age micro- and nano-engineered concrete for compliant railway structures (2015) (3)
- Viaduct maintenance for future traffic demands and earthquakes (2020) (3)
- Dynamic properties of fibre reinforced foamed urethane composites in wet and dry conditions (2020) (3)
- Use of simulations in determination of wheel impact forces P1 and P2 due to rail dip defects (2009) (3)
- Digital Twins for Managing Railway Bridge Maintenance, Resilience, and Climate Change Adaptation (2022) (3)
- Machine learning aided rail corrugation monitoring for railway track maintenance (2021) (3)
- A Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Railway Turnouts Exposed to Climate Uncertainties (2019) (3)
- Resilience and Robustness of Composite Steel and Precast Concrete Track Slabs Exposed to Train Derailments (2018) (3)
- Nonlinear responses of longitudinally coupled slab tracks exposed to extreme heat waves (2023) (3)
- Environmental Risks and Uncertainty with Respect to the Utilization of Recycled Rolling Stocks (2017) (3)
- Effects of static and dynamic material properties on vibration responses of slab tracks in high speed railways (2019) (3)
- Energy Forecasting in a Public Building: A Benchmarking Analysis on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Networks (2022) (3)
- Fatigue damage assessment of complex railway turnout crossings via Peridynamics-based digital twin (2022) (3)
- Self-Healing Performance Assessment of Bacterial-Based Concrete Using Machine Learning Approaches (2022) (3)
- Influences of sleeper/crosstie material choices on georisks in railway systems under climate uncertainties (2017) (3)
- Performance and Durability of Concrete Structures in Railway Environment under Extreme Climate (2018) (3)
- Vulnerability of Railway Switches and Crossings Exposed to Flooding Conditions (2021) (3)
- Vibration-based damage identification in railway concrete sleepers (2017) (3)
- Urbanisation Through the Benefits of High-Speed Rail System (2019) (3)
- An Improvement on the End-of-Life of High-Speed Rail Rolling Stocks Considering CFRP Composite Material Replacement (2019) (3)
- Passenger Comfort Evaluation with Machine Learning (2021) (3)
- Dynamic analysis of a railway turnout system under moving train loads (2019) (3)
- Failure modes of fibre reinforced foamed urethane composite beams: Full-scale experimental determination (2020) (3)
- Nonlinear buckling instabilities of interspersed railway tracks (2021) (3)
- Damping characteristics of composite sleepers and bearers in railway switches and crossings (2019) (3)
- Sustainable and self-sensing concrete (2017) (3)
- Damping effects on vibrations of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2018) (3)
- Peridynamic Modeling of Rail Squats (2018) (3)
- Machine learning-aided identification of train weights from railway sleeper vibration (2021) (3)
- Fatigue life modelling of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2022) (3)
- Hybrid Approach to Predict the Track Deterioration in a Railway in-Service: A Conceptual Design (2019) (3)
- Review on structural health interrogation using fiber bragg grating sensors (2018) (3)
- Vibration-based damage identification in railway concrete sleepers (2017) (3)
- Damage Identification in Beam Structure using Spatial Continuous Wavelet Transform (2015) (3)
- Digital twins for managing railway maintenance and resilience (2021) (3)
- Hybrid Discrete Element - Finite Element Simulation for Railway Bridge-Track Interaction (2017) (3)
- Human Activity Vibrations (2021) (2)
- Dynamic responses of railway sleepers to coupling vertical and lateral forces (2019) (2)
- Complex-system decision framework for managing risks to rail stations at airports from terrorist threats (2018) (2)
- A net-zero future for freight (2021) (2)
- Shear strength prediction of reinforced concrete beams using machine learning (2023) (2)
- Thermographic data analytics-based damage characterization in a large-scale composite structure under cyclic loading (2022) (2)
- Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Flexural Behaviour of Composite Bearers in Railway Switches and Crossings (2019) (2)
- Insights into noise and vibration stemming from the gym’s heavy lifting (2021) (2)
- Blast effects on spatial glass shells for a long-span roof structure (2018) (2)
- Statistical Structural Integrity Control of Composite Structures Based on an Automatic Operational Modal Analysis — a Review (2022) (2)
- Experimental and numerical investigation of vibration characteristics of fibre-reinforced foamed urethane composite beam (2019) (2)
- In situ monitoring of multi-stage rail surface defects in three dimensions using mobile ultrasonic technique (2016) (2)
- Advances in Rail Track Infrastructure Research and Practice (2013) (2)
- Parameters and Boundary Conditions in Modelling the Track Deterioration in a Railway System (2019) (2)
- Enhancing employability through railway-research informed education (2017) (2)
- Risk and Resilience of Railway Infrastructure: An Assessment on Uncertainties of Rail Accidents to Improve Risk and Resilience Through Long-Term Data Analysis (2021) (2)
- Mechanisms and Evolution of Cracks in Prestressed Concrete Sleepers Exposed to Time-Dependent Actions (2022) (2)
- Railway Bridge-Track Interaction Under Elevated Temperatures (2013) (2)
- Dealing with disruptions in railway track inspection using risk-based machine learning (2023) (2)
- Responses and vulnerability of composite railway track slab to train derailments (2016) (2)
- Machine Learning to Identify Dynamic Properties of Railway Track Components (2022) (2)
- Anti-Vibration Slab Mat to Supress Train Track Vibrations (2018) (2)
- Nonlinear Dynamic of Curved Railway Tracks in Three-Dimensional Space (2017) (2)
- Bootstrap statistical analysis of GHG emission from railway maintenance and renewal projects (2016) (2)
- Classification-based Damage Localization in Composite Plate using Strain Field Data (2018) (2)
- Operational risks of Malaysia-Singapore high speed rail infrastructure to extreme climate conditions (2016) (2)
- The effect of climate change on service life and cost investigation of rail turnouts with various mitigation methods (2018) (2)
- Economics of Track Resilience (2019) (2)
- Compression behaviour of an extremely lightweight structure with a gyroid core used for bridge bearings (2022) (2)
- Risks of Climate Change on the Singapore-Malaysia High Speed Rail System (2016) (2)
- Disruption Management of Resource Schedule in Transportation Sector: Understanding the Concept and Strategy☆ (2016) (2)
- Diagnostic of flexural damage on railway prestressed concrete sleepers using dynamic modal responses (2015) (2)
- Quantification of Dynamic Track Stiffness Using Machine Learning (2022) (2)
- Achieving carbon efficiency in construction and maintenance of railway turnouts, crossovers and diamonds (2015) (2)
- Control of damage‐sensitive features for early failure prediction of wind turbine blades (2021) (2)
- Review on time-frequency-based machine learning for structural damage assessment and condition monitoring (2019) (2)
- Coupling dynamic vehicle-track interaction over coupled short and long wavelength rail defects (2017) (2)
- Development of reliability-based design for railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2012) (2)
- Failure of Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE) Structure Under Hurricane (2019) (2)
- Damage identification in beam structure based on thresholded variance of normalized wavelet scalogram (2017) (2)
- Lifecycle cost analysis for operations and maintenance planning of railway bridge transition (2018) (2)
- Effect of Extreme Climate on Long-term Performance of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2018) (1)
- Automated machine learning recognition to diagnose flood resilience of railway switches and crossings (2023) (1)
- Remaining Fatigue Life Predictions of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers Considering Time-Dependent Surface Abrasion (2022) (1)
- A Stochastic Approach for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Railway Turnouts Exposed to Climate Uncertainties (2018) (1)
- Role of Pre-processing in Textual Data Fusion: Learn From the Croydon Tram Tragedy (2018) (1)
- University of Birmingham Early-age responses of railway prestressed concrete sleepers to creep and shrinkage (2017) (1)
- Impact Noise and Vibration Sources Induced by Heavy Gym Activities: Do They in Turn Unnecessarily, Indirectly Affect Our Health? (2021) (1)
- Evaluating the residual life of aged railway bridges (2018) (1)
- Investigations into Nonlinear Effects of Normal Pressures on Dynamic Cyclic Responses of Novel 3D-Printed TPMS Bridge Bearings (2023) (1)
- Recent Progress and Challenges in Recyclability of Rolling Stocks (2016) (1)
- Experimental and DEM investigation of axially-loaded behaviours of IWP-based structures (2022) (1)
- Peridynamics Modelling of Rail Surface Defects in Urban Railway and Metro Systems (2018) (1)
- Prediction of Thermal-Induced Buckling Failures of Ballasted Railway Tracks Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (2022) (1)
- Metamaterials: towards railway applications (2019) (1)
- Asymmetrical effects on railway turnout bearers due to wheelset impact over a crossing nose (2018) (1)
- Cascading effects on Overhead Line Equipment (OHLE) of extreme wind and flood events (2019) (1)
- Self-healing concrete (2020) (1)
- Editorial: UK-Japan Symposium on Highspeed Rails (2020) (1)
- Self-Healing and Highly-Damped Concrete for Applications as Railway Sleepers and Track Slabs (2018) (1)
- A novel hybrid method for predicting vertical levelling loss of railway track geometry under dynamic cyclic loadings (2022) (1)
- Asymmetrical effects on railway turnout bearers due to wheelset impact over a crossing nose (2018) (1)
- Nonlinear Blast Responses of Thin Shell Roof Over Long Span Structures (2020) (1)
- Damage Identification Dependence on Number of Vibration Modes Using Mode Shape Curvature Squares (2016) (1)
- University of Birmingham Fatigue Life Assessment Methods for Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2017) (1)
- Road Pavement Structural Health Monitoring by Embedded Fiber-Bragg-Grating-Based Optical Sensors (2022) (1)
- Experimental and finite element assessments of the fastening system of fiber-reinforced foamed urethane (FFU) composite sleepers (2022) (1)
- Benefit of damping in structural concrete for railway structures and track components (2019) (1)
- Uncovering Urban Dynamic Mobility Patterns Influenced by the Socio-Technical Impacts of High Speed Rail Investments (2018) (1)
- Analysis of Impact On Land Pricing from High-Speed-Rail in Honshu Area (2019) (1)
- Forecasting Energy Consumption of a Public Building Using Transformer and Support Vector Regression (2023) (1)
- University of Birmingham Fatigue Life Assessment Methods for Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2017) (1)
- Crack Propagation Assessment of Time-Dependent Concrete Degradation of Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2022) (1)
- Dynamic behavior of railway ballast exposed to flooding condition (2018) (1)
- Dynamic responses of asymmetrical turnout bearers to coupling vertical and lateral forces in railway switches and crossings (2018) (1)
- Attenuation Effect of Material Damping on Impact Vibration Responses of Railway Concrete Sleepers (2018) (1)
- Machine Learning Based Design of Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers (2022) (1)
- Discussion: Prospects in elongation of railway transition curves (2018) (1)
- Modal analysis of Free Vibration of an Extremely Lightweight Panel Model for Bridge Bearing Applications (2023) (1)
- CorrigendumCorrigendum to: “Nonlinear free vibrations of marine risers/pipes transporting fluid” [Ocean Engineering 32 (2005) 417–440]☆ (2005) (1)
- Evaluation of Railway Passenger Comfort With Machine Learning (2022) (1)
- Comparative Investigations into Environment-Friendly Production Methods for Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers and Bearers (2022) (1)
- Relationship between impact energy and fracture toughness of prestressed concrete railway sleepers (2009) (1)
- Editorial: Safety, Risk and Uncertainties in Transportation and Transit Systems (2019) (1)
- Nonlinear free vibrations of spider web structures (2019) (1)
- Execution time estimation of recovery actions for a disrupted railway track inspection schedule (2018) (1)
- University of Birmingham Damage Detection in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers using Acoustic Emission (2017) (0)
- Effect of extreme climate on wheel-rail interaction over rail squats (2018) (0)
- Structural Crack Identification in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers Using Dynamic Mode Shapes (2018) (0)
- Localization of Impact Damage in Thin-Walled Composite Structure Using Variance-Based Continuous Wavelet Transform (2018) (0)
- University of Birmingham Risk management prediction for overcrowding in railway stations Utilising Adaptive Nero Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) (2019) (0)
- University of The effect of ground borne vibrations from high speed train on overhead line equipment (OHLE) structure considering soil-structure interaction (2018) (0)
- Value Added Strategy for Unplanned Rail Track Inspections (2018) (0)
- Damage Identification in Beam Structure Using Mode Shape Data: from Spatial Continuous Wavelet Transform to Mode Shape Curvature Methods (2015) (0)
- The connectivity of modern transportation and logistics for sustainable development in Thailand (2019) (0)
- Crack Propagation Identification in Concrete Sleepers/Bearers in Railway Switches and Crossings using Acoustic Emission (2018) (0)
- Utilizing big data for enhancing passenger safety (2019) (0)
- Damping Properties of Sandwich Truss Core Structures by Strain Energy Method (2015) (0)
- Influence of concrete damping on impact vibrations of railway prestressed concrete sleepers (2019) (0)
- University of Birmingham Grand challenges in transportation and transit systems (2016) (0)
- Life Cycle Cost Evaluation of Noise Control Methods at Urban Railway Turnouts (2016) (0)
- Recent Research and Innovation in Railway Infrastructure Systems Engineering Network (RISEN) (2017) (0)
- An Analysis of Urbanisation Sustainability Effect from High-Speed Rail in Honshu Area (2018) (0)
- Geopolymer Applications and Material Specifications in Railway Industry (2017) (0)
- University of Birmingham Recycling of Rolling Stocks (2017) (0)
- University of Birmingham Prediction of healing performance of autogenous healing concrete using machine learning (2021) (0)
- Sleepers Exposed: new innovations in rail design (2007) (0)
- Engineering, Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete (2023) (0)
- Identification of Weather Influences on Flight Punctuality Using Machine Learning Approach (2021) (0)
- 3D Numerical Simulations for Response and Performance Prediction of Railway Composite Track Slabs under Derailments (2017) (0)
- Thank You to Reviewers (2011) (0)
- Special Issue “Extreme Sciences and Engineering II” (2022) (0)
- Railway infrastructure maintenance efficiency improvement using deep reinforcement learning integrated with digital twin based on track geometry and component defects (2023) (0)
- Keynote Lecture: New Practical Insights towards Resilient and Sustainable Highspeed Rail Infrastructures (2019) (0)
- Effects of vertical and through holes on cyclic behaviour of railway concrete sleepers (2018) (0)
- Modern Rail Innovation in Japan (2011) (0)
- University of Birmingham Economics of track resilience (2018) (0)
- Unsupervised machine learning for managing safety accidents in railway stations (2023) (0)
- Structural Crack Identification in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers Using Dynamic Mode Shapes (2018) (0)
- Numerical investigation of porous composite honeycomb track slab under point load (2022) (0)
- Improvement of CdS Thin Film Crystallinity by Nd:YAG Laser Radiation (2014) (0)
- Bridge-Track Interaction Under Elevated Temperatures (2013) (0)
- Keynote Lecture: Practical and research challenges towards sustainable and resilient rail infrastructure systems (2020) (0)
- Editorial (2019) (0)
- Toughness of Railroad Concrete Crossties with Holes and Web Opening (2016) (0)
- Characteristics of sustainable concrete using crumb rubber integrated with carbon nanotubes (2017) (0)
- Life cycle and sustainability assessment of under sleeper pads for railway vibration suppression (2019) (0)
- Machine Learning-Aided Management of Motorway Facilities Using Single-Vehicle Accident Data (2021) (0)
- Effect of coupling vertical and lateral forces on the behaviour of High-speed railway track slabs (2019) (0)
- Development and Evaluation of New Concepts and Systems for Railway Switches and Crossings (2020) (0)
- Sustainable and self-sensing concrete: new findings and applications in railway infrastructures (2020) (0)
- Experimental Performance Evaluation of Multi-Storey Steel Plate Shear Walls Designed by Different Methods (2018) (0)
- Smartphone Sensing and Identification of Shock Noise and Vibration Induced by Gym Activities (2020) (0)
- Sensitivity of a High-Speed Rail Development on Supply Chain and Logistics via Air-Rail-Road Freight Transportation (2021) (0)
- Classification of External Vibration Sources through Data-Driven Models Using Hybrid CNNs and LSTMs (2023) (0)
- University of Birmingham Damage Detection in Railway Prestressed Concrete Sleepers using Acoustic Emission (2017) (0)
- Editorial: Best Practices on Advanced Condition Monitoring of Rail Infrastructure Systems (2020) (0)
- University of Birmingham Hybrid approach to predict the track deterioration in a railway in-service (2019) (0)
- Research Online Research Online State dependent properties of rail pads State dependent properties of rail pads (2020) (0)
- Special Issue “Extreme Sciences and Engineering” (2021) (0)
- Static and dynamic behaviours of helical spring in MR fluid (2016) (0)
- Finite Element Modelling of Railway Turnout Systems (2013) (0)
- Econometric Analysis of Viaducts Maintenance Considering Future Traffic Demand and Earthquakes (2020) (0)
- Fatigue life losses of railway concrete sleepers due to surface abrasions (2018) (0)
- Engineered crumbed rubber concrete for vibroacoustic reduction in railway built environment (2017) (0)
- Train-ride quality evaluation of the Elizabeth Line using machine learning (2022) (0)
- Addressing the climate challenge (2021) (0)
- Long-term behaviours of railway prestressed concrete sleepers due to shortening parameters (2017) (0)
- Editorial: Best Practices on Advanced Condition Monitoring of Rail Infrastructure Systems, Volume II (2021) (0)
- Lateral vibrations of curved railway tracks to transient excitations (2018) (0)
- Dynamic Wheel–Rail Interaction Over Rail Squat Defects (2015) (0)
- Railway noise and vibration problems and mitigation solutions in practice (2019) (0)
- Wet / dry influence on behaviors of closed-cell polymeric cross-linked foams under static , dynamic 4 and impact loads 5 6 7 (2018) (0)
- Risk Management Prediction for Overcrowding in Railway Stations Utilising Adaptive Nero Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) (2019) (0)
- Three-dimensional Finite Element Modelling of Composite Slabs for High Speed Rails (2017) (0)
- AI-Based Quantification of Fitness Activities Using Smartphones (2022) (0)
- Fatigue damage assessment of complex railway turnout crossings via Peridynamics-based digital twin (2022) (0)
- Reschedule or not? Use of benefit-cost indicator for railway track inspection (2018) (0)
- Book review (2019) (0)
- Influences of Flood Conditions on Dynamic Characteristics of Novel 3D-Printed Porous Bridge Bearings (2023) (0)
- Quantitative analysis of the structural health of railway turnouts using the acoustic emission technique (2022) (0)
- University of Birmingham Impact responses of highspeed railway track slabs (2019) (0)
- University of Birmingham Nonlinear dynamics of curved railway tracks in three-dimensional space (2017) (0)
- Value of rail inspection reschedules (2018) (0)
- Reliability Quantification of Railway Electrification Mast Structure Considering Buckling (2021) (0)
- of Birmingham An investigation to optimize the layout of protective blast barriers using finite element modelling (2017) (0)
- University of Birmingham Nonlinear free vibrations of spider web structures (2019) (0)
- Dynamic vehicle-track interaction with multiple short rail defects over long wavelength track settlement (2019) (0)
- Crack Propagation Identification in Concrete Sleepers/Bearers in Railway Switches and Crossings using Acoustic Emission (2018) (0)
- The use of composites to improve the performance of railway switches and crossings (2018) (0)
- Digital Twin Aided Sustainability Assessment of Modern Light Rail Infrastructures (2022) (0)
- University of Birmingham Getting it right on the policy prioritisation for rail decarbonisation (2021) (0)
- Editorial (2020) (0)
- Eco-Friendly Design and Sustainability Assessments of Fibre-Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Structures Automated by Data-Driven Machine Learning Models (2023) (0)
- University of Birmingham Life cycle cost, energy and carbon assessments of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway (2019) (0)
- Numerical investigation into the buckling behaviour of an advanced bridge bearing using 3D printing method for Thai highway bridges (2021) (0)
- University of Birmingham Quantitative monitoring of brittle fatigue crack growth in railway steel using acoustic emission (2017) (0)
- Operational Vulnerability of the High Speed Rail Infrastructure in Malaysia from Climate Change Risks (2016) (0)
- Investigation into Ground Vibration Responses of High-Speed Rail Slab Tracks Considering Train-Track-Soil Interactions (2021) (0)
- “Ballast Railroad Design: SMART-UOW Approach” by Buddhima Indraratna and Trung Ngo CRC Press ISBN 9781138587038) (2019) (0)
- Sensitivity Analysis of Public Private Partnership Models for Thailand’s EEC Highspeed Rails (2020) (0)
- Sustainability and Low-Carbon Challenges of Highspeed Rail Systems (2018) (0)
- University of Birmingham Contact conditions over turnout crossing noses (2018) (0)
- Editorial: Data sciences in transportation and transit systems (2022) (0)
- Vulnerability of Interspersed Railway Tracks Exposed to Flood and Washaway Conditions (2021) (0)
- Performance of Railway Sleepers with Holes under Impact Loading (2017) (0)
- Prediction of turnout support deterioration through dynamic train-track interactions integrated with artificial intelligence (2023) (0)
- Impact Responses of the Highspeed Railway Track Slabs (2019) (0)
- Performance improvement of ballasted railway tracks using geocells: present status and future prospects (2018) (0)
- Will the current public transport network in Birmingham support passengers disembarking HS2 (2018) (0)
- Australian PhD Theses in Railway Engineering 2006-2008 (2009) (0)
- Session 2 : Real-time Structural Testing Techniques (0)
- The E ff ect of Unsupported Sleepers / Bearers on Dynamic Phenomena of a Railway Turnout System under Impact Loads (2020) (0)
- Systems Thinking Approach for Rail Freight Noise Mitigation (2016) (0)
- Dynamic Properties Evaluation of Railway Ballast Using Impact Excitation Technique (2018) (0)
- University of Birmingham Introducing a New Limit States Design Concept to Railway Concrete Sleepers (2014) (0)
- University of Birmingham New insights from multibody dynamic analyses of a turnout system under impact loads (2019) (0)
- Keynote Lecture: Reliable and Resilient Transport Infrastructure towards Smart and Sustainable Urban Systems (2017) (0)
- Foreword: 2018 International Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering (i-RISE 2018) (2018) (0)
- Improvement of CdS Crystallinity by Nd:YAG Laser Radiation (2014) (0)
- Structural Damage Identification based on Mode Shape Transformations and Supervised Learning (2019) (0)
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