
Salvatore Satta

Most Influential Person Across History

Italian jurist and novelist

Salvatore Satta's Academic­ Rankings

Salvatore Satta
Historical Rank
law Degrees
Salvatore Satta
Historical Rank
literature Degrees
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  • Law
  • Literature

Why Is Salvatore Satta Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Salvatore Satta was an Italian jurist and writer. He is famous for the novel The Day of Judgment , and for several important studies on civil law. Biography He was the youngest son of notary Salvatore Satta and Antonietta Galfrè, and relative of Sebastiano Satta. After attending the Liceo classico in Nuoro and Sassari, he graduated in law in 1924 at the University of Sassari. He is considered one of Italy's foremost jurists, in particular for his works on the Italian civil code after the second world war, and one of the greatest Sardinian authors.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Salvatore Satta?

Salvatore Satta is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Salvatore Satta's Academic Contributions?

Salvatore Satta has made the following academic contributions: