Sarah Coakley
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British theologian
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Religious Studies
Why Is Sarah Coakley Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Sarah Anne Coakley is an English Anglican priest, systematic theologian and philosopher of religion with interdisciplinary interests. She is an honorary professor at the Logos Institute, the University of St Andrews, after she stepped down as Norris–Hulse Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. She is also a visiting professorial fellow at the Australian Catholic University, both in Melbourne and Rome.
Sarah Coakley's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
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Published Works
- Religion and the Body (2000) (102)
- Powers and Submissions (2002) (62)
- Powers and Submissions: Spirituality, Philosophy, and Gender (2002) (41)
- Religious motivations for cooperation: an experimental investigation using explicit primes (2014) (39)
- Pain and Its Transformations: The Interface of Biology and Culture. (2008) (31)
- Kenōsis and Subversion: On the Repression of ‘Vulnerability’ in Christian Feminist Writing (2008) (28)
- The Eschatological Body: Gender, Transformation and God (2000) (28)
- Evolution, games, and God : the principle of cooperation (2013) (27)
- What Does Chalcedon Solve and What Does It Not? Some Reflections on the Status and Meaning of the Chalcedonian ‘Definition’ (2002) (26)
- Modern Christian thought (2006) (25)
- The spiritual senses : perceiving God in Western Christianity (2011) (23)
- ‘Persons’ In the ‘Social’ Doctrine of the Trinity: A Critique of Current Analytic Discussion (2002) (22)
- The Making and remaking of Christian Doctrine : essays in honour of Maurice Wiles (1993) (21)
- God, Sexuality, and the Self (2013) (20)
- God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay 'On the Trinity' (2013) (18)
- Modern Christian Thought: The Twentieth Century (1999) (17)
- Christ without Absolutes: A Study of the Christology of Ernst Troeltsch (1989) (15)
- Re-thinking Dionysius the Areopagite (2009) (13)
- Re-thinking Gregory of Nyssa (2003) (12)
- Women's Voices. Essays in Contemporary Feminist Theology (1992) (10)
- Christ Without Absolutes (1988) (9)
- On Why Analytic Theology Is Not a Club (2013) (9)
- The woman at the Altar: Cosmological disturbance or gender subversion? (2004) (9)
- Introduction: Disputed Questions in Patristic Trinitarianism (2007) (8)
- Is there a Future for Gender and Theology? On Gender, Contemplation, and the Systematic Task (2013) (8)
- Dark Contemplation and Epistemic Transformation (2009) (8)
- Living into the Mystery of the Holy Trinity: Trinity, Prayer, and Sexuality (1998) (8)
- Introduction:: Why Cooperation Makes a Difference (2013) (7)
- Faith, rationality, and the passions (2012) (7)
- Re–thinking Gregory of Nyssa: Introduction—Gender, Trinitarian Analogies, and the Pedagogy of The Song (2002) (7)
- The New Asceticism: Sexuality, Gender and the Quest for God (2015) (7)
- Feminism and Analytic Philosophy of Religion (2007) (6)
- Why gift? Gift, gender and trinitarian relations in Milbank and Tanner (2008) (6)
- Beyond Understanding (2021) (5)
- The Resurrection and the ‘Spiritual Senses’: On Wittgenstein, Epistemology and the Risen Christ (2008) (4)
- Faith, Rationality, and the Passions: Coakley/Faith, Rationality, and the Passions (2012) (3)
- Prayer, Politics and the Trinity: Vying Models of Authority in Third–Fourth-Century Debates on Prayer and ‘Orthodoxy’ (2013) (3)
- Fields of Faith: Shaping the field: a transatlantic perspective (2005) (3)
- Divine hiddenness or dark intimacy? How John of the Cross dissolves a contemporary philosophical dilemma (2015) (3)
- Theology and cultural relativism: What is the problem? (1979) (3)
- ‘Persons’ in the ‘Social’ Doctrine of the Trinity: Current Analytic Discussion and ‘Cappadocian’ Theology (2008) (2)
- Visions of the Self in Late Medieval Christianity: Some Cross-Disciplinary Reflections (1992) (2)
- Evolution, Cooperation, and Divine Providence (2013) (2)
- Response to Reviewers of God, Sexuality and the Self (2014) (2)
- A Response from Sarah Coakley (2011) (2)
- 5 Palliative or Intensification? Pain and Christian Contemplation in the Spirituality of the Sixteenth-Century Carmelites (2008) (2)
- Can God be Experienced as Trinity (1986) (2)
- On the Fearfulness of Forgiveness: Psalm 130.4 and Its Theological Implications (2011) (2)
- Anthropological and Theological Responses to Theologically Engaged Anthropology (2018) (2)
- Response to My Critics in the Journal of Pentecostal Theology (2017) (1)
- Introduction: Ethics, Theology and the Contemporary Conundrum of State Punishment (2014) (1)
- Person of Christ (2016) (1)
- Pain and Its Transformations (2008) (1)
- ‘Humorous Is the Only Truthful Way to Tell a Sad Story’: Jonathan Safran Foer and Third Generation Holocaust Representation (2019) (1)
- The Spiritual Senses: Gregory of Nyssa (2011) (1)
- Evolution, Cooperation and Ethics: Some Methodological and Philosophical Hurdles (2013) (1)
- Brief responses to my interlocutors (2013) (1)
- «In Persona Christi». Gender, Priesthood and the Nuptial Metaphor (2013) (1)
- God, Sexuality, and the Self: Praying the Trinity: a neglected patristic tradition (2013) (0)
- The primacy of divine desire: God as Trinity and the ‘apophatic turn’ (2013) (0)
- Troeltsch on God, Redemption, and Revelation (1994) (0)
- Traditions of Spiritual Guidance: Dom John Chapman OSB (1865–;1933) on the Meaning of ‘Contemplation’ (2008) (0)
- Troeltsch and the Many Christs (1994) (0)
- Theological Scholarship as Religious Vocation (2006) (0)
- 15 Afterword (2008) (0)
- Coda: conclusions and beyond (2013) (0)
- The Spiritual Senses: Foreword (2011) (0)
- God, Sexuality, and the Self: Recasting ‘systematic theology’: gender, desire, and théologie totale (2013) (0)
- Response to Trutz Rendtorff (2004) (0)
- Gender and Knowledge in Modern Western Philosophy: The ‘Man of Reason’ and the ‘Feminine’ ‘Other’ in Enlightenment and Romantic Thought (2008) (0)
- The Spiritual Senses: Introduction (2011) (0)
- Book Review: Theology and Feminism (1991) (0)
- The Resurrection: The Grammar of ‘Raised’ (2004) (0)
- 1 Introduction (2008) (0)
- The Spiritual Senses: Select bibliography (2011) (0)
- Introductory Remarks (2016) (0)
- Pain and Its Transformations. A Discussion (2013) (0)
- Palliative or Intensification? (2008) (0)
- Eastern “Mystical Theology” or Western “Nouvelle Théologie”?: On the Comparative Reception of Dionysius the Areopagite in Lossky and de Lubac (2013) (0)
- After the Spirit: A Constructive Pneumatology from Resources Outside the Modern West. By Eugene F. Rogers, Jr. Wm. B. Eerdmans (2007) (0)
- The Spiritual Senses: Abbreviations (2011) (0)
- Seeing God: trinitarian thought through iconography (2013) (0)
- On Clouds and Veils: Divine Presence and ‘Feminine’ Secrets in Revelation and Nature (2009) (0)
- Troeltsch and the ‘Cumulative Case’ against Incarnational Christology (1994) (0)
- Jesus in the Tide of Time: An Historical Study, John Ferguson. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London and Henley (1980), xi+249 pp. £9.75 (1981) (0)
- Creaturehood before God (1990) (0)
- After the Spirit: A Constructive Pneumatology from Resources Outside the Modern West (review) (2007) (0)
- The Prevention of Falls Among Older Adults in the Acute Setting: A Literature Review (2017) (0)
- Response to John Hare (2012) (0)
- Evolution, Cooperation and the God Question (2022) (0)
- The Spiritual Senses: General index (2011) (0)
- Comprar Pain and Its Transformations | Sarah Coakley | 9780674024564 | Harvard Uniersity Press (2008) (0)
- Fragment of Christology : Feminism as a Moment of (2013) (0)
- Analytic Philosophy of Religion in Feminist Perspective: Some Questions (2008) (0)
- God, Sexuality, and the Self: Prelude: the arguments of this book (2013) (0)
- Response to Denys Turner (2019) (0)
- Book Reviews : Reformed Tradition and Change (1979) (0)
- God, Sexuality, and the Self: Doing theology ‘on Wigan Pier’: why feminism and the social sciences matter to theology (2013) (0)
- God, Sexuality, and the Self: ‘Batter My Heart’: reorientations of classic trinitarian thought (2013) (0)
- The Nature of Troeltsch’s Relativism (1994) (0)
- Concluding eirenic (and mostly “unscientific”) postscript (2019) (0)
- Christology in Troeltsch’s Early Writings: The Disengagement from ‘Ritschlianism’ (1994) (0)
- Introductory Remarks: The Theology and Ethics of Contemporary Dying (2016) (0)
- God, Sexuality, and the Self: Glossary of technical terms and names (2013) (0)
- Introduction (2008) (0)
- Troeltsch on the Historical Jesus (1994) (0)
- Gregory of Nyssa on Spiritual Ascent and Trinitarian Orthodoxy: a Reconsideration of the Relation between Doctrine and Askesis (2018) (0)
- Telling the Old Story in Gendered Keys : The Theological Revivals of (2019) (0)
- Afterword (2008) (0)
- Congress 2000: The Future of the Study of Religion Parallel Sessions and Panel Discussion (2004) (0)
- The Spiritual Senses: Index of select biblical references (2011) (0)
- Conclusions: The Legacy of Troeltsch’s Christology (1994) (0)
- Studies in the History of Religions Numen Book Series (2004) (0)
- A Response to Oliver O’Donovan’s Ethics as Theology Trilogy (2019) (0)
- The EU directive on Herbal Medicines (2017) (0)
- D'Costa, Gavin, Sexing the Trinity: Gender, Culture and the Divine (2005) (0)
- God, Sexuality, and the Self: The charismatic constituency: embarrassment or riches? (2013) (0)
- AT Annual Lecture: "Sin and Desire in Analytic Theology: A Return to Genesis 3" (2017) (0)
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