Shaun L. Gabbidon
British criminologist
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Criminal Justice
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Shaun L. Gabbidon is a criminologist and the author of many articles and books that typically focus on the areas of racial and ethnic issues in criminology. Life Gabbidon's parents moved to England from Jamaica in the 1960s, and Gabbidon was born there. In the 1970s they moved to the United States. He obtained a doctorate in criminology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He has held various academic positions, including teaching at Coppin State University and the University of Baltimore. He was a fellow at Harvard University's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for Afro-American Research, an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Center for African American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and a Professor of Criminal Justice in the School of Public Affairs at the Harrisburg campus of the Pennsylvania State University.
Shaun L. Gabbidon's Published Works
Published Works
- The New “Peculiar Institution”: On the Prison as Surrogate Ghetto (2013) (101)
- Racial Profiling by Store Clerks and Security Personnel in Retail Establishments (2003) (90)
- The Role of Race/Ethnicity and Race Relations on Public Opinion Related to the Treatment of Blacks by the Police (2009) (79)
- Criminological Perspectives on Race and Crime (2020) (69)
- Race, crime, and justice: A reader (2005) (62)
- A Theory of African American Offending: Race, Racism, and Crime (2011) (61)
- Race and Crime (2005) (57)
- Race, Gender, and the Perception of Recently Experiencing Unfair Treatment by the Police: Exploratory Results From an All-Black Sample (2011) (56)
- The role of race/ethnicity and race relations on public opinion related to the immigration and crime link (2010) (45)
- Consumer Racial Profiling and Perceived Victimization: A Phone Survey of Philadelphia Area Residents (2007) (40)
- Career choices and characteristics of African-American undergraduates majoring in criminal justice at historically black colleges and universities (2003) (39)
- The Influence of Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Faculty Perceptions on Scholarly Productivity in Criminology/Criminal Justice (2011) (35)
- Do Blacks Speak with one Voice? Immigrants, Public Opinions, and Perceptions of Criminal Injustices (2015) (32)
- African American classics in criminology & criminal justice (2002) (32)
- The Influence of Race/Ethnicity on the Perceived Prevalence and Support for Racial Profiling at Airports (2009) (30)
- Still Excluded? An Update on the Status of African American Scholars in the Discipline of Criminology and Criminal Justice (2004) (29)
- Living While Black (2006) (28)
- Public opinion on the killing of Trayvon Martin: A test of the racial gradient thesis (2013) (27)
- Examining the Generality of Citizens' Views on Racial Profiling in Diverse Situational Contexts (2008) (27)
- The Spawn of Slavery: The Convict-Lease System in the South (2013) (27)
- Exploring the Influence of Race Relations and Public Safety Concerns on Public Support for Racial Profiling during Traffic Stops (2010) (26)
- The consumer racial profiling experiences of Black students at historically Black colleges and universities: An exploratory study (2008) (24)
- W.E.B. Du Bois and the “Atlanta school” of social scientific research, 1897–1913 (1999) (24)
- African American Criminological Thought (2000) (23)
- Racial Profiling in Decisions to Search: A Preliminary Analysis Using Propensity-Score Matching (2011) (21)
- Perceptions of Consumer Racial Profiling and Negative Emotions (2009) (21)
- The presence of African American scholarship in early American criminology texts (1918–1960) (2001) (19)
- The Election of Barack Obama and Perceptions of Criminal Injustice (2011) (19)
- African American scholarship in criminological research published in the 1990s: A content analysis (2003) (18)
- Included? The Status of African American Scholars in the Discipline of Criminology and Criminal Justice Since 2004 (2018) (18)
- Encyclopedia of race and crime (2009) (17)
- An argument for including W.E.B. DuBois in the criminology/criminal justice literature (1996) (17)
- Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Justice: An International Dilemma (2009) (17)
- Moving through the Faculty Ranks: An Exploratory Study on the Perceived Importance of Book Publishing and Publishing in Peer‐Reviewed Journals in Criminology/Criminal Justice (2011) (16)
- A study on the attitudes and experiences of chairpersons in American Criminology and Criminal Justice Programs (2005) (16)
- Is Criminology Out-of-Date? A Research Note on the Use of Common Types of Data (2014) (16)
- Public opinion on crime causation: An exploratory study of Philadelphia area residents (2012) (15)
- Press Rankings in Criminology/Criminal Justice: A Preliminary Assessment of Book Publisher Quality (2010) (15)
- Criminological perspectives on race and crime: Second edition (2010) (15)
- Public Support for Racial Profiling in Airports (2012) (13)
- An empirical assessment of employee theft lawsuits involving allegations of employer misconduct (2006) (13)
- An Early American Crime Poll by W.E.B. DuBois (2000) (12)
- Exploring the perceived extent of and citizens' support for consumer racial profiling: Results from a national poll (2009) (11)
- Criminal Justice Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Three Decades of Progress (2007) (11)
- Using Google Scholar to Determine the Most Cited Criminology and Criminal Justice-Related Books (2012) (11)
- Race/Ethnicity and Perceptions of Safety Among a National Sample of Americans (2010) (10)
- Exploring Untested Measures on Public Opinion on the Use of Racial Profiling During Traffic Stops to Identify Criminals (2012) (9)
- Hate Crimes in Post-9/11 Pennsylvania (2016) (9)
- Criminal justice education at historically black colleges and universities: Past, present, and future (1999) (9)
- W. E. B. Du Bois On Crime And Justice: Laying The Foundations Of Sociological Criminology (2017) (9)
- Race, ethnicity, and social change: The democratization of middle‐class crime* (2020) (8)
- An Era‐Based Exploration of the Most Significant Books in Criminology/Criminal Justice: A Research Note (2010) (8)
- Racial Profiling and the Courts (2007) (8)
- The Life of an Academic: Examining the Correlates of Job Satisfaction Among Criminology/Criminal Justice Faculty (2012) (8)
- Black Supporters of Racial Profiling (2013) (8)
- A Quantitative Analysis of Wrongful Death Lawsuits Involving Police Officers in the United States, 1995-2005 (2007) (8)
- Public Opinion on the Use of Consumer Racial Profiling to Identify Shoplifters: An Exploratory Study (2011) (7)
- Shopping While Black (2020) (7)
- Contextualizing Public Opinion on Consumer Racial Profiling: A Marxist Approach (2009) (7)
- Race-Based Peremptory Challenges: An Empirical Analysis of Litigation from the U.S. Court of Appeals, 2002–2006 (2008) (6)
- Building a Black Criminology, Volume 24 (2018) (6)
- Exploring the role of race and course content in criminal justice course evaluations: A case study (2002) (6)
- Black Supporters of the No-Discrimination Thesis in Criminal Justice (2014) (5)
- Philadelphia area residents' views on the disproportionate representation of blacks and Hispanics in the criminal justice system (2015) (5)
- Examining the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Race Relations on Public Opinion about the Overrepresentation of Black People in U.S. Prisons (2020) (5)
- Book Review: Disproportionate Confinement of African-American Juvenile Delinquents (2005) (5)
- Stressful Life Events and African American Political Participation (2007) (4)
- Governmental Efforts on Homeland Security and Crime: Public Views and Opinions (2009) (4)
- An Exploratory Analysis of Federal Litigation in the United States Challenging Asset Forfeiture (2011) (4)
- Race and Place: The Ecology of Racial Profiling African American Motorists (2013) (4)
- Series editor foreword (2010) (4)
- African American male college students after the million man March: An exploratory study (2000) (3)
- Criminological Explanations, Race, and Biological Attributions of Crime as Predictors of Philadelphia Area Residents’ Support for Criminal Justice Policies (2020) (3)
- Characteristics and Outcomes of Shoplifting Cases in the US Involving Allegations of False Arrest (2005) (3)
- Understanding public support for, or opposition to, the use of consumer racial profiling to identify shoplifters (2016) (3)
- Revisiting the generality of public opinion on racial profiling: a statewide study of white perceptions (2015) (2)
- Public support for law enforcement agencies’ recording of arrest statistics by race: a research note (2013) (2)
- Crime and Racial Profiling by U.S. Police: Is There an Empirical Basis? (2013) (2)
- Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Justice (2020) (2)
- Public opinion on the affluenza defense, race, and sentencing decisions: results from a statewide poll (2016) (2)
- Pioneering Black Criminology: W.E.B. Du Bois and The Philadelphia Negro (2018) (1)
- A Preliminary Study of Black American Security Executives (2002) (1)
- Pre-Arrest Perceptions of George Zimmerman’s Guilt in the Fatal Trayvon Martin Shooting: Examining Racial Differences in the Presumption of Guilt (2021) (1)
- Correlates of the Decision to Report Incidents of “Consumer Racial Profiling”: A Preliminary Study (2020) (1)
- Teaching Race and Crime (2003) (1)
- Are Non-U.S. Citizens Color-Blind? The Racialization of Violent Crimes (2018) (1)
- Crime Prevention in the African American Community: Lessons Learned From the Nation of Islam (2007) (1)
- Consumer Racial Profiling and Perceived Victimization: An Examination of the Factors that Influence Self-Esteem (2007) (1)
- Methodological Note on Kaba's Article (2009) (1)
- Labeling Perspectives on Race and Crime (2010) (0)
- Criminological Perspectives on Race and Crime Third Edition (2014) (0)
- Understanding public support for, or opposition to, the use of consumer racial profiling to identify shoplifters (2013) (0)
- Subcultural Perspectives on Race and Crime (2020) (0)
- Introduction (2016) (0)
- Introduction (2011) (0)
- United States (2020) (0)
- Great Britain (2020) (0)
- Australia (2020) (0)
- Variability in the Criminal Behavior of American Indians (2013) (0)
- Consumer Racial Profiling Litigation (2020) (0)
- Public Attitudes Towards Crime Causation Survey (2014) (0)
- Bowden v. Caldor (2007) (0)
- Editorial Board (2011) (0)
- Guest editors' introduction: Race and justice (2005) (0)
- Racialization of Serious Crime Arrestees: Who Does It and Does It Predict Worry about Victimization in Minority Neighborhoods? (2022) (0)
- Using Google Scholar to Determine the Most Cited Criminology and Criminal Justice-Related Books (2011) (0)
- Conflict Perspectives on Race and Crime (2010) (0)
- Biological Perspectives on Race and Crime (2010) (0)
- How Public Policy Impacts Racial Inequality (2019) (0)
- Social Control Perspectives on Race and Crime (2015) (0)
- On the Racial Disproportionality of United States’ Prison Populations (2013) (0)
- South Africa (2020) (0)
- Books Received / Livres recus ^ July/juillet 2007 (2007) (0)
- Book Review: Dorm Room Drug Dealers: Drugs and the Privileges of Race and Class (2010) (0)
- Social Factors in Oriental Crime (2013) (0)
- Special Issue Introduction: Blacks, Crime, and Justice (2009) (0)
- Social Disorganization and Strain Perspectives on Race and Crime (2015) (0)
- The Life of an Academic: Examining the Correlates of Job Satisfaction Among Criminology/Criminal Justice Faculty (2011) (0)
- Book Review: Hamid Reza Kusha, Islam in American Prisons: Black Muslims’ Challenge to American Penology, Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2009; 218 pp (2010) (0)
- Conclusion (2020) (0)
- Consumer Racial Profiling Victimization (2020) (0)
- Conclusion (2020) (0)
- A Brief Introduction to Race, Crime, and Theory (2010) (0)
- Introduction (2020) (0)
- Understanding Black-White Differences in Support for the Racial Invariance Thesis: Lessons Learned From Philadelphia Area Residents (2022) (0)
- Conclusion (2020) (0)
- Characteristics and Outcomes of Insurance Claims Involving Losses from Theft (2007) (0)
- Book Review: Peterson, R. D., Krivo, L. J., & Hagan, J. (Eds.). (2006). The Many Colors of Crime: Inequalities of Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in America. New York: New York University Press. xiii pp., 430 pp (2008) (0)
- Gender and Race-Centered Perspectives on Race and Crime (2020) (0)
- Public Opinion on Consumer Racial Profiling (2020) (0)
- Colonial Perspectives on Race and Crime (2020) (0)
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