Shelley E. Taylor
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American psychologist
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- Bachelors Psychology Connecticut College
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Why Is Shelley E. Taylor Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Shelley Elizabeth Taylor is an American psychologist. She serves as a distinguished professor of psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. She received her Ph.D. from Yale University, and was formerly on the faculty at Harvard University. A prolific author of books and scholarly journal articles, Taylor has long been a leading figure in two subfields related to her primary discipline of social psychology: social cognition and health psychology. Her books include The Tending Instinct and Social Cognition, the latter by Susan Fiske and Shelley Taylor.
Shelley E. Taylor's Published Works
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Published Works
- Social cognition, 2nd ed. (1991) (3073)
- Adjustment to threatening events: A theory of cognitive adaptation. (1983) (3060)
- Risky families: family social environments and the mental and physical health of offspring. (2002) (2803)
- Social Cognition, from Brains to Culture (1984) (1536)
- Salience, Attention, and Attribution: Top of the Head Phenomena (1978) (1266)
- Coping resources, coping processes, and mental health. (2007) (1123)
- Categorical and contextual bases of person memory and stereotyping. (1978) (964)
- Culture and social support. (2008) (825)
- Culture and social support: who seeks it and why? (2004) (812)
- Stalking the elusive "vividness" effect. (1982) (781)
- Theory and Research Concerning Social Comparisons of Personal Attributes (2001) (752)
- Social Support: A Review (2011) (674)
- It Could Be Worse: Selective Evaluation as a Response to Victimization (1983) (560)
- From Thought to Action: Effects of Process-Versus Outcome-Based Mental Simulations on Performance (1999) (535)
- Point of view and perceptions of causality. (1975) (533)
- Tend and Befriend (2006) (480)
- Coping and the Simulation of Events (1989) (480)
- A Better World or a Shattered Vision? Changes in Life Perspectives Following Victimization (1990) (459)
- Psychosocial Resources and the SES‐Health Relationship (1999) (457)
- Neural pathways link social support to attenuated neuroendocrine stress responses (2007) (456)
- Positive illusions: Creative self-deception and the healthy mind. (1989) (454)
- Neurocognitive components of the behavioral inhibition and activation systems: implications for theories of self-regulation. (2007) (443)
- Affirmation of Personal Values Buffers Neuroendocrine and Psychological Stress Responses (2005) (440)
- Situated Optimism: Specific Outcome Expectancies and Self-Regulation (1998) (436)
- Early Family Environment, Current Adversity, the Serotonin Transporter Promoter Polymorphism, and Depressive Symptomatology (2006) (433)
- Attachment figures activate a safety signal-related neural region and reduce pain experience (2011) (391)
- Are psychosocial factors mediators of socioeconomic status and health connections? (2010) (375)
- Neural sensitivity to social rejection is associated with inflammatory responses to social stress (2010) (361)
- Cultural Differences in the Impact of Social Support on Psychological and Biological Stress Responses (2007) (360)
- Early environment, emotions, responses to stress, and health. (2004) (352)
- A Picture's Worth (2009) (337)
- Pursuit of Comfort and Pursuit of Harmony: Culture, Relationships, and Social Support Seeking (2006) (336)
- Mechanisms linking early life stress to adult health outcomes (2010) (330)
- Portrait of the self-enhancer: well adjusted and well liked or maladjusted and friendless? (2003) (326)
- Culture, distress, and oxytocin receptor polymorphism (OXTR) interact to influence emotional support seeking (2010) (322)
- Are self-enhancing cognitions associated with healthy or unhealthy biological profiles? (2003) (304)
- Relationship of Early Life Stress and Psychological Functioning to Adult C-Reactive Protein in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study (2006) (282)
- Relation of Oxytocin to Psychological Stress Responses and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis Activity in Older Women (2006) (274)
- Variation in the μ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) is associated with dispositional and neural sensitivity to social rejection (2009) (269)
- Self-Evaluation Processes (1995) (254)
- Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is related to psychological resources (2011) (253)
- Judgment under uncertainty: The availability bias in social perception and interaction (1982) (249)
- Accelerated Course of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Gay Men Who Conceal Their Homosexual Identity (1996) (248)
- Neural Responses to Emotional Stimuli Are Associated with Childhood Family Stress (2006) (245)
- Social psychology, 8th ed. (1994) (242)
- Hospital Patient Behavior: Reactance, Helplessness, or Control? (1979) (240)
- Self-generated feelings of control and adjustment to physical illness. (1991) (231)
- Social Support and Marital Adjustment After Breast Cancer (1988) (223)
- Are Plasma Oxytocin in Women and Plasma Vasopressin in Men Biomarkers of Distressed Pair-Bond Relationships? (2010) (223)
- Social Comparison, Stress, and Coping (1990) (217)
- Understanding Genetic Risk for Aggression: Clues From the Brain’s Response to Social Exclusion (2007) (216)
- Structural models for the mediation of salience effects on attribution (1982) (215)
- Schematic Bases of Belief Change (1984) (214)
- Accounting for changes in social support among married older adults: insights from the MacArthur Studies of Successful Aging. (2003) (209)
- Heuristics and Biases: When Predictions Fail: The Dilemma of Unrealistic Optimism (2002) (204)
- Stigma, Staring, and Discomfort: A Novel-Stimulus Hypothesis. (1976) (202)
- Early adversity and adult health outcomes (2011) (201)
- Does Self-Affirmation, Cognitive Processing, or Discovery of Meaning Explain Cancer-Related Health Benefits of Expressive Writing? (2007) (201)
- Neural bases of moderation of cortisol stress responses by psychosocial resources. (2008) (194)
- Positive and Negative Effects of HIV Infection in Women with Low Socioeconomic Resources (2002) (190)
- Neural and behavioral bases of age differences in perceptions of trust (2012) (188)
- Evidence for social working memory from a parametric functional MRI study (2012) (186)
- Relation of Childhood Socioeconomic Status and Family Environment to Adult Metabolic Functioning in the CARDIA Study (2005) (185)
- Mediating and moderating processes in psychosocial stress: Appraisal, coping, resistance, and vulnerability. (1996) (184)
- Social Comparisons and Adjustment Among Cardiac Patients1 (1993) (184)
- The Serotonin Transporter Promoter Polymorphism Is Associated with Cortisol Response to Psychosocial Stress (2010) (183)
- Childhood abuse, parental warmth, and adult multisystem biological risk in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study (2013) (178)
- Illness‐related and treatment‐related factors in psychological adjustment to breast cancer (1985) (176)
- Anger and fear responses to stress have different biological profiles (2010) (175)
- Realistic acceptance as a predictor of decreased survival time in gay men with AIDS. (1994) (172)
- Low Calorie Dieting Increases Cortisol (2010) (162)
- The Effects of Mindset on Behavior: Self-Regulation in Deliberative and Implemental Frames of Mind (2003) (161)
- Self-affirmation alters the brain’s response to health messages and subsequent behavior change (2015) (153)
- Relationship of early life stress and psychological functioning to blood pressure in the CARDIA study. (2009) (147)
- Facial Expressions of Emotion Reveal Neuroendocrine and Cardiovascular Stress Responses (2007) (144)
- Finding positive meaning and its association with natural killer cell cytotoxicity among participants in a bereavement-related disclosure intervention (2003) (144)
- Maintaining Positive Illusions in the Face of Negative Information: Getting the Facts Without Letting them Get to You (1989) (128)
- From Vulnerability to Growth: Positive and Negative Effects of Stressful Life Events (2021) (126)
- Social comparison, self-regulation, and motivation. (1996) (124)
- 5-HTTLPR moderates effects of current life events on neuroticism: Differential susceptibility to environmental influences (2010) (119)
- Social Neuroscience: Progress and Implications for Mental Health (2007) (116)
- The social being in social psychology. (1998) (113)
- What makes experiences satisfying? The interaction of approach-avoidance motivations and emotions in well-being. (2004) (112)
- Health psychology, 4th ed. (1999) (110)
- Effects of a supportive or an unsupportive audience on biological and psychological responses to stress. (2010) (106)
- The generalizability of salience effects. (1979) (106)
- Mental simulation, motivation, and action. (1996) (105)
- On inferring one's attitudes from one's behavior: Some delimiting conditions. (1975) (104)
- The vividness effect: Elusive or illusory? (1988) (102)
- Negative and competitive social interactions are related to heightened proinflammatory cytokine activity (2012) (97)
- The Effects of Mental Simulation on Coping with Controllable Stressful Events (1999) (95)
- The Effect of Mental Simulation on Goal-Directed Performance (1999) (92)
- Gene–Culture Interaction (2011) (88)
- Date with an Earthquake (1987) (88)
- Relations with children after breast cancer : the mother-daughter relationship at risk (1985) (84)
- Cognitive Bases of Stereotyping (1982) (84)
- “HIV Is not My Biggest Problem”: The Impact of HIV and Chronic Burden on Depression in Women at Risk for Aids (2004) (81)
- Psychosocial aspects of chronic illness. (1996) (80)
- Social Influences on Health: Is Serotonin a Critical Mediator? (2010) (78)
- Culture, serotonin receptor polymorphism and locus of attention. (2010) (75)
- Social working memory and its distinctive link to social cognitive ability: an fMRI study. (2015) (75)
- When Love Is Blind (1976) (67)
- Perceived Control and Psychological Adjustment in Gay Men With AIDS1 (1993) (66)
- Affect and the processing of personal information: Evidence for mood-activated self-schemata☆ (1986) (66)
- Thin-Ideal Media and Women’s Body Dissatisfaction: Prevention using Downward Social Comparisons on Non-Appearance Dimensions (2007) (66)
- Neurobiological correlates of coping through emotional approach (2009) (63)
- Close Relationships and Happiness (2013) (60)
- Imaging, Empathy, and Causal Attribution. (1979) (59)
- Impact of health beliefs, quality of life, and the physician-patient relationship on the treatment intentions of inflammatory bowel disease patients. (2002) (59)
- Childhood Family Psychosocial Environment and Coronary Heart Disease Risk (2011) (55)
- Social Cognition and Health (1982) (55)
- Social psychological aspects of health (1984) (53)
- Oxytocin and vasopressin receptor polymorphisms interact with circulating neuropeptides to predict human emotional reactions to stress. (2014) (53)
- Social comparison and the drive upward revisited: Affiliation as a response to marital stress (1991) (52)
- Close Relationships and the Female Cancer Patient (1986) (52)
- Storytelling and coping with stressful events. (1993) (52)
- Social relationships and immune processes in HIV seropositive gay and bisexual men (1997) (52)
- The Effect of Metaphor on Political Attitudes (1981) (50)
- Social Cognition in the Classroom. (1983) (48)
- Early environment affects neuroendocrine regulation in adulthood. (2011) (47)
- Assault on the Self: Positive Illusions and Adjustment to Threatening Events (1991) (46)
- Self-affirmation activates brain systems associated with self-related processing and reward and is reinforced by future orientation. (2016) (44)
- The self in transition (1993) (43)
- Early adversity, neural development, and inflammation. (2015) (43)
- Psychosocial Resources: Functions, Origins, and Links to Mental and Physical Health (2011) (42)
- Pregnancy: A social stigma? (1977) (38)
- Fostering a Supportive Environment At Work (2008) (36)
- Schematic Bases of Social Problem-Solving (1978) (34)
- Tend and befriend theory. (2012) (34)
- Effects of self-transcendence on neural responses to persuasive messages and health behavior change (2018) (34)
- Social comparison and affiliation under threat. (1992) (34)
- Effects of Environmental Predictability and Personal Mastery on Self-Regulatory and Physiological Processes (2001) (34)
- Altered emotion regulation capacity in social phobia as a function of comorbidity. (2015) (33)
- Self-monitoring and the use of consensus information. (1981) (33)
- Neural responses to social threat and predictors of cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy in social anxiety disorder (2017) (32)
- Sex differences in biobehavioral responses to threat: Reply to Geary and Flinn (2002) (2002) (32)
- Positive illusions and affect regulation (1993) (32)
- Culture and social support: neural bases and biological impact. (2009) (32)
- A Polymorphism in the Serotonin Transporter Gene Moderates Cardiovascular Reactivity to Psychosocial Stress (2011) (30)
- Adiposity moderates links from early adversity and depressive symptoms to inflammatory reactivity to acute stress during late adolescence (2017) (30)
- Social responses to stress: The tend-and-befriend model. (2011) (29)
- RETRACTED: Facial Expressions of Emotion Reveal Neuroendocrine and Cardiovascular Stress Responses (2005) (27)
- Depressive symptoms and immune transcriptional profiles in late adolescents (2019) (27)
- Cognitive Bases of Children's Moral Judgments. (1977) (26)
- Positive Psychology and Health Psychology: A Fruitful Liaison (2012) (25)
- The relation of approach/avoidance motivation and message framing to the effectiveness of charitable appeals (2011) (24)
- Affiliation, social support and biobehavioral responses to stress. (2009) (24)
- Predicting Perceptions of Victimization (1976) (24)
- Daily interpersonal stress, sleep duration, and gene regulation during late adolescence (2019) (23)
- The Vividness Effect: Making a Mountain Out of a Molehill? (1983) (22)
- Cultural Differences in the Link Between Supportive Relationships and Proinflammatory Cytokines (2013) (22)
- Stress, Psychological Resources, and HPA and Inflammatory Reactivity During Late Adolescence (2018) (21)
- Premature Consensus on Consensus? Effects of Sample-Based Versus Self-Based Consensus Information (1980) (20)
- Affiliation and Stress (2010) (20)
- Childhood family psychosocial environment and carotid intima media thickness: the CARDIA study. (2014) (19)
- Self-Transcendent Values and Neural Responses to Threatening Health Messages (2017) (17)
- Handbook of Psychology and Health (Volume IV) (2020) (17)
- Breast self‐examination among diagnosed breast cancer patients (1984) (17)
- How psychosocial resources enhance health and well-being. (2011) (16)
- Preference, Expectations, and Attributional Bias: Two Field Studies1 (1979) (16)
- The Changing Face of World Cities (2017) (15)
- Publishing in Scientific Journals: We're Not Just Talking to Ourselves Anymore (2009) (14)
- Private Equity at Work (2017) (14)
- Nonsynonymous HTR2C polymorphism predicts cortisol response to psychosocial stress II: Evidence from two samples (2016) (14)
- A Developing Role for Social Psychology in Medicine and Medical Practice (1978) (14)
- Sex, sex‐role identification, and awareness of sex‐role stereotypes (1979) (12)
- Evolution, Relationships, and Health: The Social Shaping Hypothesis (2006) (12)
- Interview with Shelley E. Taylor. (2019) (12)
- Relationship of Personal Cognitive Schemas to the Labeling of a Profound Emotional Experience as Religious-Mystical or Aesthetic (2008) (12)
- The effect of being shunned upon the desire to affiliate (1971) (12)
- Lessons learned from a life in psychological science: Implications for young scientists. (1999) (12)
- Current issues and new directions in Psychology and Health : Bringing basic and applied research together to address underlying mechanisms (2008) (12)
- Effects of a Multidimensional Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program on Psychosocial Function (1992) (11)
- Psychological sequelae of avoiding HIV-serostatus information (1999) (10)
- The Development of Schemas. (1980) (10)
- Theory Driven Processing and the Use of Complex Evidence. (1978) (9)
- Sociocultural Perspectives in Social Psychology: Current Readings (1996) (9)
- Social psychology / Shelley E. Taylor, Letitia Anne Peplau, David O. Sears (1997) (8)
- On healthy illusions (2005) (7)
- The Influence of Early Socialization Experiences on the Development of Biological Systems. (2007) (7)
- Genetic contributions to sensitive parenting. (2008) (7)
- Genetic factors in social pain. (2011) (7)
- Social Cognition evolves: Illustrations from our work on Intergroup Bias and on Healthy Adaptation. (2020) (7)
- Alternative Theories of Health Policy Attitudes and Protective Behaviors: Self Interest, Sociotropy, and Socialization (1984) (6)
- Preparing for social psychology’s future☆ (2004) (6)
- Social comparison and self-regulation (1996) (6)
- Experimenting with Social Norms (2014) (6)
- Expectancy confirmed again: A computer investigation of expectancy theory (1974) (6)
- Coping with the threat of AIDS (2015) (5)
- Social Psychology: Study Guide (1999) (5)
- Motivated Cognition: Phenomena in Search of Theory (1999) (5)
- The role of multiple negative social relationships in inflammatory cytokine responses to a laboratory stressor (2015) (5)
- The Future of Social-Health Psychology: Prospects and Predictions (2011) (5)
- Envisioning the Future and Self-Regulation (2011) (4)
- Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) (2020) (3)
- Nashville in the New Millennium (2017) (3)
- Monoamine Oxidase A, Gender Differences, and Social Exclusion: Response to Gallardo-Pujol et al. (2008) (2)
- The contribution of trait negative affect and stress to recall for bodily states (2016) (2)
- The Impact of Early Adversity on Health (2010) (2)
- The Irony of Cultural Psychology Research. (2009) (2)
- Correction to Lehman, Taylor, Kiefe, and Seeman (2009). (2009) (2)
- Relationships and Well-Being 1 Running Head: Relationships and Well-Being Close Relationships and Subjective Well-Being (2014) (2)
- 19th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society (2005) (2)
- The Present-Minded Professor: Controlling One's Career (2021) (1)
- Reply to: No Replication of Genotype Effect of 5-HTTLPR on Cortisol Response to Social Stress in Larger Adolescent Sample (2010) (1)
- Emotions as Psychological Achievements (2014) (1)
- Preface to the special issue of Social Psychology and Health (1995) (1)
- How are Social Ties Protective? (2020) (1)
- Interventions for Family Members of High-Risk Cardiac Patients (1986) (0)
- The Developing Field of Health Psychology (2020) (0)
- ' s personal copy 5-HTTLPR moderates effects of current life events on neuroticism : Differential susceptibility to environmental in fl uences (2010) (0)
- Profile of Shelley E. Taylor. Interview by Beth Azar. (2010) (0)
- Chronic Burden Measure (2013) (0)
- Improving Training and Performance of Navy Teams (1980) (0)
- Structures cognitives des attitudes (2011) (0)
- Annual Review of Psychology (1971) (0)
- Chapter 19. Health psychology (2010) (0)
- Research on the Chronically Ill: Conceptual and Methodological Perspectives (2020) (0)
- Trauma History List (2013) (0)
- Positive and Negative HIV-Related Changes Measure (2013) (0)
- Situational Optimism Scale (2012) (0)
- Response (1984) (0)
- Early Adversity Running Head : Early Adversity and Health The Impact of Early Adversity on Health (2014) (0)
- Volume 6, 2011, List of Contents (2011) (0)
- Pathways Linking Early Life Stress to Adult Health (2011) (0)
- The Academic Marathon: Managing the Academic Career (2002) (0)
- Health psychology: The science and the field (1990). (1997) (0)
- Bookend: Positive Illusions (1989) (0)
- Implications of health psychology for mental health services (1986) (0)
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