
Siobhan Leachman

Most Influential Person Now

New Zealand Wikimedian

Siobhan Leachman's Academic­ Rankings

Siobhan Leachman
World Rank
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communications Degrees
Siobhan Leachman
World Rank
Historical Rank
World Rank
Historical Rank
philosophy Degrees
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  • Communications
  • Philosophy

Why Is Siobhan Leachman Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Siobhan Leachman is a New Zealand citizen scientist, open knowledge advocate, and Wikimedian whose work focuses on natural history. Life and career Leachman is a lawyer by background and a self-described "stay-at-home mother of two". Bored after her children began attending kindergarten, she began her volunteer work at the instigation of her twin sister Victoria Leachman with the Smithsonian Transcription Center, transcribing diaries and field journals such as those of Vernon and Florence Bailey and categorising bumblebee collections of Arthur Wilson Stelfox. She moved on to volunteer projects with the Biodiversity Heritage Library, Zooniverse, the Australian Museum, and the New Zealand Virtual Herbarium.

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Siobhan Leachman's Published Works

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