Steffen Roth
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Steffen Roth's Degrees
- PhD Sociology University of Zurich
- Masters Sociology University of Zurich
- Bachelors Sociology University of Zurich
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Steffen Roth is an academic and author on management, economics, and sociology. He is currently Full Professor of Management at the La Rochelle Business School and Full Professor of Social Science as well as President of the Senate of Kazimieras Simonavičius University.
Steffen Roth's Published Works
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Published Works
- The Ludic Drive as Innovation Driver: Introduction to the Gamification of Innovation (2015) (89)
- Ten Systems: Toward a Canon of Function Systems (2015) (74)
- New for Whom? Initial Images from the Social Dimension of Innovation (2009) (65)
- Free Economy! On 3628800 Alternatives of and to Capitalism (2015) (51)
- From Nonprofit Diversity to Organizational Multifunctionality: A Systems–Theoretical Proposal (2017) (46)
- Smart Regions: Two Cases of Crowdsourcing for Regional Development (2013) (46)
- Futures of Robotics. Human Work in Digital Transformation (2017) (44)
- Fashionable Functions: A Google Ngram View of Trends in Functional Differentiation (1800-2000) (2014) (43)
- CSR Beyond Economy and Society: A Post-capitalist Approach (2018) (42)
- The Multifunctional Organization: Two Cases for a Critical Update for Research Programs in Management and Organization (2014) (41)
- Futures of a Distributed Memory. A Global Brain Wave Measurement (1800-2000) (2017) (40)
- Stakeholder Theory: A Luhmannian Perspective (2018) (39)
- Digital transformation of social theory. A research update (2019) (37)
- Booties, Bounties, Business Models: A Map to the Next Red Oceans (2014) (37)
- Non-Technological and Non-Economic Innovations. Contributions to a Theory of Robust Innovation, 2nd Edition (2009) (36)
- The Diaspora as a Nation’S Capital: Crowdsourcing Strategies for the Caucasus (2010) (31)
- Common values? Fifty-two cases of value semantics copying on corporate websites (2013) (30)
- The Eye-Patch of the Beholder: Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Piracy (2014) (29)
- The Things that Go Without Saying: On Performative Differences between Business Value Communication and Communication on Business Values (2014) (28)
- Multiplying the Division of Labour: Functional Differentiation of the Next Key Variables in Management Research (2017) (28)
- Les Deux Angleterres Et Le Continent: Anglophone Sociology as the Guardian of Old European Semantics (2013) (27)
- Harnessing Big Data for a Multifunctional Theory of the Firm (2020) (24)
- Parsons, Luhmann, Spencer Brown. NOR design for double contingency tables (2017) (24)
- The Great Reset. Restratification for lives, livelihoods, and the planet (2020) (22)
- Coining societies: an inter-functional comparative analysis of the Euro (2014) (20)
- Growth and function: a viral research program for next organisations (2016) (19)
- Is the future a political economy? Functional analysis of three leading foresight and futures studies journals (2016) (19)
- Marginal Economy: Growth Strategies for Post-Growth Societies (2016) (18)
- East of nature. Accounting for the environments of social sciences (2020) (18)
- Print theories of computer societies. Introduction to the digital transformation of social theory (2019) (18)
- Leaving Commonplaces on the Common Place: Cornerstones of a Polyphonic Market Theory (2012) (17)
- Big data insights into social macro trends (1800–2000): A replication study (2019) (17)
- Heal the World. A Solution-Focused Systems Therapy Approach to Environmental Problems (2018) (15)
- Dying is Only Human: The Case Death Makes for the Immortality of the Person (2013) (15)
- Was that capitalism? A future-oriented big data analysis of the English language area in the 19th and 20th century (2018) (15)
- Multifunctional Organisation Models: A Systems-Theoretical Framework for New Venture Discovery and Creation (2018) (14)
- The Open Theory and Its Enemy: Implicit Moralisation as Epistemological Obstacle for General Systems Theory (2019) (14)
- Editorial: Going Beyond the Hard Core of Innovation: Non-Technological and Non-Economic Dimensions of Innovation Systems (2011) (14)
- The Fashionable Functions Reloaded: An Updated Google Ngram View of Trends in Functional Differentiation (1800-2000) (2017) (13)
- Introduction: Towards a Theory of Robust Innovation (2015) (13)
- The great reset of management and organization theory. A European perspective (2021) (13)
- The Moral of Functional Differentiation: A New Horizon for Descriptive Innovation Ethics (2012) (13)
- From Added Values to Augmented Realities. Introducing the Special Issue of Management and Functional Differentiation (2017) (12)
- The Fairly Good Economy: Testing the Economization of Society Hypothesis Against a Google Ngram View of Trends in Functional Differentiation (1800-2000) (2013) (12)
- Serious Gamification (2016) (11)
- Social Goals in the Theory of the Firm: A Systems Theory View (2020) (11)
- World Society on the Couch: Anti-Terror Consultancy as an Object and Test-Bed of Professional Sociology (2008) (11)
- COVID-19. Scenarios of a superfluous crisis (2020) (10)
- Dissecting the empirical-normative divide in business ethics (2019) (10)
- Interfunctional Business Models. Map Grid for an Uncharted Quadrant of the Blue Ocean (2017) (10)
- Serious Gamification: On the Redesign of a Popular Paradox (2015) (9)
- The Technological Future of Work and Robotics (2015) (8)
- Dying is normal, dying with the coronavirus is not: a sociological analysis of the implicit norms behind the criticism of Swedish ‘exceptionalism’ (2020) (8)
- Market Therapy? On Intervention in the Consociation with Non‐members (2018) (8)
- Chester Barnard’s systems-theoretic approach to organisation theory: a reconstruction (2021) (8)
- Professional Accountants' Ethical Intent - The Impact Of Job Role Beliefs And Professional Identity (2012) (7)
- The Multimedia Organization (2012) (7)
- Foreword: Trends in Functional Differentiation (2015) (7)
- The cash is in the medium, not in the machine: toward the golden moments of 3D printing (2018) (6)
- New industrial platforms and radical technology foresight: the case of 3D printing in Finland and Europe (2018) (6)
- Theories are Methods. Or are they? Methodological options for organization and management research (2021) (6)
- The tetralemma of the business family (2020) (5)
- Draw your organization! A solution-focused theory-method for business school challenges and change (2021) (4)
- Open coopetition: when multiple players and rivals team up (2019) (4)
- Weak evidence for strong pandemic interventions: a 2019 WHO warning for the current COVID-19 crisis (2020) (4)
- From Degrowth to Regrowth. On Growth Strategies for Post-Banausic Societies (2014) (4)
- Future Industrial Platforms and Radical Technology Foresight: The Case of 3D Printing in Finland and Europe (2016) (4)
- Approaching management and organization paradoxes paradoxically: The case for the tetralemma as an expansive encasement strategy (2021) (4)
- From play to pay: a multifunctional approach to the role of culture in post-merger integration (2021) (3)
- How Many Networks Are We to Manage (2006) (3)
- Digital transformation of management and organization theories: A research programme (2022) (3)
- ‘What is Your Self-Made Expat Story?’ Netnography of Entrepreneurial Re-users of a Popular Semantic (2016) (3)
- Of wolves and dogs and other false distinctions: A rejoinder to Wallis (2019) (3)
- Can we build resilience by way of creativity Artistic ventures in a London hospice (2020) (3)
- A Special Issue of Creativity and Innovation Management The Gamification of Innovation: Call for Papers (2012) (3)
- Multifunctional cabinet portfolio analysis of 201 national governments (2019) (3)
- Editorial: The Technology of Innovation (2011) (2)
- Global Debates in the Digital Humanities (2022) (2)
- Open innovation across the prosperity gap: an essay on getting the Caucasus back into the European innovation society. (2008) (1)
- Management and Function: A Research Agenda on the Next Key Factors in Business Research (2016) (1)
- Regulating Competition in the Labour Market — Level Playing Field or Barriers to Entry for the Unemployed? (2004) (1)
- Chester Barnard’s Theory of the Firm: An Institutionalist View (2022) (1)
- Reset and restoration. The looming conservative turn of management theory: An extension of Foss et al. (2023) (1)
- George Spencer Brown's “Design with the NOR”: With Related Essays (2021) (1)
- Beyond the One Best Market: An Essay on Trans-Economic Exchange Rates (2010) (1)
- The multifunctional organization. Two cases for a critical update for research programs in organization (2014) (1)
- Reviews: Globalization: G. S. Drori, J. W. Meyer and H. Hwang, Globalization and Organization: World Society and Organizational Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, 340 pp., ISBN 9780199284535, £71.00/US$55.00 (2008) (1)
- What is a self-made expat? Self-disclosures of self-initiated expatriates (2015) (0)
- Toward a theory of multifunctional liberalism: Systems‐theoretical reflections on the nature of statehood (2022) (0)
- Another perspective on the high uninsured-rate in the USA: Crowding out of long term health insurance by the institutional setting of the U.S. health insurance system* (2014) (0)
- Could innovation be the future of economic growth in the V4 region (2016) (0)
- Moral communication observed with social systems theory. An introduction (2022) (0)
- CSR Beyond Economy and Society: A Post-capitalist Approach (2018) (0)
- Truth Tables, True Distinctions. Paradoxes of the Source Code of Science (2023) (0)
- Where is capitalism? A big data analysis of the Russian language area in the XIX and XX centuries (2018) (0)
- „Social theory and the sociological discipline(s)“ Bericht über die Konferenz der Theoriesektion der European Sociological Association in Innsbruck, 11.–13. September 2008 (2009) (0)
- Services Liberalisation in Germany Overview and the Potential of Deregulation Final Report March 2015 (2016) (0)
- Generative Incubators - Towards an Evolutionary Perspective on Incubators (2006) (0)
- From organised scepticism to research mission management? Introduction to the Great Reset of management and organization theory (2023) (0)
- International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business : Special Issue on: "Entrepreneurship: Made in German (Language)" (2018) (0)
- Deparadoxification and value focus in sharing ventures: Concealing paradoxes in strategic decision-making (2023) (0)
- From Nonprofit Diversity to Multifunctional Stakeholder Management. A Systems-Theoretical Proposal (2021) (0)
- 15-07-29 The future is a political economy (2017) (0)
- Innovation and Degrowth (2015) (0)
- The human personality : A matter of life and death ? (2017) (0)
- Health beyond medicine. A planetary theory extension. (2022) (0)
- The human personality : A matter of life and death ? (2017) (0)
- Fit for functional differentiation: new directions for personnel management and organizational change bridging the fit theory and social systems theory (2022) (0)
- Services liberalisation in Germany: Overview and the potential of deregulation. A study by the institute for economic policy at the university of Cologne (2015) (0)
- Was That Trendy? Big Data Analysis of Social Trends (2018) (0)
- NOR: Truth Table, True Distinction (2021) (0)
- 16-08-25 Marginal Economy (2016) (0)
- Was That Capitalism? a Culturomic Analysis of the English Language Area in 19th and 20th Century (2018) (0)
- Social Networks in Armenia (2011) (0)
- The Single Player Mode of Decision: Management as Strategic Unobservation of Organization. A Reply to Thomas Hirschmann. (2014) (0)
- The Markets of Society — A Research Design on Trans-Economic Exchange Rates (2009) (0)
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