Susanne Becken
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Tourism researcher in New Zealand
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Susanne Becken's Degrees
- PhD Tourism University of New Zealand
- Masters Environmental Science University of New Zealand
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Susanne Becken's Published Works
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Published Works
- Climate change 2007 : impacts, adaptation and vulnerability : Working Group II contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2014) (2342)
- Climate Change and Tourism: Responding to Global Challenges. (2007) (735)
- Tourism and Climate Change: Risks and Opportunities (2007) (366)
- Tourists' Perception of International Air Travel's Impact on the Global Climate and Potential Climate Change Policies (2007) (336)
- Sentiment Analysis in Tourism: Capitalizing on Big Data (2019) (310)
- Energy use associated with different travel choices (2003) (261)
- Measuring National Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Tourism as a Key Step Towards Achieving Sustainable Tourism (2006) (260)
- Understanding energy consumption patterns of tourist attractions and activities in New Zealand (2002) (239)
- Energy consumption patterns in the accommodation sector—the New Zealand case ☆ (2001) (234)
- A climate change vulnerability assessment methodology for coastal tourism (2009) (226)
- Adapting to climate change and climate policy: progress, problems and potentials (2010) (210)
- Harmonising climate change adaptation and mitigation: The case of tourist resorts in Fiji (2005) (201)
- Analysing International Tourist Flows to Estimate Energy Use Associated with Air Travel (2002) (196)
- How Tourists and Tourism Experts Perceive Climate Change and Carbon-offsetting Schemes (2004) (183)
- Linking tourism into emergency management structures to enhance disaster risk reduction. (2013) (161)
- The effects of natural disasters on international tourism: A global analysis (2020) (158)
- A review of tourism and climate change as an evolving knowledge domain (2013) (157)
- Urban air pollution in China: destination image and risk perceptions (2017) (150)
- The impacts of weather on tourist travel (2013) (148)
- Innovation towards tourism sustainability: climate change and aviation (2006) (108)
- Tourist consumption systems among overseas visitors: reporting on American, German, and Australian visitors to New Zealand (2004) (101)
- Demand elasticity estimates for New Zealand tourism (2011) (100)
- Tourist towns on the edge: conceptualising vulnerability and resilience in a protected area tourism system (2014) (100)
- The tourism disaster vulnerability framework: an application to tourism in small island destinations (2014) (96)
- Climate Change and Tourism: From Policy to Practice (2012) (94)
- Measuring the Effect of Weather on Tourism (2013) (93)
- Developing indicators for managing tourism in the face of peak oil (2008) (85)
- Implications of a long-term increase in oil prices for tourism (2012) (85)
- The importance of climate and weather for tourism: literature review (2010) (85)
- Water equity - Contrasting tourism water use with that of the local community (2014) (82)
- Monitoring the environment and human sentiment on the Great Barrier Reef: Assessing the potential of collective sensing. (2017) (77)
- Protected Areas in an era of global–local change (2014) (76)
- Understanding tourism leaders’ perceptions of risks from climate change: an assessment of policy-making processes in the Maldives using the social amplification of risk framework (SARF) (2015) (76)
- The cultural context of climate change impacts: Perceptions among community members in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal (2013) (76)
- A critical review of tourism and oil (2011) (71)
- The Role of Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge in Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: A Review of the Literature and Case Studies from the Pacific Islands (2018) (70)
- Segmenting Tourists by their Travel Pattern for Insights into Achieving Energy Efficiency (2003) (67)
- Tourists and severe weather – An exploration of the role of ‘Locus of Responsibility’ in protective behaviour decisions (2013) (65)
- Protected Areas in a neoliberal world and the role of tourism in supporting conservation and sustainable development: an assessment of strategic planning, zoning, impact monitoring, and tourism management at natural World Heritage Sites (2017) (65)
- Fijian culture and the environment: a focus on the ecological and social interconnectedness of tourism development (2018) (65)
- What role for offsetting aviation greenhouse gas emissions in a deep-cut carbon world? (2017) (64)
- Using the concept of yield to assess the sustainability of different tourist types (2008) (57)
- Values in nature conservation, tourism and UNESCO World Heritage Site stewardship (2017) (55)
- Does tourism lead to peace (2016) (53)
- Changing travel patterns in China and ‘carbon footprint’ implications for a domestic tourist destination (2018) (52)
- Distance Models for New Zealand International Tourists and the Role of Transport Prices (2011) (47)
- Voluntary carbon offsetting: Who does it? (2014) (47)
- The role of tourist icons for sustainable tourism (2005) (47)
- Conscientious vs. ambivalent consumers: Do concerns about energy availability and climate change influence consumer behaviour?☆ (2013) (46)
- Tourism megatrends (2015) (46)
- A comparative assessment of the potential impact of climate change on the ski industry in New Zealand and Australia (2013) (45)
- Saving energy and water in tourist accommodation: A systematic literature review (1987–2015) (2017) (45)
- Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A review of the constraints (2018) (45)
- Operators’ Perceptions of Energy Use and Actual Saving Opportunities for Tourism Accommodation (2013) (43)
- Framing in a contested space: media reporting on tourism and mining in Australia (2017) (41)
- A qualitative system dynamics approach to understanding destination image (2016) (40)
- Tourism and climate change: evaluating the extent of policy integration (2020) (40)
- National tourism policy for climate change (2011) (39)
- Exploring Values, Drivers, and Barriers as Antecedents of Implementing Responsible Tourism (2016) (38)
- Climate change in a regional context: relative vulnerability in the Australasian skier market (2013) (35)
- Evidence of the water-energy nexus in tourist accommodation (2017) (35)
- Decarbonising tourism: mission impossible? (2019) (35)
- Trip Planning and Decision Making of Self-Drive Tourists— (2007) (34)
- Developing Climate Change Maps for Tourism (2015) (34)
- Towards Sustainable Tourism Transport: An Analysis of Coach Tourism in New Zealand (2005) (33)
- Evidence of a low-carbon tourism paradigm? (2017) (33)
- The cost of getting there: impacts of travel to ecotourism destinations. (2004) (30)
- Tourism Inter-Industry Linkages in the Lao PDR Economy: An Input—Output Analysis (2014) (30)
- Tourism and Transport in New Zealand Implications for Energy Use (2001) (29)
- Denying bogus skepticism in climate change and tourism research (2015) (28)
- Tourists’ aesthetic assessment of environmental changes, linking conservation planning to sustainable tourism development (2019) (27)
- Learning through a cluster approach: lessons from the implementation of six Australian tourism business sustainability programs (2016) (27)
- A Water-Use Model For The Tourism Industry In The Asia-Pacific Region: The Impact Of Water-Saving Measures On Water Use (2017) (27)
- Uptake of resource efficiency measures among European small and medium-sized accommodation and food service providers (2016) (26)
- Research Agenda for Tourism and the Chinese Dream (2015) (25)
- A systems approach to examining the drivers and barriers of renewable energy technology adoption in the hotel sector in Queensland, Australia (2020) (24)
- A framework to help destinations manage carbon risk from aviation emissions (2019) (23)
- Measuring perceived beauty of the Great Barrier Reef using eye-tracking technology (2019) (23)
- Perceived deficiencies in the provision of climate and weather information for tourism: A New Zealand media analysis (2011) (23)
- Oil, the global economy and tourism (2011) (22)
- Climate crisis and flying: social media analysis traces the rise of “flightshame” (2020) (22)
- The Tourism Climate Change Knowledge System (2021) (21)
- Mapping Tourism Stakeholders’ Weather and Climate Information-Seeking Behavior in Fiji (2017) (21)
- Sustainability-oriented Service Innovation: fourteen-year longitudinal case study of a tourist accommodation provider (2018) (20)
- Weather, climate and tourism: a New Zealand perspective (2010) (20)
- The risk of climate change for tourism in the Maldives. (2011) (20)
- Evaluating the business case for investment in the resilience of the tourism sector of small island developing states (2013) (20)
- White paper on tourism and water (2013) (20)
- Tourism, fossil fuel consumption and the impact on the global climate. (2005) (19)
- Benefits and pitfalls of using tweets to assess destination sentiment (2019) (18)
- How do Worry, Self-efficacy, and Coping Interact? Examining Chinese tourists to Australia (2016) (18)
- Solesolevaki as social capital: a tale of a village, two tribes, and a resort in Fiji (2018) (18)
- No time for smokescreen skepticism: A rejoinder to Shani and Arad (2015) (18)
- Chapter 5 – Ecotourism, energy use, and the global climate: widening the local perspective (2007) (17)
- Oil depletion or a market problem? A framing analysis of peak oil in The Economist news magazine (2014) (17)
- Transitioning to smart sustainable tourist accommodation: Service innovation results (2018) (16)
- Tourism and climate change (2007) (16)
- Anchoring “tourism value” within a regenerative tourism paradigm – a government perspective (2021) (16)
- Understanding climate coping as a basis for strategic climate change adaptation – The case of Queenstown-Lake Wanaka, New Zealand (2014) (16)
- Impacts of changes to business travel practices in response to the COVID-19 lockdown in New Zealand (2021) (15)
- A hybrid is born: Integrating collective sensing, citizen science and professional monitoring of the environment (2019) (15)
- Developing a GIS-supported Tourist Flow Model for New Zealand (2007) (15)
- Energy use in the New Zealand tourism sector (2002) (14)
- Climate Change—Beyond the Hype (2008) (14)
- Resilience, tourism and disasters. (2017) (13)
- Editorial: Tourism and Transport: The Sustainability Dilemma (2006) (13)
- Are the current expectations for growing air travel demand realistic? (2020) (13)
- Assessing destination satisfaction by social media: An innovative approach using Importance-Performance Analysis (2022) (12)
- 16. Stakeholder management: different interests and different actions (2019) (11)
- Risk perceptions and emotional stability in response to Cyclone Debbie: an analysis of Twitter data (2019) (11)
- Empowering Stakeholders to Manage Stinging Jellyfish: A Perspective (2018) (11)
- The UN Climate Change Conference, Bali: What It Means for Tourism (2008) (11)
- Tourism and Oil: Preparing for the Challenge (2015) (11)
- Value-engaged evaluation of a tourism-specific disaster management plan (2016) (11)
- Analysis of tourist consumption, expenditure and prices for key international visitor segments: technical report (2008) (10)
- Perspectives on the human dimensions of coral restoration (2020) (10)
- Are tourism businesses’ responses to weather variability a suitable precursor to climate change adaptation? (2016) (9)
- Beauty and the reef: Evaluating the use of non-expert ratings for monitoring aesthetic values of coral reefs. (2020) (9)
- Using Weibo to track global mobility of Chinese visitors (2020) (9)
- The carbon footprint of domestic tourism (2009) (9)
- Exploring the Multiple Benefits of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation in Tourism for Climate Risks and Destination Well-Being (2020) (8)
- The impact of climate variability on tourism businesses and tourism infrastructure providers in Glacier Country (2012) (8)
- Peak Oil: a hidden issue? Social representations of professional tourism perspectives (2015) (8)
- Who is protecting tourists in New Zealand from severe weather hazards?: an exploration of the role of locus of responsibility in protective behaviour decisions (2011) (7)
- Making Tourism in New Zealand Energy-Efficient-More Than Turning off the Lights (2003) (7)
- Planning for climate, weather and other natural disasters: Tourism in Northland (2011) (7)
- Impacts of oil prices on New Zealand tourism : an economic framework (2009) (7)
- Demand for Mᾱori Eco-cultural Tourism (2006) (7)
- Climate change mitigation measures. (2007) (6)
- Lexicon based Chinese language sentiment analysis method (2019) (6)
- Managing energy use in tourism businesses - survey results (2008) (6)
- Tourist itineraries and yield: technical background report (2008) (6)
- Harnessing social media to understand tourist mobility: the role of information technology and big data (2021) (6)
- The Energy Costs of the Ecotourism Summit in Quebec (2002) (6)
- An overview of tourism. (2007) (6)
- Enhancing financial and economic yield in tourism: yield associated with different tourist types (2007) (5)
- Mechanisms to finance climate change adaptation in Australia - the supply and demand for climate change adaptation finance in Australia and potential adaptation finance mechanisms (2016) (5)
- The development of new tourism networks to respond to and recover from the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. (2014) (5)
- Climate change-related risks and adaptation. (2007) (5)
- Energy consumption of tourist attractions and activities in New Zealand: summary report of a survey (2001) (5)
- Global and regional climate change. (2007) (4)
- Potential for energy-efficient tourist itineraries: an investigation into Australian wholesalers. (2004) (4)
- Sentiment Analytics of Chinese Social Media Posts (2018) (4)
- Leverage points to address climate change risk in destinations (2021) (4)
- Perceptions of Climate Change Vulnerability and Risks (2013) (4)
- Making an impact - practices and views of tourism academics (2016) (3)
- An interview with a protected area insider (2017) (3)
- Twitter conversations reveal issue salience of aviation in the broader context of climate change (2022) (3)
- Tourism governance and enabling drivers for intensifying climate action (2022) (3)
- Assessing Tourism Yield: An Analysis of Public Sector Costs and Benefits (2006) (3)
- The role of social media in sharing information about the Great Barrier Reef (2017) (3)
- A multi-sectoral model of tourism and resource sector transformation (2017) (3)
- The response to the Christchurch earthquake(s) by the tourism sector (2013) (3)
- Modelling a smart tech user journey to decarbonise tourist accommodation (2022) (2)
- Climate change policies and practices for tourism. (2007) (2)
- Tourism and climate change - an overview (2011) (2)
- Challenges for Tourism in Natural Areas – Cost of Carbon and Natural Disasters (2012) (2)
- Asia–Pacific tourism futures emerging from COVID-19 recovery responses and implications for sustainability (2022) (2)
- Tourism and the environment (2010) (2)
- Integrating social sciences research with artificial intelligence (AI): A case study from the Great Barrier Reef (2020) (2)
- Shapers and Shifters for the future of travel and tourism (2013) (2)
- Interview: Air Travel and the Environment: An Interview with Hugh Somerville (2006) (2)
- Gaining public engagement to restore coral reef ecosystems in the face of acute crisis (2022) (2)
- Learning to play nice: Conflict, synergy and strategies for coexistence between tourism and the resource sector (2014) (2)
- Enhancing financial and economic yield in tourism: dimensions and measurements of tourism yield (2007) (2)
- Global Challenges for Tourism and Transport: How will Climate Change and Energy affect the Future of Tourist Travel? (2009) (1)
- In for the Long Haul: Carbon-proofing New Zealand Tourism (2020) (1)
- Enhancing financial and economic yield in tourism: public sector: local government and regional yield report (2007) (1)
- Sustainable tourism growth: Tanna Island, Vanuatu (2017) (1)
- The tourism-climate system. (2007) (1)
- Who has the most sunshine? The battle for the most attractive destination (2010) (1)
- “Climate Change and Tourism – Advances in Knowledge and Practice” (2011) (1)
- Conceptualizing vulnerability and adaptive capacity of tourism from an indigenous Pacific Islands perspective (2018) (1)
- Australian snow tourist's perceptions of climate change: Implications for the Queenstown Lakes region of New Zealand (2011) (1)
- A national-level screening exercise to assess tourism’s vulnerability to climate change (2010) (1)
- Travel bubbles to maintain safe space for international travel during crisis – emotions reflected in Twitter posts (2022) (1)
- Climate and weather impacts on tourism in New Zealand (2010) (1)
- A brief introduction to ‘big data’ and its application in tourism (2019) (1)
- Climate risk perception and adaptation of tourism sector in China (2022) (1)
- The implications of peak oil for travel and tourism (2010) (1)
- Environmental attitudes and fuel saving behaviour by KEA campers customers: final report of a survey (June - November 2008) (2008) (1)
- Wildniserbe und Naturtourismus in Neuseelands Nationalparks (2011) (1)
- Tourism's Exposure to Global Oil Price (2008) (1)
- Case studies of the tourism-climate system. (2007) (1)
- The Best Article of the Year 2019 (2020) (0)
- An evaluation of the visitor action plan – Northland 2014 (2014) (0)
- Identifying Chinese tourists' travel patterns in Australia from Weibo posts (2020) (0)
- Indirect tourism transport : a proposed carbon footprint assessment (2008) (0)
- A framework for analysing the role of environmental constraints to sport participation (2013) (0)
- Tourism, the weather and future changes (2012) (0)
- Does the tourism sector recognise the water-energy nexus: An analysis of Australian tourism strategies (2014) (0)
- Report on the first consultation of tourism stakeholders in the Far North (2010) (0)
- Notes on contributors (2019) (0)
- Methodologies for greenhouse gas accounting. (2007) (0)
- Knowledge alone won’t “fix it”: building regenerative literacy (2022) (0)
- Climate science and tourism policy in Australasia: deficiencies in science-policy translation (2022) (0)
- Implications of Preferential Access to Land and Clean Energy for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (2023) (0)
- An attempt to reduce travel distance by regionalising self-drive tourists' itineraries in New Zealand (2005) (0)
- Enhancing financial and economic yield in tourism: public sector: central government benefits and costs of tourism (2007) (0)
- Multi-sectorial and multi-stress: Resident perspectives on protecting the Great Barrier Reef (2018) (0)
- Preparing the tourism sector for climate change (2010) (0)
- Stewardship Values in Tourism, Innovation and UNESCO World Heritage Governance: The Great Barrier Reef and the Danish Wadden Sea. (2017) (0)
- Green Urban Development in Asia and the Pacific — Water Issues for Tourism (2018) (0)
- Fuelling tourism – how important is oil (2010) (0)
- New Zealand Tourist Survey (2013) (0)
- Oil in the Middle East (2018) (0)
- Developing an oil vulnerability assessment tool for industry (2010) (0)
- Empirical Study of Tweets Topic Classification Using Transformer-Based Language Models (2021) (0)
- Editorial Board (2016) (0)
- Peak Oil and tourism (2015) (0)
- The price of tourism in the context of global oil prices (2008) (0)
- Carbon footprint of tourism destinations in Queensland (0)
- Tweets Topic Classification and Sentiment Analysis based on Transformer-based Language Models (2022) (0)
- Bridging the gap – the role of international shipping and aviation (2021) (0)
- Residual Attention Network vs Real Attention on Aesthetic Assessment (2021) (0)
- Travel behaviour, expenditure and decision making of holiday visitors to New Zealand - key factors to decrease energy use (2003) (0)
- Climate variability and climate change: implications for tourism (2012) (0)
- Climate change response: a report to establish the knowledge required for a TIANZ response and policy formulation with the Government post Kyoto Protocol ratification (2002) (0)
- U rban air pollution in China : risk perceptions and destination image Prof (2018) (0)
- Modelling the economic impacts of a large event: The case of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (2019) (0)
- Responsible aviation and peak oil (2011) (0)
- Tourists and the weather (2010) (0)
- Tourists and the weather (2010) (0)
- The impact of climate variability on tourism businesses in Wanaka and Queenstown (2010) (0)
- Developing a resilience framework to assess tourisms' response to climatic events (2011) (0)
- Tourism stakeholder awareness of climate change and energy scarcity scenarios for protected areas: A case study of the Glaciers, Westland National Park, New Zealand (2012) (0)
- Message from Susanne Becken Director of LEaP (2009) (0)
- Leisure, Energy Costs of (2004) (0)
- Hey! What's your footprint? (2008) (0)
- A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Great Barrier Reef Aesthetic Values (2020) (0)
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