Syun-Ichi Akasofu
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Japanese-American geophysicist and climatologist
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Syun-Ichi Akasofuearth-sciences Degrees
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Earth Sciences
Syun-Ichi Akasofu's Degrees
- PhD Geophysics University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Masters Geophysics University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Bachelors Geophysics Tohoku University
Why Is Syun-Ichi Akasofu Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Syun-Ichi Akasofu is the founding director of the International Arctic Research Center of the University of Alaska Fairbanks , serving in that position from the center's establishment in 1998 until January 2007. Previously he had been director of the university's Geophysical Institute from 1986.
Syun-Ichi Akasofu's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The development of the auroral substorm. (1964) (1390)
- Energy coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere (1981) (828)
- A study of geomagnetic storms (1978) (581)
- Origin of interplanetary southward magnetic fields responsible for major magnetic storms near solar maximum (1978–1979) (1988) (521)
- Polar and magnetospheric substorms (1968) (406)
- Magnetospheric substorms-definition and signatures (1980) (390)
- The latitudinal morphology of 10‐eV to 10‐keV electron fluxes during magnetically quiet and disturbed times in the 2100–0300 MLT sector (1975) (363)
- An ISEE 3 study of average and substorm conditions in the distant magnetotail (1985) (347)
- Physics of magnetospheric substorms (1977) (346)
- Measurements of magnetotail plasma flow made with Vela 4B (1972) (291)
- Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling during intense magnetic storms (1978-1979) (1989) (283)
- The ring current, geomagnetic disturbance, and the Van Allen radiation belts (1961) (244)
- Magnetotail and boundary layer plasmas at a geocentric distance of ∼18 RE : Vela 5 and 6 observations (1973) (195)
- Dynamics of the Magnetosphere (1979) (189)
- Scaling relations governing magnetospheric energy transfer (1982) (185)
- The polar electrojet. (1965) (183)
- The Joule heat production rate and the particle energy injection rate as a function of the geomagnetic indices AE and AL (1983) (181)
- A study of polar magnetic substorms (1969) (178)
- Interplanetary energy flux associated with magnetospheric substorms (1979) (167)
- A study of auroral displays photographed from the DMSP-2 satellite and from the Alaska meridian chain of stations (1974) (166)
- The nonlinear response of AE to the IMF BS driver: A spectral break at 5 hours (1990) (161)
- Improvements to the HAF solar wind model for space weather predictions (2001) (159)
- Atmospheric CO2 balance: The role of Arctic sea ice (2004) (153)
- Forecasting solar wind structures and shock arrival times using an ensemble of models (2003) (152)
- A theory of substorms: Onset and subsidence (1988) (150)
- Auroral substorms and the interplanetary magnetic field (1973) (150)
- On the asymmetric development of magnetic storm fields in low and middle latitudes (1964) (149)
- The roles of direct input of energy from the solar wind and unloading of stored magnetotail energy in driving magnetospheric substorms (1988) (144)
- Simulation of three-dimensional solar wind disturbances and resulting geomagnetic storms (1982) (132)
- The solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling and magnetospheric disturbances (1980) (130)
- Propagation mechanism of daytime Pc 3-4 pulsations observed at synchronous orbit and multiple ground-based stations (1985) (129)
- Mapping electrodynamic features of the high-latitude ionosphere from localized observations: Combined incoherent-scatter radar and magnetometer measurements for January 18-19, 1984 (1988) (116)
- Cross‐correlation analysis of the AE index and the interplanetary magnetic field Bz component (1973) (112)
- An ISEE 3 high time resolution study of interplanetary parameter correlations with magnetospheric activity (1983) (112)
- Recent progress in studies of DMSP auroral photographs (1976) (112)
- Auroral circle—delineating the poleward boundary of the quiet auroral belt (1977) (110)
- Electric field observations by incoherent scatter radar in the auroral zone (1973) (104)
- Magnetotail plasma flow during plasma sheet expansions: Vela 5 and 6 and Imp 6 observations (1977) (103)
- Field-aligned and ionospheric currents (1975) (101)
- Global distribution of ionospheric and field‐aligned currents during substorms as determined from six IMS meridian chains of magnetometers: Initial results (1982) (100)
- The location of the field‐aligned currents with respect to discrete auroral arcs (1976) (100)
- Auroral kilometric radiation as an indicator of auroral magnetic disturbances (1977) (100)
- The dynamics of the aurora—II Westward traveling surges (1965) (96)
- Notes on the auroral electrojet indices (1983) (95)
- Electric conductivities, electric fields and auroral particle energy injection rate in the auroral ionosphere and their empirical relations to the horizontal magnetic disturbances (1983) (95)
- The average ionospheric electrodynamics for the different substorm phases (1996) (94)
- Dynamic morphology of auroras (1965) (93)
- A simulation study of forced reconnection processes and magnetospheric storms and substorms (1985) (92)
- Particle Dynamics in the Plasma Sheet (1979) (91)
- The diffuse aurora (1973) (91)
- Dependence of substorm occurrence probability on the interplanetary magnetic field and on the size of the auroral oval (1977) (87)
- Real‐time shock arrival predictions during the “Halloween 2003 epoch” (2004) (85)
- The response of the dayside aurora to sharp northward and southward transitions of the interplanetary magnetic field and to magnetospheric substorms (1977) (85)
- Storm sudden commencements and polar magnetic substorms (1971) (82)
- Relationship between the IMF magnitude and Pc 3 magnetic pulsations in the magnetosphere (1984) (80)
- Dependence of the latitude of the cleft on the interplanetary magnetic field and substorm activity (1976) (79)
- Dynamics of the aurora—IV: Polar magnetic substorms and westward traveling surges (1966) (79)
- Mathematical separation of directly driven and unloading components in the ionospheric equivalent currents during substorms (1998) (77)
- Global measures of ionospheric electrodynamic activity inferred from combined incoherent scatter radar and ground magnetometer observations (1990) (76)
- Poleward expansion of the auroral oval and associated phenomena in the magnetotail during auroral substorms: 1. (1970) (75)
- A comparison of satellite observations of Birkeland currents with ground observations of visible aurora and ionospheric currents (1975) (75)
- The dynamics of the aurora - i. instabilities of the aurora (1964) (75)
- Auroral emissions and particle precipitation in the noon sector (1972) (74)
- Latitudinal cross section of the auroral electrojet and its relation to the interplanetary magnetic field polarity (1974) (74)
- The magnetic field of a model radiation belt, numerically computed (1961) (74)
- Wavy nature of the magnetotail neutral sheet (1978) (74)
- Observation of the plasma sheet during a contracted oval substorm in a prolonged quiet period (1976) (74)
- An ionospheric conductance model based on ground magnetic disturbance data (1998) (73)
- The auroral oval, the auroral substorm, and their relations with the internal structure of the magnetosphere. (1966) (72)
- The equatorward boundary of the diffuse aurora and auroral substorms as seen by the Isis 2 auroral scanning photometer (1975) (72)
- Relationships between the AE and DST indices during geomagnetic storms (1981) (71)
- A model for thinning of the plasma sheet (1977) (71)
- A study of polar magnetic substorms: 2. Three‐dimensional current system (1969) (70)
- Modeling substorm current systems using conductivity distributions inferred from DE auroral images (1986) (70)
- The lower limit of latitude (US sector) of northern quiet auroral arcs, and its relation to Dst(H) (1963) (66)
- The Development of the Main Phase of Magnetic Storms (1963) (66)
- Search for the magnetic neutral line in the near‐Earth plasma sheet 2. Systematic study of Imp 6 magnetic field observations (1977) (66)
- Low-latitude DS component of geomagnetic storm field (1971) (62)
- V-potential double layers and the formation of auroral arcs (1980) (62)
- The auroral electrojet and global auroral features (1975) (62)
- Electrodynamics of the magnetosphere: Geomagnetic storms (1966) (61)
- The shift of the auroral electron precipitation boundaries in the dawn-dusk sector in association with geomagnetic activity and interplanetary magnetic field (1983) (61)
- Midday auroras at the South Pole during magnetospheric substorms (1972) (60)
- Magnetospheric Substorms: A Model (1972) (60)
- Equatorward shift of the cleft during magnetospheric substorms as observed by Isis 1 (1973) (59)
- A dynamo theory of solar flares (1983) (59)
- Relationships between the equatorial electrojet and polar magnetic variations (1973) (59)
- Two‐dimensional potential double layers and discrete auroras (1979) (59)
- Interplanetary shock waves and magnetospheric substorms (1980) (59)
- A source of the energy for geomagnetic storms and auroras. (1964) (57)
- A cause of solar wind speed variations observed at 1 A.U. (1981) (56)
- Transpolar auroras, their particle precipitation, and IMF By component (1991) (55)
- Solar sources of interplanetary southward Bz events responsible for major magnetic storms (1978‐1979) (1989) (55)
- Auroral substorms observed from above the north polar region by a satellite (1974) (55)
- The roles of the north-south component of the interplanetary magnetic field on large-scale auroral dynamics observed by the DMSP satellite (1975) (54)
- On the recovery from the Little Ice Age (2010) (54)
- A mechanism for the westward traveling surge during substorms (1984) (53)
- The magnetic field of the quiet‐time proton belt (1962) (52)
- The energy coupling function and the power generated by the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo (1980) (51)
- Association of magnetotail phenomena with visible auroral features (1971) (50)
- Prediction in Real Time of the 2000 July 14 Heliospheric Shock Wave and its Companions During the `Bastille' Epoch* (2001) (50)
- Evidence for electrostatic shocks as the source of discrete auroral arcs (1983) (49)
- The dynamical morphology of the aurora polaris (1963) (49)
- Midday auroras and magnetospheric substorms. (1972) (48)
- Auroral kilometric radiation/aurora correlation (1984) (48)
- Comments on the growth phase of magnetospheric substorms (1972) (47)
- Large-scale auroral motions and polar magnetic disturbances—I A polar disturbance at about 1100 hours on 23 september 1957 (1960) (47)
- Evidence for magnetic field aligned currents during the substorms of March 18, 1969 (1971) (47)
- On the rotation of the polar cap potential pattern and associated polar phenomena (1983) (47)
- Systematic study of plasma flow during plasma sheet thinnings (1977) (47)
- What is a Magnetospheric Substorm (1979) (47)
- A neutral line discharge theory of the aurora polaris (1961) (47)
- Solar wind variations and geomagnetic storms - A study of individual storms based on high time resolution ISEE 3 data (1985) (46)
- Dynamics of the aurora—V: Poleward motions (1966) (45)
- Field-aligned currents and ionospheric electric fields (1977) (45)
- Dayside and nightside auroral arc systems (1980) (45)
- Saturation of the auroral electrojet current and the polar cap potential (1990) (45)
- Simultaneous observations of auroras from the south pole station and of precipitating electrons by Isis 1 (1973) (45)
- Outflow of plasma from the magnetotail into the magnetosheath (1972) (44)
- The latitudinal shift of the auroral belt (1964) (44)
- Dynamics of the aurora—VI: Formation of patches and their eastward motion (1966) (43)
- The interplanetary and solar causes of geomagnetic activity (1990) (43)
- A note on the accuracy of the auroral electrojet indices (1983) (43)
- The structure of the solar plasma flow generated by solar flares (1967) (42)
- Prediction of development of geomagnetic storms using the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function ϵ (1981) (42)
- Search for the magnetic neutral line in the near‐Earth plasma sheet, 1. Critical reexamination of earlier studies on magnetic field observations (1976) (42)
- The relation between the polar cap auroral arc and the auroral oval arc (1976) (42)
- Small‐scale auroral arc deformations (1983) (41)
- On the relationship of the polar cap current system to the north‐south component of the interplanetary magnetic field (1979) (41)
- The Auroral electrojet and field-aligned current (1976) (41)
- Day‐to‐day and average magnetic variations along the IMS Alaska Meridian Chain of observatories and modeling of a three‐dimensional current system (1980) (40)
- Plasma flows and magnetic field vectors in the plasma sheet during substorms (1978) (40)
- Two substorm studies of relations between westward electric fields in the outer plasmasphere, auroral activity, and geomagnetic perturbations (1972) (39)
- Temporal and spatial variations of the polar cap dimension inferred from the precipitation boundaries (1985) (39)
- Interplanetary magnetic field asymmetries and their effects on polar cap absorption events and forbush decreases. (1965) (39)
- Low latitude negative bays (1968) (39)
- Incoherent scatter radar observations of westward electric fields. II. [in ionosphere] (1974) (39)
- Auroral displays near the ‘foot’ of the field line of the ATS-5 satellite (1974) (39)
- A source of auroral electrons and the magnetospheric substorm current systems (2003) (39)
- The main phase of magnetic storms and the ring current (1963) (39)
- A comparison of the observed mid-latitude magnetic disturbance fields with those reproduced from the high-latitude modeling current system (1984) (39)
- Observations of the auroral oval and a westward traveling surge from the Isis 2 satellite and the Alaskan meridian all‐sky cameras (1973) (38)
- The absence of the hydrogen emission (Hβ) in the westward traveling surge (1969) (38)
- The topology of the auroral oval as seen by the Isis 2 scanning auroral photometer (1975) (37)
- Auroral Substorms: Search for Processes Causing the Expansion Phase in Terms of the Electric Current Approach (2017) (37)
- Dawn‐dusk gradient of the precipitation of low‐energy electrons over the polar cap and its relation to the interplanetary magnetic field (1977) (37)
- The latitudinal distributions of auroral zone electric fields and ground magnetic perturbations and their response to variations in the interplanetary magnetic field (1978) (36)
- Importance of auroral features in the search for substorm onset processes (2010) (36)
- Energy source and mechanisms for accelerating the electrons and driving the field-aligned currents of the discrete auroral arc (1976) (36)
- Polar solar daily geomagnetic variations on exceptionally quiet days (1967) (36)
- Power transmission from the solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo to the magnetosphere and to the ionosphere: Analysis of the IMS Alaska meridian chain data (1981) (36)
- Auroral oval photographs from the DMSP 8531 and 10533 satellites (1976) (36)
- On the Abnormal Depression of Sq(H) under the Equatorial Electrojet in the Afternoon (1972) (35)
- Relationship of radar aurora, visual aurora, and auroral electrojets in the evening sector (1976) (35)
- Ionospheric currents obtained from the Chatanika radar and ground magnetic perturbations at the Auroral latitude (1976) (35)
- Solar-wind disturbances and the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function (1983) (35)
- Observed correlations between interplanetary magnetic field variations and the dynamics of the auroral oval and the high-latitude ionosphere (1974) (35)
- Magnetospheric substorms in the distant magnetotail observed by Imp 3 (1971) (35)
- The aurora and the magnetosphere - The Chapman Memorial Lecture. [dynamo theory development, 1600-present] (1974) (34)
- Magnetospheric substorms on September 14, 1968 (1971) (34)
- A model current system for the magnetospheric substorm (1976) (33)
- Periodically structured Pc 1 micropulsations during the recovery phase of intense magnetic storms (1973) (33)
- Calibration of the kinematic method of studying solar wind disturbances on the basis of a one-dimensional MHD solution and a simulation study of the heliosphere disturbances between 22 november and 6 december 1977 (1985) (32)
- On the formation of the storm-time ring current belt (2000) (32)
- Where is the magnetic energy for the expansion phase of auroral substorms accumulated? (2013) (32)
- Real-time forecasting of ICME shock arrivals at L1 during the "April Fool's Day" epoch: 28 March - 21 April 2001 (2002) (32)
- Results from a meridian chain of observatories in the Alaskan sector (I) (1971) (31)
- Magnetospheric substorms: An equivalent circuit approach (1988) (31)
- Global ionospheric current distributions during substorms (1984) (31)
- A modeling of the magnetospheric substorm (1975) (31)
- The development of geomagnetic storms without a preceding enhancement of the solar plasma pressure. (1965) (31)
- A first generation numerical geomagnetic storm prediction scheme (1986) (31)
- Geomagnetic storm particles in the high-latitude magnetotail. (1971) (30)
- Plasma injection events at synchronous orbit related to positive DST (1982) (30)
- The neutral hydrogen flux in the solar plasma flow. i. (1964) (30)
- The significance of magnetospheric research for progress in astrophysics (1978) (30)
- Imaging the Earth's magnetosphere (1989) (30)
- Field‐aligned currents and the auroral electrojet in the morning sector (1976) (30)
- Simultaneous observations of discrete and diffuse auroras by the Isis 2 satellite and airborne instruments (1976) (30)
- A possible current system associated with the Sqp variation (1973) (29)
- Dynamics of the aurora—VII Equatorward motions and the multiplicity of auroral arcs (1966) (29)
- Major auroral substorm features in the dark sector observed by a USAF DMSP satellite (1974) (29)
- Comparison of two modeling methods for three‐dimensional current systems (1981) (29)
- The Solar Wind and the Earth (1987) (29)
- Discrete, continuous, and diffuse auroras (1974) (28)
- Short-period interplanetary and polar magnetic field variations (1973) (28)
- Thickness of an active auroral curtain (1961) (28)
- Dynamo action in the ionosphere and motions of the magnetospheric plasma: III. The pedersen conductivity, generalized to take account of acceleration of the neutral gas (1965) (28)
- Dynamo process governing solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling (1982) (27)
- On the continuity of the auroral oval (1970) (27)
- Complete plasma dropouts at vela satellites during thinning of the plasma sheet (1975) (26)
- On the ring current energy injection rate (1983) (26)
- The latitude of auroral activity during periods of zero and very weak magnetic disturbance (1965) (26)
- The development of geomagnetic storms after a negative sudden impulse. (1964) (26)
- On the origin of the cusp field-aligned currents (1985) (26)
- Magnetospheric Substorm as a Discharge Process (1969) (26)
- Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora (2002) (25)
- Global distribution of the Pedersen and Hall Currents and the electric potential pattern during a moderately disturbed period (1981) (25)
- A mechanism for the formation of plasmoids and kink waves in the heliospheric current sheet (1988) (25)
- A new method of mapping worldwide potential contours for ground magnetic perturbations: Equivalent ionospheric current representation (1976) (25)
- Solar Terrestrial Physics (1972) (25)
- Evaluation of solar Type II radio burst estimates of initial solar wind shock speed using a kinematic model of the solar wind on the April 2001 solar event swarm (2002) (25)
- The Sq variation at geomagnetically conjugate areas (1963) (25)
- Auroral Observations Using Automatic Optical Instruments : Relations with Multiple Pi 2 Magnetic Pulsations (1996) (24)
- A study of the propagation of solar particles in interplanetary space - the center-limb effect of the magnitude of cosmic-ray storms and of geomagnetic storms. (1965) (24)
- Need for a three‐dimensional analysis of magnetic fields in the magnetotail during substorms (1978) (24)
- Magnetospheric substorms and solar flares (1979) (24)
- Trends and variations in Arctic Climate System (2002) (24)
- Prediction of the occurrence and intensity of magnetospheric substorms (1979) (24)
- A simulation study of two major events in the heliosphere during the present sunspot cycle (1985) (24)
- Predicting geomagnetic storms as a space weather project (2002) (24)
- Dependence of the geometry of the region of open field lines on the interplanetary magnetic field (1981) (24)
- Impulsive energetic electron fluxes in the distant magnetotail associated with the onset of magnetospheric substorms (1971) (24)
- On the cause of northward magnetic field along the negative X axis during magnetospheric substorms (1974) (24)
- Cross‐polar cap potential drop and the energy coupling function (1984) (23)
- A note on the lifetime of the ring current particles (1982) (23)
- Electric and magnetic field observations during a substorm on February 24, 1970 (1974) (23)
- Polar cap arcs and the open regions (1983) (23)
- Propagation of a westward traveling surge and the development of persistent auroral features (1989) (23)
- A mechanism for current interruption in a collisionless plasma (1978) (23)
- Magnetospheric substorms - A newly emerging model (1981) (23)
- A model of the auroral electric field (1979) (23)
- Real-time solar wind forecasting: Capabilities and challenges (2007) (22)
- Universal time variation of the Dst index and the relationship between the cumulative AL and Dst indices during geomagnetic storms (2002) (22)
- Interplanetary magnetic field and magnetospheric substorms (1977) (22)
- Latitudinal electron precipitation patterns during large and small IMF magnitudes for northward IMF conditions (1988) (22)
- Dependence of the polar-cap geometry on the IMF (interplanetary magnetic field) (1984) (22)
- Simultaneous observations of an energetic electron event in the magnetotail by the Vela 3A and Imp 3 satellites: 2. (1970) (22)
- Magnetic fields on the sun and the north‐south component of transient variations of the interplanetary magnetic field at 1 Au (1985) (21)
- Variations of the polar cap potential measured during magnetospheric substorms (1992) (21)
- Distribution of the field‐aligned currents, ionospheric currents, and electric fields in the polar region on a very quiet day and a moderately disturbed day (1981) (21)
- The Computation of the Magnetic Field of any Axisymmetric Current Distribution—with Magnetospheric Applications (1966) (21)
- Study of individual geomagnetic storms in terms of the solar wind (1980) (21)
- Dynamo action in the ionosphere and motions of the magnetospheric plasma: I. Symmetric dynamo action (1965) (21)
- The geomagnetic storm of April 17–18, 1965 (1967) (21)
- Solar wind disturbances in the outer heliosphere, caused by six successive solar flares from the same active region (1983) (21)
- The dynamic aurora (1989) (21)
- Electrical changes of the polar ionosphere during magnetospheric substorms (1986) (21)
- The ring current and the outer atmosphere (1960) (21)
- An essay on sunspots and solar flares (1984) (20)
- The auroral energy deposition over the polar ionosphere during substorms (1989) (20)
- Growth and decay of the ring current and the polar electrojets (1966) (20)
- Radial deformation of the solar current sheet as a cause of geomagnetic storms (1979) (20)
- Auroral substorms as an electrical discharge phenomenon (2015) (20)
- Evolution of ideas in solar-terrestrial physics (1983) (20)
- The relationship between the magnetosphere and magnetospheric/auroral substorms (2013) (20)
- The solar wind-magnetosphere dynamo and the magnetospheric substorm (1975) (20)
- Spherical harmonic analysis of worldwide cosmic ray variations during geomagnetic storms (1971) (20)
- A Historical Review of the Geomagnetic Storm-Producing Plasma Flows from the Sun (2011) (19)
- Relationship between the growth of the ring current and the interplanetary quantity ε (1979) (19)
- The magnetic moment of model ring current belts and the cutoff rigidity of solar protons (1963) (19)
- On the Present Halting of Global Warming (2013) (19)
- An improved method to deduce the unloading component for magnetospheric substorms (2000) (19)
- A study of the polar current systems using the IMS meridian chains of magnetometers (1983) (19)
- A model of the open magnetosphere (1974) (19)
- Assessing the magnetic reconnection paradigm (1994) (18)
- Vortical distribution of sunspots (1985) (18)
- Intense negative bays inside the auroral zone—I The evening sector (1967) (18)
- Explosive magnetic reconnection: Puzzle to be solved as the energy supply process for magnetospheric substorms? (1985) (18)
- One-dimensional kinematics of particle stream flow with application to solar wind simulation (1985) (18)
- A large change in the distribution of the auroras during the 11 February 1958 magnetic storm (1962) (17)
- Coexistence of two substorms in the midnight sector (1977) (17)
- The solar coronal sheet during the period of sunspot maximum (1993) (17)
- Electrodynamics of solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions (1989) (17)
- The day-sector polar F-layer during a magnetospheric substorm (1973) (17)
- On the ionospheric heating by hydromagnetic waves connected with geomagnetic micropulsations (1960) (17)
- Geomagnetic disturbances in the polar cap: Spq and DP-2 (1972) (17)
- Large-scale auroral motions and polar magnetic disturbances—II The changing distribution of the aurora during large magnetic storms (1962) (17)
- The global joule heat production rate and the AE index (1985) (17)
- Weak and intense substorms (1975) (16)
- Temperature variation of the plasma sheet during substorms (1981) (16)
- Electron precipitation equatorward of the auroral oval and the mantle aurora in the midday sector (1983) (16)
- The structure of the polar ionosphere during exceptionally quiet periods (1973) (16)
- Correlated observations of several auroral substorms on February 17, 1971 (1976) (16)
- The dynamics of the aurora—III westward drifting loops (1965) (16)
- On the reversal of the dipolar field of the Sun and its possible implication for the reversal of the Earth's field (1987) (16)
- Total current of the auroral electrojet estimated from the IMS Alaska meridian chain of magnetic observatories (1982) (16)
- Numerical modeling of ionospheric parameters from global IMS magnetometer data for the CDAW-6 intervals (1983) (16)
- Ring current effects on cosmic rays (1968) (16)
- Changes of the size of the open field line region during substo rms (1992) (16)
- Solar observation-based model for multiday predictions of interplanetary shock and CME arrivals at Earth (2004) (16)
- North/South Asymmetry of sc/si Magnetic Variations Observed along the 210゜Magnetic Meridian (1996) (16)
- An improvement of the Kamide-Richmond-Matsushita Scheme for the estimation of the three-dimensional current system (1985) (15)
- Heliospheric current sheet and its solar cycle variations (1986) (15)
- Latitudinal dependence of solar wind speed (1987) (15)
- The polar caps (1985) (15)
- A note on the DP-2variation (1973) (15)
- Comparison of “Electrojet” Indices from the northern and southern hemispheres (1991) (15)
- Auroral Morphology: A Historical Account and Major Auroral Features During Auroral Substorms (2013) (15)
- Passage of the solar current disk and major geomagnetic storms (1981) (15)
- A Remarkable Recent Transition in the Solar Dynamo (2016) (14)
- Quadruple conjugate pair observations of the sudden commencement absorption event on June 17, 1965 (1972) (14)
- The SQ P magnetic variation, equivalent current, and field‐aligned current distribution obtained from the IMS Alaska Meridian Chain of magnetometers (1980) (14)
- Search for the “unknown” quantity in the solar wind: A personal account (1996) (14)
- Some new thoughts on magnetospheric substorms (1973) (14)
- Substorm currents in the equatorial magnetotail (1993) (14)
- Substorm research moves toward a unifying framework (1998) (14)
- Some critical issues on magnetospheric substorms (1986) (14)
- Solar wind disturbances caused by solar flares: Equatorial plane (1983) (14)
- Plane‐of‐sky simulations of interplanetary shock waves (2003) (13)
- Electrical resistivity measurements in permafrost terrain at the Engineer Creek road cut, Fairbanks, Alaska (1980) (13)
- Alignment of auroral arcs (1972) (13)
- The continuity of the auroral oval in the afternoon sector (1975) (13)
- Electric currents in power transmission line induced by auroral activity (1979) (13)
- The sunspot cycle variations of the neutral line on the source surface (1989) (13)
- A model of the heliospheric magnetic field configuration (1980) (13)
- Simulated Solar Mass Ejection Imager and “Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory‐like” views of the solar wind following the solar flares of 27–29 May 2003 (2008) (13)
- Aurora and electrojet configuration in the early morning sector (1984) (13)
- Convection Patterns in the Polar Ionosphere for Northward IMF Inferred from Ground-Based Magnetometer Data (1987) (13)
- Outer Atmospheric Oscillation and Geomagnetic Micropulsation (1956) (13)
- Importance of initial ionospheric conductivity on substorm onset (1982) (13)
- Effects of the Sun. (Book Reviews: Solar-Terrestrial Physics. An Account of the Wave and Particle Radiations from the Quiet and the Active Sun, and of the Consequent Terrestrial Phenomena) (1972) (12)
- Imaging the plasmasphere and trough regions in the extreme-ultraviolet region (1994) (12)
- A representation of the magnetic neutral line on the solar source surface in terms of the Sun's axial dipole at the center and two equatorial dipoles in the photosphere (1989) (12)
- Substorms: Future of magnetospheric substorm—Storm research (1989) (12)
- The interaction between a magnetized plasma flow and a magnetized celestial body: A review of magnetospheric studies (1978) (12)
- Solar activity and modulation of the cosmic ray intensity (1985) (12)
- A high time resolution study of the solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function (1982) (12)
- Physics of auroral arc formation Proceedings of the Chapman Conference on Formation of Auroral Arcs, Fairbanks, AK, July 21-25, 1980 (1981) (12)
- Recent progress in studies of magnetospheric storms and substorms. (1980) (12)
- Auroral effects on power transmission line systems (1982) (12)
- The development of the Forbush decrease and the geomagnetic storm fields (1966) (12)
- Response of the plasma sheet at ∼18 RE to sudden southward turnings of the interplanetary magnetic field (1975) (12)
- Magnetic field of the average substorm current system in middle and low latitudes (1981) (12)
- Distribution of field-aligned currents and expected magnetic field perturbations Resulting from auroral currents along circular orbits of satellites (1980) (12)
- The IMF By effects observed by the IMS Alaska Meridian Chain (1980) (11)
- Modeling of an interplanetary disturbance event tracked by the interplanetary scintillation method. Scientific Report No. 5 (1989) (11)
- Interaction Between a Magnetized Plasma Flow and a Strongly Magnetized Celestial Body with an Ionized Atmosphere: Energetics of the Magnetosphere (1982) (11)
- Is the Earth still recovering from the "Little Ice Age"? A possible cause of global warming (2007) (11)
- Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling and the distant magnetotail - ISEE-3 observations (1986) (11)
- Ring current energy injection rate and solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling (1982) (11)
- Auroral Substorm and Associated Magnetic Disturbances (1968) (11)
- Red auroras in the morning sector (1973) (11)
- A Review of Studies of Geomagnetic Storms and Auroral/Magnetospheric Substorms Based on the Electric Current Approach (2021) (10)
- Magnetospheric substorm observations near the neutral sheet (1971) (10)
- High latitude equivalent current systems during extremely quiet times (1974) (10)
- Single spots, unipolar magnetic regions, and pairs of spots: 2. The development of sunspot pairs and the Hale boundary (2015) (10)
- A confirmation of the validity of the electric current distribution determined by a ground-based magnetometer network (1992) (10)
- A method for determining corotating interaction regions in the equatorial plane of the heliosphere from solar wind velocity data (1986) (10)
- Single spots, unipolar magnetic regions, and pairs of spots (2014) (10)
- Changes in the global electric fields and currents for March 17-19, 1978 from six IMS meridian chains of magnetometers (1982) (10)
- Magnetic field configuration of the heliosphere in interstellar space (1981) (10)
- Geomagnetic Diagnosis of the Magnetosphere (Physics and Chemistry in Space, Volume 9) (1979) (10)
- The magnetic field of the radiation belts (1962) (10)
- On a self-consistent calculation of the ring current field (1962) (10)
- Quantitative forecasting of the 27-day recurrent magnetic activity (1988) (9)
- Formation of auroral patches in the midday sector during a substorm (1972) (9)
- Effects of the passage of an IMF discontinuity on the polar cap geometry and the formation of a polar cap arc (1984) (9)
- Agreements between ground-based and satellite-based observations. [of earth magnetospheric currents] (1990) (9)
- A modeling of magnetic field variations during magnetospheric substorms (1980) (9)
- Dependence of the amount of open magnetic flux on the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (1980) (9)
- The signature of large‐scale auroral structure in radio wave absorption (1980) (9)
- A simulation study of distortion of the heliospheric sheet caused by solar activity (1985) (9)
- A Study of Auroral Displays Photographed from the DMSP-2 and ISIS-2 Satellites (1975) (9)
- The aurora: an electrical discharge phenomenon surrounding the Earth (1981) (9)
- The behavior of midday auroras during substorms. (1973) (9)
- A search for the interplanetary quantity controlling the development of geomagnetic storms (1979) (9)
- Cosmic-ray variations and the interplanetary sector structures. (1971) (9)
- Average daily magnetic variation pattern and its equivalent current pattern determined by the IMS Alaska Meridian Chain of observatories (1979) (9)
- A two-step scenario for both solar flares and magnetospheric substorms: Short duration energy storage (2009) (9)
- The three-dimensional geometry of the heliospheric current sheet (1985) (9)
- Auroral activity in the evening sector (1967) (9)
- Key Links to Space Weather: Forecasting Solar-Generated Shocks and Proton Acceleration (2005) (9)
- A Review of the Current Understanding in the Study of Geomagnetic Storms (2018) (9)
- Equatorward shift of the cusp during magnetospheric substorms (1981) (9)
- Sunspot pair formation by the photospheric dynamo process (1984) (8)
- Polar Magnetic Substorm (1968) (8)
- Hall current as a source of the cross-tail current interruption, the asymmetric main phase field and the poleward expanding auroral bulge (1982) (8)
- Associations of IMF polarity, plasma sheet thinning, and substorm occurrence on March 6, 1970 (1976) (8)
- Where is the magnetic energy for the expansion phase of auroral substorms accumulated? 2. The main body, not the magnetotail (2017) (8)
- Aurora Borealis: The Amazing Northern Lights (1979) (8)
- Aurora Borealis: The Amazing Northern Lights (1979) (8)
- A systematic shift of the DS axis (1967) (8)
- A theoretically derived energy coupling function for the magnetosphere (1981) (8)
- First results from the north polar auroral radar (1973) (8)
- Modeling of a series of interplanetary disturbance events in September 1978 (1990) (8)
- Evolution of magnetic configurations in the plasma sheet during a substorm on March 19, 1978 (1991) (8)
- A model midnight meridian magnetospheric field. (1969) (8)
- Imaging the earth's magnetosphere: Effects of plasma flow and temperature (1991) (8)
- Diagnostics of the magnetosphere using geomagnetic, auroral and airglow phenomena. (1970) (8)
- Coupling between the Solar Wind and the Earth’s Magnetosphere: Summary Comments (1986) (8)
- The auroral rays (1963) (8)
- Variations of three‐dimensional anisotropy of cosmic rays during Forbush decreases (1973) (8)
- Streaming reversal of energetic particles in the magnetotail during a substorm (1984) (7)
- Magnetospheric convection at a low level power ϵ (1982) (7)
- Substorm current in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere deduced from ground‐based magnetometer chain records (1996) (7)
- Transequatorial magnetic flux loops on the Sun as a possible new source of geomagnetic storms (2007) (7)
- Toward a closer integration of magnetospheric research: Magnetospheric currents inferred from ground‐based magnetic data (1998) (7)
- On the explosive nature of auroral substorms and solar flares: The electric current approach (2019) (7)
- Mercury Orbiter: Report of the Science Working Team (1991) (7)
- Dynamo action in the ionosphere and motions of the magnetospheric plasma: II. Deformation of the radiation belts due to the electrostatic field produced by ionospheric winds (1965) (7)
- The midday red aurora observed at the South Pole on August 5, 1972 (1974) (7)
- A comprehensive view of solar-terrestrial relationships in terms of a chain of four dynamo-powered plasma acceleration processes (1983) (7)
- Auroral Substorms Paradigm Shifts in Research (2010) (7)
- Auroral observations by the constant local time flight (1968) (7)
- Inversion of the Auroral Electrojets from Magnetometer Chain Data Based on the Flexible Tolerance Method (1993) (6)
- Geomagnetic storm fields near a synchronous satellite (1971) (6)
- Non-uniform growth of the ring current belt. (1969) (6)
- A model of coupled radial and azimuthal current loops associated with substorms (1990) (6)
- A new era in magnetospheric research (1992) (6)
- The normality of the SD variation at Huancayo and the asymmetry of the main phase of geomagnetic storms. (1967) (6)
- Corrections to papers concerning magnetic effects of model ring currents (1967) (6)
- Auroral Arcs and Auroral Potential Structure (2013) (6)
- A study of magnetic storms and auroras (1961) (6)
- Evolution of magnetic flux ropes associated with flux transfer events and interplanetary magnetic clouds (1991) (6)
- Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Energy Coupling (1983) (6)
- Predicting the movement of volcanic ash clouds (1993) (6)
- Some features of the magnetic storms of July 1959 and tentative interpretations (1960) (6)
- Chapman and Alfvén: A rigorous mathematical physicist versus an inspirational experimental physicis (2003) (6)
- Relationship Between Geomagnetic Storms and Auroral/Magnetospheric Substorms: Early Studies (2020) (5)
- Distribution of aurora and ionospheric currents observed simultaneously on a global scale (2013) (5)
- The Explosive Characteristics of the Aurora: The Electric Current Line Approach (2019) (5)
- The Rise and Fall of Paradigms and Some Longstanding Unsolved Problems in Solar-Terrestrial Physics (1998) (5)
- Effects of the interplanetary magnetic field on the magnetotail structure - Large-scale changes of the plasma sheet during magnetospheric substorms (1980) (5)
- Effects of the IMF on the plasma sheet (1986) (5)
- Photographs of the front of the expanding auroral bulge during an auroral substorm. (1972) (5)
- A new field‐aligned current index AF and its relation to the storm‐time ring current and energetic neutral atom (ENA) emissions (2002) (5)
- Physical Processes for the Onset of Magnetospheric Substorms (1979) (5)
- Pseudobreakups During January 10, 1997 (1998) (5)
- The geomagnetic and cosmic-ray storm of May 25/26, 1967 (1969) (5)
- Dawn-dusk asymmetry of the tail region of the magnetosphere of Saturn and the interplanetary magnetic field (1982) (5)
- A plasma simulation study of the transformation from a closed to an open magnetic configuration (1986) (5)
- Dependence of the region II field-aligned currents on ionospheric conductivity gradients (1987) (5)
- The significance of the multiple structure of the auroral arc. (1967) (5)
- Irregular pulsations of the morning sky brightness (1969) (5)
- Aurora: Observing and Recording Nature's Spectacular Light Show (2008) (5)
- Comparison of auroral ovals from all-sky camera studies and from satellite photographs (1979) (4)
- The Earth's magnetosphere (1975) (4)
- Model Ring Current Belts (1966) (4)
- Multiple X-line reconnection in the earth's magnetosphere (1987) (4)
- Are solar flares a result of a sudden conversion of magnetic energy stored prior to their onset? (1981) (4)
- Auroral substorm and magnetospheric substorm. (1968) (4)
- Linking ground‐ and space‐based observations in space physics (1993) (4)
- Numerical modeling of ionospheric parameters from global IMS (International Magnetospheric Study) magnetometer data for the CDAW-6 intervals (1983) (4)
- The choice of the concept of magnetic field lines or of electric current lines: Alfvén medal lecture (2011) (4)
- A note on variations of the IMF Bz, and the AE index between 1966 and 1984 in terms of monthly and yearly mean values (1988) (4)
- Reply to comment by Y. I. Feldstein, V. G. Vorobjev, and V. L. Zverev on “The importance of auroral features in the search for substorm onset process” (2011) (4)
- A New Morphology of Solar Activity and Recurrent Geomagnetic Disturbances: The Late-Declining Phase of the Sunspot Cycle (2005) (4)
- An electric-current description of solar flares (1988) (4)
- Is the earth's dipole actually inclined with respect to the rotation axis? (1990) (4)
- The electric current approach in the solar–terrestrial relationship (2017) (4)
- Estimated north‐south component of the electric field in the geomagnetotail plasma sheet (1980) (4)
- Relationships between the geomagnetic micropulsation and the solar UM region (1956) (4)
- Ionospheric conductivity dependence of the cross-polar cap potential difference and global Joule heating rate. Final report (1988) (4)
- A Simulation Study of the Formation of Solar Prominences (2013) (4)
- The source surface and photospheric magnetic field models (1991) (4)
- The abnormally early appearance of active auroras (1967) (4)
- Magnetic energy conversion, magnetospheric substorms and solar flares (1980) (4)
- Entry of solar wind particles into Earth's magnetosphere (1989) (4)
- Large-scale auroral distribution and the open-field-line region (1984) (4)
- Magnetic field configuration of the heliosphere and spiral galaxies (1982) (4)
- Observations of the Van Allen radiation regions during August and September 1959: 5. Visual auroras, high‐altitude X‐ray bursts, and simultaneous satellite observations (1962) (4)
- Energy Supply Processes for Solar Flares and Magnetospheric Substorms (2001) (3)
- The aurora: an electrical discharge process around the earth (1978) (3)
- Real-Time Space Weather Forecasting Driven by Solar Observations (2002) (3)
- Prediction of the IMF BZ Using A 3‐D Kinematic Code (2002) (3)
- Reply [to “Comment on ‘Search for the magnetic neutral line in the near-Earth plasma sheet 2. Systematic study of Imp 6 magnetic field observations’ by A. T. Y. Lui, C.-I. Meng, and S.-I. Akasofu (1978) (3)
- The magnetospheric currents - An introduction (2013) (3)
- Magneto-hydrodynamic waves in the ionosphere (1959) (3)
- The abnormally early appearance of the eastward motion of auroras in the evening (1967) (3)
- Long-Standing Unsolved Problems in Solar–Terrestrial Physics (2007) (3)
- Paradigm transitions in solar–terrestrial physics from 1900: my personal view (2015) (3)
- Separation of the Directly Driven and the Unloading Components in the Ionospheric Electrodynamic Parameters during Substorms (1998) (3)
- Correction [to “Systematic study of plasma flow during plasma sheet thinnings”] (1979) (3)
- A magnetospheric storm with a nearly constant input rate for about 24 hours (1985) (3)
- A simulation study of V-potential double layers and auroral arc deformations (2013) (3)
- Laboratory Evaluation of Energetic Coupling Between the Solar Wind and the Magnetosphere (1989) (3)
- Simulation of January 1--7, 1978, events (1987) (3)
- New scheme provides a first step toward geomagnetic storm prediction (1996) (3)
- Plasma Corona and Dust Corona of the Sun (1994) (3)
- Magnetotail Phenomena during Magnetospheric Substorms (1977) (3)
- Key Links in Space Weather Forecasting: Solar-Generated Shocks and Proton Acceleration (2003) (3)
- Proton Aurora Substorm (1968) (3)
- A Suggestion to Climate Scientists and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2008) (3)
- The Importance of Synthesis: A Suggestion for International Research Efforts (2007) (3)
- Global warming has been halted: is global warming by the greenhouse gases significant? (2018) (2)
- The ionosphere as the base of the magnetosphere. (1969) (2)
- Geomagnetic Storms and Auroras (1967) (2)
- Announcement – Space Science Reviews Provides an Opportunity to Debate: Challenges to Long-Standing Unsolved Space Physics Problems in the 20th Century (1999) (2)
- Symposium on the morphology and physics of magnetospheric substorms: XVth General Assembly of IUGG, Moscow, August 1971 (1972) (2)
- Magnetosphere and magnetospheric substorm (1976) (2)
- The scientific legacy of Sydney Chapman (2011) (2)
- An Observation-based Hybrid 3D-MHD Solar Wind Modeling System, H3DM (2003) (2)
- Distribution of Plasmas in the Magnetosphere (1977) (2)
- A new morphological theory on the formation of sunspots (2018) (2)
- A note on the energy transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere (1984) (2)
- The Alaska IMS meridian chain : magnetic variations for 9 March-27 April 1978 (1980) (2)
- A study of the interplanetary disturbances on 1–4 April 1979 (1988) (2)
- An explanation for both the large inclination and eccentricity of the dipole-like field of Uranus and Neptune (1991) (2)
- Responses of the Magnetosphere to Interplanetary Disturbances (1977) (2)
- A Note on the Chapman‐Ferraro Theory (2013) (2)
- Reply [to “Comment on ‘Magnetic field on the sun and the north‐south component of transient variation of the interplanetary magnetic field at 1 AU’ by F. Tang et al.”] (1986) (2)
- The Relationship Between the Auroral Electrojets, Field-Aligned Currents and the Ring Current (1998) (2)
- The development of geomagnetic and auroral storms. (1966) (2)
- Two Natural Components of the Recent Climate Change (2009) (2)
- Advances made in determining magnetospheric current systems (2000) (2)
- A new and quantitative prediction scheme for solar flares (2018) (2)
- VLF Emission Substorm (1968) (2)
- Equivalent ion[o]spheric current representations by a new method, illustrated for 8-9 November 1969 magnetic disturbances (1976) (2)
- Current interruption by density depression (1985) (2)
- Jack B. Townshend: 50 years of service (1993) (2)
- Laboratory simulation of the interplanetary magnetic field effects on the magnetosphere (1986) (2)
- Progress in substorm research (1992) (1)
- A morphological study of unipolar magnetic fields and the relationship with sunspots (2021) (1)
- Space Weather Research (2007) (1)
- Soviet geomagnetism, aeronomy and solar‐terrestrial physics (1969) (1)
- Magnetospheric Substorms: Introduction (1977) (1)
- Energy flow and dynamical coupling in the solar wind‐magnetosphere‐ionosphere system (1983) (1)
- Photospheric dynamo as the power supply process for solar flares: Electric current approach (2018) (1)
- Imaging the plasmasphere and trough regions in the extreme ultraviolet (1992) (1)
- Space Plasma Physics: A Review (2022) (1)
- Book Review: The solar wind and the earth. / Reidel, 1987 (1987) (1)
- A new consideration on the formation of sunspots (2018) (1)
- The aurora - New light on an old subject (1982) (1)
- The absence of the hydrogen emission (1969) (1)
- Why Does the Aurora Flare Up (2014) (1)
- Dispersion Relation of Magneto-hydronynamic Waves in the Ionosphere and its Application to Shock Wave (1956) (1)
- A simulation study of the formation of a bipolar magnetic structure (1984) (1)
- Origin of the Auroral Electric Field. (1977) (1)
- Three-Dimensional Structure of the Heliospheric Current Sheet (1986) (1)
- Electric Current Approach Studying Both Auroral Substorms and Solar Flares Together (2020) (1)
- More details on early auroral research: Reply to Comment on “Auroral substorms: Paradigm shifts in research” (2011) (1)
- Magnetotail variations near 60 R(E) associated with geomagnetic activity along the auroral zone (1974) (1)
- Announcement – Space Science Reviews Provides an Opportunity to Debate: Challenges to Long-Standing Unsolved Space Physics Problems in the 20th Century (1999) (1)
- Development of a Geomagnetic Storm Prediction Scheme. (1985) (1)
- Stronger Collaborations Needed for Successful Space Weather Research (2007) (1)
- Penetrating Convection Electric Field, Plasma Injection and Plasmasphere Disturbances (1977) (1)
- Auroras and Auroral Particles (1977) (1)
- On the Causes of the Slow Solar Wind: Part I (2021) (1)
- The growth and decay of the main phase of the September 21-23, 1963 magnetic storm. (1972) (1)
- Magnetotail and boundary layer plasmas at a geocentric distance of approx.18R/subE/: Vela 5 and 6 observations (1973) (1)
- A STUDY OF MAGNETIC STORMS AND AURORAS. Scientific Report NO. 7 (1961) (1)
- When I Encountered Difficult Problems (2022) (1)
- Recent Progress in Antarctic Auroral Studies (2013) (1)
- The solar/interplanetary/magnetosphere/ionosphere connection - A strategy for prediction of geomagnetic storms (1985) (1)
- Energy supply processes for magnetospheric substorms and solar flares: Tippy bucket model or pitcher model? (1985) (1)
- On the Causes of the Slow Solar Wind: 1. The Solar Unipolar Induction Currents (2021) (1)
- The auroral oval and the internal structure of the magnetosphere. (1967) (1)
- New Theory of the Aurora Polaris (1961) (1)
- Solar Cycle Review (General Aspects) (2013) (0)
- Syntheses, Creativity and Paradigm Change (2019) (0)
- A study of the magnetic field annihilation process in the magnetosphere and some geotechnical applications: Summary progress report and projected work, August 1, 1986-July 31, 1987 (1987) (0)
- The Helicoidal Structures in the Cosmical Electrodynamics (1958) (0)
- A note on the magnetic network of photospheric magnetic fields (1985) (0)
- On the importance of the natural components in climate change study: Temperature rise in the study of climate change (2021) (0)
- A study of magnetic field reconnection and plasma processes in the magnetosphere (1990) (0)
- A Note on the Baseline in Considering the Ice Age (2014) (0)
- Are substorms that occur during magnetic storm main phases different? If so, how? (2001) (0)
- Need for Morphological Study in Natural Sciences (2023) (0)
- Comments on Some Long‐Standing Problems in Storm/Substorm Studies (2013) (0)
- Aftermath of Global Warming Hysteria (2010) (0)
- A study of magnetic field annihilation and aurora-induced currents in a power transition line and in the Trans-Alaskan pipeline: Final technical report (1986) (0)
- Relationship between the growth of the ring current and the interplanetary quantity. [solar wind energy-magnetospheric coupling parameter correlation with substorm AE index] (1979) (0)
- Magnetospheric polar cap (1985) (0)
- The Recovery from the Little Ice Age ( A Possible Cause of Global Warming ) and The Recent Halting of the Warming ( The Multi-decadal Oscillation ) (0)
- A study of the relationship between solar activity and interplanetary field variations (1986) (0)
- What causes the aurora (1992) (0)
- Search for the Unknown Quantity in the Solar Wind (2007) (0)
- Hydromagnetic Relationships Between the Sun and Earth (1957) (0)
- Polar cap arcs and their relationship to IMF and geomagnetic activity (1988) (0)
- Book-Review - Dynamics of the Magnetosphere (1981) (0)
- Sydney Chapman Centennial Celebration (1988) (0)
- Probing the secrets of the northern lights. (1990) (0)
- Reply [to “Comment on ‘Growth and decay of the ring current and the polar electrojets’ by S.-I. Akasofu and S. Yoshida”] (1966) (0)
- Solar cycle review /General aspects/. [phenomena at photosphere-chromosphere and coronal levels and in interplanetary space] (1976) (0)
- Auroral energy deposition over the polar ionosphere during substorms. Technical report (1989) (0)
- The polar ionosphere and interplanetary field (1987) (0)
- Reply [to “Comment on ‘Using auroral spectra to detect extraterrestrial life’”] (2000) (0)
- Modern ionospheric physics (1979) (0)
- Phenomenology of Arctic Particle Precipitation. (1972) (0)
- A Numerical Simulation Study of Solar Wind Disturbances Responsible for Geomagnetic and Auroral Storms. (1984) (0)
- Upper atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere (1979) (0)
- Is the Earth’s Dipole Really Offcentered and Inclined?: Planetary Magnetic Fields (2002) (0)
- Why Is It so Difficult to Make a Paradigm Change? (2021) (0)
- Polar ionosphere and interplanetary field. Final report, 1 July 1985-30 June 1987 (1987) (0)
- A model of the open magnetosphere. [with field configuration based on Chapman-Ferraro theory] (1974) (0)
- North–south component of the interplanetary magnetic field and large scale auroral dynamics (1975) (0)
- Development of the substorm current system in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere deduced from ground-based magnetometer records (1996) (0)
- Project GAMBLE: Ground‐based and airborne magnetic boundary layer experiments (1987) (0)
- Auroral high latitude morphology and dynamics (1982) (0)
- Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Area Extent Cyclicity and Non-Stationarity (2020) (0)
- Sydney Chapman: A Biographical Sketch Based on the Book “Chapman Eighty, From His Friends” (2020) (0)
- Connection Between Solar Filament Disappearance Events and Interplanetary Disturbances (1998) (0)
- Auroral effects in the D region of the ionosphere (1974) (0)
- The aurora as an electrical discharge phenomenon (2015) (0)
- Considering the four major problems in solar physics (2021) (0)
- Magnetospheric Substorms (Reports of Geophysdisc) (1977) (0)
- Development of a numerical scheme to predict geomagnetic storms after intense solar events and geomagnetic activity 27 days in advance. Final report, 6 Aug 86-16 Nov 90 (1991) (0)
- Reversals of the Solar Source Surface Magnetic Field and of the Planets (1993) (0)
- The polar cusp: (Edited by Jan A. Holtet and Alv Egeland (xvi + 422 pp.). D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1985. U.S. $55.00 (1986) (0)
- A Short History of the Development of Space Physics Based on Studies of Geomagnetic Storms (2022) (0)
- Auroras at the South Pole (1975) (0)
- Geomagnetism and aeronomy: edited by A. H. Waynick. Antarctic Research Series, Vol. 4. 236 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 734 × 1012 in. Washington, D. C., The American Geophysical Union, 1965. Price, $10.00 (1966) (0)
- Solar Trans-Equatorial Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their Possible Relation to Geomagnetic Storms (2005) (0)
- Thermal Upward Flow in the Ionosphere (1955) (0)
- Interview of Syun-Ichi Akasofu by Karen Nichols Brewster (2005) (0)
- Aurora Research During the Early Space Age: Personal Account (2013) (0)
- Power Supply Process for Solar Flares (2013) (0)
- The basic solar wind speed distribution and its sunspot cycle variations (2023) (0)
- An Ionospheric Substorm Model (1975) (0)
- Correction [to “Response of the plasma sheet at ∼18 R E to sudden southward turnings of the interplanetary magnetic field”] (1975) (0)
- Open Magnetosphere and the Auroral Oval (1977) (0)
- The Satellite Era Cyclicity of Arctic Sea Ice Area Extent (2019) (0)
- The emperor of Japan and the aurora (1986) (0)
- Correction to “Observations of the right‐hand resonant ion beam instability in the distant plasma sheet boundary layer” (1986) (0)
- On the High Temperature of the Corona (2021) (0)
- Book Review: Radiation trapped in the earth's magnetic field. B. M. MCCORMAC (Ed): Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute held at the Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway, August 16-September 3, 1965. Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland, 1966 xiv + 901. f 30. (1967) (0)
- Origin of the auroral electric field. Final report, September 1976-September 1977 (1977) (0)
- Low latitude v.l.f. emissions and polar substorms (1969) (0)
- Plasma phenomena and the Solar System (1980) (0)
- Separation of directly-driven and unloading components in the ionospheric equivalent currents during substorms by the method of natural orthogonal components (2013) (0)
- Solar-Terrestrial Relations and Magnetospheric Substorms (1977) (0)
- On space weather prediction (2018) (0)
- Satellite Observations during Polar Substorms (1968) (0)
- Reply [to Comment on “Chapman and Alfven: A rigorous mathematical physicist versus an inspirational experimental physicist”] (2003) (0)
- On the low latitude ''negative bays'' in the afternoon sector (1965) (0)
- On the temperature of the solar corona (2022) (0)
- Editorial: Towards a Full Understanding of Magnetic Storms and Substorms (2022) (0)
- Solar Flares and the Aurora (1963) (0)
- Study of the magnetic field annihilation process in the magnetosphere and some applications (electric currents in the Trans-Alaska pipeline induced by auroral activity) (1977) (0)
- A Study of the Solar Wind Based on the Ulysses Observation, the Magnetic Equator and Recurrent Geomagnetic Storms (2022) (0)
- Operational, Real-Time, Sun-to-Earth Interplanetary Shock Predictions During Solar Cycle 23 (2002) (0)
- Space Physics in the Earliest Days, as I Experienced (2019) (0)
- Corona Holes in Low Latitude May Not Be the Origin of Streams and of 27-Day Recurrent Geomagnetic Storms (2022) (0)
- Magnetospheric Currents during Substorms (1979) (0)
- Coordinated observations of ionosphere-atmosphere coupling in the arctic using an HF Doppler system and an infrasonic wave detector (1991) (0)
- Simulation of Solar Events Using the HAF Solar Wind and Magnetic Cloud Models (2004) (0)
- The Fleming medal: Citation and acceptance (1979) (0)
- Geomagnetic Controll to the Diurnal Variation of the F Layer on the Temperate Latitude (1955) (0)
- Development of a geomagnetic storm prediction scheme. Final report, 23 February 1982-23 April 1985 on Phase 1 (1985) (0)
- Effects of the Variation of the Temperature Gradient in the Upper Atmosphere on the Formation of the Ionospheric Layers (1953) (0)
- Effects of the interplanetary magnetic field on the characteristics of Pc 3-4 pulsations at globally coordinated stations (1985) (0)
- Effects of the passage of an IMF (interplanetary magnetic field) discontinuity on the polar-cap geometry and the formation of a polar-cap arc (1984) (0)
- Recurrent Geomagnetic Disturbances and the Solar Wind (2007) (0)
- A new approach to the future of space physics (2013) (0)
- X-ray bright points and solar wind generation. (1983) (0)
- Auroral Substorms: Search for Processes Causing the Expansion Phase in Terms of the Electric Current Approach (2017) (0)
- Realizing the Dream of Our Pioneers: Polar Magnetic Substorms and the Associated Current System (2007) (0)
- Distributions of aurora and ionospheric currents observed simultaneously on a global scale. Scientific report for period ending 1981 (1983) (0)
- Propagation of Solar disturbances in the heliosphere to a distance of 100 au (2023) (0)
- Beyond the Inner Heliosphere: The Magnetic Field Structure of the Outer Heliosphere: A Three-Dimensional Model (2007) (0)
- Myth of the Emerging Flux Tubes: Sunspots and Solar Flares (2007) (0)
- Study of the relationship between solar activity and interplanetary field variations. Final report, 14 May-30 September 1985 (1986) (0)
- Planetary Magnetic Fields: Is the Earth’s Dipole Really Off-Centered and Inclined? (2007) (0)
- Investigation of the Phenomenology of the Arctic Ionosphere and Its Relation to the Phenomenology of Arctic Particle Precipitation. Part I. (1978) (0)
- Paradigms and Four Levels of Scientific Controversies (2021) (0)
- Recent advances in space science (1963) (0)
- Four Subjects in Solar Physics from the Point of View of the Electric Current Approach (2020) (0)
- Global warming: What is the scientific truth?(2) (2009) (0)
- Confronting Paradigms: Aurora Research During the Early Space Age (2007) (0)
- Progress in modelling the polar ionosphere from solar and magnetosphere parameters (1985) (0)
- Magnetic Reconnection: Phantom Theory (2020) (0)
- Three major paradigms in solar physics (2018) (0)
- Synthesis of Magnetospheric Substorm Phenomena (2007) (0)
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