Tamiaki Yoneya
Most Influential Person Now
Japanese string theorist
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Tamiaki Yoneya's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Tokyo
- Masters Physics University of Tokyo
- Bachelors Physics University of Tokyo
Why Is Tamiaki Yoneya Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Tamiaki Yoneya is a Japanese physicist. Independently of Joël Scherk and John H. Schwarz, he realized that string theory describes, among other things, the force of gravity. Yoneya has worked on the stringy extension of the uncertainty principle for many years.
Tamiaki Yoneya's Published Works
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Published Works
- Connection of Dual Models to Electrodynamics and Gravidynamics (1974) (184)
- On the quantization of Nambu brackets (1999) (177)
- String Theory and the Space-Time Uncertainty Principle (2000) (149)
- On the interpretation of minimal length in string theories (1989) (113)
- Generalized conformal symmetry in D-brane matrix models (1998) (94)
- Z(N) topological excitations in Yang-Mills theories: duality and confinement (1978) (84)
- Space-time uncertainty principle and conformal symmetry in D-particle dynamics (1998) (83)
- Multi-body interactions of D-particles in supergravity and Matrix theory (1998) (82)
- Resolving the Holography in the Plane-Wave Limit of AdS/CFT Correspondence (2004) (76)
- Holographic reformulation of string theory on AdS5×S5 background in the PP-wave limit (2002) (72)
- Quantum gravity and the zero-slope limit of the generalized Virasoro model (1973) (70)
- A deformed matrix model and the black-hole background in two-dimensional string theory (1993) (69)
- Monte Carlo studies of matrix theory correlation functions. (2009) (67)
- Short distance space-time structure and black holes in string theory: A Short review of the present status (1998) (61)
- Direct test of the gauge-gravity correspondence for Matrix theory correlation functions (2011) (60)
- Generalized AdS/CFT correspondence for Matrix theory in the large-N limit (1999) (54)
- String theory and quantum gravity. (1987) (52)
- Schild action and space-time uncertainty principle in string theory (1997) (52)
- Quantum Metamorphosis of a Conformal Transformation in D3-Brane Yang-Mills Theory (1998) (51)
- From Supermembrane to Matrix String (2001) (42)
- A nonperturbative theory of randomly branching chains (1991) (41)
- Impurity non-preserving 3-point correlators of BMN operators from PP-wave holography II: Fermionic excitations (2004) (40)
- Extended fermion representation of multi-charge 1/2-BPS operators in AdS/CFT — towards field theory of D-branes (2005) (39)
- Holography of Wilson-Loop Expectation Values with Local Operator Insertions (2006) (38)
- Equations of motion and Galilei invariance in D-particle dynamics (1998) (35)
- Spontaneously broken space-time supersymmetry in open string theory without GSO projection (1999) (35)
- D-Particle Dynamics and The Space-Time Uncertainty Relation (1996) (31)
- The role of surface variables in the vacuum structure of Yang-Mills theory (1977) (27)
- PP-Wave Holography for Dp-Brane Backgrounds (2003) (27)
- String-coupling constant and dilaton vacuum expectation value in string field theory (1987) (24)
- Generalized conformal symmetry and oblique AdS-CFT correspondence for matrix theory (1999) (21)
- What is ‘Holography’ in the Plane-Wave Limit of the AdS5/SYM4 Correspondence? (2003) (21)
- Toward a canonical formalism of non-perturbative two-dimensional gravity (1992) (18)
- Geometry, Gravity and Dual Strings (1976) (16)
- Holography in the Large-J Limit of AdS/CFT Correspondence and Its Applications(Frontiers of Quantum Physics) (2006) (12)
- Field Theory of Yang-Mills Quantum Mechanics for D Particles (2007) (11)
- Nonlinear supersymmetry without the GSO projection and unstable D9-brane (2000) (11)
- D-Particles, D-Instantons, and A Space-Time Uncertainty Principle in String Theory (1997) (11)
- Monopole condensation and quark confinement in a weak coupling SU(N) lattice gauge model (1979) (10)
- On charge conservation and baryon-number violation in the monopole-fermion system (1984) (10)
- Higher derivative quantum gravity in two dimensions (1984) (10)
- Triviality of the S-matrix in the quantum Liouville field theory (1984) (9)
- Supergravity, AdS/CFT Correspondence, and Matrix Models (1999) (8)
- A path-functional field theory of lattice gauge models and the large-N limit (1981) (8)
- Conformal anomaly and the interaction of instantons (1977) (7)
- The double-scaling limit of O(N) vector models and the KP hierarchy (1991) (7)
- T -duality transformation and universal structure of noncritical string field theory (1996) (7)
- Space-Time Uncertainty and Approaches to D-Brane Field Theory(Spacetime and Matrix model,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS) (2007) (7)
- 1/2-BPS correlators as c = 1 S-matrix (2006) (7)
- Interacting fermionic and pomeronic strings: Gravitational interaction of the Ramond fermion (1975) (6)
- Inequalities for Magnetic Flux Free Energies and Confinement in Lattice Gauge Theories (1982) (6)
- Background metric in supergravity theories (1978) (6)
- Stability and Instability of the Wu-Yang Solution of Yang-Mills Field Equation (1977) (5)
- From Wrapped Supermembrane to M(atrix) Theory From Wrapped Supermembrane to M(atrix) Theory (2002) (5)
- Covariantized matrix theory for D-particles (2016) (5)
- Topology of Euclidean Yang--Mills fields: Instantons and monopoles (1977) (5)
- Generalized Hamilton-Jacobi theory of Nambu Mechanics (2016) (5)
- Feynman-like rules for the dual-resonance model on the basis of the Nakanishi decomposition. (1972) (4)
- String theory and the uncertainty principle (2001) (3)
- Manifestly T-duality symmetric matrix models (1996) (3)
- Doubling of scattering phase shifts for two-dimensional strings (1995) (3)
- An Attempt Towards Field Theory of d0 Branes — Quantum M-Field Theory (2008) (3)
- Note on the local gauge principle in conformal dual models (1972) (3)
- General reggeon vertex in dual theory (1971) (3)
- World-sheet string duality and the hidden supersymmetry (2001) (3)
- Internal collective motions and the large- N limit in field theories (1982) (3)
- Off-mass-shell veneziano-type amplitude compatible with PCAC and broken chiral symmetry (1970) (3)
- Lectures on Higher-Gauge Symmetries from Nambu Brackets and Covariantized M(atrix) Theory (2016) (2)
- Vector-Model Approach to Non-Perturbative Theory of Random Filaments (1992) (2)
- Grassmann Algebraic Approach to the Neveu-Schwarz Model and Representation of Super-Möbius Algebra (1975) (2)
- Gravity from strings: Personal reminiscence on early developments (2008) (2)
- Matrix Models and 2D Critical String Theory --2D Black Hole by c=1 Matrix Model-- (1992) (2)
- String Theory : Where are we now? (2000) (2)
- Gauge Freedom in Dual Feynman-Like Rules and Its Relation to the Massless Yang-Mills Field Theory (1974) (1)
- Renormalization and α′-Expansion of the Dual Resonance Model (1975) (1)
- Cosmological Constant in Two-Dimensional Gravity (1985) (1)
- Canonical Nambu mechanics: Relevance to string/M-theory and approaches to quantization (2021) (1)
- Action principle for a relativistic string in an external scalar field (1974) (1)
- Higher symmetry transformation of local field theories with internal symmetry (1981) (1)
- Dual string models and quantum gravity (1975) (1)
- String Theory( Frontiers of Elementary Particle Physics, the Standard Model and Beyond) (2007) (0)
- Recent Developments of Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Particle Physics – In memory of Tohru Eguchi – Part II (2021) (0)
- String Theory and Gravitation (2001) (0)
- General Relativity from Strings (2015) (0)
- Operator Formalism as a Quantized Version of Analogue Model (1971) (0)
- Holography and the PP-wave limit of AdS_5×S^5/SYM correspondence(Quantum Field Theories: Fundamental Problems and Applications) (2003) (0)
- Approach to N on-Perturbative Theory of Random Filaments (1992) (0)
- Cosmological Constant in Two-Dimensional Gravity (Proceedings of the Kyoto International Symposium The Jubilee of the Meson Theory(Kyoto,Japan August 15-17,1985)) (1986) (0)
- String Theory and Matrix Models (1996) (0)
- Towards quantum field theory of D-particles (2011) (0)
- The Birth of String Theory: Gravity from strings: personal reminiscences of early developments (2012) (0)
- Covariantized matrix theory for D-particles (2016) (0)
- Towards Quantum Field Theory of D-Particles(String Field Theory and Related Aspects (SFT2010)) (2011) (0)
- Editorial (2020) (0)
- Towards Field Theory of D-Particles (2007) (0)
- and Quantum Spacetime in Physics (2006) (0)
- Quantization and Perturbation Theory of the Non-Abelian Gauge Theory Confined in the One-Dimensional Bag (1976) (0)
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