Tara Hudiburg
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Forest Scientist
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Tara Hudiburgearth-sciences Degrees
Earth Sciences
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Earth Sciences
Tara Hudiburg's Degrees
- PhD Forest Science Oregon State University
- Masters Forest Science Oregon State University
- Bachelors Environmental Science University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Tara Hudiburg Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Tara W. Hudiburg is an American forest scientist who specializes in ecosystem modeling. She is an associate professor at the University of Idaho in the department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences. Hudiburg was honored with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in 2019.
Tara Hudiburg's Published Works
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Published Works
- Carbon dynamics of Oregon and Northern California forests and potential land-based carbon storage. (2009) (233)
- Altered dynamics of forest recovery under a changing climate (2013) (230)
- Regional carbon dioxide implications of forest bioenergy production (2011) (196)
- Land use strategies to mitigate climate change in carbon dense temperate forests (2018) (156)
- Impacts of a 32-billion-gallon bioenergy landscape on land and fossil fuel use in the US (2016) (104)
- Contribution of above‐ and belowground bioenergy crop residues to soil carbon (2017) (84)
- Scaling net ecosystem production and net biome production over a heterogeneous region in the Western United States (2007) (84)
- Bioenergy crop greenhouse gas mitigation potential under a range of management practices (2015) (72)
- Cost of abating greenhouse gas emissions with cellulosic ethanol. (2015) (71)
- Near‐future forest vulnerability to drought and fire varies across the western United States (2018) (61)
- Fixing a snag in carbon emissions estimates from wildfires (2019) (44)
- Interactive effects of environmental change and management strategies on regional forest carbon emissions. (2013) (44)
- The theoretical limit to plant productivity. (2014) (44)
- Nitrogen deposition and greenhouse gas emissions from grasslands: uncertainties and future directions (2016) (43)
- Meeting GHG reduction targets requires accounting for all forest sector emissions (2019) (42)
- Evaluation and improvement of the Community Land Model (CLM4) in Oregon forests (2012) (40)
- Water availability limits tree productivity, carbon stocks, and carbon residence time in mature forests across the western US (2016) (40)
- Implications of Alternative Field-Sampling Designs on Landsat-Based Mapping of Stand Age and Carbon Stocks in Oregon Forests (2010) (36)
- Thinning effects on forest productivity: consequences of preserving old forests and mitigating impacts of fire and drought (2013) (30)
- Elevated CO2 and temperature increase soil C losses from a soybean–maize ecosystem (2017) (29)
- The social inefficiency of regulating indirect land use change due to biofuels (2017) (25)
- Multiple constraint analysis of regional land-surface carbon flux (2011) (23)
- Fire-regime variability impacts forest carbon dynamics for centuries to millennia (2017) (21)
- Forests of the future: Climate change impacts and implications for carbon storage in the Pacific Northwest, USA (2021) (21)
- 21st‐century biogeochemical modeling: Challenges for Century‐based models and where do we go from here? (2020) (20)
- The carbon and nitrogen cycle impacts of reverting perennial bioenergy switchgrass to an annual maize crop rotation (2020) (19)
- Post-Fire Carbon Dynamics in Subalpine Forests of the Rocky Mountains (2019) (11)
- Climate change, woodpeckers, and forests: Current trends and future modeling needs (2019) (11)
- Assessing the Returns to Land and Greenhouse Gas Savings from Producing Energy Crops on Conservation Reserve Program Land. (2021) (10)
- Biogeosciences Evaluation and improvement of the Community Land Model ( CLM 4 ) in Oregon forests (2013) (10)
- Simulated biomass sorghum GHG reduction potential is similar to maize. (2020) (9)
- Evaluation and improvement of the Community Land Model ( CLM 4 . 0 ) in Oregon forests (2012) (8)
- Creating Strategic Reserves to Protect Forest Carbon and Reduce Biodiversity Losses in the United States (2022) (7)
- Conversion of grazed pastures to energy cane as a biofuel feedstock alters the emission of GHGs from soils in Southeastern United States (2018) (6)
- Forest Carbon Emission Sources Are Not Equal: Putting Fire, Harvest, and Fossil Fuel Emissions in Context (2022) (4)
- Restoration Thinning in a Drought‐Prone Idaho Forest Creates a Persistent Carbon Deficit (2021) (4)
- Near-future forest vulnerability to drought and fire varies across the western US (2018) (3)
- An integration framework for linking avifauna niche and forest landscape models (2019) (2)
- The Economic Cost of Including the Indirect Land Use Factor in Low Carbon Fuel Policy: Efficiency and Distributional Implications (2016) (2)
- An agent-based modeling tool supporting bioenergy and bio-product community communication regarding cellulosic bioeconomy development (2022) (1)
- Current and Future Impacts of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Grassland GHG Balance (2014) (1)
- Analysis of the regional carbon balance of Pacific Northwest forests under changing climate, disturbance, and management for bioenergy (2012) (1)
- A new bioenergy model that simulates the impacts of plant‐microbial interactions, soil carbon protection, and mechanistic tillage on soil carbon cycling (2022) (1)
- isocalcR: An R package to streamline and standardize stable isotope calculations in ecological research (2022) (1)
- A Framework for Forest Landscape and Habitat Suitability Model Integration to Evaluate Forest Ecosystem Response to Climate Change (2018) (1)
- Evaluating the Impacts of Seasonal Root and Litter Quality and Biomass on Belowground Carbon Dynamics (2019) (0)
- Terrestrial Biome Fluxes and Biogeochemical Impacts of Forest Disturbances: Measurements and Modeling from Minutes to Millennia II (2015) (0)
- Climate change increases soil C losses from a corn-soy ecosystem (2015) (0)
- Carbon mitigation payments can reduce the riskiness of bioenergy crop production (2023) (0)
- Response of avian cavity nesters and carbon dynamics to forest management and climate change in the Northern Rockies (2021) (0)
- Measuring and modeling carbon balance in mountainous Northern Rocky mixed conifer forests (2016) (0)
- Modeling the Effects of Drought, Fire, Beetles, and Management on Future Carbon Cycling in the Western US (2017) (0)
- Greenhouse gas implications of a 32 billion gallon bioenergy landscape in the US (2015) (0)
- Belowground Carbon Allocation in a Mixed Conifer Forest in the Northern Rockies (2015) (0)
- Physiological strategies for handling summer water stress differ among co-existing species and between juvenile and mature trees (2023) (0)
- Modeling the Productivity, C and N Dynamics of Sorghum Cultivation for Cellulosic Bioenergy (2018) (0)
- Integrated regional modeling assessment of the environmental and economic potential of perennial grass bioenergy feedstocks (2013) (0)
- Comments on the 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Initial Modeling Results Workshop (2022) (0)
- A Framework for Understanding, Testing, and Anticipating the Ecosystem Consequences of Wildfire Activity over Space and Time (2018) (0)
- Advances in Estimating Current and Future Effects of Climate and Management on Forest Ecosystem Carbon and Water Dynamics at Multiple Scales (2017) (0)
- Food and fuel from plant biomass - will there be enough to go around? (2013) (0)
- Building a Collaborative Tribal Climate Adaptation Program via the Integration of Cultural Values and Perspectives (2019) (0)
- Boosts in leaf-level photosynthetic capacity aid Pinus ponderosa recovery from wildfire (2022) (0)
- Forest carbon response to management scenarios intended to mitigate GHG emissions and reduce fire impacts in the US West Coast region (2012) (0)
- The carbon, water and energy costs of converting perennial switchgrass back to annual maize-soybean rotation. (2018) (0)
- Modeled vs Measured NPP: Are Global Satellite Estimates of Forest NPP Appropriate Across the Terrain of Northern Rocky Mountain Forests? (2019) (0)
- Closing the Carbon Budget in Perennial Biofuel Crops (2013) (0)
- Hudiburg NatureCC_SupplementaryInformation_Rev2_submitted 24Oct2011.pdf (2017) (0)
- Drought, Fire and Insects in Western US Forests: Observations to Improve Regional Land System Modeling (2015) (0)
- Future Carbon Dynamics of the Northern Rockies Ecoregion due to Climate Impacts and Fire Effects (2016) (0)
- Biogeochemical Consequences of Renewable Energy Production (2019) (0)
- Automated Monitoring of Carbon Fluxes in a Northern Rocky Mountain Forest Indicates Above-Average Net Primary Productivity During the 2015 Western U.S. Drought (2016) (0)
- Integrated model-experimental framework to assess carbon cycle components in disturbed mountainous terrain (2017) (0)
- Environmental impact of converting Conservation Reserve Program land to perennial bioenergy crops in Illinois. (2017) (0)
- Corn Belt Bioenergy Crops: Perennial Grass Potential for Additional Greenhouse Gas Abatement Compared to Corn Given Increased Frequency of Seasonal Flooding Events (2018) (0)
- BEPAM Model Code and CABBI Simulation Results for "Assessing the Returns to Land and Greenhouse Gas Savings from Producing Energy Crops on Conservation Reserve Program Land" (2020) (0)
- Regional observations and modeling for evaluating land use strategies to mitigate climate change in the Pacific Northwest US (2018) (0)
- Indirect Land Use Change due to Biofuels : Is it Worth it ? (2016) (0)
- Incentivizing Ecosystem Services from Crop Production: Implications for Energy Crop Production by Risk-Averse Farmers (2019) (0)
- Environmental Impact of Bioenergy Landscapes in the United States (2014) (0)
- Linking disturbance intensity and carbon cycle in forest ecosystems (2011) (0)
- Extreme Drought, Fire and Harvest Impacts on Pacific Northwest Forests, and the Effects of Future Climate and Mitigation Measures on the Carbon Balance (2012) (0)
- Designing payments for GHG mitigation to induce low carbon bioenergy production (2020) (0)
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