Thomas Schick
German mathematician
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Thomas Schick's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Bonn
- Bachelors Mathematics University of Bonn
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Thomas Schick is a German mathematician, specializing in algebraic topology and differential geometry. Education and career Schick studied mathematics and physics at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, where he received in 1994 his Diplom in mathematics and in 1996 his PhD under the supervision of Wolfgang Lück with thesis -Index Theorem. As a postdoc he was from 1996 to 1998 at the University of Münster and from 1998 to 2000 an assistant professor at Pennsylvania State University, where he worked with Nigel Higson and John Roe. Schick received his habilitation in 2000 from the University of Münster and is since 2001 a professor for pure mathematics at the University of Göttingen.
Thomas Schick's Published Works
Published Works
- Approximating L2‐invariants and the Atiyah conjecture (2001) (119)
- On the Topology of T-Duality (2004) (101)
- On a question of Atiyah (2000) (96)
- On the Equivalence of Geometric and Analytic K-Homology (2007) (93)
- Trends in Mathematics (2008) (88)
- SMOOTH K-THEORY (2007) (86)
- Enlargeability and index theory (2004) (85)
- $ L^2 $-torsion of Hyperbolic Manifolds of Finite Volume (1997) (85)
- A counterexample to the (unstable) Gromov–Lawson–Rosenberg conjecture (1998) (85)
- Rho‐classes, index theory and Stolz’ positive scalar curvature sequence (2012) (84)
- Uniqueness of smooth extensions of generalized cohomology theories (2009) (75)
- $L^2$-determinant class and approximation of $L^2$-Betti numbers (1998) (75)
- The Spectral Measure of Certain Elements of the Complex Group Ring of a Wreath Product (2001) (70)
- Manifolds with Boundary and of Bounded Geometry (2000) (69)
- L2-determinant class and approximation of L2-Betti numbers (1998) (69)
- The space of metrics of positive scalar curvature (2012) (65)
- Bordism, rho-invariants and the Baum-Connes conjecture (2004) (65)
- L 2 -index theorems, KK-theory, and connections (2005) (60)
- A Model for the Universal Space for Proper Actions of a Hyperbolic Group (2002) (57)
- Integrality of $L^2$-Betti numbers (2000) (51)
- The Gromoll filtration, KO–characteristic classes and metrics of positive scalar curvature (2012) (50)
- Codimension two index obstructions to positive scalar curvature (2014) (48)
- Analysis on ∂-manifolds of bounded geometry, Hodge-De Rham isomorphism and L[2]-index theorem (1996) (44)
- Various L2-signatures and a topological L2-signature theorem (2002) (41)
- Finite group extensions and the Atiyah conjecture (2004) (40)
- The strong Novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology (2007) (39)
- Groups with torsion, bordism and rho invariants (2006) (38)
- The topology of positive scalar curvature (2014) (37)
- Homotopy groups of the moduli space of metrics of positive scalar curvature (2009) (37)
- Differential K-Theory: A Survey (2010) (35)
- Various L 2 -signatures and a topological L 2 -signature theorem (2002) (34)
- Enlargeability and index theory: Infinite covers (2006) (32)
- A Geometric Description of Equivariant K-Homology for Proper Actions (2009) (30)
- The surgery exact sequence, K-theory and the signature operator (2013) (30)
- On a conjecture of Atiyah (2000) (28)
- Harmonic spinors and metrics of positive curvature via the Gromoll filtration and Toda brackets (2016) (26)
- Hodge Theory on Metric Spaces (2009) (26)
- Equivariant geometric K-homology for compact Lie group actions (2009) (26)
- Real versus complex K–theory using Kasparov’s bivariant KK–theory (2003) (25)
- A K-theoretic proof of Boutet de Monvel's index theorem for boundary value problems (2004) (24)
- Positive and negative results concerning the Gromov-Lawson-Rosenberg conjecture (1999) (23)
- Landweber exact formal group laws and smooth cohomology theories (2007) (22)
- Closed manifolds with transcendental L2‐Betti numbers (2010) (22)
- Spaces with Vanishing ℓ2-Homology and their Fundamental Groups (after Farber and Weinberger) (2001) (21)
- The strong Atiyah conjecture for right-angled Artin and Coxeter groups (2010) (20)
- Erratum to Integrality of L2-Betti numbers (2002) (20)
- L2-torsion of hyperbolic manifolds (1998) (19)
- T-duality for non-free circle actions (2005) (18)
- Duality for topological abelian group stacks and T-duality (2007) (18)
- A geometric description of differential cohomology (2010) (17)
- L2-index theorem for elliptic differential boundary problems (2001) (17)
- Finite group extensions and the Baum-Connes conjecture (2002) (16)
- The Atiyah conjecture and Artinian rings (2007) (16)
- Differential orbifold K-Theory (2009) (15)
- Approximating L 2-Signatures by Their Compact Analogues (2001) (15)
- Large scale index of multi-partitioned manifolds (2013) (15)
- Sheaf theory for stacks in manifolds and twisted cohomology for S 1 -gerbes (2006) (14)
- Best practices for a FRACAS implementation (2004) (14)
- Non-negative versus positive scalar curvature (2016) (12)
- Novikov-Shubin invariants for arbitrary group actions and their positivity (1998) (12)
- Periodic Twisted Cohomology and T-Duality (2008) (11)
- The Ore condition, affiliated operators, and the lamplighter group (2002) (11)
- Bundles with spherical Euler class (2002) (10)
- Galois cohomology of completed link groups (2007) (10)
- Real secondary index theory (2003) (10)
- Operator algebras and topology (2002) (8)
- Analysis and Geometry of Boundary-Manifolds of Bounded Geometry (1998) (8)
- Families index for Boutet de Monvel operators (2012) (8)
- On an Index Theorem of Chang, Weinberger and Yu. (2018) (7)
- A parametrized version of the Borsuk–Ulam theorem (2007) (6)
- A geometric description of smooth cohomology (2009) (6)
- Transfer maps in generalized group homology via submanifolds (2019) (5)
- A geometric description of differential cohomology@@@Une description géométrique de la cohomologie différentielle (2010) (5)
- Large time limit and local $L^2$-index theorems for families (2013) (5)
- On the Center-Valued Atiyah Conjecture for $L^2$-Betti Numbers (2016) (4)
- Index Theory and the Baum-Connes conjecture (2016) (4)
- Higher rho numbers and the mapping of analytic surgery to homology (2019) (4)
- Graphs of groups and the Atiyah conjecture for one-relator groups (2000) (4)
- Inertia and delocalized twisted cohomology (2006) (4)
- Positive Scalar Curvature due to the Cokernel of the Classifying Map (2020) (4)
- Lipschitz rigidity for scalar curvature (2022) (4)
- Coarse homotopy groups (2018) (4)
- The New York State Constitutional Convention of 1915 and the Modern State Governor (1979) (4)
- The trace on the K-theory of group C -algebras (1999) (4)
- Mapping analytic surgery to homology, higher rho numbers and metrics of positive scalar curvature. (2019) (3)
- L2-index, KK-theory, and connections (2003) (3)
- Miniworkshop: L2-Spectral Invariants and the Integrated Density of States (2006) (3)
- The topology of scalar curvature (2014) (3)
- On positive scalar curvature bordism (2019) (2)
- On computing homology gradients over finite fields (2014) (2)
- C*-Algebra approach to the index theory of boundary value problems (2012) (2)
- Modern index Theory — lectures held at CIRM rencontré “Theorie d’indice”, Mar 2006 (2006) (2)
- C∗–algebraic higher signatures and an invariance theorem in codimension two (2017) (2)
- Completions of countable non-standard models of Q (2006) (1)
- G T ] 2 1 O ct 1 99 8 L 2-index theorem for boundary manifolds (2008) (1)
- The strong Atiyah conjecture for right-angled Artin and Coxeter groups (2011) (1)
- Loop groups and string topology (2008) (1)
- L 2 -index theorem for boundary manifolds (2018) (1)
- Lectures on coarse index theory (2014) (1)
- The derivative map for diffeomorphism of disks: An example (2020) (1)
- On Exotic Manifolds (2015) (1)
- Fe b 20 07 Groups with torsion , bordism and rho-invariants (2007) (0)
- Combinatorial zeta functions counting triangles (2023) (0)
- Notes on “Introduction to L-invariants II” at the introductory school of the thematic program “L-invariants and their analogues in positive charactersitic” at ICMAT Madrid (2018) (0)
- L2-index theorem for manifolds with boundary (1998) (0)
- A ug 2 00 5 T-duality for non-free circle actions (2008) (0)
- Das Courant-Forschungszentrum "Higher order structures in mathematics" (2008) (0)
- Loop groups and string topology Lectures for the summer school algebraic groups Gottingen, July 2005 (2008) (0)
- F eb 2 00 7 On the topology of T-duality (2008) (0)
- Index theory and secondary spectral invariants to understand moduli spaces of Riemannian metrics (a survey) (2018) (0)
- East Meets West: Towards a Philosophical Linkage Between Symmetrical Worldview and Um-Yang Paradigm for Ethical Public Relations (2006) (0)
- Open projections and Murray–von Neumann equivalence (2019) (0)
- Hodge Theory on Metric Spaces (2011) (0)
- A note on invertibility of the Dirac operator twisted with Hilbert-A-module coefficients (2021) (0)
- Seminarvortrag: Amenability and Property T for groups and von Neumann algebras (2006) (0)
- Se p 20 00 On a conjecture of Atiyah (2000) (0)
- A Counterexample to a Conjecture about Positive Scalar Curvature (2011) (0)
- Tables of Contents (2011) (0)
- J ul 2 01 9 Locally CAT ( 0 )-metric is incompatible with PSC-metric Jialong Deng Communicated (2019) (0)
- Non-commutative Geometry, Index Theory and Mathematical Physics (2019) (0)
- Smooth orbifold K-Theory (2009) (0)
- K T ] 1 1 O ct 2 00 5 A K-theoretic Proof of Boutet de Monvel ’ s Index Theorem for Boundary Value Problems (2005) (0)
- About a conjecture of Daniel H. Gottlieb (2007) (0)
- Se p 20 05 T-duality for non-free circle actions (2008) (0)
- Remarks on the paper"On Gromov's dihedral extremality and rigidity conjectures"by Jinmin Wang, Zhizhang Xie and Guoliang Yu (2022) (0)
- Categorification of Lie bialgebras (2011) (0)
- Trends in mathematics: Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Courant-Colloquium, October 2007 (2008) (0)
- A Fixed Point Decomposition of Twisted Equivariant K-Theory (2022) (0)
- N ov 2 01 1 Differential K-theory . A survey (2013) (0)
- Ja n 20 00 Manifolds with boundary and of bounded geometry (2008) (0)
- G T ] 1 5 O ct 2 00 1 Integrality of L 2-Betti numbers (2008) (0)
- [A virus as "global player". Chronic hepatitis B infection: frequently diagnosed too late--World Hepatitis Day October 1]. (2008) (0)
- Manifolds and Groups (2021) (0)
- The space of metrics of positive scalar curvature (2014) (0)
- Analysis and Topology in Interaction (2006) (0)
- Dedicated to Krzysztof Wojciechowski on his 50th Birthday (2006) (0)
- Geometry and Analysis of Boundary-Manifolds of Bounded Geometry (2008) (0)
- K T ] 2 0 N ov 2 01 8 On an Index Theorem of Chang , Weinberger and (2018) (0)
- Torsion and brations (1998) (0)
- 0 Ju n 20 07 Smooth K-Theory (2009) (0)
- Corporate America Studies Abroad: An Incentive Analysis of Tax Inversion and the Costs to Consumers (2017) (0)
- Ju n 20 06 T-duality for non-free circle actions (2006) (0)
- On a conjecture of Gottlieb (2007) (0)
- G T ] 1 7 Ja n 20 01 Integrality of L 2-Betti numbers (1999) (0)
- 2 A ug 2 00 2 REMARKS ON A CONJECTURE OF GROMOV AND (2002) (0)
- Conormal homology of manifolds with corners (2021) (0)
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